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단어 뜻

vigorous 활기찬
invigorating 활기차게 하는
prostate 전립선
amid …으로 에워싸인,가운데에
bizarre 기이한
sanitation 위생시설
감소하다 하락하다
apparel 의류
intolerance 참을수없음, 편협함
infringe 위반하다
herd 대중
state-of-the-art 최신의
assort 분류하다(classify)
deteriorate 나빠지다
bail 보석금(을 내다)
maneuver (능숙하게조심조심) 움직이다

depot 창고, 차고

trench 도랑
felony 중죄
worthwhile …할 가치가 있는
fabricate 날조하다
counterfeit 위조의, 모조의
subjective 주관적인

prejudice 편견을 갖게 하다 (pre 미리 judice 판단)

jury 배심원단

analogy 비유,유사점
fasten (움직이지 않게) 고정시키다
discern 알아차리다
1.서로 다투다
2. 기어오르다
interchange 교체하다
scrutiny 정밀 조사
facet 한면

cavity 충치,구멍
taper 점점 줄어들다
caste 신분제
puff (많은 양의 연기김을[이]) 내뿜다
verdict verdict
savory 맛좋은
ascend 올라가다
quirky 기발한

nausea 메스꺼움

allege 혐의를 제기하다,주장하다

cub 새끼
absurd 부조리한

강도짓을 하다(mugger)
mug 상판대기

culminate 끝이 나다, 극에 달하다

thrust 2.요지
kernel 알맹이
engrave 새기다
pier 부두
dimentia 치매
embassy 대사관
arbitrary 임의의,멋대로의
augment 증가하고 있다
hinder 방해하다
crook 사기꾼, 도둑
infamous 악명높은
lush 파릇한, 싱싱한
reckon ~라고 생각하다, ~라고 가늠하다
warp 구부리다, 왜곡하다
repercussion 초래되는 영향
amber 호박
disperse 흩뜨리다
flux 유동,변화
1. 별명을 붙이다
2.음향효과를 넣다(dubbing)
The vigorous hiker wanted to climb the highest mountain
The cold water invigorated him
Men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer.
He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.

You have to open the aperture of the telescope otherwise the stars in the sky can not be seen.

I found the whole story bizarre, not to say unbelievable.

disease resulting from poor sanitation

Each stalk of the tree was about 5 cm in diameter.

The diver plunge into the pool

The store sells women’s and children’s apparel.

I hate his intolerance of any option other than his own.
People fear that security cameras could infringe personal liberties.
Why follow the herd?
As a matter of fact, this is a state-of-the-art product just out on the market.
Assort them into three kinds: trash, papers to keep, and papers that belongs somewhere else.
The finest machine will deteriorate if it is not given good care.
Can anyone put up bail for you?
maneuver the enemy into[out of] position
The bicycle lay upended in a ditch.
The new road building programme has been ditched
a train or bus station
a place where military supplies are kept or where soldiers are trained
dig a trench to drain water away
All of them were executed for felony
It didn’t seem worthwhile writing it all out again.

Many people had no problem with scalpers, who were just selling their property on the open market.

Others thought that having a single currency would make it easier for people to fabricate counterfeit m

A subjective judgment can sometimes lead to prejudice.

The prosecution lawyers have been trying to prejudice the jury against her

to draw an analogy/a comparison/a parallel/a distinction between two events

The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump.
Fasten the gates securely so that they do not blow open.
No one can discern the difference between the two.
There was an undignified scramble for the best seats.
Owen managed to scramble the ball into the net.
The plane began its descent to Heathrow
She traced her family history by matrilineal descent.
to interchange the front tyres with the rear ones
Her argument doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny.
Honesty was just one facet of his virtues as a statesman.
to get a filling in a cavity
We have to taper off production of the older models.
The Untouchable were caste-ridden in India.
The magician vanished in a puff of smoke.
Has the jury reached a verdict?

No one foresaw the representative would go rogue in the middle of talks.

He’s a bit of a rogue, but very charming

The pork hock was chewy and savory.

The path started to ascend more steeply.
NPW creates unique and quirky gifts.
Minor toxicities of this drug include nausea and vomiting.
The two men allege that the police forced them to make false confessions.
They only live together during breeding and cub rearing.
The beverage company calls the allegations absurd

She had been mugged in the street in broad daylight.

I never want to see his ugly mug again.
They made me look a complete mug.
a gun battle which culminated in the death of two police officers

He thrust the baby into my arms and ran off.

The thrust of his argument was that change was needed
He killed her with a thrust of the knife.
The kernel explodes into fluffy white popcorn!
to engrave one's name in a ring
denounce a confederate in crime
General Lee commanded the Confederate Army.
The ship sailed towards the pier
Perhaps I am suffering from dimentia, but I seem to be happier each year that I live
The passports, with the visa stamps, were waiting at the embassy
He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions.
Nowadays accidents and crimes augment in an alarming way.
The country decided to deploy troops.(병력)
am quite sure that I will be able to handle any technology that you currently deploy.
The purpose of endarkenment was to hinder citizens' critical thinking ability.
it money.

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