1 Self-Management Skills - II 2 2 4
2 ICT Skills - II 2 1 3
3 Entrepreneurial Skills - II 2 2 4
1 Introduction to AI 6 2 2 10
2 AI Project Cycle 6 1 1 8
Natural Language
6 6 2 1 9
7 Evaluation 6 1 1 8
20 Any 4 Any 3 27
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General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully.
2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.
3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the
allotted (maximum) time of 2 hours.
5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
i. This section has 05 questions.
ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
iii. There is no negative marking.
iv. Do as per the instructions given.
i. This section has 16 questions.
ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions.
iii. Do as per the instructions given.
iv. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
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i. Pranjali gets up at 5 am and goes to her badminton classes. Then she comes home 1
and finishes her homework before going to school. She does this all by herself. No
one tells her to do it. This is an example of
(a) Self-motivation
(b) External motivation
(c) Both self and external motivation
(d) Not any specific type of motivation
iii. What is the term used when you quickly click the left mouse button twice? 1
(a) Hover
(b) Drag and drop
(c) Double clicking
(d) Moving
iv. Ravi learnt that if a laptop gets overheated, the internal parts get damaged. What 1
happens if he leaves his device plugged in even after it is charged 100%?
(a) It can break
(b) It can stop functioning
(c) It can overheat
(d) Data can get corrupt
v. Srishti is a young woman who makes earrings. She buys jute from a farmer and 1
makes earrings from that. She sees that most women in her village do not work. So,
she hires two women to help her. As her orders increase, she hires three more
women to work for her. How was she helping her village grow?
(a) By selling earrings to women without a job
(b) By purchasing earrings from the local market
(c) By buying jute from the local farmer and by providing jobs to local women
(d) By attracting the women in her village with her creative earrings
vi. Mary has two people who work for her. Every day, she spends one hour with them 1
to learn about what they’ve done that day.
(a) Creates a new product
(b) Divides income
(c) Manages the business
(d) Takes risks
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Q. 2 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
ii. “This type of intelligence measure’s one’s awareness of the natural world 1
around them and their sensitivities to any changes that occur. It allows us to
identify the variation among two different species and understand how they are
Identify the type of intelligence described in the above sentence.
iv. Search engines not only predict what popular searches may apply to your query as 1
you start typing, but it looks at the whole picture and recognizes what you’re trying
to say rather than the exact search words. This is an example of
(a) Computer Vision
(b) Data Sciences
(c) Natural Language Processing
(d) Natural Language Understanding
v. When a user installs an app in the smartphone, it asks for access to gallery, contacts, 1
etc. After accepting this, it gives the user agreement which most users accept
without realizing the implications. What is the concern here?
(a) Data Privacy
(b) Unemployment
(c) AI bias
(d) No concern
i. __________ helps us to summarise all the key points into one single Template so 1
that in future, whenever there is a need to look back at the basis of the problem, we
can take a look at this and understand the key elements of it.
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ii. Divya was learning neural networks. She understood that there were three layers in 1
a neural network. Help her identify the layer that does processing in the neural
(a) Output layer
(b) Hidden layer
(c) Input layer
(d) Data layer
iii. Smita is working on a project that involves over a lakh of records. Which of the 1
following should she use to make the best project?
(a) Traditional programming
(b) Manual processing
(c) IoT
(d) Neural networks
vi. 1
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Q. 4 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
ii. Which of the following is the type of data used by NLP applications? 1
(a) Images
(b) Numerical data
(c) Graphical data
(d) Text and Speech
iii. Ayushi was learning about NLP. She wanted to know the term used for the whole 1
textual data from all the documents altogether. Help her in identifying the term used
for it.
v. A corpus contains 12 documents. How many document vectors will be there for 1
that corpus?
a. 12
b. 1
c. 24
d. 1/12
vi. Identify the type of chatbot with the information given below: 1
These bots work on pre-programmed instructions inside the application/machine
and are generally easy to develop. They are deployed in the customer care section
of various companies. Their job is to answer some basic queries that they are coded
for and connect them to human executives once they are unable to handle the
ii. _____________ is used to record the result of comparison between the prediction 1
and reality. It is not an evaluation metric but a record which can help in evaluation.
iii. Raunak was learning the conditions that make up the confusion matrix. He came 1
across a scenario in which the machine that was supposed to predict an animal was
always predicting not an animal. What is this condition called?
(a) False Positive
(b) True Positive
(c) False Negative
(d) True Negative
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iv. Which two evaluation methods are used to calculate F1 Score? 1
(a) Precision and Accuracy
(b) Precision and Recall
(c) Accuracy and Recall
(d) Precision, F1 score
vi. Priya was confused with the terms used in the evaluation stage. Suggest her the term 1
used for the percentage of correct predictions out of all the observations.
(a) Accuracy
(b) Precision
(c) Recall
(d) F1 Score
Q. 7 Sameera is always punctual at school. She has a regular schedule that she follows 2
every day. She plans for study and play time in advance. Enlist the four steps Sameera
must have followed for effective time management.
Q. 9 What do entrepreneurs do when they run their business? Mention any two points. 2
Q. 10 Raj has a small convenience store in his locality. There are many other convenience 2
stores in the area. Yet, Raj’s store survives the competition and does well.
Which stage of an entrepreneur's career process can you relate this to? Explain.
Q. 12 If you do an image search for vacations on a popular search engine, the first few 2
searches mostly return the picture of beaches. What is the concern here? Explain.
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Q. 13 Suhana works for a company wherein she was assigned the task of developing a 2
project using AI project cycle. She knew that the first stage was scoping the problem.
Help her list the remaining stages that she must go through to develop the project.
Q. 14 What will be the results of conversion of the term, ‘happily’ in the process of 2
stemming and lemmatization? Which process takes longer time for execution?
Q. 16 People of a village are totally dependent on the farmers for their daily food items. 2
Farmers grow new seeds by checking the weather conditions every year. An AI
model is being deployed in the village which predicts the chances of heavy rain to
alert farmers which helps them in doing the farming at the right time. Which
evaluation parameter out of precision, recall and F1 Score is best to evaluate the
performance of this AI model? Explain.
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Q. 17 Ashwat is amazed to learn about his sister Ananya who is multi-talented and has 4
excelled in academics, music, dancing, sports and painting. He was quite curious
when Ananya told him that he too possessed all these intelligences like every human
being does, but only at different levels. He wondered which intelligence she was
talking about. Can you help Ashwat in learning about different types of intelligences
by naming and explaining any four types of intelligences?
Q. 18 Samarth attended a seminar on Artificial Intelligence and has now been asked to 4
write a report on his learnings from the seminar. Being a non-technical person, he
understood that the AI enabled machine uses data of different formats in many of
the daily based applications but failed to sync it with the right terminologies and
express the details. Help Samarth define Artificial Intelligence, list the three domains
of AI and the data that is used in these domains.
Q. 19 Neural networks are said to be modelled the way how neurons in the human brain 4
behave. A similar system is mimicked by the AI machine to perform certain tasks.
Explain how neural networks work in an AI model and mention any three features
of Neural Networks.
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Q. 21 Automated trade industry has developed an AI model which predicts the selling 4
and purchasing of automobiles. During testing, the AI model came up with the
following predictions.
Confusion Matrix
Yes No
Yes 60 25
No 05 10
(i) How many total tests have been performed in the above scenario?
(ii) Calculate precision, recall and F1 Score.
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