ME EngRW 11 Q3 0504_AK_Process Analysis
ME EngRW 11 Q3 0504_AK_Process Analysis
ME EngRW 11 Q3 0504_AK_Process Analysis
Answer Key
Let’s Check in
Categorize the reading materials you mentioned in the Warm-up! Section into instructional
and informative texts. Explains why you labeled them that way.
Answers may vary. Students must be able to categorize correctly the reading materials
they chose based on the discussion of process analysis writing.
1. What is the purpose of the process analysis pattern of development? to discuss the
steps taken in a given process
2. In cooking pasta, you have to boil the water first. Then, when it boils, add a tablespoon of oil
and a pinch of salt. Stir it. Put the pasta in the boiling water. Check it every few minutes until
it is cooked.
Reading and Writing Skills
What type of process analysis pattern is exemplified in the text above? instructional or
3. First, turn on the AVR. Second, click the power button in the CPU. Wait until the lock screen
appears. Then, encode your pin code or password. Finally, wait for your desktop to set up.
What type of process analysis pattern is exemplified in the text above? instructional or
4. It is a type of process analysis pattern that explains how a certain process works.
5. How could one distinguish an instructional process analysis pattern from an informative
one? In an instructional process analysis pattern, there are directives given that must be
followed. Meanwhile, the informative process analysis pattern only informs the readers
on the process.
Reading and Writing Skills
Content (50%) The focus on The focus on The focus on The focus on
Clear and the topic is the topic is the topic is the topic is
evident focus on unclear. The somewhat clear. The very clear. The
the topic and
paragraph clear. The paragraph paragraph
usage of
development is paragraph development is development is
inappropriate development is appropriate appropriate
pattern of
paragraph and somewhat and effective. and effective.
development ineffective. appropriate
and effective.
Language There are four There are two There is one There are no
(25%) or more to three language error. language
Spelling, language language errors.
mechanics, errors. errors.
grammar, and
word usage