COS111 l1
COS111 l1
COS111 l1
Lecture Note 1
The computer is fast becoming the universal machine of the twenty-first century.
Early computers were large and too expensive to be owned by individuals. Thus, they
were confined to the laboratories and few research institutes. They could only be
programmed by computer engineers. The basic applications were confined to
undertaking complex calculations in science and engineering. Today, the computer
is no longer confined to the laboratory. Computers, and indeed, computing have
become embedded in almost every item we use. Computing is fast becoming
ubiquitous. Its application in engineering, communication, space science, aviation,
financial institutions, social sciences, humanities, the military, transportation,
manufacturing, and the extractive industries to mention but a few.
Definitions of a Computer
A computer is an electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and
processes these data under the control of a set of instructions (called program)
gives the result (output) and saves output for future use. It can process both
numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations.
Computer Components
Input device is any peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment) that provide
data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or
other information appliance.
Input device Translate data from form that humans understand to one that the
computer can work with. Most common are keyboard and mouse. Below are some
examples of input device:
Note: The most commonly used keyboard is the QWERTY keyboard. Generally
standard Keyboard has 104 keys.
Output devices
An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate
the results of data processing carried out by an information processing system (such
as a computer) which converts the electronically generated information into human
readable form.
Printer types:
a. Laser Printer.
b. Ink Jet Printer.
c. Dot Matrix Printer
Software is a generic term for organized collections of computer data and instructions,
often broken into two major categories: system software that provides the basic non-
task-specific functions of the computer, and application software which is used by
users to accomplish specific tasks.
Software Types
A. System software is responsible for controlling, integrating, and managing the
individual hardware components of a computer system so that other software
and the users of the system see it as a functional unit without having to be
concerned with the low-level details such as transferring data from memory to
disk, or rendering text onto a display. Generally, system software consists of an
operating system and some fundamental utilities such as disk formatters, file
managers, display managers, text editors, user authentication (login) and
management tools, and networking and device control software.
B. Application software is used to accomplish specific tasks other than just
running the computer system. Application software may consist of a single
program, such as an image viewer; a small collection of programs (often called a
software package) that work closely together to accomplish a task, such as a
spreadsheet or text processing system; a larger collection (often called a software
suite) of related but independent programs and packages that have a common
user interface or shared data format, such as Microsoft Office, which consists of
closely integrated word processor, spreadsheet, database, etc.; or a software
system, such as a database management system, which is a collection of
fundamental programs that may provide some service to a variety of other
independent applications.
Any digital computer carries out four functions in gross terms. These functions are:
Three major steps in the above functions of a computer is shown in the diagram
The evolution of digital computing is often divided into generations. Each generation
is characterized by dramatic improvements over the previous generation in the
technology used to build computers, the internal organization of computer systems,
and programming languages. Although not usually associated with computer
generations, there has been a steady improvement in algorithms, including algorithms
used in computational science. The following history has been organized using these
widely recognized generations as mileposts.
• The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums
for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms.
• They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of
electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions
• Input was based on punched cards and paper tape, and output was displayed
on printouts
Vacuum tube
The Second Generation (1956 – 1963)
• Still generated a great deal of heat that can damage the computer.
• These were also the first computers that stored their instructions in their
memory, which moved from a magnetic drum to magnetic core technology
• The development of the integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third
generation of computers.
• Computers for the first time became accessible to a mass audience because
they were smaller and cheaper than their predecessors
Integrated Circuit
• Fourth generation computers also saw the development of GUIs, the mouse
and handheld devices.
• Still in development.
The goal is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable
of learning and self-organization.
Classification of Computer
Computers can be classified in various ways depending on different factors like size,
functionality, processing power, and purpose. Here’s an overview of the primary
2. Mainframe computers: These are commonly called as big iron, they are
usually used by big organizations for bulk data processing such as statistics,
census data processing, and transaction processing and are widely used as
servers as these systems have a higher processing capability as compared to
the other classes of computers, most of these mainframe architectures were
established in the 1960s, the research and development worked continuously
over the years and the mainframes of today are far more better than the earlier
ones, in size, capacity and efficiency. For example: IBM z Series, System z9
and System z10 servers.
3. Mini computers: These computers came into the market in mid 1960s and
were sold at a much cheaper price than the mainframes, they were designed
for control, instrumentation, human interaction, and communication switching
as distinct from the calculation and record keeping, later they became very
popular for personal uses with evolution.
In the 60s to describe the smaller computers that became possible with the use
of transistors and core memory technologies, minimal instruction sets and less
expensive peripherals such as the ubiquitous Teletype Model 33 ASR. They
usually took up one or a few inch rack cabinets, compared with the large
mainframes that could fill up a room.
1. Servers: Servers are nothing but dedicated computers which are set up to offer
some services to the clients. They are named depending on the type of service
they offer.
4. Embedded computers: They are computing devices that are used in other
machines to serve a limited set of requirements. They follow instructions from
the non-volatile memory and they are not required to execute reboot or reset.
The processing units used in such devices work to those basic requirements
only and are different from the ones that are used in personal computers-
better known as workstations.
3. Hybrid: A computer that processes both analog and digital data, a Hybrid
computer is a digital computer that accepts analog signals, converts them to
digital, and processes them in digital form.