The Urinary System
The Urinary System
The Urinary System
By Khushal Khan
Urinary System
• Also called Renal system or Urinary tract.
• The urinary system is the organ system responsible for the production and excretion of urine.
1. Kidneys (2 in number)
2. Ureters (1 from each kidney)
3. Urinary bladder
4. Urethra
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Location: Perirenal Fat:
• Lie on posterior abdominal wall • Structural fat
• On either side of vertebral column • Provide protection and anchoring functions
• Below the diaphragm Renal Capsule:
• Retroperitoneal • Tough fibrous outer covering
Colour: • Protect internal delicate structures
• Reddish brown Borders:
Shape: • Concave (inner)
• Bean shaped • Convex (outer)
Dimensions: Hilum:
• 11 cm (L) x 6cm (W) x 3cm (thickness) • Indented region on medial side
Weight: • Entry and exit point of renal artery, renal vein,
lymphatics, nerve supply, and ureter
• 150 grams
Blood Supply:
• Arterial – Renal artery
• Venous – Renal vein
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Gross Structure of Kidney
Regions (Layers):
1) Renal Cortex
• Outer layer, lies below the capsule
• Reddish – brown in colour
2) Renal Medulla
• Innermost layer
• Divided into 8 - 10 cone-shaped masses of tissue – renal pyramid
Renal Pyramids
• Base – originates at border b/w cortex and medulla, terminates at papilla
• Papilla → projects into the space of renal pelvis
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Gross Structure of Kidney
Renal Columns
• Projections (extensions) of renal cortex b/w the pyramids.
Renal Pelvis
• A funnel-shaped continuation of the upper end of the ureter.
• It collects urine formed by the kidney.
Major calyces
• Outer border of the pelvis is divided into open-ended pouches - major calyces.
• They extend downward and divide into minor calyces.
Minor calyces
• Collect urine from the tubules of each papilla.
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Renal Blood Flow
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Microscopic Structure of Kidney
• A kidney is composed of;
1. Nephrons
2. Collecting Ducts
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• The nephron is the microscopic structural and functional unit of the kidney.
• A healthy adult have 1-1.2 million nephron each kidney.
• A nephron is composed of:
1. Renal Corpuscle
2. Renal Tubule
1. Renal Corpuscle
• The renal corpuscle consists of;
• Glomerulus - a tuft of capillaries
• Bowman's capsule - a cup-shaped structure
2. Renal Tubule
• It extends from the Bowman’s capsule.
• The capsule and tubule are connected and are composed of epithelial cells.
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• Components of renal tubules:
2. Loop of Henle
• Location: Renal medulla
• Structure: U-shaped, hair-pin like
• Limbs:
• Thin (Descending limb)
• Thick (Ascending limb)
2. Vasa Recta
• Location: Supply tubular portion of juxtamedullary nephrons
• Type: Specialized capillaries
• Structure: Straight blood vessels
• Origin: Arise directly from efferent arteriole of juxtamedullary nephrons
• Path: Run parallel to renal tubule into medulla, ascend towards cortex
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Types of Nephrons
1. Cortical Nephrons
• Glomerulus Location: Near outer cortex
• Loop of Henle: Short
• Percentage: Approximately 85% of nephrons
2. Juxtamedullary Nephrons
• Glomerulus Location: Near cortex-medulla junction
• Loop of Henle: Penetrates deep into medulla
• Percentage: Approximately 15% of nephrons
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Collecting Ducts
• Collecting ducts are a series of tubules and ducts, that physically connect nephrons to;
• Minor calyx or renal pelvis
Support: Surrounded by connective tissue containing blood vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels
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Functions of Kidneys
1. Excretion of metabolic waste products (urea, creatinine) & foreign materials (drugs, toxins)
2. Regulation of water and electrolyte balance
3. Regulation of concentration of electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl-,Mg+2, H+, HCO3-, Ca+2)
4. Long term acid- base balance – maintains pH (regulation of H+, HCO3- ions)
5. Metabolic functions:
• Gluconeogenesis
• 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 production
6. Endocrine functions:
• Erythropoietin – stimulates synthesis of RBC
• Renin (enzyme) – regulation of blood pressure through RAAS system
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• Function: Carry urine from kidneys to urinary bladder
• Length: Approximately 25 to 30 cm
• Diameter: About 3 mm
• Connection: Continuous with renal pelvis
• Opening: Into posterior wall of bladder (base)
Wall Structure:
1. Outer Layer: Fibrous tissue covering
2. Middle Muscular Layer: Smooth muscle cells
3. Inner Layer (Mucosa): Transitional epithelium
Urine Propulsion:
• Achieved by peristaltic contraction of smooth muscle layer
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Urinary Bladder
• Function: Reservoir for urine
• Location: Pelvic cavity
• Shape: Roughly pear-shaped, becoming more oval as it fills
• Base: Posterior surface
• Neck: Opens into urethra at lowest point
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Urinary Bladder
Wall Layers:
1. Outer Layer:
• Loose connective tissue containing blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves; covered by peritoneum
2. Middle Layer (Detrusor Muscle):
• Consists of smooth muscle fibers and elastic tissue, contracts to empty bladder
3. Inner Layer (Mucosa):
• Transitional epithelium, permits bladder distension; forms folds (rugae) when empty
• Total: More than 600 ml of urine
• Sensation to urinate: Felt when bladder fills to 300-400 ml
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Urinary Bladder
• Three orifices in bladder
• Upper 2: Located on posterior wall, openings of ureters
• Lower 1: Located anteriorly, opening of urethra
• Process of discharging urine from bladder
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• Canal extending from neck of bladder to exterior
• Opening: External urethral orifice
• Lining: Stratified columnar epithelium
Sex Differences
1. Male Urethra:
• Length: Approximately 20 cm, extends length of penis
2. Female Urethra:
• Length: Approximately 4 cm, Diameter: 6 mm
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