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Conference Paper · January 2022


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Surv. Adewara Monsur Babalola Faisal Salaam

The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro BOUYGUES Construction UK


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Adewara M. Babalola* & Salaam F. Ayodeji**

*Department of Surveying & Geoinformatics Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State


** Slavabogu Nigeria limited, Adeola Odeku Street, Onikan, Lagos, state


8th National Environmental Conference (Virtual) of the School of Environmental

Studies, the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria

(July 13th – 15th, 2021)

As the federal polytechnic Ilaro is experiencing rapid development, the effective maintenance and

management of her facilities is becoming increasingly important. Buildings are getting smarter; staff

want better service to enhance their productivity, students want an enabling environment and

technology is getting more sophisticated. There begins to be an increasing outcry over the functionality

of some facilities on the campus. The supply of power is becoming unstable and unpredictable recently

and this may continue and affect staff productivity if adequate and advanced method of facility

management is not adopted. There are no databases about the facilities and/or maps showing the

spatial relationship among these facilities and the units each of the facilities serve as well as their

status or condition. The school management has put in efforts but this efforts seemed to be cumbersome,

slow or futile. This study tries to examine the spatial distribution and utilization of electrical facilities

by identifying and mapping of these facilities within in the study area and then analyzing the

distribution pattern and characteristics of these facilities, build a spatial database of these facilities,

examine the conditions of the utilities and explain the level of utilization using geospatial technics.

Results showed that there were facilities that were either not functioning, under-utilized or over

utilized. The database produced would undoubtedly assist in planning and fostering new directions

towards facility management.

Keywords: Environment, Electricity, Geospatial Technology, Management

The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro has witnessed and is still witnessing remarkable expansion, growth and
developmental activities such as building, agriculture, and many other anthropogenic activities since in
the recent years just like many other Institutions of higher learning. This developments in born on
yearly basis as a result of approval of the federal government as laid down in one of the mandates of
Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) to increase infrastructure in the Polytechnics. Since
this development has therefore required increased land consumption, modification and alterations in
the status of her land use/land cover over time, status and conditions of existing infrastructures, etc,
there has not been any detailed and comprehensive attempt to map these infrastructures with a view to
effectively managing these facilities now and the near future and the current state of these existing
facilities (in terms of location and attributes such as status and conditions etc.) has not been
corroborated with the new ones so that decision making and management of the facilities can be

An attempt to study the development pattern for decision making in the future will prepare
environmental planners and equip them with the basic tools for sustainable environmental planning. It
therefore becomes imperative for a study such as this to be executed for Federal Polytechnic Ilaro to
avert the problems associated with managing these facilities. The digital maps that will be produced
will also help in tracing out faults when repairs are needed.

1.1 Electric Power

The Electric power sector is one of the most important sectors to national development. It is also critical
to the developmental reform of any country. The Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) is an
organization involved in the supply of electricity in Nigeria and presently due to privatization is now
referred to as Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC). The power sector plays a very
important role in the economic development of a nation; therefore, the growth of industries, agriculture,
infrastructure, and the private sector is dependent on the state of the power sector.

The importance of electric power supply cannot be overemphasized as it is considered the most
important commodity for national development. With electrical energy, people are empowered to work
from the domestic level and the cottage industries, through the small-scale and medium industries to
employment in the large-scale manufacturing complexes. In these days, depriving people of electric
power is tantamount to castration (Musa, 2009).

Electric power is the engine that drives industrialization, which improves communication, helps
innovation in science and Technology, provides sound healthcare delivery system and improves
citizen’s standard of living. Since electric power is the engine that drives industrialization, a stable
supply is the key for Nigeria to become one of the 20 developed economies in the world (Stanley,

1.2 Geospatial Technology and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

In almost all professions, Geospatial technology is advancing in the use of map information to
communicate, perform analysis, share information, and solve complex problems around the world. A
Geospatial technology rooted in the science of geography, incorporates many types of data for analyzes
spatial location of real world entities and organizing layers of information in form of visual 3D maps

With this unique capability, Geospatial technology reveals deeper insights into data, such as patterns,
relationships, and situations—helping users make smarter decisions (ESRI, 2021). It applies geographic
science with tools for understanding and collaboration. It helps people reach a common goal: to gain
actionable intelligence from all types of data (ESRI, 2021). Maps derived from geographic information
system (GIS) analysis showing maintenance occurrence, impact of breaks or leaks (Cowden, 1990),
and impact of future development can assist with infrastructure management.

A geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze,
manage, and present all types of geographical data. The key word to this technology is Geography –
this means that some portion of the data is spatial. In other words, data that is in some way referenced
to locations on the earth (Caitlin, 2021).

By knowing the geographic location of farms using a specific fertilizer, GIS analysis of farm locations,
stream locations, elevations, and rainfall will show which streams are likely to carry that fertilizer
downstream. These are just a few examples of the many uses of GIS in earth sciences, biology, resource
management, and many other field (Sexton, 2021).

A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, and
displaying data related to positions on Earth’s surface. GIS can show many different kinds of data on
one map, such as streets, buildings, and vegetation. This enables people to more easily see, analyze,
and understand patterns and relationships (National Geographic, 2021).

Coupled with this data is usually tabular data known as attribute data. Attribute data can be generally
defined as additional information about each of the spatial features. An example of this would be
schools. The actual location of the schools is the spatial data. Additional data such as the school name,
level of education taught, student capacity would make up the attribute data.

It is the partnership of these two data types that enables GIS to be such an effective problem solving
tool through spatial analysis.

1.3 Aim
This study aimed at carrying out geospatial distribution and utilization of electrical facilities in The
Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Yewa South Local Government Area

1.4 Objectives
- To collect relevant data such as existing base map of the area, geospatial and attribute data of
the electrical facilities
- Importation of base map and collected data and creation of geodatabase for the data
- Performing spatial queries and analysis
- Map preparation

1.5 Study Area

The project is to be carried out at the east/west campus of The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro in Yewa-
South Local Government Area, Ogun State. Yewa South is a Local Government Area in the South
western part of Nigeria and forming border with the Republic of Benin. The headquarters of Yewa
south is situated in Ilaro town with coordinates 6°53′00″N 3°01′00″E in the north of the Area. The
coverage area is 629 square kilometers with a population of 168,850 at the 2006 census. Yewa south
LGA has 10 wards; Ilaro I, Ilaro II, Ilaro III, Iwoye, Idogo, Owode I, Owode II, Ilobu/Erinja, Oke-Odan
and Ajilete. Yewa people speak the Yewa and Egun dialects of the Yoruba language.

Figure 1: Map of Nigeria showing Ogun State
Source: Authors

2.1 Data Acquisition
The adopted methodology for the study requires collection of spatial data such as the analogue map of
the area. A form was designed for a data collection. The form is easy to use and is to be filled by unit
head or a member of staff of the works and service department who is conversant with the location and
information about the facilities. Hand held GPS equipment were used to determine the coordinates of
the location of the facilities while the base map (in CAD format) was acquired from archive of the
department of Surveying and Geoinformatics, Federal Polytechnic Ilaro.
The approximate time required to complete all data collection if the respondent staff were available
ranged from one to seven days depending on his knowledge about the location, condition or
functionality of the facility. Depending on the availability of respondents, the availability of the data,

geographical proximity of the facility, the project team was able to visit five facilities per day on an

Table 1: Relevant data acquired

Data collected Data type Source Data format

Base map of FPI Spatial map Surveying & Geo- Digital
informatics Dept. FPI
Location of the Attribute Hand held GPS Text
Address of the Attribute Social surveys/ Text
Facilities Works department
Characteristics of the Attribute Social surveys/ Text
Facilities Works department

2.2 Equipment used and System Selection

The following instruments were used to carry out the project:

2.2.1 Hardware components

1. 1 No. Dual core HP Laptop computer

2. 1 No. HP Desk Jet 1220c A3 Printer
2.2.2 Software components
1. Microsoft suit 2013 for data processing and report writing
2. AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 for drafting
3. ArcGIS 10.2 for spatial analysis

2.3 GIS Database Development

The collected datasets were in input into the computer system. The AutoCAD files of the administrative
map of the school were converted to shape files in ArcGIS Catalogues to house the database of the
Three major tasks are involved in the creation of a GIS database, namely Conceptual, logical structure
and physical design. At the conceptual stage, decisions were made on how the view of reality will be

represented in a simplified manner and still satisfy the information requirements of the users. The
logical structure entails conceptualization of the database structure with specification for required
number of theme layers and their object type while the physical design is the implementation of this

2.4 Spatial Analysis of Results

Spatial analysis were performed in this work and the results are displayed in maps, charts and statistical
tables. This chapter presents the findings and results of the spatial analysis.
2.4.1 Testing of Database
The acceptability of result of an analysis is a function of the reliability of the datasets involved. The
data used were tested to determine whether there exists a relationship between data and their attributes
and that these data and their attributes can be easily retrieved from the database. The database was
tested by writing a simple syntax and running the query to see if the desired result is in conformity with
the view reality.

2.4.2 Spatial Queries

The queries performed in this work gave answers to certain generic questions asked from the database.
Two query criterion were adopted in this work;
i. Single criteria
ii. Multiple criteria

2.4.3 Single Criteria Query

Single criteria analysis uses a single condition to query the contents of a database e.g. select all
boreholes in the map.

Figure 2: Query result showing Generators with power ratings less than 250kVa in the school

2.4.4 Multi Criteria Query

This is a feature that allows you to fetch multiple result sets in a single call from the database. Both the

Execute QueryMultiple and QueryMultiple operations were provided to address this need.

Figure 3: Multi criteria query syntax showing location of electric poles as well as their stability

Figure 4: Multi criteria query result in database showing slant electric poles in the West campus

Figure 5: Map showing Multi criteria query result of Slant electric poles in the West campus

2.4.5 Spatial Distribution of Generators

It is evidenced from the emerging result that the Nearest Neighborhood Ratio NNR of the generators
is 1.079732 for the study area indicates a tendency towards random distribution of power generating
Facilities as shown in figure 6.0. This result shows that the pattern does not appear to be significantly
different than random.

Figure 6: Spatial Distribution of the Generators

The following facilities were analyzed;

 Electric Poles
 Generators
 Street Lights
 Transformers

3.1 Analysis of Electric Poles

Table 2: Statistic of Electric Poles
S/N Concrete Wood Slant Upright Total

1 224 78 25 278 301

Types of Electric poles


Type of Electric Poles

Figure 7: Showing Types of Electric poles

Conditions of Electric Poles

Number of Poles

Total 9 202

Figure 8: Showing Conditions of Electric poles


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Actual no of poles 224 78 24 278 302

Figure 9: Chart Showing Type and status of Electric Poles

3.2 Analysis of Transformers

Table 2: Statistics of Transformers
S/N Type Power Rating (KVA) No of transformers No of service facility
1 Step Down 2500 - 500 7 181
2 Step Up 500 4 181

Table 3: Statistics of Step up Transformers

S/N Transformer Id Power Rating No of service facility Type of Source Location
1 TR1 500 181 Transmission East Campus

2 TR6 500 26 Transmission West Campus

3 TR8 500 28 Transmission West Campus

4 TR9 500 181 Transmission Gbokoto

Table 4: Statistics of Step down Transformers

S/N Transformer Id Power Rating No of service Peak Values Type of Source Location
(kVA) Facilities

1 TR2 500 37 75 Distribution East Campus

2 TR3 500 38 33 Distribution Gbokoto

3 TR4 500 9 65 Distribution East Campus

4 TR5 500 11 28 Distribution West Campus

5 TR7 1000 28 70 Distribution West Campus

6 TR10 2500 181 - Transmission Gbokoto

7 TR11 500 26 42 Distribution West Campus

8 TR12 500 2 38 Distribution East Campus


No of Service Facilities

10 Actual no of Service Facilities
T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T11 T12
Transformer Id

Figure 10: Showing Step down Transformers & distribution/Service Facilities

3.3 Analysis of Generators

Table 5: Statistic of Generators
S/N Generator No of Service Power Rating Location Type
Id Facilities (KVA)
1 G1 181 500 East Campus Perkins
2 G2 181 500 Gbokoto Perkins
3 G3 5 250 East Campus Perkins
4 G4 18 250 West Campus Perkins
5 G5 2 150 West Campus Skeel G
6 G6 2 60 West Campus Mikano
7 G7 2 100 West Campus Mikano
8 G8 2 60 West Campus Mikano
9 G9 1 40 East Campus Mikano
10 G10 1 40 West Campus Mikano
11 G11 1 27 West Campus Mikano
12 G12 2 150 West Campus Mikano

No of Service Facilities GENERATOR
G1 G1 G1
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9
0 1 2
Actual no of Service Facilities 181 181 5 18 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2

Figure 11: Showing Ratio of Generators to Service Facilities

Generator Ratings
Power rating (KvA)

G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11


Figure 12: Generator ratings

3.4 Analysis of Street Lights

Table: Statistic of Street Lights
S/N Active Inactive Total

1 60 80 120




Active Inactive
Series1 60 80

Figure 13: Chart Showing Street lights Status


The added flexibility that the GIS gives a user so as to be able to query and manipulate the digital map
in such a way as to display information based on its associated attribute data has again been
demonstrated in this project (Fig 10 to 12). The results of spatial queries revealed the facilities that need
upgrade. Examples of such facilities include some of the electric poles and street lights which are
currently not functioning.

Twelve (12) transformers have been identified in the study area, viz; three 500 KVA step up
transformers, seven 500 KVA step down distribution transformers, one 1000 KVA step down
distribution transformer and one 2500 KVA step down transmission transformer (Tables 5, 6 & 7).
Voltages from the 33KVA high tension are stepped down by the 2500 KVA and 1000 KVA
transmission transformers for the 500 KVA distribution transformers.

Among the twelve generator that are serving the polytechnic, three of these are in the east campus while
eight are in the west campus and one at Gbokoto staff quarters. The two generators at Gbokoto staff
quarters and east campus have the largest power ratings (500kva each) and serving the largest facilities
(181 facilities each) except generators G3 and G9 in the east campus with power ratings of 2550kva
and 40kva respectively, serving five (5) facilities one facility respectively (Table 7, Fig 11& 12).

Spatial distribution of electric poles showed that electric poles are evenly distributed all over the
campus and are either concrete or wooden (Table 2 and Figure 7,8 & 9). A few of them are slant while
most are standing upright.

Analysis showed that the percentage of inactive - active street light is 20% higher and that the active
poles are mostly populated within the West campus based (Table 8 & Fig 13). This implies that major
areas within the East campus, Gbokoto and a few in the West campus are always in darkness. This
could hamper the security personnel from monitoring activities of students within the campus at night
and also to light up the campus for easy navigation.


5.1 Conclusion
This project has attempted to carry out mapping of facilities in the federal polytechnic Ilaro using GIS.
In doing so, it adopted the use of handheld Garmin instrument to obtain the coordinates of the facilities’

location and processing the filed data using Microsoft excel. Geospatial analysis were done using
ArcGIS 10.6. The attribute information about the facilities were obtained from the Works and Services
unit of the institution. All collected data were used to create database from which spatial analysis were
carried out and various maps were produced.

The maps will serve as a guide for locating electrical facilities across the campus in relation to their
position to the roads. It will also be of assistance for decision making on facility management related
issues and it will be of great benefit to those seeking to know where these facilities are located. The
study, apart from providing the means of digital records keeping of facilities, it has demonstrated how
GIS could be employed in manipulating spatial data for decision making and consequently for the future
development within the campus . The digital map produced, has some qualities in term of accuracy and
standard more than hand-drawn maps.

5.2 Recommendation
GIS and its application is globally accepted as the most convenient means of capturing, storing,
processing, analyzing and presentation of information for decision making. The institution should as a
matter of necessity have the digital map, showing the spatial distribution of the facilities. It is also
recommended that staff should be trained on the use GIS for efficient planning and monitoring of the
facilities within the campus. It is also recommended that the Polytechnic management should be
encouraged to establish a database systems using the digital map, so that inventory of these facilities
will assist in monitoring and proper management of the facilities. Subsequent project such as building
geodatabase, drainage network, etc can be embarked upon by following the procedure adopted in this

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