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Hyderabad Master plan

Planning Tools
A Framework for Urban Development
Hyderabad: A Growing Metropolis
• Hyderabad is one of the largest metropolitan cities in
• A major center for information technology,
biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.
• The city has experienced rapid Urbanization, leading to
increased pressure on infrastructure and resources.
• Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority
(HMDA) is The primary agency responsible for urban
planning and development in Hyderabad.
• 7,674,689 population As per provisional reports of 2011
Implementing Regional Ring Road(RRR)
2031 Master plan covering 5965 square kilometers
projects a population of 1.84 crore.

Source: Times of India

Legal framework (Act)
Decentralization process
• Urban Areas (Development and Regulation) Act, 1989 (UADRA), and the
National Urban Planning and Housing Policy, 2008.
• The Telangana municipalities act, 2019. (ACT NO. 11 OF 2019)

Source: https://www.hmda.gov.in/
Approving Authority
HMDA - Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority
HADA – Hyderabad Airport Development Authority
SCB – Secundrabad Cantonment Board
MCH – Municipal Corporation Hyderabad
HUDA – Hyderabad urban Development Authority
GHMC – Grater Hyderabad municipal corporation
CDA – Cyberabad Development Authority
Source: https://www.hmda.gov.in/

A G.T.P (General Town Planning) Scheme aims to:

•Ensure orderly and efficient urban development: By providing guidelines for land use, infrastructure development, and transportation systems.
•Promote economic growth: By creating a conducive environment for businesses and industries to thrive.
•Improve the quality of life: By providing adequate amenities, services, and recreational facilities for residents.
•Protect the environment: By preserving natural resources and minimizing environmental impact.
•Conserve cultural heritage: By identifying and protecting historic and cultural sites.
•Enhance urban aesthetics: By promoting good design and architectural standards.
•Facilitate sustainable development: By considering the long-term needs and impacts of urban development.
•Reduce urban sprawl: By concentrating development in designated areas and minimizing the expansion of the urban footprint.
•Improve traffic flow and reduce congestion: By planning efficient transportation networks.
•Ensure equitable distribution of resources and services: By considering the needs of different socioeconomic groups.
Master Plan Details
Master plan is a vision document prepared by projecting the future
population of the town for next 20 years. It is a tool for integrated
development through spatial economic and infrastructure planning. They
are also instruments for achieving overall planned development in a
scientific manner for the healthy living of the people.

Procedure for preparation of Master Plan:

 It is the responsibility of local body to prepare publish and submit the GTP
scheme for sanction of Govt within 4 years from the date of its constitution
 Preparation of GTP scheme has to be undertaken by Municipal Council in
consultation with the Director of Town and Country Planning
 Council has to resolve for the preparation of GTP Scheme for the town
 Draft GTP Scheme shall be submitted to Govt along with C.R through Director
for formal approval
 Government accord formal approval to the GTP scheme with or without
modifications and return it to Council through Director of Town and Country
 Draft GTP scheme has to be published in Form.1 for the information of
General public
 Draft GTP scheme has to be published in Form No. 1 giving 60 days time for
objections and suggestions of the public
 Objections and suggestions are then to be complied and are to be submitted
to Director of Town and Country Planning for technical advice
 Technical Advice given by Director of Town and Country Planning shall be
placed before Council for consideration and resolution
 GTP scheme as adopted and passed by Municipal Council shall be submitted
for final sanction to Government
 Govt will finally sanction the scheme with or without modifications
 The GTP scheme will be published in official gazette and there onwards the
local authority has to enforce it under the technical guidance of Director of
Town and Country Planning
 If required the land use of the GTP scheme can be varied by the Government
on resolution by Council. Source: https://www.hmda.gov.in/
Source: https://www.hmda.gov.in/
Key Survey Techniques Used in the
Hyderabad Master Plan
•Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Used for spatial
analysis of land use, demographics, and infrastructure.
•Socioeconomic Surveys: Gathered data on population,
demographics, economic activities, and social
•Infrastructure Surveys: Assessed the existing
infrastructure, including transportation and utilities.
•Environmental Surveys: Evaluated the city's natural
environment and identified potential hazards.
•Public Participation: Involved citizens in the planning
process through meetings, surveys, and online

Source: https://www.hmda.gov.in/
Land Assembly process
Land Pooling, HMDA 381/LPS/HMDA/2024,
Expression of interest (EOI) for inviting farmers/pattedars/land owners of private lands to voluntarily participate in land
pooling schemes of HMDA to ensure planned development of the Hyderabad metropolitan region

1. With a view to ensuring the various areas/ Schemes/ Major Activities like Integrated Townships, new Work Centers,
area level social, educational, health and other facilities of HMDA areas are executed in a planned manner under
the aegis of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Plan-2031 and without resorting to the compulsory land
acquisition of land parcels, Government of Telangana have approved and issued Rules, viz., Hyderabad
Metropolitan Region Land Pooling Scheme, Area Development Plan, Development Scheme Assemblage,
Formulation and Implementation Rules,2017.
2. These Rules (for short, called HMDA Land Pooling Rules, 2017) are participatory, and taken up only with the
consent of the respective private land owners coming forward to participate in the identified area for Land Pooling
Scheme. There is no land acquisition involved. The participating private land owners do not have to pay any fees
and charges ( for conversion charges, Registration Charges, etc.), nor have to pay anything for the costs of
implementing the infrastructure development works like pucca roads, drainage, water supply system, sewerage
system, electricity facilities in the Scheme, etc. – all the costs are borne by HMDA and would be put in place in a
definite time period as per the said rules. The participating private land owners get share of 60% of the
Developable Area, viz., about 1741 sq. yards of developed plot per acre and in this proportion depending on their
land extent, with good roads and other facilities. Everybody would get this proportionate share of developed land
in the Land Pooling Scheme, with Registered Sale Deed. The land covered under land pooling scheme will be
permissible as mixed land use. HMDA gets the remaining 40% of the Developable Area which is required for
developing the said infrastructure, reservation of social, educational and cultural facilities, area for Affordable
Housing, and for Master Plan Capitalization, etc.
3. Therefore, the private land owners/pattedars/farmers of lands covered in the Hyderabad Metropolitan Area of
about 7400 sq.km are requested to come forward and apply either individually or in groups ( in both cases the total
area shall be minimum 50 acres inside the Outer Ring Road and 100 acres minimum for areas outside the Outer
Ring Road, and the land parcels should be contiguous) , in the prescribed Form with clear details and extents to the
Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA, Swarna Jayanti Complex, Ameerpet Main Road, Hyderabad 500038. On receipt
4. of such applications, HMDA would examine the same for feasibility/viability for taking up the Land Pooling Scheme.
5. The lands should be free from encumbrance, civil disputes, encroachments and should have clear title.
Source: https://www.telangana.gov.in/?
There are several land acts in Telangana, including:
 The Telangana Land Encroachment Act, 1905: This act was created to prevent
the unauthorized occupation of government-owned land.
 The Telangana Land Revenue (Enhancement) Act, 1967: This act was adapted
to Telangana from the Andhra Pradesh Land Revenue (Enhancement) Act,
 The Telangana Agricultural Land (Conversion for Non-Agricultural Purposes)
Act, 2006: This act regulates the conversion of agricultural land to non-
agricultural purposes.
 The Telangana Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act, 1977: This act
prohibits the transfer of certain lands assigned to landless poor people in
 The Telangana Housing Schemes (Acquisition of Land) Act, 1961: This act
allows the acquisition of land for housing schemes.
 The Telangana Record of Rights Bill, 2024: This bill is an act relating to the
record of rights in Telangana.
The land ceiling act in Telangana defines a family unit of five members and
limits the amount of land that can be held. A family unit can have up to 10
to 27 acres of irrigated land and 35 to 54 acres of dry land

Source: https://www.telangana.gov.in/?
Planning Norms and Standards – DCR, Building byelaws, etc.
1. GO168
2. G.O.Ms.No.414 M.A. dated:27.09.1975.
3. G.O.Ms.No.451 M.A. dated:13.11.1984.
4. G.O.Ms.No.412 M.A. dated:05.08.1986.
5. G.O.Ms.No.692 M.A. dated:29.10.1980.
6. G.O.Ms.No.574 M.A. dated:25.08.1980.
7. G.O.Ms.No.518 M.A. dated:01.08.1980.
8. G.O.Ms.No.805 M.A. dated:15.09.1987.
9. G.O.Ms.No.730 M.A. dated:16.11.1983.
10. G.O.Ms.No.82 M.A. dated:08.02.1984.
11. G.O.Ms.No.215 M.A. dated: 05.05.1995.
12. From the Metropolitan Commissioner, Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority, Hyderabad Letter No.11854/MPCity Area/Plg/H/2008, dated.28.06.2010.
13. From the Metropolitan Commissioner, Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority, Hyderabad Letter No.11854/MPCity Area/Plg/H/2008, dated.01.07.2010.

Land Use Zoning Regulations

The land use zoning regulations contain the following classification of land uses:
1) Residential Use Zone
2) Commercial Use Zone, including Commercial along notified commercial roads Strip commercial along roads as earmarked in the master plan.
Areas earmarked as Commercial use in the Master Plan
3) Multiple Use Zone, including Areas covered in Transit-Oriented-Development (TOD) zone.
4)Public and Semi - Public Use Zone, including Sites specifically earmarked as InFANS
5) Work Center Use Zone
6) Open Space Use Zone: Parks, Playgrounds, Exhibition grounds, Green buffer zone
7) Water Bodies Use Zone, River, Streams, Nalahs, Storm Water Drains, Lakes, Kuntas
8) Transportation Use zone :Roads, Railways, Airports, Bus depots, Terminals, Workshops, Truck terminals, Warehouses, Parking areas/Parking lots/Parking complex.
9) Special Reservation Use zone : Sites specifically earmarked as heritage conservation-buildings and precincts/areas ,Rocks & hillocks/Natural heritage, Defence/Military lands, Burial grounds,
Cremation grounds etc., Special Area Development Plan (SADP) areas.
Source: https://www.telangana.gov.in/?
Public participation
•Public participation ensured that the Hyderabad
Master Plan aligned with residents' needs and
priorities, promoting a more inclusive approach
to urban development.
•Involving citizens fostered a sense of ownership
and responsibility among residents, increasing
the likelihood of successful implementation.
•Public participation helped identify potential
challenges and obstacles early in the planning
process, allowing for more effective problem-
solving and mitigation strategies.
•Citizens' input contributed to a higher-quality
development plan by incorporating diverse
perspectives and addressing specific concerns.
•A well-crafted and implemented Master Plan,
informed by public participation, can significantly
improve the quality of life for all residents of
By adhering to the guidelines of the Master Plan, Hyderabad can create
a more livable, resilient, and prosperous city for generations to come.

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