Directions: Arrange the jumbled word to reveal the evidence in the history of life on earth. Write the answer on the
space below the grid
This module will help you understand the historical development of the concept of life based on emerging pieces of
evidence. This will trace back the events, processes, and living organisms existed on earth from the earliest time to
During the 1800s, geologists and the naturalists found several forms of physical evidence that confirmed that Earth is
very old. The evidence includes: fossils of ancient sea life on dry land far from oceans, this supported the idea that
the Earth changed over time and some dry land today was once covered by oceans; the many layers of rock allowed
the people to realize that rock layers represent the order in which rocks and fossils appeared, thus they were able to
trace the history of Earth and life on Earth; lastly, the indications that volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and erosion
that happened long ago shaped much of the Earth’s surface and supported the idea of an older Earth. This will help
you understand the historical development of the concept of life based on emerging pieces of evidence. This will
trace back the events, processes, and living organisms existed on earth from the earliest time to present.
The universe is about 4.6 billion years old. Life on earth, probably began only between 3.5 and 4.0 billion years
ago. Evidences from fossil records show the emergence of the different life forms. The common ancestor of all life
was prokaryotic. Since, oxygen was scarce on the early Earth, so the ancestral cell must also have been an
anaerobic. There are some challenges encountered in searching for the evidence of early life. Cells are microscopic
and most have no parts to fossilize. The tectonic plate movements have destroyed nearly all rocks older than about 4
billion years, and most of the younger rocks have been heated or undergone processes that destroy the traces of
biological material. At present, the oldest cell microfossils (microscopic fossils) are filaments from 3.5 billion-year-
old rocks in Western Australia. The filaments resemble chains of modern photosynthetic bacteria and the rocks in
which they occur are the remains of ancient stromatolites.
The researchers look for biomarkers specific to eukaryotes. It is a substance that occurs only or predominantly in
cells of a specific type. Eukaryotes are organisms having true nucleus. The DNA is enclosed within the nucleus
whereas DNA of most prokaryotes lies enclosed in the cell’s cytoplasm. The first eukaryotes were protists.
For life to evolve from simple single-celled organisms to many millions of species of prokaryotic species to simple
eukaryotic species to all the protists, fungi, plants, and animals, took some time. The first life forms were very basic
and this then allowed for the evolution of more complex life forms. Eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic cells.
The evolution of life is brought about the changes in the environment which are linked to changes in climate and
geology. These Earth’s environmental changes made the Earth’s environment more suitable for a wider variety of life
Earth is the home of organisms including animals, plants and microorganisms. They are found in the different parts of
the planet. The ecosystems-the biological communities- include living organisms (biotic factors) like animals, plants,
insects and bacteria (interacting to its environment), as well as the non-living components (abiotic factors) like the
rock, soil, water and sunlight. Non-living things are classified as inanimate objects that may influence, alter or impact
the life of biotic factors. These abiotic factors are essential to biotic factors in various ways.
The field of science that deals with the study of life is the Life Science or Biology. It involves different disciplines.
These disciplines are connected to one another, through which biologist termed as unifying themes.
Unifying Themes
Biological System
- Living things work as a system, at the same time they cannot be separated from non-living things since they are
both operating as a system.
The unifying theme connects the different sub-disciplines that make biology as a science. In addition to, the living
organisms differ from non living organisms in various aspects. What are these shared properties (of living organisms)
that make something “alive”?
II. PRACTICE/APPLICATION/SYNTHESIS: See activity no. 1 and answer worksheet no. 1-2
III. ASSESSMENT: See activity no. 2 and answer worksheet no. 1-2
IV. REFLECTION: See activity no. 3 and answer worksheet no. 1-2
V. FEEDBACK: Teacher’s comments or reactions after submission and checking.
Activity 1:
Directions: Complete the paragraph by filling-up the blanks with the correct word from the box
About (1) __________, the earth was formed as the solar system came into existence with the other planets rotating
around the sun. (2) __________ is said to be geologically violent because of the continuous bombardment by
meteorites and volcanic eruptions. With this condition, minerals were formed from the elements and compounds
contained in the molten material. The oldest material found on earth is the (3) __________ that is estimated to be 4.3
billion years old. Life on earth is believed to begin 3.5 billion years ago with single–celled prokaryotes, as discovered
in sedimentary rock formations called (4) __________. As early as (5) __________, the first photosynthetic organism
thrived the earth which is blue green algae called cyanobacteria. It was 2.0 billion years ago when the first
eukaryotes appeared and the influx of multicellular organisms occurred 1.2 billion years ago. During the Paleozoic
Era which lasted 542 to 251 MYA, the Cambrian and Ordovician Period has been known as the age of invertebrates
when trilobites and cephalopods became dominant in the (6) __________. The (7) __________ is the age of reptiles
that has a span of 251 to 65.5 MYA divided into Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaneous Period. (8) __________ is the era
of recent life and based on paleontological evidence (9) __________ have evolved 250 thousand years ago. (10)
__________ are the only surviving species and one of the living evidences that life have existed on earth.
Directions: Identify what is being ask in the following number.
________1. Appearance of the first eukaryotes and the influx of multicellular organisms occurred 1.2 billion years
________2. Life on Earth initially began with prokaryotes.
________3. Divided into Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous period.
________4. The Paleozoic era when the trilobites and cephalopods became dominant in the ocean particularly
during the Cambrian and Ordovician.
________5. The early earth is said to be violent because of the meteorites and volcanic eruptions.
________6. The first photosynthetic organism thrived the earth which is blue green algae called cyanobacteria
________7. The Cenozoic era- recent life and based on paleontological evidence. Homo erectus have evolved.
________8. This discipline explained that organisms’ structures fit with their functions.
________9. This discipline explained that the living organisms survive depending on how one will adapt to its
changing environment.
________10. In this discipline the diversity of life arises by change leading to the present biodiversity that we see.
________11. It uses light to perform the process of photosynthesis.
12-15. What are the four evidences in the history of life on earth.
14. ._____________
15. ._____________
Direction. Directions: Write at least fifty-word reflection paper on: “Why should I study history of life?”.
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