■ Defined as the systematic allocation of the
depreciable amount of an asset over the
useful life.
■ A matter of cost allocation in recognition of the
exhaustion of the useful life of an item of
property, plant and equipment.
Factors of Depreciation
■ Depreciable amount
– Cost of an asset less the residual value
■ Residual value
– Estimated net amount currently obtainable if the
asset is at the end of the useful life
■ Useful life
– Period over which an asset is expected to be
available for use or the number of production
units expected to be obtained from the asset
Methods of Depreciation
1. Equal or uniform charge methods
2. Variable charge or use-factor or activity methods
3. Decreasing charge or accelerated or diminishing
balance methods
Methods of Depreciation
1. Equal or uniform charge methods
• Straight line method
• Composite method
• Group method
Straight line method
■ The following data relate to an equipment
acquired at the beginning of 2024:
Equipment 105,000
Residual value 5,000
Useful life 5 years
SYD = L [(L + 1) / 2]
= 5 [(5 + 1) / 2]
SYD = 15
Declining Balance Method