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TEACHING INTERNSHIP & ACTION RESEARCH How will you help the shy and timid students in your

A variable that is presumed to cause change in another
variable.  Encourage them to join as many activities in
 Independent variable
How will you prevent subjectivity in rating authentic
After doing action research, what do you need to do? tasks?
 Utilize the research  Use scoring rubric
After explaining the lesson on the parts of plants, Ms. How will you use the leadership skills of some of your
Asuncion gave a short quiz to find out how well the students for the benefit of the class?
students understood the lesson, what type of
assessment was given?  Empower them to initiate activities in class.

 Formative test Ideally, the participant’s identity is not known to the

researcher. What do we call this?
Arrange the following steps for an effective action
research using a particular model: collection and  Anonymity
organization of data, identification of problem area,
In an experiment, the group that does not receive the
action based on data, reflection.
intervention is called:
 3-1-2-4-5
 Control group
Compare a research proposal with a research report?
In which of these research methods can the researcher
 The former states the plan while the latter control certain variables?
completes the research.
 Experimental
Hands-on activities are provided to learners in order to
Which of the following can be considered benefits of
 let them enjoy and learn at the same time action research according to studies?

How can you make your action research beneficial to I. It allows teachers to grow and gain confidence in their
teaching and learning? work

 Results will lead to improvement of instruction. II. It makes teachers learn about themselves, their
students and colleagues thereby, determine ways to
How do you keep a systematic portfolio? continually improve.
 Have a good filing system III. It brings about improved communication.
How do you rate students' portfolio? IV. It can create solutions to existing problems in the
 Scoring Rubric academe through worthwhile interventions.

How is action research conducted in a school?  I, II, III and IV

 By collaboration by teachers Mrs. Balita, a Division Schools Superintendent would like

to determine the performance in mathematics of the
How is reflection recorded in action research? students in her division and so identifies their least
 Through a report journal mastered competencies as inputs in coming up with
immediate and appropriate intervention. What type of
How will you account for your teaching experiences as action research does Mrs. Balita intend to conduct?
an intern?
 District-wide action research
 Record all your narrative experiences
Ms. Rufo is teaching in a multi-grade class. What To make the students greatly focused in the discussion,
materials must she employ? what must you do as teachers especially if your students
are unruly and noisy?
 Differentiated materials
 Explore various means of giving sanctions.
said that through action research, teachers become
aware and critical of their practices and are more What dependent variable can be used to test the
prepared for innovations and change. With this in mind, hypothesis, “The more a teacher knows about a specific
which action research related process is referred to? subject matter, the better she can teach it”?

 Reflection  Teacher’s yearly performance rating

Since validation and sampling measures are not much What does evidence-based practice imply?
stressed in action research but more of finding solutions
 Instructional practice must be supported by
to identified problems and for the improvement of
rigorous research findings
teaching and learning, which challenge does it face?
What does research show on the use of ICT?
 Consistency and reliability of results and
findings  It ensures interactive classes.
The following are essential answers in helping principals What domain in the Philippine Professional Standards
and teachers in doing action research EXCEPT one. What for Teachers emphasizes the need to collaborate with
is it? the various stakeholders?
 They comply with the research requirement  PPST Domain 6
posed to both of them
What form contains all the individual academic record
The following are primary concepts of action research by quarter and SY (simplified and standardized from
EXCEPT one. Which one? former Form 137)?
 It has the potential to generate information and  School Form 10
theories contributory to knowledge and science
development. What form is needed for a student to transfer to
another school?
These things can be routinized EXCEPT
 School Form 9
 designing the bulletin boards
What is a student's portfolio?
To ensure quality and better orientation sessions, what
must you do?  A collection of learning artifacts

 Focus on all the things you need to follow and What is meant by action research following a cyclical
accomplish. process?

To instill cost-saving devices, what must you do, while  Problems occur again and again like a cycle
preparing materials for the school activity? What is one of the disadvantages in using ICT in
 Use indigenous materials. education among senior teachers?

To instill the importance of the right kind and amount of  It is difficult to use due to their limited training
food among children, what school activity must you and exposure.
plan? What is the appropriate aim of action research in
 Nutrition Month Celebration school?

 Resolve current issues in the school

What is the first step in doing action research? What steps must be followed in action research?

 Look for problematic situations that prevail in  Plan, act, observe, reflect
the classroom.
What things do you need to settle before you leave any
What is the first step the teacher should take in carrying school?
out research?
I. Forms required by the school
 Identify the problem
II. Financial matters
What is the importance of assisting the Cooperating
III. Papers and other requirements
School in auxiliary services?
 I, II and III
 To learn more on other teaching-related tasks
What value is instilled by accomplishing exit forms?
What is the most important use of narrative report?
 Accountability
 To account for all the teaching experiences
What will be the most effective way of dealing with non-
What is the purpose of a diagnostic test?
participative students?
 To assess where the students are at
 Employ engaging and enjoyable activities.
What kind of issues or problems require action
When a student gathers data or information and arrives
at a conclusion, what process of research is followed?
 Current problems
 Induction
What kind of problems do action research address?
When action research is designed to lead to an
 Practical and resolvable problems intervention for the identified problem, which
characteristic does it possess?
What kind of research is appropriate to determine the
effectiveness of instruction in Mathematics in grades  Diagnostic
three, four, five and grade six classes?
When is the best time to establish classroom routines?
 Cross sectional
 At the start of the school year
What kind of sources do critical thinkers rely on for
When the class seems unruly during the discussion,
attaining truth or resolving problems?
what is the best technique which you can employ?
 credible
 Prepare unfreezers/energizers.
What low underscores the need to continuously
Which activities develop reading as well as the use of
advance in the Teaching Profession?
media and technology?
 Republic Act No. 10912
 Literacy
What must be the primary consideration in preparing
Which activities promote the use of numbers through
your instructional materials?
estimating, calculating, budgeting, analyzing?
 the learners
 Numeracy
What research strategy is most appropriate to compare
Which activity promotes the love of the Filipino
effectiveness of practice teaching in a laboratory class
language in school?
inside the University in a public school setting?
 Buwan ng Wika
 Naturalistic observation
Which assessment task is aligned to this competency: Which of the following best describes quantitative
"Identify classroom routines"? research?

 Give an example of classroom routine.  Attempts to confirm the researcher’s

Which group of words depicts the nomenclatures given
to action research? Which of the following best implements research-based
 Teacher research, teacher-as-scholar research,
practical inquiry, emancipatory research  Information data gathering

Which is a blueprint of the daily instructional activities Which of the following is NOT a function of scientific
of the teacher? research?

 Learning Plan  To rely on controlled methods

Which is most appropriate as choice of interventions in Which of the following is the most natural and effective
action research? way to inculcate a culture of research among students?

 That they are doable  Relate research to lifelong learning

Which is the best way to know why a learner is always Which of the following is true of a case study?
absent in class?
 It applies specifically to a population
 Call the parent/guardian.
Which of the following is usually NOT a characteristic of
Which is the best way to know why a learner is always qualitative research?
absent in class?
 Deductive design
 Call the parent/guardian.
Which of the following issues is appropriate for
Which is the best way to minimize a noisy learner in collaborative action research by teachers in the school?
 Increasing number of student absences
 Talk to him/her personally.
Which of the following key words is the least related to
Which is the best way to minimize a noisy learner in action research?
 Theories and generalization
 Talk to him/her personally.
Which plan is used by teachers who are new in the
Which is the most ideal type of a traditional service or those who have less than a year of teaching
assessment? experience?

 Multiple choice type  Daily Lesson Plan

Which must be the most important aspect to be Which refers to the materials used to enrich classroom
included in the orientation? instruction?

 Do's and Dont's in Teaching Internship  Learning Resources

Which of the following best denotes the difference Which term refers to are established ways of managing
between action research and formal research? a classroom to ensure an organized and systematic
 Purposive sampling is apt for action research
while random sampling best befits formal  Classroom Management
research, especially with large population.
Which type of qualitative research describes the culture Why is there a need to design the Individual Personal
of a group of people? and Professional Development Plan (IPPDP)?

 Ethnography  To guide you in your personal and professional

Who of the following persons below CANNOT be
considered as an action researcher? Why is there a need to do action research?

 Mr. de Leon, who aims to rediscover a theory to  To improve teaching practice

support and validate his research findings.
Why is there a need to evaluate Teaching Internship?
Why are observations done during the first week of
 To improve the delivery of Teaching Internship
You prepared a PowerPoint presentation on verbs for
 To allow the practice teacher to be immersed in
your English class, however, there was a power cut-off,
the class
which should you do?
Why do I need to submit all the required forms and
 Use the available materials in class.
requirements before leaving my Cooperating School?

 To uphold my dignity as a teacher

Why do teachers use portfolio?

 To help one reflect and improve on one's


Why do we need to do an exit clearance?

 For accountability purpose

Why is a learning portfolio important?

 To track students' achievement

Why is Learning Plan important?

 It guides the teachers in her/his daily activities.

Why is there a need to assess your students’ learning?

 To promote learning

Why is there a need to be familiarized with the school's


 To ensure that you know where to get the

needed instructional resources

Why is there a need to conduct orientation sessions for

Teaching Internship?

 To establish a harmonious relationship with the


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