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I. Choose A, B, C, D, or E for the best answer!

Text for numbers 1-5 C. The match between Germany and Japan
Do you like watching football? I love D. The won of Germany
watching football. Did you know that the Qatar E. The match of Japan and Argentina
World Cup has been going for almost a week?
During that one week, there were two big 4. “It gave me goosebumps watching the more
teams that lost. The first was Argentina and intensely attack delivered by Japan.” (Par.3)
Germany. I watched the match at home with What sense is used in the sentence?
my father on Wednesday, 23rd November A. Sense of smell
2022. Do you want to know how it went? I will B. Sense of taste
sum up for you guys. At this match, I supported C. Sense of touch
Japan. D. Sense of sight
The match was started with high intensity E. Sense of sound
between the German and Japanese national
teams. The German national team played 5. “I’m glad that Japan won the game.” (Par. 4)
offensively, while Japan applied tight pressing The underlined word is similar meaning to ….
from the start of the game. At the 25 th minutes, A. sorry
Germany got a penalty, the Ilkay Gundogan, B. pity
who came out of executor did a good job, C. desolate
Germany won 1-0. D. Miserable
In the second half, Japan gave intense E. Delighted
attacks. In the 75th minutes, Ritsu Doan
equalized 1-1 for Japan. I felt so excited when Text for numbers 6-10
Japan equalized the score. It gave me Who is Jon Rahm? Jon Rahm is a
goosebump watching the more intensely attack professional golfer, who reached career high
delivered by Japan. Finally, they succeeded in ranking of No.2 in the world after winning the
turning the position around after Takuma 2018 Career Builder Challenge. He also got
Asano scored against Manuel Neuer with 2-1 number one golfer in the World Amateur Golf
score until the end of the match. Ranking for a record 60 weeks. In June 2021,
I think both of teams played so well. I was also Rahm became the first Spanish golfer to win
happy to hear the applause and cheering from the U.S. Open. His born was on November
spectators. But a part of all that, I’m glad that 10th, 1994, in Barrika, Basque Country, Spain.
Japan won the game. Jon Rahm is 1.88 m tall and weights 99 kg.
1. What does the text talk about? he has round face with beard, big hazel eyes.
A. It talks about the writer’s experience of His body is big. He has short black hair and
watching a football match;Germany vs always wears a cap while playing golf.
Japan Jon Rahm is gifted with natural leadership
B. It talks about the Qatar World Cup and the capacity to accumulate great wealth.
C. It talks about Germany He possesses the ability to inspire people to
D. It talks about Japan join him in his quest, even when they are
E. It talks about the goals at the match incapable of seeing what he sees. Besides
that, Jon Rahm tends to be quite adaptable,
2. When was the match held? and he finds it easy to fit into most social set
A. November 20, 2022 ups and vocational fields.
B. November 23, 2022 6. Based on the text, Jon Rahm is a/an ….
C. November 26, 2022 A. British
D. November 29, 2022 B. Brazilian
E. November 30, 2022 C. Dutch
D. Italian
3. “Do you want to know how it went?” (Par. 1) E. Spanish
A. The Qatar World Cup
B. The loss of Japan 7. How long could Jon Rahm maintain his title as
the number one golfer in the world?
1 SAS GASAL TP.2024/2025
A. 2 weeks squeeze your acne, doing so will make the
B. 10 weeks acne take longer to clear and increase your
C. 30 weeks risk for scarring and dark spots called post-
D. 40 weeks inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
E. 50 weeks  Stay out of the sun and tanning beds. Along
with increasing your risk for skin cancer,
8. i. Jon Rahm is thin tanning damages your skin and can worsen
ii. Jon Rahm is a bearded man acne. Some acne medications can also
iii. Jon Rahm is sociable make your skin very sensitive to damaging
iv. Jon Rahm is a motivator ultraviolet rays from the sun and tanning
Which statements are true based on the text? beds.
A. Statements i and iii 11. What is the type of the text above?
B. Statements iii and iv A. Descriptive text
C. Statements i and ii B. Procedure text
D. Statements ii and iv C. Recount text
E. Statements ii and iii D. Narrative text
E. News item text
9. “… natural leadership and the capacity to
accumulate great wealth.” (Paragraph 3) 12. What is the purpose of the text?
What word can replace the underlined word? A. To show the writer’s knowledge about acne
A. Volume B. To give the readers some options in
B. Usage treating acne
C. Need C. To ask the readers to be confident with
D. Function acne
E. Ability D. To retell the writer’s experiences of treating
10. The main idea of paragraph 2 is …. acne
A. Jon Rahm’s personal life E. To tell the readers how to have acne
B. Jon Rahm’s achievements 13. Who recommends these tips?
C. Jon Rahm’s career A. A zoologist
D. Jon Rahm’s personality B. A dermatologist
E. Jon Rahm’s looks C. A pianist
D. A teacher
Text for numbers 11-17 E. A biologist
If you’re treating your acne but still seeing
breakouts, it can be frustrating. Acne has many 14. “Apply it with your fingertips.” (Paragraph 3)
causes, and treatment looks different for What does the bold (it) word refer to?
everyone. Fortunately, there are some self- A. fingertip
care steps you can take at home to help B. non-abrasive cleanser
manage your acne during treatment. To get C. skin
best result from your acne treatment, board- D. face
certified dermatologists recommend these tips. E. sponge
 Choose your skin clean. Gently wash your
face up to twice daily and after sweating. 15. Which of the following information is true about
Choose a gentle non-abrasive cleanser. treatment for acne?
Apply it with your fingertips, as scrubbing A. Clean your face with a gentle shampoo
with washcloths, sponges, and other tools B. Don’t change your treatment too often
can irritate your skin. C. You don’t have to wash up your face
 Choose the right skincare. Use gentle regularly
skincare products and one that say “alcohol D. Skincare with alcohol composition is more
free” on the label. Avoid product that can effective for treatment
irritate your skin, including astringents, E. Exposing your face to sunlight is
toners, and exfoliates. These products can quickening process of treatment
dry your skin and make acne appear worse.
 Shampoo regularly. The oil from your hair 16. Which information is true about the paragraph
can cause acne on your forehead. If you seven?
have oily hair, shampoo more often than A. Popping out acne is an addictive activity
you do now and keep your hair away from B. Never touch the acne because it can make
your face. it worse
 Stick to your treatment. Trying new acne C. We should touch the acne to cure the acne
treatments too often can irritate your skin problem
and cause breakouts. Give your treatment D. Scar or dark spot is the side effect of the
time to work. It may take several weeks to treatment
few months before you see a difference. E. Squeezing acne will make your face
 Keep your hands off. Touching your face flawless
throughout the day can cause acne to flare.
While it can be tempting to pick, pop, or 17. The best tittle for the text is ….

2 SAS GASAL TP.2024/2025

A. The Important of Cleaning Acne 22. “Consider limiting news to just a couple of
B. 6 Skincare Habits that Can Clear Acne times ....” (Point 1)
C. Tips for Having Acne The bold word is the closest meaning to ….
D. Thing to Manage Your Glowing Skin A. Permit
E. The Products that can irritate your skin B. Ignore
C. Follow
Text for numbers 18-22 D. Spend
Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress E. Think
Feeling emotional and nervous or having
trouble sleeping and eating can all be normal Text for number 23-27
reactions to stress. Here are some healthy Fever is a condition where the body’s
ways you can deal with stress. temperature increases above the normal range.
 Take breaks from watching, reading, or People will immediately take medicine to get rid
listening to new stories in social media. of fever. However, it’s better for you to try some
Consider limiting news to just a couple of tips to reduce fever without medicine.
times a day and disconnecting from phone, First, snack on healthy fruits. Berries,
TV and computer screens for a while. watermelon, oranges, and cantaloupe are rich in
 Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, exercise, vitamin C which can help keep hydrated, fight
get plenty of sleep, and give yourself a break infections and lower your fever.
if you feel stressed out Second, eat some soup. You can eat chicken
 Take care of your body soup with rice and some vegetables. It may
 Make time to unwind. Try to do some other actually have medicinal properties and also help
activities you enjoy keep hydrated.
 Talk to others. Talk with people you trust Third, drink plenty of water. Fever can lead
about your concern or how you’re feeling dehydration which can make the sufferer feel
and Share your problems to her/him. worse. You can avoid dehydration by drinking
 Connect with your community-or faith-based plenty of water. Be prepared with a list of
organizations. symptoms and about how much you have been
 Recognize when you need more help. If eating, drinking and how high the fever has
problems continue or you are thinking about been. Also keep track of how often you have
suicide, talk to a psychologist, social worker, urinated.
or professional counselor Last, drink an herbal tea fever reducer. You
Source: can buy or make it yourself. Simply add
18. The text tells us about …. teaspoon of dried herb for every cup of water.
A. How to increase stress Steep the herb in boiled water for 5 minutes and
B. Tips for caring the body flavor desired with lemon and honey. Avoid
C. Some ways to handle stress adding milk, since dairy products tend to
D. Some options to limit news increase congestion.
E. Some healthy ways to lose weight 23. What is the type of the text?
A. It is descriptive text
19. Which of the following information is true about B. It’s recount text
the text? C. It’s procedure text
A. The text has the genre of describing D. It is narrative text
B. The purpose of the text is to tell the reader E. It’s news item text
how to get stress
C. The text has the genre of instructing 24. “It may actually have medicinal properties and
D. The text is to persuade the reader to solve also help keep hydrated” (paragraph 3).
their stress What does it refer to?
E. The type of the text is the recipe A. Snack healthy fruit
B. Lower fever
20. Which of the following is not a tip to cope with C. Chicken soup
stress? D. Plenty of water
A. Meet up with community E. Drink herbal tea
B. Posting photos on social media
C. Take care of healthy body 25. From the text, we conclude that ….
D. Take breaks from social media A. condition where the body’s temperature
E. Share problems to the trusted person increases above the normal range is fever
B. eating chicken soup might relieve fever
21. “Take care of your body”. (Point 3) C. oral rehydration solution will make fever
It means that …. worst
A. You eat anything you want D. eating mango can also reduce fever
B. You exercise regularly E. CeraLyte doesn’t need doctor supervision
C. You sleep only two hours a day
D. You eat only meat and beef 26. Which imperative is match with the paragraph
E. You sleep the whole day 4?
A. Drink a herbal tea

3 SAS GASAL TP.2024/2025

B. Drink a lot of water 31. What should we eat at night before bedtime?
C. Eat fruits which rich of vitamin C A. Low protein
D. Eat some soup B. High protein
E. You can avoid dehydration by drinking C. Saturated fat
water D. Carbohydrate
E. Sugar
27. “Also keep track of ...” (Paragraph 4)
The closest meaning of the underline word is 32. The text has the genre of ….
…. A. Narrating
A. Monitor B. Arguing
B. Lose track of C. Describing
C. Listen to D. Instructing
D. Forget E. Explaining
E. Ignore
33. Which one of these things is not kinds of
Text for numbers 28-35 gadget can disturb our sleep time?
Things to do to Sleep Quickly A. Television program
One of the problems on bed is insomnia. A B. Electronic mail
few people often get difficulty sleeping, C. Smartphone
although they’re already sleep. If you’re one of D. Night lamp
them, you may follow these steps: E. USB fan
1. Try to breathe with your mind. When you
breath slowly, you can be calm and relax. 34. One of the reasons why the gadgets have to
Then make you sleepy and easily fall keep away before go to sleep is ….
asleep. A. They make us sleep deeply
2. I personally believe the mattress gives a big B. They can increase our electricity bill
effect in sleeping. The mattress which C. Gadget can help us to rest our mind after
match with your body and sleep style will long activity in a day
make you sleep comfortably. D. Their radiation is too dangerous for our
3. Put the gadgets away at bedtime. You health
shouldn’t check anything application in E. their programs are very useful to look at
social medias or TV program. Just make
your bed and start to rest your body. 35. The antonym of word comfortably is ….
4. Do we need to low or high the room A. Pleasantly
temperature? Researchers have found that B. Agreeably
a cooler temperature helps people to sleep C. Restfully
faster and deeply. D. Unsatisfyingly
5. Who doesn’t want to eat carbohydrate at E. Warmly
night? One study found that eating
carbohydrate four hours before bedtime II. Answer these questions below!
helps people to sleep faster and well. Tips for Reducing the Amount of Sugar in
28. The goal of the text is …. Children’s diets
A. To explain how people can have insomnia  Don’t ban sweets. Saying children can’t have
B. To give the readers options to sleep quickly doughnuts or cake ever again can create
C. To tell the readers how to fall asleep fast cravings. Just make these kinds of foods a
D. To present some points of few in sleeping special treat instead of a regular part of their
deeply diet
E. To describe the feeling after sleeping  Modify recipes. Many recipes taste just as
deeply good with less sugar added. Try reducing the
amount of added sugar by half and see how
29. What happens when we breathe slowly? it comes out
A. We suddenly fall asleep  Avoid sugary drinks. It is recommended that
B. We feel calm children should have no more than 12 grams
C. We cannot sleep of sugar a day (3 teaspoons). Yet one can of
D. We are angry regular soda has 40 grams (10 teaspoons) of
E. We feel anxiety added sugar. Cutting of sodas and juices is
an easy way to reduce sugar
30. “Researchers have found that a cooler  Eat more fruit. Fruit has plenty of natural
temperature…” (Point 4) sugar. Eat more to satisfy your sugar
The synonym of the bold word is …. cravings. Make desserts that are centered
A. Weather around fruit. Try a fruit smoothie instead of a
B. Warmth milkshake.
C. Cold
D. System 1. What is the text about? ….
E. Air conditioner 2. Why can’t we ban sweet foods? ….

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3. How much sugar should children have a
day? ….
4. Who should read the text? ….
5. Mention and Explain the generic structure of
Procedure text! ….

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