Clarification-EPC- Aapati To Tapola.05.04.2024

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Minutes of the Tender Conference held in the office of the Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune.

Name of Work :- Construction of Major Bridge Across Koyana Back Water From Village Aapati To
Tapola Tal. Jawali & Mahabaleshwar Dist. Satara.

E-TENDER NOTICE NO. 163 / 1 FOR 2023-2024 (EPC)

( Online e-tender No. 2024_PWDRP_1031789_1 )
Points raised by the contractor on online e-tender portal as well as physically during the prebid meeting.

Pre-tender conference for the above mentioned work was held in the office of the Chief Engineer,
Public Works Region, Pune on dated.19/03/2024 at 12.30 Hrs. The clarification/decision given on them
by the Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune is given here with separately.

Sr. No Clause No. and Page No. Points Raised by bidder Clarification
1 2 3 4

1 Volume -I, RFP, Page no 4, This project is located in a remote No of Years for
Completion Period, No of area and min 20 m of standing completion of work to be
Years for completion of work 24 water, So we can work only 6 read as 36 months.
months. months of a year i.e. 4 months for
monsoon and 2 months for
standing water. Considering the
site situation please allow a
completion period up to 30 to 36
2 Volume - I, RFP, BID Tender Condition: NIT Shall Prevail
Capacity. 1 BID Capacity

A = Maximum value of Civil Bidders who interalia meet the

Engineering and Electrical minimum qualification criteria
Engineering works excluding the will be qualified only if their
amount of bonus received, if any, available BID capacity is more
in respect of EPC Projects than the total BID value (value as
executed in any one year during per Clause 1.1.1). The available
the last five years (updated to the BID capacity will be calculated as
price level of the year indicated per following, based on
in table at Note-3 below) taking information mentioned at
into account the completed as Annexure-VI of Appendix-IA:
well as works in progress. The Assessed Available BID capacity
EPC projects include turnkey = (A*N*2.5 – B + C), Where
project/ Item rate contract/ N= Number of years
Construction works. prescribed for completion of work
for which Bid is invited.
A= Maximum value of Civil
Engineering and Electrical
Engineering works excluding the
amount of bonus received, if any,
in respect of EPC Projects
executed in any one year during
the last five years (updated to the
price level of the year indicated in
table at Note-3 below) taking into
account the completed as well as
works in progress. The EPC

Sr. No Clause No. and Page No. Points Raised by bidder Clarification
1 2 3 4
projects include turnkey project/
Item rate contract/ Construction
B =Value (updated to the price
level of the year indicated in table
at Note-3 below) of existing
commitments, works for which
Appointed Date/ Commencement
Date has been declared or on-
going works to be completed
during the period of completion of
the works for which BID is
invited. For the sake of
clarification, it is mentioned that
works for which LOA has been
issued but Appointed Date/
Commencement Date not declared
as on Bid Due Date shall not be
considered while calculating value
of B.
C =The amount of bonus received,
if any, in EPC Projects during the
last 5 years (updated to the price
level of the year indicated in table
at Note-3 below)

Queries/Remarks by Bidder :-
This is mainly civil work so,
please consider this clause as A =
Maximum value of Civil
Engineering works excluding the
amount of bonus received, if any,
in respect of EPC Projects
executed in any one year during
the last five years (updated to the
price level of the year indicated in
table at Note-3 below) taking
intoaccount the completed as well
as works in progress. The EPC
projects include turnkey project/
Item rate contract / Construction

3 RFP Apati Agreement - Page no

36 - (Cl. No. 2.21.1) -
Additional Performance

EPC Apati Agreement - Page no

41 - Article 7 - CI. No. 7.1 (i) -
Additional Performance

Sr. No Clause No. and Page No. Points Raised by bidder Clarification
1 2 3 4
Within Tender condition - Within 30 NIT shall Prevails
(a) If the Bid Price offered by (thirty) days of receipt of Letter of
the Selected Bidder is lower than Acceptance, the selected Bidder
10% but up to 20% of the shall furnish to the Authority an
estimated Project Cost, then the irrevocable and unconditional
Additional Performance Security guarantee from a Bank in the
shall be calculated @20% of the form set forth in Appendix-VII
(the “Performance Security”) for
difference in the (i) Estimated
an amount equal to 1% (one
Project Cost (as mentioned in percent) of its Bid Price. In case of
RFP)-10% of the Estimated Project bids mentioned below, the
Cost and (ii) the Bid Price offered Selected Bidder, along with the
by the selected Bidder. Performance Security, shall also
furnish to the Authority an
(b) If the Bid Price offered by the irrevocable and unconditional
Selected Bidder is lower than 20% guarantee from a Bank in the
of the Estimated Project Cost, then same form given at Appendix-VII
the Additional Performance towards an Additional
Security shall be calculated @ 30% Performance Security (the
“Additional Performance
of the difference in the (i) Security”) for an amount
Estimated Project Cost (as calculated as under:
mentioned in RFP)-10% of the
Estimated Project Cost and (ii) the (i) If the Bid Price offered
Bid Price offered by the Selected by the Selected Bidder is lower
Bidder. than 10% but upto 20% of the
estimated Project Cost, then the
(c) This Additional Performance Additional Performance Security
Security shall be treated as part of shall be calculated @20% of the
the Performance Security. difference in the (i) Estimated
Project Cost (as mentioned in
RFP)-10% of the Estimated
Project Cost and (ii) the Bid Price
offered by the selected Bidder.

(ii) If the Bid Price offered

by the Selected Bidder is lower
than 20% of the Estimated Project
Cost, then the Additional
Performance Security shall be
calculated @ 30% of the
difference in the (i) Estimated
Project Cost (as mentioned in
RFP)-10% of the Estimated
Project Cost and (ii) the Bid Price
offered by the Selected Bidder.

(iii) This Additional Performance

Security shall be treated as part of
the Performance Security.
Queries/Remarks by Bidder:-
As per the MORTH-NHAI GR
No. NH 3701510112022-H-Part
(1) dated. 3 1/08/2022, please
amend this clause as, I) If

Sr. No Clause No. and Page No. Points Raised by bidder Clarification
1 2 3 4
the Bid Price offered by the
Selected Bidder is lower than 20%
of the estimated Project Cost/cost
put to tender, then the Additional
Performance Security shall be
calculated @20% of the difference
in the (i) Estimated Project Cost (as
mentioned in RFP)- 20% of the
Estimated Project Cost and (ii) the
Bid Price offered by the selected
II) Maximum limit of Additional
Performance Security shall be
limited to 3% of the Bid price
offered by the selected bidder.

4 Schedules - Page no 20 - (CI. No. Considering the last two years The avg. standing water
3.02) - Water Level (Avg.) water level data from August to level mentioned on the
636.510 M Feb i.e. up to 645 m. We can't GAD is based on data
Approved GAD - Pile Cap execute a pile cap of 636m level. procured from the
Bottom Level (Avg.) 636.510 M So please consider pile cap irrigation dept. The same
bottom min 645m shall be treated as
indicative. The
successful contractor is
required to ascertain and
confirm the same before
construction and
acceptable within the
financial offer.

5 Schedules - Page no 22 - (Cl.

No. 3.11) - Water Level (Avg.)
636.510 M.

Each pile shall have a minimum The unsupported length of the NIT Provision Shall
6 mm thick permanent Mild pile is around 20 m so difficult to Prevails.
Steel liner between pile cap and execute in a 6 mm thick liner,
rock top please consider 8 mm thk liner
for pilling.

6 Schedules - Page no 27 -
Annexure -1, cl 9, a) Sr. No
Balanced Cantilever.

450.00 length (90 + 135 + 135 + Is pseudo cables compulsory, can Structurally extradozed
90 m spans) with Pseudo Cables. extradosed type bridge can be type of Bridge is
Cast in situ Balanced Cantilever provided? acceptable within the
Bridge with PSC Box Girder Financial offer.
Can span arrangement of balance
cantilever changed, keeping total
bridge length same?

Sr. No Clause No. and Page No. Points Raised by bidder Clarification
1 2 3 4

7 Schedule - D, Page no 58 - cl

One span dislodged condition Since it is balance cantilever, one

shall be considered as span dislodge case can not be IRC Codal requirement
erection/Transient Design designed? Kindly clarify shall prevails.
situation condition for the
purpose of design.

8 Schedule - D, Page no 58 - cl

Deck slab thickness shall not be Is 300mm thickness of deck slab

NIT Provision Shall
less than 300 mm and not less compulsory for box girder? IRC
code allows lesser values Prevails.
than 200 mm at the tip of
cantilever in transverse direction
irrespective of the provisions
elsewhere in case of cast in situ

9 Schedules, Page no 21 - cl 3.06

- Sky gallery.

The sky gallery: Looking from It may lead to conjunction of Suitable alternative
Tourism perspective a Sky traffic, Is it necessary to provide asthetic arrangements
an 18 m height Sky Gallary at can be proposed by
gallery is proposed at all pylon
each pylon location? successful bidder.
locations with a stair However, its safety
case on either side of the bridge and its structural
to reach the gallery, as shown in stability shall be got
GAD approved from Chief
Engineer, Design
Circle, Mumbai.

10 Schedules - Page no 27 -
Annexure -1, cl 9, a)

450.00 length (90 + 135 + 135 Pseudo Cables are not designer Structurally extradosed
+ 90 m spans) with Pseudo items, so can we adopt another type bridge is
type of material for Aesthetic acceptable within
Cables. Cast in situ Balanced
view instead of Pseudo Cables? financial offer.
Cantilever Bridge with PSC Another type of
Box Girder Segments. material for asthetic
view is permitted but
its safety and structural
stability shall be got
approved from Chief
Engineer, Design
Circle, Mumbai.

Sr. No Clause No. and Page No. Points Raised by bidder Clarification
1 2 3 4

11 General - Under water structure This project will be executed in NIT Provision Shall
min 20 m of standing water, so Prevails.
there is a requirement of a Barge,
Pontoon, Pontoon Walkway &
Boat for Passenger & Shifting
of Material for under water
Structure. Please clarify the
provision considered in the

12 Schedules - Page no 27 -
Annexure -1, cl 9, a)

450.00 length (90 + 135 + 135 + Please clarify whether the NIT Provision Shall
90 m spans) with Pseudo provision of Form traveller Prevails.
Cables. Cast in situ Balanced considered
Cantilever Bridge with PSC Box
in estimate?
Girder Segments.

13 General - 18 m Pylon As per GAD Pylon is 18 m in NIT Provision Shall

height with a viewing gallery, Prevails.
Please clarify whether the
provision of a Fixed crane for
material moving is considered in
the estimate.

( Avinash Sharma ) ( S.D.Sonawane )

Sr. Divisional Accounts Officer, Executive Engineer,
Public Works (West) Division.Satara Public Works (West) Division.Satara

( S,B Rokade ) ( A B. Chavan )

Superintending Engineer, Chief Engineer,
Public Works Circle, Satara. Public Works Region, Pune.

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