KIPTOO COLLINS - Admission Letter
KIPTOO COLLINS - Admission Letter
KIPTOO COLLINS - Admission Letter
Dear, Kiptoo
Following your placement by KUCCPS, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)
is pleased to offer you admission to a programme leading to a BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (ARTS)
degree in the SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, which commences on 29th August, 2024.
Consequently, we would like to let you know that there is provision for loan and scholarship to fund your
university education depending on your level of need. Should you require funding apply for the loan and
scholarship from website:
When your level of need has been determined the university will communicate the amount to be paid by
your household. This information will be communicated to you on or before 31st July, 2024.
In case you need assistance in completing the registration process, please call our customer care on
0572505222, 0702597360 and the online help desk via between 8.00am to 5.00pm,
Yours sincerely,
Prof.Judah Ndiku
Registrar (Academic Affairs)