Demonstrate Digital Literacy Revised
Demonstrate Digital Literacy Revised
Demonstrate Digital Literacy Revised
Computer hardware: This is any tangible device in the computer environment. Some of
the hardware that maybe encountered in this topic are:
• Monitor: This is the main output device of a computer. It is commonly known as
Visual Display Unit (VDU).
• Printer: is used to print information of paper.
• Storage devices: these include flash disks, hard disks and optical disks (e.g. CDs).
• Input devices: such as the mouse and keyboard.
Internet: This is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use internet
protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. The internet carries a vast range of
information, resources and services. Picture information is shared via the internet.
Digital literacy: While literacy is defined as the ability to read and write, digital literacy is
the ability to access, process, understand and create information in the digital environment.
Mr. Biegon
Software types
i. Operating system: This is the program which manages computer hardware e.g.
Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, etc.
ii. Application software (utility programs): These are all programs that users use to
perform different tasks or for problem solving. For example Microsoft word,
Microsoft excel and Microsoft PowerPoint.
iii. Computer networks: A computer network is comprised of at least two
computers, connected by wire or wirelessly that can exchange data.
Types of networks:
• LAN (local Area Network): Covers a relatively small geographical area e.g. a
university campus or office building. Examples include Ethernet and Wi-Fi.
• WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network): Links two or more devices using
wireless communication within a limited area such as a campus or office building.
Some WLANs exist to extend an existing wired network.
• WAN (Wide Area Network): Covers a relatively large geographical area e.g.
Mr. Biegon
i. First generation (1937-1946): The first computer Atanasoh Berry computer (ABC)
was built by Dr. JOHN B. Atanasoh and Clifford Berry. In 1943 an electronic
computer named the colossus was built for the military. Other developments
continued until 1946 when Electronic Numerical Integration and Computer
(ENIAC) was built. There were no operating systems.
ii. Second generation (1947-1962): The computers in this generation used transistors
instead of vacuum tubes, which were more reliable. The Universal Automatic
Computer (UNIVAC1) was introduced for commercial use. In 1953, the
International Business Machine (IBM) 650 and 700 series computers made their
mark in the computer world. Over 100 programming languages were developed.
Computers had memory and operating systems.
Classification of computers
Computers can be classified in the following basis:
• Basis of size
• Basis of functionality
• Basis of data handling
CPU. It includes a microprocessor, memory and minimal input and output circuitry
mounted on a single printed circuit board.
Types of software
• Application software: Uses the computer system to perform special functions or
provide entertainment functions beyond the basic operation of the computer itself.
• System software: Software for managing computer hardware behavior so as to
provide basic functionalities that are required by users or other software to run
properly. Examples are operating system, device drivers and utility software.
• Malicious software: Software developed to harm and disrupt computer e.g.
malware, viruses.
Further Reading
Computer basics by Rajaraman
Practical Assessment
Which one of the following is used to store programs installed on a computer?
Mr. Biegon
a) DVD drive
b) Video card
c) CD drive
d) Hard drive
1. Type the following in a word
document Students
2. I want to create a second copy of an open document under a different name. What
should I do?
i. copy and paste the text in a new document
ii. use ‘save as’
iii. press ctrl s
iv. open the file again
v. Which of the following methods can you not use to zoom in?
vi. holding ctlr key and scrolling the mouse wheel
vii. using the zoom button
viii. ctrl+ shift +z
ix. Using the zoom slider at the bottom right corner.
Mr. Biegon
Data: This is the information that has been translated into a form that is efficient for
movement or processing.
Data privacy /Information privacy: It is the aspect of information technology that deals
with the ability of an organization or individual to determine what data in a computer
system can be shared with third parties.
Security threats: This is the process of an illegal entity gaining access to a company’s data
or information.
Control measures: This is any measure taken to eliminate or reduce the risk of security
Cyber criminals: These are illegal users who use many different methods to lure you into
parting with your confidential personal or business information.
2.1 Data Security and Privacy Are Classified in Accordance with the Prevailing
As discussed earlier, data security is the process of making sure data is available only to
those who need to use it for legitimate use. Data security privacy on the other hand is the
aspect of information technology that deals with the ability of an organization or individual
to determine what data in a computer system can be shared with third parties. As more of
our daily lives go online and the data we share is used in new and innovative ways, privacy
and security have become important trust and reputation issues. The growing volume and
sensitivity of information being shared, stored and used is driving demand for greater
transparency about how such information is being protected (security) and managed
(privacy). As a result, data security and privacy have moved from the backroom to the
boardroom. Data breaches and privacy missteps now regularly make headlines and are a
focal point for discussions and legislation worldwide. Failure to communicate on these
important issues can damage business by eroding trust, tarnishing brand and reputation as
well as undermining competitiveness.
Data security ensures that the data is accurate and reliable, and it is available when those
with authorized access need it. A data security plan includes facets such as collecting only
the required information, keeping it safe, and destroying any information that is no longer
These steps will help any business meet the legal obligations of possessing sensitive data.
Companies need to enact data security policy for the sole purpose of ensuring data privacy,
or the privacy of their customers’ information. More so, companies must ensure data
Mr. Biegon
privacy because the information is an asset to the company. A data security policy is simply
the means to the desired end which is data privacy. However, no data security policy can
overcome the willing sale or soliciting of the consumer data that was entrusted to an
that records a victim’s every stroke on his/her keyboard. The recorded information
is periodically sent back to the originating cybercriminal over the internet.
iv. Computer worm: This is a software program that can copy itself from one
computer to another without human interaction. A worm can send copies of itself
to every contact in your email address book and then send itself to all the contacts
in your contact address book.
v. Spam: In the security context, it is primarily used to describe unwanted messages
in your email box. Spam is a nuisance as it can clutter your mailbox as well as taking
up space on your mail server. However, spam messages can contain links that when
clicked could go to a website that installs malicious software on to your computer.
vi. Pursing: Pursing scams are fraudulent attempts by cybercriminals to obtain private
information. Pursing scams often appear in the guise of email messages designed to
appear as though they are from legitimate sources.
vii. Rootkit: This is a collection of tools that are used to obtain administrator-level
access to a computer or a network of computers. A rootkit could be installed on a
computer by a cyber-criminal exploiting a vulnerability or security hole in a
legitimate application on your PC and may contain spyware that monitors and
records keystrokes.
These are perhaps the most common computer threats and crimes you will encounter that
describe methods cyber-criminals use to access data, computer hardware and software.
Written Assessment
1. A computer network consists of two or more computing or other devices connected by
a) Wireless signal
b) Cable
c) Communication media
d) Wire
2. Which is not a method of protecting data from computer threats?
a) Pursuing
b) Rootkit
c) Spam
d) All the above
3. The process of an illegal entity to gain access to a company’s data or information is?
a) Security threat
b) Data privacy
c) Data security
d) Data integrity.
4. Which one of the following is not a computer threat or crime?
a) Computer virus
b) Malware
c) Rootkit
d) None of the above
5. Which one of the following are categories of the risk of security threats?
a) Damage
b) Negligence
c) Affected user
d) Both a and c
6. Security threats can be classified as.
a) Physical damage
b) Technical failures
c) Compromise of functions
d) All the above
7. What does download from the internet mean?
a) Retrieving files from the internet
b) Lowering your game level on the internet
c) Viewing web pages on the internet.
8. What is data?
9. What is a computer virus?
10. What is data privacy?
Mr. Biegon