Licence Manager
Licence Manager
Licence Manager
All rights reserved. Dassault Systèmes GEOVIA Inc. publishes this documentation for the sole use of
GEOVIA product licensees.
Without written permission, you may not sell, reproduce, store in a retrieval system, or transmit
any part of this documentation. For such permission, or to obtain extra copies please contact your
local GEOVIA office, or visit
This software and documentation is proprietary to Dassault Systèmes GEOVIA Inc. and, except
where expressly provided otherwise, does not form part of any contract. Changes may be made in
products or services at any time without notice.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, neither the authors nor
GEOVIA assumes responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither will be held liable for any damages
caused or alleged to be caused from the use of the information contained herein.
Dassault Systèmes GEOVIA Inc. offers complete 3D software tools that let you create, simulate,
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GEOVIA, the GEOVIA logo, combinations thereof, and GEMS, Surpac, Minex, MineSched, Whittle,
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subsidiaries in the US and/or other countries.
GEOVIA Licence Manager™ 14.9.4
Last modified: 07 October 2019
Table of Contents
Introduction 6
Licence Manager Permissions 6
Requirements 6
Workflow 8
Licence Manager Concepts 9
Licence Types 9
Licence Classes 10
Requesting a Licence Class 10
Licence Manager Folder Paths 10
User Defaults Folder 10
Licence Manager Installation Path 11
Setting Up the Licence Manager Server 12
Downloading Licence Manager Installer 12
Download the Licence Manager Installer 12
Upgrading Licence Manager 13
Upgrade Licence Manager on the Server Computer 14
Installing Licence Manager 14
Install Licence Manager 14
Starting Licence Manager 15
Adding or Updating Licences Using Self-Service Licensing 15
Adding and Updating Tokens 18
Adding or Updating Tokens Using a .udt File 18
Add or Update Tokens Using a .udt File 19
Adding or Updating Tokens Using an HTML File 20
Add or Update Tokens Using an HTML File 21
Adding or Updating Tokens Using a .licz File 22
Add or Update Tokens Using a .licz File 22
Moving a Token to a Class 24
Running Reports 25
Viewing the Log File 25
View the Log File 25
Setting up the Client to Use a Network Licence 26
Setting Up Surpac or Minex to Use the Licence Server 26
Set up the Client to use the Licence Server 26
Reacquire Your Licence 27
Licence Manager Window 31
Menu Commands 32
File Menu 32
New 33
Open 33
Save 33
Save As 33
Edit Menu 34
Properties 34
Fields on the Edit Configuration form 34
New Token 36
New Class 36
Fields on the Create/Delete Class form 37
Delete Token 37
Delete Class 37
Change Token Class 38
View Menu 38
Toolbar 38
Status Bar 39
Log 39
Service Menu 39
Install 40
Uninstall 40
Start 40
Stop 40
Reporting 40
Administration Menu 41
Request License 41
Revoke 41
Restart 42
Reload 42
Reconfigure 42
Shortcut Menu 42
Functions on Licence Classes 42
Functions on Token Numbers 43
Troubleshooting - Overview 44
Common Issues 45
Installation 45
Licence Manager Service 46
Client Licences 49
Frequently Asked Questions 52
Dongle 52
Licence Manager Service 53
Licence Information 54
Client Licences 55
Other 56
Licence Manager glossary 58
GEOVIA Licence Manager is a program that enables a site using GEOVIA programs to administer all its
licences from a central server computer. Licences managed by Licence Manager are not “tied” to one
specific computer. This concept is referred to as floating licences. Floating licences permit companies
to share licences among users, which is a cost effective means of purchasing GEOVIA programs.
Licence Manager has two components: the Licence Manager window and the Licence Manager
Licence Manager Window
An administrator manages licences using the Licence Manager window. From the Licence Manager
window, the administrator performs the following activities:
l availability of licences
When you install Licence Manager, you can use the default settings in the wizard unless the
installation procedure explicitly states that you should change the settings.
To use GEOVIA network licences, you must install Licence Manager on one computer on the LAN that
is the Licence Manager server. In some situations, the network administrator (the person
responsible for network administration) might choose to have more than one licence server for
backup purposes, such as in the case of a computer malfunction or network outage on a large
Note: Each computer can run only one instance of Licence Manager.
Installation Prerequisites
The person who is the licence administrator must have administrator permission on the computer
that is the Licence Manager server.
l loss of licences while using a GEOVIA program
l a fully functional DNS server to permit the translation from host names to IP addresses
GEOVIA recommends using a DNS server rather than relying on entries in hosts files. A
DNS server is a more robust system for name resolution than the system of relying on
entries in hosts files.
l an entry in the hosts file of each computer in the network that defines the host name
and IP address for each computer in the network
Note: This workflow is not intended to be complete in scope, but shows the activities needed to
achieve a result.
Licence Types
To use any GEOVIA program, you must obtain a licence. The types of licence that are available are:
l A demonstration licence that does not require a dongle (or sentinel) , but has reduced
l A single-user licence (also known as a roaming licence) that requires you to install a
GEOVIA dongle driver on your computer. For this licence type, you use a token number
that is for the specific dongle attached to the computer.
l A network licence for which you need Licence Manager installed and running on a com-
puter on the local area network (LAN). The computer running the Licence Manager
must have a dongle attached. Any other computer on that network can run GEOVIA
programs without the dongle, and have fully licensed functionality.
Note: To use a network licence, the computer running the GEOVIA program must
always have a connection to the Licence Manager server computer while the program is
in use. The Licence Manager program is a service on the Licence Manager server
computer. If the Licence Manager service fails or stops responding, the person who is
using the network licence loses their licence. That person cannot continue using the full
features of the GEOVIA program. Also, a message appears to inform the person that
the copy of the GEOVIA program does not have a licence.
Licence Classes
For Surpac, GEMS, Minex, MineSched, or Whittle, you can set up different licence classes. A licence
class is the name for a grouping of options or modules for a program. Program users request a
particular licence class from Licence Manager when they use Surpac, Minex, MineSched, or Whittle.
By requesting a specific licence class, the users ensure that the licence they get includes the modules,
that is the commands or functions, needed to do their job.
When a tokens file is first installed in Licence Manager, all licences are assigned the default class. In
GEMS, the default class is the seat number of each licence. In Surpac, Minex, MineSched, and
Whittle, the default class is named default.
The person who administers Licence Manager can define the class names using any combination of
alphanumeric characters. If a site uses licence classes, the administrator determines the class to
which a licence token belongs.
For example, if you have three licences for Surpac, you might have three licence classes, one for each
licence. One class could include all modules and have the class name all. A second class could include
modules that relate specifically to surveying functions and have the class name survey. And the third
class could include modules that relate specifically to geology functions and have the class name
geology. A surveyor using Surpac can specifically request the licence class named survey, which is the
licence that includes all the modules needed perform their job.
Requesting a Licence Class
The procedure to request a licence class differs for each GEOVIA program:
l For Surpac or Minex to use a specific licence class, add the -class <classname> com-
mand-line option to the desktop shortcut, otherwise the default licence class is used.
Note: If you renamed all instances of the default class when you set up the classes,
you must add the -class <classname> option to use a specific licence. If you do not add
the -class <classname> option, you will not get a licence.
l For Whittle to use a specific licence class, choose File > Licence Validation and select
the licence class you want to use.
l For GEMS to use a specific licence class, choose File > Switch Seat and select the seat
you want to use.
l For MineSched to use a specific licence class, choose Scenario > Licensing... and select
the licence class you want to use.
Caution: If the tokens give you access to different modules, GEOVIA recommends that you put
only one token into a licence class. If more than one token is put in a licence class, users can never be
certain which modules they are licensed to use.
Note: If you have more than one token for a single version of a program, you must put the tokens
into separate licence classes, for Licence Manager to correctly distribute licences.
Note: After you have set up the server (and started the service), the licence server automatically
distributes licences on your network. For help about using a network licence on a client, see Setting
Up Surpac or Minex to Use the Licence Server on page 26 or Setting Up GEMS to Use the Licence
4. If you are downloading Licence Manager for the most recent release of a program, under
the program heading, click Current Version.
If you are downloading Licence Manager for a previous release of a program, under the
program heading, click Previous Versions, and then click the version you need.
5. In the list of files that appear, find a link named GEOVIA Licence Manager <version num-
ber>. Click the link, which prompts you to save the installation file to your computer.
This file appears below a section name Utilities Installation Files (as in the following
image) or Required Installations.
Note: The file that you save to your computer can be a .zip file or a .msi file.
6. Using Windows Explorer, go to the folder where the Licence Manager Installer is saved.
7. To run the installer, double-click the file, and follow the prompts.
If the file that you saved is a .zip file, extract the .msi file before running the installer.
Tip: Licence Manager 14.7 and later references a different share\etc path for the ssilm.tok file.
For your licences to be available in Licence Manager 14.7 and later, you can copy the ssilm.tok file
from the share\etc directory of the existing installation and copy it to the share\etc directory of the
Licence Manager 14.7 and later installation. If both the previous version of Licence Manager and
Licence Manager GEOVIA Licence Manager are installed to the default directories, this means copying
the file from C:\Users\Public\Gemcom\LicenceManager\share\etc and pasting it to
Upgrade Licence Manager on the Server Computer
1. Stop the Licence Manager service.
2. Run the Licence Manager installer file from the installation disc.
Or if you downloaded the installer file, browse to the folder where you saved the file, and
double-click it.
3. Follow the prompts for the installation wizard to install Licence Manager to the default loc-
4. Start the Licence Manager service.
l if you are prompted for a seat number, enter the seat number that GEOVIA
l on the Custom Setup page, select the setting for the Sentinel Device Driver
6. Click Install.
7. When the installation finishes, click Finish.
To start Licence Manager, use the desktop icon that is automatically created, or go to Start > All
Programs > GEOVIA > GEOVIA Licence Manager.
3. In Licence Manager, choose Service > Stop to stop the Licence Manager service.
Licence Manager stops distributing licences, and anyone who has a network licence loses
it within a few moments.
4. If you do not have an updated tokens file (.licz file) saved to the computer, request one
and download it to the computer:
a. If the Request Licence form is not visible, choose Administration > Request
8. Click Open.
The Update Tokens form appears.
The form displays a list of tokens, products, and versions contained in the update file.
You select the versions you want to add or update.
If the tokens in a particular program version do not exist, Licence Manager adds the
tokens to the "default" class.
10. Click OK.
The right pane of the Licence Manager window is updated to show the new token
Updating tokens does not affect or change any previously defined classes.
Note: If you log on remotely to the Licence Manager server to add or update the tokens file, the
dongle must be plugged into the computer that is running Licence Manager.
Adding or Updating Tokens Using a .udt File
When you add or update tokens, you use a .udt file that you receive from GEOVIA to load the
licences into Licence Manager and make them available to all client computers. Updating tokens
does not affect or change any previously defined classes. Also, using a .udt file minimizes the chances
of typographical errors.
Tip: Before you add or update the tokens, create a backup copy of the previous version of the
.udt file (if you have one).
1. Save the new .udt file to a location on the Licence Manager server computer.
2. Insert the dongle into a port on the computer.
Caution: If you have a parallel dongle, and a printer is connected to the parallel port,
turn on the printer. Do not connect backup tape units or other similar devices to a
parallel dongle. If you must use such a device, first remove the parallel dongle. Devices
such as these can damage the dongle. Any dongle damaged by such actions incurs a
replacement cost.
3. Start Licence Manager.
The Licence Manager window opens.
If you are starting Licence Manager for the first time, the following information message
8. Click Open.
The Update Tokens form appears.
The form displays a list of tokens, products, and versions contained in the update file.
You select the versions you want to add or update.
When you add or update tokens using an HTML file, you copy the tokens from the file, and paste the
tokens into Licence Manager. Updating tokens does not affect or change any previously defined
Tip: Before you add or update the tokens, print a summary report of the current classes, by
choosing Report > Classes.
Add or Update Tokens Using an HTML File
8. In Class, leave the value as default, or if you are setting up different licences for different
groups of users, type a class name.
For more information on classes, see Licence Classes on page 10.
9. Click OK.
The right pane of the Licence Manager window is updated with new token information.
Tip: Before you add or update the tokens, create a backup copy of the previous version of the
.licz file (if you have one).
Add or Update Tokens Using a .licz File
1. Save the new .licz file to a location on the Licence Manager server computer.
2. Insert the dongle into a port on the computer.
Caution: If you have a parallel dongle, and a printer is connected to the parallel port,
turn on the printer. Do not connect backup tape units or other similar devices to a
parallel dongle. If you must use such a device, first remove the parallel dongle. Devices
such as these can damage the dongle. Any dongle damaged by such actions incurs a
replacement cost.
3. Start Licence Manager.
The Licence Manager window opens.
If you are starting Licence Manager for the first time, the following information message
8. Click Open.
4. In Class Name, type the name of the class to which you want to change the token, and
click OK.
Running Reports
You can run reports that show the following information on licences and Licence Manager:
l log file
1. Choose View > Log to display the Licence Manager usage log report.
Note: This report might take a few moments to appear while the Licence Manager
server is being queried.
You can change the parameters of the desktop shortcut in the following ways.
Specify the Licence Manager Server
To specify the Licence Manager server, add -lm <servername> to the desktop shortcut. By using the
-lm <servername> option, the client computer sends the licence request to a specific Licence
Manager server. The request is not broadcast to all computers in the network. Depending on the
state of the local network and the traffic load in the network, there might be a delay before a licence
is granted.
For example:
When 64-bit Surpac is installed on 64-bit Windows:
"C:\Program Files\GEOVIA\Surpac\<version>\x64\bin\surpac2.exe" -lm
When Minex is installed on 64-bit Windows:
l If the Licence Manager server is on a different subnet from the client, the client does
not automatically receive a licence. Instead you must add -lm <name or IP address of
the Licence Server> to the desktop shortcut.
l If you choose to run the GEOVIA program without a licence, you can save your work
and attempt to reacquire a licence later. When you start Surpac and the Request a
Licence in Surpac form appears, select None. If you want to get a licence later, choose
File > Licensing > Change/Inspect Licence.
l If you try to reacquire a licence, but all licences are in use by others, the form
reappears. You can then continue trying to access a licence using the form.
4. Edit the Licence Server field, for example, and click Apply.
5. To check which modules you are licensed to use, choose File > Licencing > Change/In-
spect Licence again, and click Apply.
Menu Bar
The menu bar contains all the functions available, sorted into appropriate menus. You use the menu
functions to manage your tokens.
The Toolbar makes available the most common tasks as buttons.
Left Pane
The left pane shows the products for which you have tokens. It shows the host ID or the dongle
number with a +/- icon to expand or collapse. You select:
l the + icon to expand a host, that is dongle, to show the programs for which you have
l the + icon to expand a program to show the versions of the program to which the
tokens apply
l a version to show, in the right pane, the tokens available for the selected version
Right Pane
The right pane shows the list of tokens that you have entered into the Licence Manager, and shows
important information for each token.The information in this pane includes:
Column Description
The class name. Token files can have one or more classes of licences. A licence class is the name of a group
of modules of functionality for a GEOVIA program. Users request and receive a particular licence class from
Licence Manager, and they can then use the functionality that the modules of that class provide.
Below the class name is the token status:
l A green check mark indicates that the licence is enabled.
l A red cross indicates that the licence is disabled.
A licence can be disabled for a number of reasons, for more information read Why is my
licence disabled?
The licence identification. The licence identification provides a way for a GEOVIA program to reference the
tokens you have with GEOVIA's internal distribution database. It is also used for easily updating tokens and
can be used to create "Update" tokens.
The token numbers that you have currently entered into the Licence Manager. Both the master tokens and
update tokens appear in the list. The master token is always the top token displayed for any licence ID, and
the update tokens are below it.
(s) For each licence ID, you can have only one master token, but several update tokens can exist. Update tokens
add modules to an existing master token for a short period of time, for example, a trial period to see if you
want to buy the licence. Permanent changes in your licence are granted through a new master token. For
more information on update tokens, see UDT file in the glossary.
The expiry date for the token.
Tip: To ensure that users have continued use of their GEOVIA programs, contact your local GEOVIA
office before the token number expires.
The maximum number of users who can use the licences provided by the token at the same time.
The licence modules made available by the token number. The information shows the complete list of
Options modules that are available in the master token and any update tokens.
If you do not see modules that you have purchased, contact your local GEOVIA support office.
Status bar
The status bar is located in the lower right corner and has two important indicators. The first displays
Not installed or Installed to indicate the state of the Licence Manager service. The second indicator
displays Stopped or Running to indicate whether the Licence Manager service is running or not. The
Licence Manager service can only respond to licence requests if it is installed and running.
Menu Commands
Licence Manager is designed to give you a simple and quick way of determining the status of your
licences and licence server. You can manage your licences using the following menus:
l File
l Edit
l View
l Service
l Administration
File Menu
The functions in the File menu permit you to load and save the tokens file used by the Licence
Manager. The default name of the tokens file is ssilm.tok. It is located in the share\etc directory. The
File functions also permit you to import an Update Tokens File (.udt) or .licz file.
Note: You can use tokens files with different names, but the file must reside in the share\etc
directory. Also, Licence Manager can use only one tokens file at a time.
Tip: You can test changes to the tokens file before implementing the changes to the live
environment using the Save As function.
When you use this function, Licence Manager creates a tokens file in the memory of the computer.
You then add licences tokens to this file.
Note: To save the new tokens file, choose File > Save.
When the Licence Manager is installed as a service for the first time, Licence Manager creates the
default tokens file share\etc\ssilm.tok. As a result, this function is rarely used.
You use this function to open a tokens file and load the contents of that tokens file into Licence
Manager. When Licence Manager starts, it automatically loads the default tokens file
share\etc\ssilm.tok. You also use this function to load an Update Tokens File (.udt) or .licz file. The
.udt or .licz file allows you to add and update tokens that exist in your Licence Manager.
You use this function only when you use a tokens file that is not named ssilm.tok, or when you are
importing an update file.
Note: GEOVIA does not recommend that you use a tokens file named anything other than
ssilm.tok in a live environment.
You use this function to save the current tokens file to the computer. After you save the tokens file,
the Licence Manager server reloads and then reconfigures itself to use the changes from the tokens
You edit the tokens file using one of the following functions:
After you edit the tokens file, you must save it so that the licence server process is able to recognise
the changes.
Note: If the licence server process does not recognise the changes, you might have to restart the
Licence Manager server to serve the licences correctly. To stop the license server, use (Service >
Stop), and then to start the server use (Service > Start).
Save As
You use this function to save the current tokens file with a different name.
You edit the tokens file using one of the following functions:
After you edit the tokens file, you must save it so that the licence server process is able to recognise
the changes.
Tip: You can use this function to add new tokens to a different tokens file as a test before
implementing the changes to the ssilm.tok file and live environment.
Edit Menu
The functions in the Edit menu permit you to modify the tokens file by adding and deleting tokens
and adding and deleting classes.
Also, you can change various properties of the Licence Manager. Changing these properties modifies
the behaviour of the Licence Manager server process.
Tip: You can access these functions through the shortcut menu when you right-click a tokens file.
You use this function to view, and if necessary, change various properties of the Licence Manager.
When you change these properties, you modify the behaviour of the Licence Manager server
All properties for the Licence Manager are saved to the configuration file share\etc\ssilm.cnf. When
you select this function, the Edit Configuration form appears showing the properties currently saved
in the configuration file. If you change a property and click OK, the changed properties are saved to
the same file.
After you save the properties to the configuration file, the licence server process receives a
reconfigure signal. After receiving the signal, the licence server process reads the configuration file
and then operates with the new parameters.
You cannot change all properties in this way because active licences restrict the ability to change
some of the characteristics of the licence.
After you change the values on the form, click OK to reconfigure the licence server.
Fields on the Edit Configuration form
Field Description
The name of the file to which all reports are sent. When you request a report, the report details are
sent to this file first and the contents of the file are then displayed. By default, the log file is
Log File Path- always called share\etc\ssilm.log.
Tip: Because the log file can become large, you can restrict its size using the Max. Log file size
The number of seconds that a licence held by a client can be idle before the licence state changes
to standby. When a licence state becomes standby and if there are no other available licences,
other clients can take the licence. This property prevents a user who forgets to exit a program from
Standby Timeout
holding a licence forever.
If you leave the value at 0, Licence Manager treats it as an infinite period (that is, the licence never
becomes a standby licence). The recommended value is 600 seconds (which is 10 minutes).
Field Description
l Selected: Includes a line for each entry and each exit of a function from a GEOVIA
program in the log file report.
An administrator might find this information useful to record statistics of the
Function Logging usage of the installed GEOVIA programs.
Note: With this option selected, the log file might become large quickly.
l Cleared: Does not include information on function usage from GEOVIA programs in
the log file report.
Each client process session (for example, Surpac or Minex) that uses the licence manager for
authorisation sends a heartbeat message to the licence server at regular intervals. These heartbeat
messages indicate to the licence server that the licence is active. If the license server computer
stops receiving these heartbeat messages, it is assumed the client has failed or stopped respond-
ing. The licence is then released for reuse. These heartbeat messages are sent even when the cli-
ent is busy processing data.
Heartbeat The heartbeat interval is the time delay between these regular messages sent by the client
computer to the server computer.
Ideally, the heartbeat is between 10 and 300 seconds. Greater values reduce network traffic.
However, if a client computer fails, the licence is still held for a longer time. Lower values increase
network traffic, and allows the server computer to detect client computer failures faster. The
recommended value is 30 seconds.
The maximum file size for the log file. The log file that is generated can become large quickly, espe-
cially with Function Logging enabled. However, it is unlikely that you need more than the last few
messages to troubleshoot any problems that you experience, so a very large file is not required.
This option gives you the ability to limit the size of the log file. The default size is 100 KB.
Max Log file size When the log file reaches the maximum file size limit, it backs up the current log to ssilm.bak, and
starts a brand new log file. In this way, it is easy to see the last several hundred messages, without
using large amounts of disk space. Be aware, however, that because the old log is backed up, the
disk space you use may be up to double the size you specify in this box. Any previous logs called
ssilm.bak are erased.
The maximum number of heartbeat messages a client allows to be unacknowledged before it
assumes that it has lost its licence.
Maximum Unac- Licence Manager uses a client/server protocol that is layered on top of UDP/IP (a protocol that is
knowledged Pack- inherently not completely reliable). As a result, it is normal to lose some heartbeat messages.
ets The "heartbeat interval" multiplied by "maximum unacknowledged heartbeats" must be less than
300 seconds. The recommended value for this property is 3. This value gives the best mix of "usual
events" security, while still allowing the server to respond to a failed client in a timely fashion.
The reverse DNS lookup is a useful feature, but it can cause problems on some incorrectly con-
figured networks. This option allows you to turn off the feature to see if that is the cause of the
Enable Reverse
problem. If you are having no problems with Licence Manager, leave this option enabled.
DNS lookup
For more information on this feature, see What is a Reverse DNS lookup? in the Frequently Asked
Field Description
The Universal Datagram Packet (UDP) port number that you want to use for two-way com-
munication between the client and server processes. It is recommended that you use the default
value of 1234, unless using the default value causes a conflict with another program that uses the
UDP Port same port number.
If you change the UDP port number, you must restart the Licence Manager service for the change to
take effect.
For more information, see UDP ports in the glossary.
If Server to Administer is blank, and you run a function from the Report menu, the report shows
information for all instances of Licence Manager that are currently running on your subnet of the
local network. If you specify the server in this box, the report shows information for the specified
licence server only.
Server to Administer is useful because it enables you to run reports across virtual private networks
(VPN) and across wide area networks (WAN). It is also useful when several Licence Manager server
Server to Admin- computers are running on the same network, or the network configuration is blocking the message.
ister The format of the server definition is <server name or IP address>[:<port number>].
Some examples are:
New Token
You use this function to add or update licence tokens to the tokens file. You add or update the
licence tokens when you:
When you run this function, you enter tokens into the tokens file. The token is a hexadecimal
number that consists of the numbers 0 to 9 inclusive and the letters a to f inclusive. You can obtain
valid tokens only from an authorized GEOVIA support office.
When you enter a new token, the token is added to the currently selected class. When you enter a
token that is a modification to an existing token, the existing token is updated to the new modules
and values.
After you enter a new token, save the changes to the tokens file using File > Save. The licence server
then reloads the tokens file so that the new tokens are immediately available for use.
New Class
You use this function to create licence classes and assign tokens to the licence classes that are
created. Licence classes are useful for sites to have more control over the usage of GEOVIA products.
When you create a class, you define the host, GEOVIA product version, and the name of the licence
After you create a class, save the changes to the tokens file using File > Save. The licence server then
reloads the tokens file so that the class you created is available.
Field Description
The number of the dongle (or sentinel) connected to the computer on which the licence service is running.
This value MUST not be changed.
Sentinel Administrators who are experienced with maintaining Licence Manager servers might find this field useful
ID because they can enter the dongle number of a dongle other than the one connected to the licence server
computer. When you enter the dongle number of another dongle, you can enter the details of classes and
tokens for a second licence server into the one tokens file. You can then use the tokens file on both Licence
Manager servers that are running on different computers.
Licence Ensure that you leave this check box selected. For Licence Manager to function correctly, this check box
Manager must be selected.
The name of the class that you are creating or deleting. The default value is default.
When you create a class, you can set this value to any name you want. However, it is conventional to
choose licence class names that match department usage of the program. For example, geology, survey,
engineering are common names.
Class Tip: It is useful in large installations to spread the available licences across departments so that no
department can use all the available licences.
Note: For Surpac or Minex to use a specific licence class, you can add the -class <classname> command-
line option to the desktop shortcut. For more information on classes, see Licence Classes on page 10.
If you require assistance in creating multiple licence classes, contact GEOVIA.
The name of the GEOVIA program for which the class is being created or deleted.
Product Note: This program name must match the name of the program for which the token has been
The version number, in the form major.minor, for which the licence class is being created or deleted.
Version Note: The version number is the version number of the program for which the token was generated. It is
not the version of Licence Manager.
Release The release type for the licence class.
type Note: The release type must match that for which the licence was generated.
Delete Token
You use this function to delete a token from the tokens file. When you run this function, you select
the token to remove from the tokens file, and then click OK.
After you delete a token, save the changes to the tokens file using File > Save. The licence server
then reloads the tokens file so that the tokens you deleted are no longer available.
Tip: You can run this function from the shortcut menu, by right-clicking the token and choosing
Delete Token. When you run this function from the shortcut menu, the Token form does not appear
because the function is run directly from the token.
Delete Class
You use this function to delete a class from the view. All tokens in the deleted class are still available
from the default class.
When you run this function from the menu, you enter the details of the class to be deleted from the
tokens file. To be able to delete a class, you must specify the host, GEOVIA product version, and the
name of the licence class. For information on the fields available on the Create/Delete Class form, see
the table above under the New Class function.
Tip: You can run this function from the shortcut menu, by right-clicking the class and choosing
Delete Class. When you run this function from the shortcut menu, the Create/Delete Class form
does not appear because the function is run directly from the class.
After you delete a class, save the changes to the tokens file using File > Save. The licence server then
reloads the tokens file so that the class you deleted is no longer available.
You use this function to move a token from an existing class to another class.
For example, you have two classes, default and geology. The default class has three tokens allocated
to it, and the geology class has one token allocated to it. On the site, there is usually one geologist
who uses the licence. Occasionally, a second geologist works on the site for a short time. During the
time when two geologists are on the site, you can select a token from the default class that you want
to allocate to the geology class. As a result, the geology class will have two tokens available.
Note: A token can exist in one class only.
After you change a token class, save the changes to the tokens file using File > Save. The licence
server then reloads the tokens file so that the token class exists in the class you specified.
Tip: You can run this function from the shortcut menu, by right-clicking the token and choosing
Change Token Class. When you run this function from the shortcut menu, the Token form does not
appear because the function is run directly from the token. You only have to type the name of the
class to which you want to move the token.
View Menu
The functions in the View menu permit you to change the presentation of the Licence Manager
program. You can:
l show or hide the Toolbar buttons (at the top of the Licence Manager window)
l show or hide the Status bar (at the lower end of the Licence Manager window
l view a log, of the activities of the Licence Manager server process, to monitor com-
munications between the client and Licence Manager
When you use this function, you show or hide the Toolbar at the top of the Licence Manager
A check mark next to this function indicates that this item is selected, and the Toolbar is visible. By
default, the Toolbar is visible. When the Toolbar is visible, you can click a button to run some of the
Licence Manager functions (instead of going to the menu).
Status Bar
When you use this function, you show or hide the Status bar at the bottom of the Licence Manager
A check mark next to this function indicates that this item is selected and the Status bar is visible. By
default, the Status bar is visible.
When you use this function, you can view a log of the activities of the Licence Manager server
This reporting function helps the administrator and technical support staff from GEOVIA to
investigate the activity of the Licence Manager.
The detailed log file is in the share directory, share\etc\ssilm.log. For each entry in the log file, there
is a date/time stamp and a diagnostic message that indicates the activity.
For more information, see Viewing the Log File on page 25.
Service Menu
The Windows operating systems have a concept of a system service. A system service is a program
that runs in the background of Windows. A system service starts running when the operating system
starts, and stops again when you turn off the computer.
Licence Manager runs as a service called GEOVIA Licence Manager Service.
After you have configured Licence Manager to your needs, you start the service. Then the Licence
Manager service continues to run automatically whenever the Licence Manager server computer is
running. The service does not stop until you manually force it to stop.
You can use Services to start and stop the Licence Manager service. However, you might find it easier
to use the Licence Manager window to perform all Licence Manager service management tasks
including starting and stopping.
You must have Administrator level permission on the computer to run any of the functions in the
Service menu.
Tip: Alternatively, you can see the state of the GEOVIA Licence Manager service under Services in
the operating system. To access Services quickly, click the Start menu, and in the Search box, type
You use this function to install the Licence Manager as a service under Microsoft Windows.
Note: Windows 95/98/ME/XP/Vista do not support the services required to run Licence Manager.
You must have Administrator level permission, on the computer, to install Licence Manager as a
If Licence Manager is already installed as a service, a warning message appears.
If the Licence Manager was not previously installed as a service, a confirmation message appears.
Note: Installing the Licence Manager as a service does not start the service. You must choose
Service > Start to start the service. Before starting the service, you must also have a valid licence file.
You use this function to remove the Licence Manager from the installed services.
When you uninstall the Licence Manager service, it stops immediately. Any currently running
sessions of Licence-Manager-enabled programs that rely on that service for authorization lose their
licence soon after the Licence Manager service stops.
You must have Administrator level permission, on the computer, to uninstall Licence Manager.
If Licence Manager is not already installed as a service a warning message appears.
After successful removal of the Licence Manager service, a confirmation message appears.
You use this function to start the Licence Manager program as a service under Microsoft Windows.
If the Licence Manager service is already running, attempting to start it has no effect.
You must have Administrator level permission, on the computer, to start the Licence Manager
The Licence Manager program MUST BE installed as a service before you try to start it as a service.
After successfully starting the service, a confirmation message appears.
You use this function to stop the Licence Manager program running as a service under Microsoft
If the Licence Manager service is already stopped, attempting to stop it has no effect.
You must have Administrator level permission, on the computer, to stop the Licence Manager
The Licence Manager program MUST BE installed as a service before attempting to stop it as a
After successfully stopping the service, a confirmation message appears.
You can manage Licence Manager using reports which provide usage statistics of licences currently in
use and currently available.
You can use the Licences report to determine which users hold which licence.
Licence Manager generates the reports by sending requests for information to the licence server
process. The server process then responds by sending the requested information to the Licence
Manager which then displays it in a dialog window.
Network traffic can have an impact on the time to send and receive this information. It may take a
few seconds to collate all of the report data.
All of the following log functions broadcast the log report on the local network, so that all Licence
Managers running within the limits of the broadcast (local network) will send a reply. If there are two
(or more) Licence Managers running on a network, a complete report of all classes, licences and
available licences is available from all Licence Managers. This is useful in diagnosing if all of your
Licence Managers are working correctly.
Administration Menu
The functions in the Administration menu permit you to perform various tasks related to granting
and releasing licences. Tasks include:
l requesting a licence from GEOVIA, or loading the licences you have already received
l revoking a licence that is currently in use
l restarting the licence server process
l reloading the tokens file so that the Licence Manager server can use new tokens that
have been added to the tokens file
l reconfiguring the Licence Manager server process by reloading the configuration file
Note: The functions from the Administration menu do not provide any confirmation messages
when they complete. You can, however, choose View > Log to view the log file after running any of
these functions. If a function completes successfully, a record of the operation appears in the log file.
Request License
When you use this function, a form appears that you use to get the licences you have purchased
from GEOVIA. To get your licences, click the following button:
l Request Licence: To download the licences from the GEOVIA support website, you click
this button.
For detailed steps, see Adding or Updating Licences Using Self-Service Licensing on page
You use this function to revoke a licence that is in use. This feature is useful when all licences are in
use and another user requires a licence to complete an urgent task. Revoking a licence requires that
you know the licence ID of the licence you want to revoke.
Tip: If you do not know the licence ID, choose Report > Licences to view a report that includes
the licence ID, the user name, and the state of the licence.
Note: Licences that are in a standby state are automatically revoked by the Licence Manager, and
the licence is granted to satisfy a request for a new licence.
When revoking a licence, it is recommended that you revoke a licence that is in an idle state because
the licence is not actively being used.
The licence is immediately revoked and is made available for use by a different person.
The user whose licence is revoked can still complete their session. However, the program they are
using has a restricted range of functions so that the user can save any unsaved work and exit
Note: If the user continues to use the licence that has been revoked, the user receives an
unlicensed error from the program. Also, an error appears in the Licence Manager log file.
You use this function to reload the tokens file that is used by the Licence Manager server process.
Note: You rarely use this function because the tokens file is automatically reloaded whenever you
choose File > Save to save changes to the tokens file.
You use this function to make the Licence Manager server process use the properties defined in the
ssilm.cnf file.
Note: When you change the properties using Edit > Properties and then click OK, the Licence
Manager server process is automatically reconfigured. As a result, you rarely use this function.
Shortcut Menu
In the right pane, you can perform functions on a selected licence class or on a selected token
number using the shortcut menu.
Functions on Licence Classes
To access the shortcut menu, select the licence class, and then right-click. The functions you can
perform are:
Function Description
You use this function to add licence tokens to the tokens file. This functions is the same as
New Token
choosing Edit > New Token.
You use this function to delete a class from the view. All tokens in the deleted class are still
Delete Class available from the default class.
Note: This function is the same as choosing Edit > Delete Class.
Enable Token Note: If the reason a token was disabled is because the administrator disabled the token,
then you can use this function to re-enable the token. If the token was disabled for any other
reason, you will not be able to enable the token.
You use this function to disable a token. You might disable a token for any reason. However,
the main purpose for disabling a token is for finding a system error. As a result, this function is
rarely used. For more information, see Why is my token disabled?
Disable Token
Tip: If a token is disabled because the administrator had disabled the token, you can use
the Enable Token function to re-enable the token.
You use this function to view the properties of the selected token. The properties include the
expiry date and creation date of the token, and whether the token is enabled or disabled (and
the reason why the token is disabled). This information is useful when you must find out why a
token is disabled?.
Troubleshooting - Overview
When you experience problems with Licence Manager, there are several activities you can perform to
help you identify the problem. Two key activities are:
Most errors that cause Licence Manager to fail are recorded in the log file. The log file is the first place
you check when you experience an issue. When trying to troubleshoot possible problems:
l Examine the log file and include it with any queries to your local GEOVIA support office.
l Start the Licence Manager service from the Service > Start function.
To start the Licence Manager service, you require Administrator permissions.
l Run NetworkLicenceManager.exe from the command prompt instead of as a service.
Running NetworkLicenceManager.exe from the command prompt allows you to see
errors that do not usually appear in the log file. Depending your computer setup, you
might require Administrator permissions.
When you install Licence Manager with a GEOVIA program, the
NetworkLicenceManager.exe is installed in the \bin directory of your GEOVIA program.
For the path, see Licence Manager Folder Paths on page 10. When you run
NetworkLicenceManager.exe without parameters, you get a list of the command-line
options available. To start a server, try using NetworkLicenceManager.exe -server,
which generates error messages when something is going wrong.
l Run the Licence Manager as a pseudo-client, which enables you to see whether the
Licence Manager server is granting licences.
By running the Licence Manager server as a pseudo-client, you can determine whether
a separately running Licence Manager is granting licences correctly. If this method
works but the GEOVIA program is still not working correctly, you know that the prob-
lem is not because the Licence Manager server is incorrectly configured.
For example, to run a pseudo-client that pretends to be Surpac 6.0, in a command
prompt type:
networklicencemanager -client surpac2 6.0 -lm <licence-
Note: Licence Manager recognizes surpac2 as the program name for Surpac.
You can try this same command with the name of any program and version in Licence
Manager. If the process finishes running immediately, and you can type more
characters in the command prompt, it means that the licence server you specified for
Surpac 6.0 is not correctly serving licences.
If the process continues running, and you cannot type in the command prompt, it
means that the licence server is serving licences.
Common Issues
l When using the uninstall option from the DVD, some of the files were not removed
from the Licence Manager install directory
l When attempting to install the Licence Manager from the DVD, some files are not
Client Licences
When using the uninstall option from the DVD, some of the files were not removed from the
Licence Manager install directory.
If some files are locked during the uninstall process, those files cannot be removed.
Some files are locked when one of the following occurs:
When attempting to install the Licence Manager from the DVD, some files are not installed.
If another process has locked some files during the uninstall process, the Licence Manager
installation could fail to install those files.
Some files are locked when one of the following occurs:
Using the Service > Install function fails to install the service, and no error message appears.
If Licence Manager has become corrupted because of the accidental removal of some of the required
files, the install function fails to work. In this situation, no message appears to inform you of the
If any of the files required to run Licence Manager functions is missing, you are not able to install the
service. Files required to run Licence Manager are contained in the bin directory and in the share\etc
The /bin directory contains:
l NetworkLicenceManager.exe
l NLMAdmin.exe
l boost_thread-vc100-mt-1_46_1.dll
l boost_system-vc100-mt-1_46_1.dll
The share/etc directory contains:
l ssilm.cnf
l ssilm.tok
If any of these files are missing, you must reinstall Licence Manager.
Note: The location of the bin directory depends on the GEOVIA product Licence Manager was
installed with, or the location you selected during deliberate installation of the Licence Manager
program. For more information, see Licence Manager Folder Paths on page 10.
Uninstall Licence Manager and reinstall it using the original GEOVIA installation DVD, or using a down-
load of the installation from
l the default port that Licence Manager uses is in use by another process
By default, Licence Manager uses UDP port 1234. You can set Licence Manager to use
any port number, by choosing Edit > Properties and typing a new value in the UDP Port
Description: field. If another process is already using the UDP port that the Licence Manager server
uses, the Licence Manager service exits with an error.
If this issue occurs, a message appears in the log file.
Change the UDP Port setting in the Licence Manager properties to use a UDP port
number that is not used by other processes. Try choosing a number greater than 1000.
After you change the port number, restart the Licence Manager service.
When you use a port other than 1234, you must specify the port number in the target of
the shortcut for the GEOVIA program (Surpac or Minex). If the program requests a
licence using a port that is different from the port that Licence Manager is using, a
Solution: licence is not granted.
If you want to broadcast the request without specifying a particular server, use:
l -lm :<portNumber> in the target
For example, -lm :4567.
If you want to request a licence from a particular server, use:
l -lm <ssilm-server>:<portNumber>
For example, -lm licenceserver:4567.
l the dongle drivers are not correctly installed, the parallel port is not configured cor-
rectly for the dongle, or multiple devices are conflicting on the parallel port
When Licence Manager starts, it checks for a dongle to obtain the host ID for the valid
licences. If a valid dongle is not found, Licence Manager exits with an error. Assuming a
dongle is attached, the dongle would not be found if:
l the drivers for the dongle are not installed
l the port in which the dongle is inserted is not configured correctly
l the dongle is not the first device attached to the port
If the dongle drivers are not installed, install them using the GEOVIA product
If you are using a parallel port with multiple devices connected through each other,
make the dongle the first device in the chain (that is, the one connected directly to the
parallel port on the computer).
Solution: GEOVIA supplies a dongle that uses a USB port connector. This dongle is only available
for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012 (Windows NT 4.0 does not
support USB). It resolves all problems that relate to parallel ports. You cannot join
devices together in sequence through the USB dongle, which resolves many hardware
conflicts. If you are having problems with a parallel dongle, contact GEOVIA to acquire a
USB dongle.
l some versions of Windows have an out-of-date MFC42.DLL that does not work with
Licence Manager
You start Licence Manager and see the error message: "The ordinal 6883 could not be
Description: located in the dll MFC42.dll". This message indicates that your version of Windows does
not have a version MFC42.DLL that works with Licence Manager.
Install a current version of MFC42.DLL. To install a current version of MFC42.DLL:
l Install the latest Service Pack for your version of Windows
Solution: l Install the latest version of Internet Explorer
l Go to save and
install the cab file
l another program is using the UDP port number that Licence Manager uses
By default, Licence Manager uses UDP port 1234. You can set Licence Manager to use
any port number, by choosing Edit > Properties and typing a new value in the UDP Port
Description: field. If another process is already using the UDP port that the Licence Manager server
uses, the Licence Manager service exits with an error.
If this issue occurs, a message appears in the log file.
Change the UDP Port setting in the Licence Manager properties to use a UDP port
number that is not used by other processes. Try choosing a number greater than 1000.
After you change the port number, restart the Licence Manager service.
When you use a port other than 1234, you must specify the port number in the target of
the shortcut for the GEOVIA program (Surpac or Minex). If the program requests a
licence using a port that is different from the port that Licence Manager is using, a
Solution: licence is not granted.
If you want to broadcast the request without specifying a particular server, use:
l -lm :<portNumber> in the target
For example, -lm :4567.
If you want to request a licence from a particular server, use:
l -lm <ssilm-server>:<portNumber>
For example, -lm licenceserver:4567.
Client Licences
Licence Manager fails to grant licences.
If the error message “unable to find requested licence” appears when a user tries to get a network
licence for their GEOVIA program, Licence Manager is not granting licences.
To see which licences Licence Manager is distributing, choose Report > Available.
Licence Manager fails to grant licences because:
l Licence Manager is not able to resolve its host name or perform a reverse look-up of
the client host name
Licence Manager must perform reverse lookups of client host names for logging
purposes. The API calls that Licence Manager uses can have problems when the host
name is not directly resolvable. When the Licence Manager server performs the reverse
name lookup, it pauses until it times out, which makes it appear as if the Licence
Manager server has become idle. In particular, sites relying on DHCP could experience
lookup problems.
You can usually add the Licence Manager host name and the client host names and IP
addresses to the Windows hosts file. Depending on how the various name services are
managed, you might not need to edit the hosts file. Sites using DNS for name services
tend to have fewer problems with reverse name lookup.
l the Licence Manager server is on a different subnetwork than the client computer
requesting a broadcast licence
When a client computer requests a network licence without a host name specified, it
sends a broadcast request on the local subnetwork. These broadcast requests usually do
not pass through network bridges or routers. If Licence Manager is on a separate net-
work segment, it does not "hear" the request.
Specify the Licence Manager server host name in the program shortcut using the -lm
For example, for the Surpac shortcut, edit the Target field as follows: "<Surpac
installation directory>\surpac2.exe" -lm licServer
The error "Could not get network licence. Could not connect to interlude process" appears.
This message can appear because:
l all licences maintained by the Licence Manager server have been added to licence
classes other than the default class
This commonly occurs when you have not specified an alternate class name in the tar-
get of the program shortcut.
Modify the target of the program shortcut to include the -classclassname, where class-
name is the name of one of the classes that exist in the tokens file.
The error "Could not get network licence. Unable to send licence request to any server" appears.
This message because:
l the server and/or port number that is being used to acquire a licence are incorrect
Solution: Check that the Licence Manager server name and port number are correct. If
the program is calling the wrong name or port number, correct this information in the
target of the program shortcut.
There appears to be no communication between the GEOVIA program and the Licence Manager
To use a network licence or obtain a licence, the client must be able to communicate with the Licence
Manager server.
Determine whether any communication is occurring between the client and server computers:
1. On a computer that is running a GEOVIA mining program, open the Command Prompt.
2. Type ping<hostname>, where <hostname> is the name of the computer that is running
Licence Manager.
3. Press Enter.
Messages appear in the command prompt to indicate whether the client computer can contact the
server computer. If this test fails, contact your local systems administrator. If this test passes, log a
ticket on the GEOVIA support website.
Licence Manager does not allocate a licence to a specific client, and the log file displays "Error -
Reading incoming messages".
The log file displays this message when both Licence Manager and another program use the same
UDP port.
By default, Licence Manager uses UDP port 1234. You can set Licence Manager to use any port number,
by choosing Edit > Properties and typing a new value in the UDP Port field. If another process is already
Description: using the UDP port that the Licence Manager server uses, the Licence Manager service exits with an
If this issue occurs, a message appears in the log file.
Change the UDP Port setting in the Licence Manager properties to use a UDP port number that is not
used by other processes. Try choosing a number greater than 1000. After you change the port number,
restart the Licence Manager service.
When you use a port other than 1234, you must specify the port number in the target of the shortcut for
the GEOVIA program (Surpac or Minex). If the program requests a licence using a port that is different
from the port that Licence Manager is using, a licence is not granted.
Solution: If you want to broadcast the request without specifying a particular server, use:
l -lm <ssilm-server>:<portNumber>
For example, -lm licenceserver:4567.
Licence Information
Client Licences
Do I a need a dongle?
The computer running the Licence Manager server must have a dongle plugged into one of its USB
The client computers that run GEOVIA programs using a network licence do not need a dongle. This
environment results in a much simpler setup for a multi-licence site because the administrator
maintains only one dongle.
Can the Licence Manager server have more than one dongle plugged in?
No. You should plug in only one dongle into the computer running the Licence Manager server. If
you plug in more than one dongle, Licence Manager might fail to distribute licences correctly.
Can I take a dongle from the Licence Manager server, plug it into a client computer, and start
using it as a local dongle?
If you have a single user licence, then you can use the dongle on the local computer with your single-
user token. The single-user token has 16 digits, whereas the network token has 26 digits. When the
dongle is used to access the single-user licence, network licensing is disabled.
What happens when the Licence Manager server fails or stops responding?
When the Licence Manager server, or the computer running the Licence Manager server, fails or
stops responding, the licences on all client computers lose their network licences. The GEOVIA
program notifies the user that the licence is lost. The user can then obtain a new licence by
connecting to the same Licence Manager server or a different one. The program on the client
computer then continues from the point at which the licence was lost.
If a user cannot regain a licence, the user can still perform some operations, such as saving files,
without a licence. Therefore the user can save any work that was in progress.
Sites can distribute their licences between a number of Licence Manager servers (for example, 20
licences with 2 servers serving 10 licences each). With this type of setup, if one server host becomes
unavailable, the other server can still service requests.
If the computer running Licence Manager has a hardware failure, you can transfer the dongle to
another computer and run the Licence Manager server software on the other computer.
How can I check if the Licence Manager Service is installed and running?
You can review the status of the Licence Manager service in the lower right corner of the Status bar of
the Licence Manager window. If the service is installed correctly and running, the indicators in the
Status bar show Started and Running.
You can also check the list of services in the Control Panel.
Can I have multiple Licence Manager servers running on the same network?
Yes. It is possible to have more than one Licence Manager server on the network. Each computer
that has Licence Manager installed requires a dongle and a token number for a specific number of
licences. This type of arrangement is not a mirrored servers arrangement (where all possible licences
can be served by either server when one of the servers becomes unavailable).
When the client program starts, it can either send a broadcast request (to all servers on the local
network segment) or connect to a particular server. When using a broadcast request, more than one
server may respond. Then the client program uses the first licence that is granted receives. The
broadcast requests only work for the local network segment, and generally, do not work between
Licence Information
What is the licence ID?
The licence ID has two main uses:
l The licence ID is a unique ID for an individual licence that GEOVIA uses when assisting
customers. The internal licensing system that GEOVIA uses contains all GEOVIA cus-
tomers, and every customer has a list of licences. Each licence is a set of modules and a
number of users who can use the modules. GEOVIA tracks all these licences using a
licence ID.
The licence that the customer sees is not a direct reference to the licence that GEOVIA
has in the customer database. So when a customer experiences issues with a particular
licence, GEOVIA uses the licence ID as the primary method to identify which modules,
the customers have in their classes.
l The Licence ID is used to match licences together when they are in the same class for a
particular version of a product. In a class, there can only be one licence active at any
one time for a licence ID.
For example, in the licence class ENG, there is a licence with the ID 1234 that expires at
the end of the current month. You renew the licence, and GEOVIA support sends you a
new licence with an expiry date at the end of next month. The new licence becomes
active only after the current licence expires.
Two licences for ProdABC 1.1 are being used. When you run the report, you see the following
The number of available users for a GEOVIA program is the maximum of all the available users in all
versions of that program. However, the maximum users for a specific version is determined by the
number defined in the token. In the example, you begin with 8 licences of ProdABC available, but a
maximum of 4 licences could be allocated to users running ProdABC 2.0.
Client Licences
Why is my token disabled?
If someone leaves for a long time, can that user "tie up" a licence by leaving the GEOVIA pro-
gram running? For example, if the person goes home.
If a licence has been idle for a specified time, Licence Manager changes the state of the licence to
standby. If any new licence requests are received and there are no free licences, the licences that are
in a standby state are revoked and granted to the client requesting the licence. This means that a
user does not tie up a licence indefinitely while leaving the program idle.
If no other users require a licence, the licence is not revoked, and its state changes to a state other
than standby when the program is active again.
Can the Licence Manager revoke a licence while the GEOVIA program is processing (for example,
I start a very long surface intersection function and leave the computer alone to do its work)?
No. Licences are only revoked if they are in a standby state at the time that a request for a licence
comes from another client computer, and no other licences are available. Licences are changed to a
standby state only when the GEOVIA program is idle for a set amount of time. The program is
considered idle when it has been started, but has had no activity for a particular amount of time.
Processing is an activity, so the licence will not be changed to an idle or standby state while a
function is running.
If the Licence Manager is on a different subnet from the client, can the client receive a licence?
The client does not automatically receive a licence. However, if you use the -lm switch to add the
specific licence server to the shortcut for Surpac or Minex the client will receive a licence.
For example, in the Properties of the Surpac desktop shortcut, in the Target field, add -lm <name or
IP address of the Licence Server> to the end of the current target.
<Surpac Installation Directory>\surpac2.exe -lm licServer
For more information, see Setting Up Surpac or Minex to Use the Licence Server on page 26.
What is a Reverse DNS lookup?
Reverse DNS lookup is a process that can cause Licence Manager problems on some network
configurations. In TCP/IP, computers on a network are given an IP address similar to this:
To make these numbers easier to understand, computers are given a name that relates to that
number (for example, FRED). The computer name and the numeric IP address are stored on the
network on a computer called the "Domain Name System" (DNS). A DNS lookup translates the
computer name to the numeric IP address needed to process the request.
When the Licence Manager grants a licence, it returns to the client the numeric IP address of the
server that granted the licence. The client tries to perform a Reverse DNS lookup to find out the
server name from the IP address. When the server name is known, messages related to the user are
output using the server name, not the numeric IP address.
However, on some networks, the reverse DNS lookup is either not possible (due to incorrect or
incomplete network configuration), or it is very slow. In either situation, the client waits for a
response from the server. If the client does not receive a response within a certain amount of time,
the server revokes the licence it just granted. This situation causes problems on some sites.
If you encounter this problem, you can edit the Licence Manager properties to turn off the reverse
DNS lookup.
The client is a GEOVIA program (for example, Surpac, Minex, GEMS, MineSched or Whittle) that is run
on a computer on the network. It is possible for the client to be running on the same computer as the
licence server.
Hardware lock device that plugs into the server computer, in order to run the Licence Manager. The
dongle can be either a parallel device or a USB device.
dynamic IP address
An IP address that is assigned to a computer using DHCP. This IP address can change each time the com-
puter connects to the network or even during a network connection.
licence ID
A unique ID for an individual licence. The licence ID identifies the modules allowed for that licence, and
the class name assigned to that licence, if there is one.
Licence Manager
Licence Manager refers to the NLMAdmin.exe that is found in the bin directory after successfully
installing the program. Originally, the file name for Licence Manager was ssilm.exe. Common usage has
found that the term SSILM has been moderately corrupted and people often pronounce it as slim or
the slim. Licence Manager is the same thing as GEOVIA Licence Manager.
LICZ file
The LICZ is a zip file with a .licz extension that contains the licensing information.
In case of network licensing, this file contains .udt file, GEOVIA License Summary.pdf file, and licensing
file if any. You can add this file to Licence Manager to make the licences associated with those tokens
available to you on the local area network, or extract files locally and use the .udt file as used earlier.
In case of roaming license, this file contains GEOVIA License Summary.pdf file and licensing file. You
can use this file as a licensing file, or extract its contents locally and use the licensing file as used earlier.
A module is a group of functions and commands for a specific functional area of a GEOVIA program. For
example, your organization purchases a licence to run the Block Modelling module in Surpac. The func-
tions and commands that you need for working with block models area available with the purchase of
the module.
In TCP/IP and UDP networks, different styles of network traffic and different programs 'listen' on dif-
ferent ports. A port is analogous to a TV channel. To receive information, you must be tuned correctly.
Therefore, if a licence server instance is listening on the default "1234", then all clients trying to con-
verse with this server also have to be using the same port. The port number can often identify what
type of port it is. For example, port 80 is used for HTTP (Web) traffic.
Hardware lock device that plugs into the server computer, in order to run the Licence Manager. The
dongle can be either a parallel device or a USB device.
A service is a special class of program that exists on Windows computers. Generally, the service is star-
ted each time the computer starts up and the service runs until the computer is turned off. Even when
you log out of a session at the computer, the services continue to run. For Licence Manager, the
Licence Manager service must be running at all times to service licence requests from client com-
static IP address
An IP address that is fixed and never changes. This is in contrast to a dynamic IP address, which can
change at any time.
tokens file
The tokens file (ssilm.tok) is the file that the Licence Manager server uses to save licences. The inform-
ation in the tokens file includes tokens that you have entered and licence classes that you have created
in Licence Manager.
The Universal Datagram Packet (UDP) port number to use for two-way communication between the cli-
ent and server processes. Ideally, you use the default port value of 1234 unless it conflicts with another
application that is using the default port number. If you use a different port number, it is essential that
you add the -lm switch to the desktop shortcut for the client program. For example, for the Surpac
desktop shortcut, "<Surpac Installation Directory>\surpac2.exe" -lm licServer.
UDT file
An update token (UDT) file is a file with a .udt extension that contains one or more licence tokens. You
add a .udt file to Licence Manager to make the licences associated with those tokens available to users
on the local area network. By adding a .udt file, you can make modules available to users for a period of
time. When the expiry date on the token has passed, those modules are no longer available.