Proficiency Exam Guide Book and Sample Questions(1)(2)
Proficiency Exam Guide Book and Sample Questions(1)(2)
Proficiency Exam Guide Book and Sample Questions(1)(2)
Students who enroll for the first time in the departments / programs of the faculties with
compulsory foreign language education at Yalova University and those who come to Yalova
university from the schools in which the education language is Turkish and which do not have
foreign language preparatory program by vertical transfer, lateral transfer, double major and
sub-branch programs and who cannot fulfill the requirements must have preparatory class
education. Yalova University Foreign Language School Proficiency Exam is a test designed to
evaluate the English language proficiency levels of students who want to successfully pass the
preparatory class and start education directly in the undergraduate programs.
➢ The data and the time of the English Proficiency Exam prepared and conducted by
Yalova University Foreign Language School are announced on the web pages of
Yalova University and Yalova University School of Foreign Languages.
➢ A make-up exam is not applied for students who cannot enter the exam for any reason.
➢ The English Proficiency Exam is conducted only to determine the students who can
complete the preparatory class successfully and start the education in the programs.
This exam is not used to determine the level of the students. A Placement Test is
conducted to determine the students’ level.
➢ Students must have a score of at least 60 out of 100 to be successful in the English
Proficiency Exam.
➢ The results of the exam are announced in Yalova University UBS system which
students can log in using their e-mail addresses with extensions.
➢ Students must bring their I.D. cards or student cards.
➢ Students must have their own items, such as pencils and erasers.
➢ Students are not allowed to enter the exam with any electronic devices and materials
such as books, brochures, or dictionaries.
➢ Cell phones are collected by the instructors before the exam starts and are given back
to the students at the end of the exam.
➢ Students must be in the exam room 30 (thirty) minutes before the exam.
➢ Students who arrive after the first 15 (fifteen) minutes will not be allowed to take the
➢ Students are not allowed to leave the exam room for any reason during the exam.
➢ Students who leave the exam room cannot enter the exam room again.
➢ Students are not allowed to take exam questions and answers out of the exam room.
➢ The exams of the students who attempt to cheat or enter the exam instead of someone
else are considered invalid and legal actions are taken.
➢ The English Proficiency Exam consists of 80 multiple-choice questions with 5 options
and an open-ended writing question.
➢ The exam duration is 150 (one hundred fifty) minutes and is performed in one session.
➢ The answers are marked on the optical forms given to the students. The markings on
the question booklets are not taken into account and are not graded.
Exam Content
Question types and question numbers in the English Proficiency Exam are listed in the
table below. Sample questions related to each question type are also detailed in this section.
1. No ___ has solved the communication problems between adults and teenagers.
a) generation
b) decade
c) supplement
d) expanse
e) accomplishment
2. Through 24-hour news channels, we are able to be kept ___ updated as to what is going on around
the world.
a) timely
b) reportedly
c) shortly
d) constantly
e) gradually
Part 3: Grammar
GRAMMAR To evaluate students’ grammar 10
knowledge level
1. When the war broke out, Mary ___ in Berlin for 6 years.
a) lived
b) lives
c) has been living
d) was living
e) had been living
2. You ___ me because I didn’t really mean that.
a) must misunderstand
b) must have misunderstood
c) might misunderstand
d) had to misunderstand
e) must be misunderstood
Find the most appropriate expression to complete the sentence below.
Choose the best option to complete the paragraph.
Familiar terms such as “work”, “energy” and “force” are often used in a very particular and distinct
manner in physics. . For instance, for the physicist, the word “force” is used in four different ways.
These forces are responsible for all the phenomena we observe.
Choose the irrelevant sentence.
Antarctica appears to be warming faster than anywhere else on the planet. (II) The ice is melting, and
the winters are warmer. (III) Actually, industrial pollution is a major threat to the wild life. (IV) Grass is
now beginning to push up through what was frozen wasteland just a few years ago. (V) Yet, this warming
in Antarctica is causing some problems for the penguins, the natives of the continent.
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV
e) V
Part 8: Reading
READING To evaluate the students’ abilities to understand the main idea in a text, 15
to give correct answers to the questions about the text, to distinguish
the different level of information, to determine the purpose of the text,
to understand the author's point of view, to make inferences from the
text and to predict the meanings of the words.
Answer the questions according to the passage.
Europe and Japan do not make use of fuel economy standards to any significant degree, but instead
rely principally on high taxes to reduce gas consumption. Their tax is about more than $2 per gallon,
while in the US, federal gas taxes are only €18 per gallon and average state taxes are €22 per gallon.
Higher prices at the pump resulting from higher taxes increase consumer demand for cars with better
fuel economy. They also encourage consumers to reduce their driving. Research shows that federal
taxes on gasoline would have to increase by a bit less than 50 Euros per gallon to cut gasoline
consumption in the US. Although a 50 Euro increase is a lot compared with the present average total
tax of 40 Euros, it would raise retail gas prices to only a little more than $2 per gallon, tax included.
This is far below prices in European countries and Japan. Even if federal taxes on gas were doubled,
US retail gas prices would still be much below those in other developed countries.
48. It is obvious in the text that Japan’s strategy to keep fuel consumption down ___.
a) has been greatly criticized by the public
b) has not been as effective as was originally envisaged
c) depends largely on the high taxation of fuel
d) has set an example that Europe is now adapting
e) has had no effect upon the country’s car production technologies
Find the expressions that can be said in the missing part of the dialogue.
Find the best option that can be said for the given situation.
You have just spent a week's holiday in a five-star hotel. Although the brochure was very attractive, the
reality was quite different. You are very disappointed and feel that you have to say something about this
discrepancy. Before you leave, you see the manager and say:
➢ Compare / Contrast Essay: It is a type of writing that aims to compare or contrast two
things, situations, or events.
Sample topics:
What are the similarities OR differences between living in a small city and living in a big city?
What are the similarities OR differences between talking to friends face to face and talking to friends
➢ Cause/ Effect Essay: It is a type of writing that aims to express the causes or the effects of a
given situation.
Sample topics for cause essays:
What are the causes of pollution?
➢ Problem and Solution Essay: It is a type of writing that aims to express a problem and the
possible solutions.
Sample topics:
➢ Each multiple-choice question in the exam is 1 (point), and the highest score that can be taken from
this part is 80.
➢ The writing part is 20 points, and the evaluation is based on the following rubrics in the following
➢ The off-topic writings are not evaluated, and this part is graded as "0" point.
The student:
Hook _____ / 1
catches the attention of the reader via quotation / question / fact / background information about
the topic.
Introduction Transition Sentences describes the content that _____ / 1
is going to be discussed.
Thesis statement introduces his / her opinion with a phrase and writes _____ / 1
a thesis statement.
1st Topic Sentence gives his / her main reason of the stated opinion with a clear topic sentence _____ / 1
for the 1st supporting paragraph.
Details provides specific details to support the first reason by using transitions and _____ / 1
2nd Topic Sentence gives his / her main reason of the stated opinion with a clear topic sentence _____ / 1
for the 2nd supporting paragraph.
Paragraphs Details provides specific details to support the second reason by using transitions and _____ / 1
3rd Topic Sentence gives his / her main reason of the stated opinion with a clear topic sentence _____ / 1
for the 3rd supporting paragraph.
Details provides specific details to support the third reason by using transitions and _____ / 1
summarizes his / her opinion and reasons. _____ / 1
draws a conclusion or makes a prediction based on his / her opinion. _____ / 1
0: no correct sentence forms at all _____ / 3
1: a very limited range of structures with frequent errors
2: good grammar with few errors
3: a wide range of structures with minor errors
0: lacks appropriate content vocabulary. Incorrect / unclear wording _____ / 3
1: An attempt at content vocabulary is present where appropriate. Most words are used
repetitively or inappropriately.
2: an adequate range of content vocabulary mostly used appropriately and accurately
3: a wide range of accurate and appropriate content vocabulary
0: fails to communicate any messages _____ / 2
1: presents information but not arranged coherently
2: logically organized information or ideas
MECHANICS _____ / 1
0: frequent spelling and punctuation mistakes
1: correct spelling and punctuation
TOTAL _____ / 20
The student:
Hook _____ / 1
catches the attention of the reader via quotation / question / fact / background information about
the topic.
Introduction Transition Sentences describes the two things being _____ / 1
compared or contrasted.
Thesis statement writes a thesis statement that clearly states what two things are being compared _____ / 1
or contrasted and the focus of the essay (similarities / differences).
1st Topic Sentence gives his or her first point of comparison of the two things with a _____ / 1
clear topic sentence.
Details provides details, examples, facts, etc. to compare or contrast the two things according to _____ / 1
the first point by using transitions and conjunctions.
2nd Topic Sentence gives another point of comparison of the two things with a _____ / 1
clear topic sentence.
Paragraphs Details provides details, examples, facts, etc. to compare or contrast the two things according to _____ / 1
the second point by using transitions and conjunctions.
3rd Topic Sentence gives the final point of comparison of the two things with a _____ / 1
clear topic sentence.
Details provides details, examples, facts, etc. to compare or contrast the two things according to _____ / 1
the third point by using transitions and conjunctions.
0: no correct sentence forms at all _____ / 3
1: a very limited range of structures with frequent errors
2: good grammar with few errors
3: a wide range of structures with minor errors
0: lacks appropriate content vocabulary. Incorrect / unclear wording _____ / 3
1: An attempt at content vocabulary is present where appropriate. Most words are used
repetitively or inappropriately.
2: an adequate range of content vocabulary mostly used appropriately and accurately
3: a wide range of accurate and appropriate content vocabulary
0: fails to communicate any messages _____ / 2
1: presents information but not arranged coherently
2: logically organized information or ideas
MECHANICS _____ / 1
0: frequent spelling and punctuation mistakes
1: correct spelling and punctuation
TOTAL _____ / 20
The student:
Hook _____ / 1
catches the attention of the reader via quotation / question / fact / background information about
the topic.
Introduction Transition Sentences describes _____ / 1
/ analyzes the situation.
Thesis statement writes a thesis statement that clearly states the focus of the _____ / 1
essay (causes / effects).
1st Topic Sentence states the first cause / effect with a clear topic sentence for the 1 st _____ / 1
supporting paragraph.
Details provides details, examples, facts, etc. explain the 1 st cause / effect by using transitions _____ / 1
and conjunctions.
2nd Topic Sentence states the second cause / effect with a clear topic sentence for the 2 nd _____ / 1
supporting paragraph.
Paragraphs Details provides details, examples, facts, etc. explain the 2 nd cause / effect by using transitions _____ / 1
and conjunctions.
3rd Topic Sentence states the third cause / effect with a clear topic sentence for the 3 rd _____ / 1
supporting paragraph.
Details provides details, examples, facts, etc. explain the 3rd cause / effect by using transitions _____ / 1
and conjunctions.
0: no correct sentence forms at all _____ / 3
1: a very limited range of structures with frequent errors
2: good grammar with few errors
3: a wide range of structures with minor errors
0: lacks appropriate content vocabulary. Incorrect / unclear wording _____ / 3
1: An attempt at content vocabulary is present where appropriate. Most words are used
repetitively or inappropriately.
2: an adequate range of content vocabulary mostly used appropriately and accurately
3: a wide range of accurate and appropriate content vocabulary
0: fails to communicate any messages _____ / 2
1: presents information but not arranged coherently
2: logically organized information or ideas
MECHANICS _____ / 1
0: frequent spelling and punctuation mistakes
1: correct spelling and punctuation
TOTAL _____ / 20
The student:
Hook _____ / 1
catches the attention of the reader via quotation / question / fact / background information about
the topic.
Introduction Transition Sentences describes / analyzes the problem and _____ / 1
states why it is serious.
Thesis statement writes a thesis statement that identifies _____ / 1
possible solutions.
1st Topic Sentence states the first solution in the 1st supporting paragraph with a clear topic _____ / 1
sentence for the 1st supporting paragraph.
Details provides details, examples, facts, etc. to explain and discuss the 1 st solution by using _____ / 1
transitions and conjunctions.
3rd Topic Sentence states the third solution in the 3rd supporting paragraph with a clear topic _____ / 1
sentence for the 3rd supporting paragraph.
Details provides details, examples, facts, etc. to explain and discuss the 3 rd solution by using _____ / 1
transitions and conjunctions.
0: no correct sentence forms at all _____ / 3
1: a very limited range of structures with frequent errors
2: good grammar with few errors
3: a wide range of structures with minor errors
0: lacks appropriate content vocabulary. Incorrect / unclear wording _____ / 3
1: An attempt at content vocabulary is present where appropriate. Most words are used
repetitively or inappropriately.
2: an adequate range of content vocabulary mostly used appropriately and accurately
3: a wide range of accurate and appropriate content vocabulary
0: fails to communicate any messages _____ / 2
1: presents information but not arranged coherently
2: logically organized information or ideas
MECHANICS _____ / 1
0: frequent spelling and punctuation mistakes
1: correct spelling and punctuation
TOTAL _____ / 20