6.- ventilador IMM25-605-0301EM APT28K-8

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Tuf-Lite III® Fans

5000K Series Hub


Adjustable Pitch Fan Assembly

20’ thru 30’ Diameter
Hudson Tuf-Lite III® fan blades
Hudson Tuf-Lite III® fan blades are of single piece fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) construc-
tion optimized for performance, reliability, noise, and cost effectiveness. Tuf-Lite III® fan blades
are constructed of light weight, corrosion-resistant, fiberglass reinforced vinyl-ester resin, with
materials, thickness, and processes determined from finite element analysis modeling. Tuf-
Edge® leading edge erosion and UV protection is a standard with this blade.

The individually balanced blades can be replaced independently - matched sets are not required.

Installation Manual 5000K Page 1 of 8 January 2020

• Long T-Handle Allen Wrench Set (3/16" to 3/8") • Shop Towels
• Medium Size Flat Head Screw Driver • Exact-A-Pitch® Digital Protractor (P/N 62375)
• Brass Ball Peen Hammer • 25 ft. Measuring Tape
• Flat Bastard File • Pencil or Marker
• 240 Grit Sand Paper • Open/Box End Wrench Set (1/2" - 1-1/2")
• Anti-Seize Lubricant • Socket Set for 1/2" Drive (1/2" - 1-1/2")
• WD-40 • Torque Wrench(s) Rated for 0-200 ft-lb.
• 12" Crescent Wrench



Clean all mating surfaces between hub, bushing and
shaft. All grease and lubricant should be removed, leaving Clean all mating surfaces between the hub and the shaft.
the mating surfaces dry. If there is no shoulder on shaft to prevent hub from sliding
down shaft, slide spacer/sleeve (not provided) on shaft
If there is no shoulder on shaft to prevent bushing from before hub or use a thrust retainer (optional equipment) on
sliding down shaft, slide spacer/sleeve (not provided) on top of hub. Install key in shaft. Line up key and keyway
shaft before bushing or use a thrust retainer (optional and set hub on shaft. Tighten set screw(s) in hub.
equipment) on top of hub. Slide bushing and key onto
shaft until flush with end of shaft. The shaft size deter-
mines the bushing type (R2, S2, or U1). Lock bushing on ASSEMBLY WITH TAPERED SHAFT
shaft by tightening the set screw in flange with an Allen
Wrench. Line up key and set hub on bushing. Engage the
three (3) cap screws in flange of bushing into hub spool,
using a torque wrench with a socket, and tighten evenly. Clean all mating surfaces between the hub and shaft.
Use the following table to determine the proper tools and
torque values. Align keyways and install hub. Install retainer plate and
cap screw(s) with lock washer(s). Shaft size determines
what size cap screw is necessary. Using a torque wrench
with a socket, evenly tighten cap screw to recommended
Bush- Allen Cap Torque standard per table below.
ing Wrench Screw Socket (ft-lb)
Size Size Size Size Dry
R2 3/16" 3/8" 9/16" 29
S2 3/16" 1/2" 3/4" 70
Torque Value
U1 3/16" 5/8" 15/16" 140
Cap Screw Socket (ft-lb)
Size Size Lubricated Dry
5/8" NC 15/16" 100 110
3/4" NC 1-1/8" 125 130
1" NC 1-1/2" 150 160

NOTE: Retaining arrangement varies with gear shaft de-


Installation Manual 5000K Page 2 of 8 January 2020

THRUST RETAINER Install clamp bolts through hub plates and blade clamp,
putting bolt heads on top, lock washers and nuts on bot-
(optional equipment) tom. Tighten lightly (See Figure 3).

Install proper load bolt (not provided) into top of fan shaft
and tighten (See Figure 1). Install thrust retainer channel
on top hub plate using existing hub spool cap screws.
Torque cap screws to 60-65 ft-lb. Install thrust retainer
eyebolt and jam nut. Hand tighten eyebolt. Tighten jam
nut securely against top of thrust retainer channel.

Figure 3


Use Hudson EXACT-A-PITCH® digital protractor (See
BLADE INSTALLATION Figure 4) or a bubble protractor to set blade pitch.
Mount protractor on a flat bar as a base and place it
Remove blade clamp bolts, nuts, lock washers, and blade approximately 1" from tip of blade. Note pitch on pro-
clamp halves from hub. Assemble blade clamp halves tractor. Rotate fan 360°, noting high and low pitch
over groove in blade neck, and install into hub (See Fig- readings. Locate place where pitch reading is at mid-
ure 2). The thick leading edge will be to your left and thin point between high and low readings, and set pitch at
trailing edge will be to your right as you stand at end of that point.

Figure 4
Figure 2

Installation Manual 5000K Page 3 of 8 January 2020

Rotate blade in clamp until digital protractor shows speci-
fied pitch angle to within +/-0.2°. Fan pitch angle is shown
on fan specification sheet for design duty. After desired
pitch angle is set, raise and lower end of fan blade and
find midpoint of blade travel. Hold blade at the midpoint.
Pull blade outward so that the blade neck flange rests
against the back of the blade clamps. Push blade to the
right to remove all slack.

Use torque wrench to tighten clamp bolts to 120 ft-lb

(lubricated) or 130 ft-lb (dry). Re-check pitch setting.
Blade must be set within +/-0.2° of desired pitch angle.
Tighten clamp bolts evenly. DO NOT OVER-TORQUE
Figure 5a
When bolts are tightened, hold a pencil against top end of
blade and mark the level onto a fixed object, such as a
pole or the fan ring. SEAL DISC ASSEMBLY & INSTALLA-
Install remaining blades at same place as first blade, fol-
lowing the instructions above. After tightening bolts, mark
top end of each blade in same place first blade was Install self adhesive rubber gaskets on both flanges of
marked. If marks differ by 1" or more, adjust blade. one seal disc half. Bolt two halves of seal disc together,
using 3/8" NC bolts, flat washer, lock washer, and nut.
Torque to 15 ft-lb (lubricated) and 20 ft-lb (dry).
Install 3/8" NC bolts at six (6) places on top hub plate
After fan is installed in fan stack cylinder ring, outline top (See Figure 6). Threaded portion of bolts must be point-
side of each blade onto fan stack cylinder ring with a ing up to mount seal disc. Install lock washer, nut, and
marker (See Figure 5). The difference between levels of flat washer on each bolt. Tighten 3/8" NC nuts to 15 ft-lb
highest and lowest outlines should not be more than 1". (lubricated) and 20 ft-lb (dry).
Correct blade track by loosening clamp bolts and adjust-
ing blade to match track of other blades. Re-tighten bolts Locate the six (6) mounting holes in seal disc and install
and re-check track and pitch angle setting. Re-tighten over the six (6) bolts pointing up on upper hub plate. If
blade clamp bolts to recommended standard of 120 ft-lb difficulty is encountered, loosen bolts on seal flanges
(lubricated) or 130 ft-lb (dry) torque. until seal disc can be mounted, then re-tighten to 15 ft-lb
(lubricated) or 20 ft-lb (dry).

NOTE: The purpose of the seal disc is to prevent hot

air from recirculating back down through the hub, in-
creasing efficiency.

Figure 5

Measure the distance from trailing edge at blade tip of one
blade to trailing edge at blade tip of the adjacent blade
(See Figure 5a). This distance should be within 1” of each
other for all successive blades. Correct blade sweep by
loosening clamp bolts and adjusting blade to match sweep
of other blades. Re-tighten bolts and re-check sweep and
pitch angle setting. Re-tighten blade clamp bolts to recom-
mended standard of 120 ft-lb (lubricated) or 130 ft-lb (dry)
torque. Figure 6
Installation Manual 5000K Page 4 of 8 January 2020
Rotate blade in clamp until digital protractor shows speci-
fied pitch angle to within +/-0.2°. Fan pitch angle is shown
on fan specification sheet for design duty. After desired
pitch angle is set, raise and lower end of fan blade and
find midpoint of blade travel. Hold blade at the midpoint.
Pull blade outward so that the blade neck flange rests
against the back of the blade clamps. Push blade to the
right to remove all slack.

Use torque wrench to tighten clamp bolts to 120 ft-lb

(lubricated) or 130 ft-lb (dry). Re-check pitch setting.
Blade must be set within +/-0.2° of desired pitch angle.
Tighten clamp bolts evenly. DO NOT OVER-TORQUE
Figure 5a
When bolts are tightened, hold a pencil against top end of
blade and mark the level onto a fixed object, such as a
pole or the fan ring. SEAL DISC ASSEMBLY & INSTALLA-
Install remaining blades at same place as first blade, fol-
lowing the instructions above. After tightening bolts, mark
top end of each blade in same place first blade was Install self adhesive rubber gaskets on both flanges of
marked. If marks differ by 1" or more, adjust blade. one seal disc half. Bolt two halves of seal disc together,
using 3/8" NC bolts, flat washer, lock washer, and nut.
Torque to 15 ft-lb (lubricated) and 20 ft-lb (dry).
Install 3/8" NC bolts at six (6) places on top hub plate
After fan is installed in fan stack cylinder ring, outline top (See Figure 6). Threaded portion of bolts must be point-
side of each blade onto fan stack cylinder ring with a ing up to mount seal disc. Install lock washer, nut, and
marker (See Figure 5). The difference between levels of flat washer on each bolt. Tighten 3/8" NC nuts to 15 ft-lb
highest and lowest outlines should not be more than 1". (lubricated) and 20 ft-lb (dry).
Correct blade track by loosening clamp bolts and adjust-
ing blade to match track of other blades. Re-tighten bolts Locate the six (6) mounting holes in seal disc and install
and re-check track and pitch angle setting. Re-tighten over the six (6) bolts pointing up on upper hub plate. If
blade clamp bolts to recommended standard of 120 ft-lb difficulty is encountered, loosen bolts on seal flanges
(lubricated) or 130 ft-lb (dry) torque. until seal disc can be mounted, then re-tighten to 15 ft-lb
(lubricated) or 20 ft-lb (dry).

NOTE: The purpose of the seal disc is to prevent hot

air from recirculating back down through the hub, in-
creasing efficiency.

Figure 5

Measure the distance from trailing edge at blade tip of one
blade to trailing edge at blade tip of the adjacent blade
(See Figure 5a). This distance should be within 1” of each
other for all successive blades. Correct blade sweep by
loosening clamp bolts and adjusting blade to match sweep
of other blades. Re-tighten bolts and re-check sweep and
pitch angle setting. Re-tighten blade clamp bolts to recom-
mended standard of 120 ft-lb (lubricated) or 130 ft-lb (dry)
torque. Figure 6
Installation Manual 5000K Page 4 of 8 January 2020
After mounting, install flat washer, lock washer, and 3/8” NC OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS
nuts. Tighten to 15 ft-lb (lubricated) or 20 ft -lb (dry).
(See Figure 7)
Start fan and check rotation. Viewed from top
Note: Refer to instructions included with seal disc for fur- (discharge), fan blades should rotate clockwise.
ther details.
Hudson recommends to re-verify the blade clamp
torque after the initial 10-15 minutes of cold operation
(i.e., the fan doesn’t need to be exposed to the working
temperature of the process). This will ensure that the
blades are settled within the clamps after the centrifugal
forces have acted.

Check motor power consumption to be sure fan is pull-

ing desired load. CAUTION: If positive pitch is set in
summer to use all available motor amps (nameplate
rating), motor could be overloaded in winter. Design
pitch angles usually do not use all of the available mo-
tor horsepower. This ensures that the motors will not be
overloaded at low winter temperatures.

For the fans that have remained idle (such as a shut-

Figure 7 down or turn-around), it is highly recommended to re-
verify the torque on the blade clamps before putting it
back into operation.


Rotate fan in position inside fan stack to check tip clear-
ance (See Figure 8). The recommended tip clearance is
between 1" and 1 1/2". Check for spots where fan blade
clearance is not within the recommended tolerance. If
necessary, adjust fan stack by shimming to obtain proper

Tip Clearance

Figure 8

Installation Manual 5000K Page 5 of 8 January 2020

Adjustable Pitch Fan Assembly 20’ thru 30’ Diameter
Series 5000K HUB
Up to 3.62” Diameter Shaft R-2 Hub Assy. No. 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212
Part. No. H5400 H5410 H5420 H5420 H5440 H5450 H5460
3.68” Diameter thru 4.19” Diameter Shaft S-2 Hub Assy. No. 5306 5307 5308 5309 5310 5311 5312
Pat No. H5300 H5310 H5320 H5330 H5340 H5350 H5360
4.25” Diameter thru 5.50” Diameter Shaft U-1 Hub Assy. No. 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812
Part No. H5600 H5610 H5620 H5630 H5640 H5650 H5660

1 Hub Plate
R-2 & S-2 Part. No. C5282 61512 C5282 61514 61515 61516 C5282
(2 Per Hub)
U-1 Part No. C5283 61521 C5283 61523 61524 61525 C5283


2 Hub Spool 65050 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
R-2 65055
S-2 65038
3 Bushing Specify Bore 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 D5131 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Blade Clamp Half, Powder Epoxy Coated Die Cast Alum. (Standard) 65013
Option 1: Powder Epoxy Coated Ductile Iron** 65013C
Option 2: Coal Tar Epoxy Coated Ductile Iron**

5 Blade Clamp Bolt W/ Nut 3/4”-10 x 10” (Mech. Galv.) 79299 24 28 32 36 40 44 48

6 3/4” Lock washer (Mech. Galv.) 73738 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
7 Hub Spool Cap Screw 5/8”-11 x 1 1/2”(316 SS) 72402 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
8 5/8” Lock washer (316 SS) 73731 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
9 Pin, Grooved, 1/2” X 1-1/2 ” 74540 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
10 76” Diameter “K” Seal Disc Kit * D5177 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 Tuf-Lite III® Blade (Teal Green) (Varies) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

* Includes all hardware (316 SS) to assembly and mount.

** Recommended on concrete and round towers, or corrosive environments. Contact Hudson for pricing.


Blades: Fiberglass reinforced vinyl ester Blade Clamps:
Hub Spool: Ductile Iron, Zinc Rich Coating Powder Epoxy Coated Die Cast Alum (Standard)
Plates: Steel, Galvanized Powder Epoxy Coated Ductile Iron (Option 1)
Bushing: Malleable Iron Coal Tar Epoxy Coated Ductile Iron (Option 2)
Seal Disc: Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester Fasteners:
Steel, Mech. Galvanized & 316 SS Opt.
Complete Fan with 316 SS (Option 1)
Complete Fan with K500 Monel (Option 2)


EXAMPLE: APT 28K 8 3 1/2” BORE

Fan Model Fan Diameter & Blade Type Number Shaft Diameter
Adjustable Pitch (Specify “K for Tuf-Lite III® Blades) of Blades

Installation Manual 5000K Page 6 of 8 January 2020

Adjustable Pitch Fan Assembly 20’ thru 30’ Diameter
Series 5000K HUB




7&8 10

1 10








Installation Manual 5000K Page 7 of 8 January 2020

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