Called initially the Division of Investigation or Di was patterned after the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation were Thomas
Dugan, a veteran American police captain from the New York Police Department and Flaviano C. Guerrero, the only Filipino member
of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation.
On June 19, 1947, by virtue of Republic Act No. 157, it was reorganized into the Bureau of Investigation under the Department of
Justice. Later it was amended by Executive order No. 94 issued on October 4, 1947 renaming it to what it is presently known, the
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), which remained attached to DOJ.
Executive Order No. 292, the Administrative Code of 1987, provided for the Organizational Structure and Operation of the DOJ and
its attached agencies, including NBI.
Republic Act No. 10867, otherwise known as “National Bureau of Investigation Reorganization and Modernization Act”.
Specific Roles:
Services offered:
OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR- headed by a Director, appointed by the President. Director is responsible for the overall management
and direction of the NBI.
ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION- responsible for administrative functions, including human resource, finance and procurement
INTELLIGENCE DIVISION- responsible for gathering intelligence on criminal activities and providing support to investigative
TECHNICAL SUPPORT DIVISION- provide technical areas such as, forensics, cybercrime, and surveillance.
SPECIAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION- handles high profile cases, organized crime, and cases involving national security.
REGIONAL OPERATION SERVICES- oversees regional offices across the country
LEGAL AND PROSECUTION DIVISION- responsible for prosecuting cases and providing legal advice
TRAINING DIVISION- provide training and capacity program for personnel
PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE- responsible for communication and outreach activities, including media relations and public
awareness campaigns.
SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION- provide services such as logistics, maintenance, and facilities management.
Related Agencies:
1. Bureau of Immigration- manages the entry and exit of foreigners, enforces immigration laws, and investigates related crimes.
2. Bureau of Correction- oversees the national penitentiary system, focusing on rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders.
3. Parole and Probation Administration- manages the release of individuals on parole or probation, ensuring compliance with
4. Presidential Commission on Good Government- investigates and recovers ill-gotten wealth from former officials of the
Marco’s regime.
5. Public Attorney’s Office- provide legal assistance to low income Filipinos in criminal and civil matters.
6. Land Registration Authority- registers land titles and maintains accurate ownership records
7. Office of the Government Corporate Counsel- offers legal advice to government owned corporations
8. Office of the Solicitor General- represent the government in legal proceedings, serving as the legal counsel.
9. Philippine National Police- coordinates on cases requiring police support and large-scale operations.
10. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency- investigation of drug related crimes under R.A 9165
11. Anti-Money Laundering Council- investigates money laundering and financial crimes.
12. Cybercrime Investigation and Coordination Center- cybercrime investigation under R.A 10175
13. Office of the Ombudsman- investigates corruption cases involving public officials
14. National Telecommunications- cases related to communication fraud and cybercrime
15. Philippine Coast Guard- helps in monitoring ports
16. National Intelligence Coordinating Agency- collaborate with the intelligence gathering and analysis
17. Department of Justice- oversees NBI operations, particularly in prosecuting criminal cases.
18. Bureau of Customs- combats smuggling, customs fraud, and illegal imports.
19. INTERPOL (PHILIPPINES)- the local arm of the International Criminal Police organization (INTERPOL), which facilitates
international police cooperation and crime control.
- Means that the PNP is a nationwide government organization whose jurisdiction covers the entire breadth of the Philippine
- All uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of the PNP are national government employees.
- Means that that the PNP is not a part of the military, although it retains some military attributes such as discipline.
On January 9, 1901, the Metropolitan Police Force of manila was organized pursuant to Act No. 70 of the Taft Commission.
Act No. 183- enacted on July 13, 1901 created the Manila Police Department
Act No. 175- “An Act Providing for the Organization and Government of an Insular Constabulary”, established on August 8, 1901.
R.A 4864- otherwise known as the “Police Act of 1966”, enacted on August 8, 1966; created the Police Commission as supervisory
agency to oversee the training and professionalization of the local police forces under the Office of the President.
P.D 765- Integration Act of 1975, enacted on August 8, 1975: established the Integrated National Police (INP) composed of
Philippine Constabulary (PC) as the nucleus and integrated local police force as components, under the Ministry of National
R.A 6975- department Of Interior and Local Government Act of 1990, enacted on December 13, 1990 reorganized the DILG and
PENOLOGY AND THE PHILIPPINE PUBLIC SAFETY COLLEGE. PNP became operational on January 29, 1991.
R.A 8551- “The Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998”, enacted on February 25, 1998; this law
amended certain provisions of R.A 6975.
R.A 9708- law amending the provisions of R.A 6975 and R.A 8551 on the minimum educational qualification for appointment to the
PNP and adjusting the promotion system; approved on August 12, 2009.
“ An act extending for five (5) years the reglementary period for complying with the minimum educational qualification for
appointment to the PNP, and adjusting the promotion system thereof, amending for the purpose pertinent provisions of R.A 6975 and
R.A 8551 and for other purposes.”
Sit-ups: Male 35 (1 minute), Female 25 (1 minute)
Push-ups: Male 35 (1 minute), Female 25 (1 minute)
3 km Run: Male (19 minutes), Female 21 (minutes)
4. PPT- PSYCHOLOGICAL AND/ OR NEURO-PSYCHIATRIC TEST (written and oral examination)
DILG- Parent agency
NAPOLCOM- Administer and control PNP
NBI- Investigation and Intelligence work
PDEA- Drug related case
IAS- Conduct inspections and audits on PNP personnel and units
PLEB- One of the disciplinary authorities of the PNP authorized to handle and investigate citizen’s complaint
The National Police Commission shall administer the entrance and promotional examinations for police officers on the basis of the
standards set by the Commission (as amended by RA 8551).
POLICE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION – taken by applicants of the PNP
POLICE PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS – taken by in-service police officers as part of the mandatory requirements for promotion.
The appropriate eligibilities for PATROLMAN/PATROLWOMAN are those acquired from the following:
- NAPOLCOM PNP Entrance Examination
- R.A. No. 6506 (Licensed Criminologist) as amended by R.A 11131
- R.A. No. 1080 (Bar and Board Examinations of baccalaureate degree)
- P.D. 907 (Granting Civil Service Eligibility to College Honor Graduates)
- Civil Service Professional
PERMANENT – when an applicant possesses the upgraded general qualifications for appointment in the PNP.
TEMPORARY – Any PNP personnel who is admitted due to the waiver of the educational or weight requirements.
Any members who will fail to satisfy any of the waived requirements with the specified time periods shall be dismissed from the
service. Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2007-009, a newly recruited PO1 shall be appointed in temporary
status in twelve (12) months pending compliance with the Field Training Program (FTP) involving actual experience and assignment
in patrol, traffic and investigation.
I. Regular Promotion - promotion granted to police officers meeting the mandatory requirements for promotion.
1. Educational attainment
2. Completion of appropriate training/schooling, such as:
Master’s Degree -Chief Superintendent and above
Officers Senior Executive Course (OSEC) – Supt to Sr. Supt
Officers Advance Course (OAC) – Chief Insp.
Officers Basic Course (OBC) – Sr. Insp.
Officers Candidate Course (OCC) – SPOIV
Senior Leadership Course (SLC) – SPOIII to SPOIV
Junior Leadership Course (JLC) – POIII to SPOI
3. Time-in Grade – the number of years required for a police officer to hold a certain rank before he can be promoted to the
next higher rank. The time-in grade in the PNP is maintained as follows (NAPOLCOM MC # 2011-196):
2 years – from Sr Supt to Chief Supt.
3 years – from Supt to Sr Supt
5 years – Chief Insp to Supt
5 years – Sr Insp to Chief Insp
4 years – Insp to Sr Insp
3 years – SPO4 to Insp
3 years – SPO3 to SPO4
3 years – SPO2 to SPO3
3 years – SPO1 to SPO2
3 years – PO3 to SPO1
3 year – PO2 to PO3
4 years – PO1 to PO2
II. Special Promotion – promotion granted to police officers who have exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk
of his/her life above and beyond the call of duty.
Conspicuous courage is a courage that is clearly distinguished above others in the performance of one’s duty.
Memorandum Circular No. 2009-019)
1. A deed of personal bravery and self-sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty, so conspicuous as to distinguish the act
clearly over and above his/her comrades in the performance of more than ordinary hazardous service, such as; but not limited
to the following circumstances:
a. Overwhelming number of enemies and firepower capability as against the strength of PNP operatives and their firepower
b. Infiltration and penetration of the safehouses and hideouts of organized crime syndicates like kidnapping, illegal drugs,
carnapping, hijacking and terrorism;
c. Shoot-out in robbery/hold-up incidents inside public places such as: malls, government offices, business establishments and
d. Conduct of rescue/disaster operations that resulted in the saving of lives and properties.
2. An act of heroism exhibited in the face of an armed enemy or in the conduct of rescue/disaster operations resulting in the
loss of life (posthumous promotions).
Posthumous Award – in case an individual who distinguish himself dies before the granting of the awards.
a) Attrition by attainment of Maximum Tenure in Position.
Maximum Tenure in Position refers to the maximum cumulative period for a PNP member to hold a particular position level.
Position Maximum Tenure
Chief Four (4) years
Deputy Chief Four (4) years
Director of the Staff Services Four (4) years
Regional Directors Six (6) years
Provincial/City Directors Nine (9) years
b) Attrition by Relief – A PNP uniformed personnel who has been relieved for just cause and has not been given an assignment
within two (2) years after such relief shall be retired or separated.
c) Attrition by demotion in position or rank – Any PNP personnel, civilian or uniformed, who are relieved and assigned to a position
lower than what is established for his or her grade in the PNP staffing pattern and who shall not be assigned to a position commensurate
to his or her grade within EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS after such demotion shall be retired or separated.
d) Attrition by non-promotion – Any PNP personnel who has not been promoted for a continuous period of TEN (10) YEARS shall
be retired or separated
e) Attrition by other means -Any PNP member of officer with at least five (5) years of accumulated active service shall be separated
based on any of the following:
1. Inefficiency based on poor performance during the last two (2) successive annual rating periods;
Poor performance refers to the poor rating in the promulgated PNP Performance Evaluation Rating System.
2. Inefficiency based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative annual rating periods;
3. Physical and/or mental incapacity to perform police functions and duties.
4. Failure to pass the required entrance examinations twice and/or finish the required career course except for justifiable reasons;
5. Refusal to take periodic PNP Physical Fitness Test without justifiable reason.
Physical Fitness Test refers to the method of evaluating the physical condition of PNP members in terms of stamina, strength,
speed and agility.
6. Failure to take PNP Physical Fitness Test for four (4) consecutive periodic tests due to health reasons;
7. Failure to pass PNP Physical Fitness Test for Two (2) consecutive periodic tests or four (4) cumulative periodic tests; or
8. Non-compliance with the minimum qualification standards for the permanency or original appointment.
RETIREMENT- the separation of the police personnel from the service by reason of reaching the age of retirement provided by law, or
upon completion of certain number of years in active service. A PNP uniformed personnel shall retire to the next higher rank for
purposes of retirement pay.
a) Compulsory– for officer and non-officer, upon the attainment of age Fifty-Six (56). Provided, in case of any officer with the
rank of CSUPT, Director or Deputy Director General, the Commission may allow his retention in the service for an unextendible
of one (1) year.
b)Optional – upon accumulation of at least Twenty (20) years of satisfactory active service.
Monthly retirement pay shall be FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of the base pay in case of twenty years of active service, increasing by
TWO AND ONE-HALF PERCENT (2.5%) for every year of active service rendered beyond twenty years.
Employment -refers to utilization of units or elements of the PNP for purposes of protection of lives and properties, enforcement
of laws, maintenance of peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of criminal offenders and bringing the offenders to justice
and ensuring public safety, particularly in the suppression of disorders, riots, lawlessness, violence, rebellious and seditious
conspiracy, insurgency, subversion or other related activities.
Deployment - shall mean the orderly and organized physical movement of elements or units of the PNP within the province,
city or municipality for purposes of employment
Citizen Complaints -pertains to any complaint initiated by a private citizen or his duly authorized representative on account
of an injury, damage or disturbance sustained due to an irregular or illegal act committed by a member of the PNP
1)CHIEF OF POLICE - where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days
2) CITY/MUNICIPAL MAYORS - where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period not less than Sixteen but not exceeding
Thirty (30) Days.
3) PEOPLE’S LAW ENFORCEMENT BOARD (PLEB) -where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges,
restriction to specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period exceeding Thirty
(30) Days, or by Dismissal.
INTERNAL DISCIPLINE – On dealing with minor offense involving internal discipline found to have committed by any
PNP members, the duly designated supervisors shall, after due notice and hearings, exercise disciplinary powers as follows:
1)CHIEF OF POLICE - may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand; restriction to specified limits;
withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; or any combination of the foregoing for a period not exceeding
Fifteen (15) Days.
2)PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS - may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand; restriction to
specified limits; withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; or any combination of the foregoing for a period
not exceeding Thirty (30) Days.
3)REGIONAL DIRECTORS - may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand; restriction to specified
limits; withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; demotion; or any combination of the foregoing for a
period not exceeding Sixty (60) Days.
4)CHIEF OF THE PNP - shall have the power to impose the disciplinary punishment of dismissal from the service;
suspension or forfeiture of salary; demotion; or any combination of the foregoing for a period not exceeding One Hundred
Eighty (180) Days.
MINOR OFFENSE - shall refer to an act or omission not involving moral turpitude but affecting the internal discipline of the PNP,
and shall include but not be limited to:
-simple misconduct or negligence
-frequent absences or tardiness
-habitual drunkenness
-gambling prohibited by law
The IAS shall also conduct, motu proprio (on its own initiative), and automatic investigation of the following cases:
-incidents where a police personnel discharges a firearm;
-incidents where death, serious physical injury, or any violation of human rights occurred in the conduct of a police operation;
-incidents where evidence was compromised, tampered with, obliterated, or lost while in the custody of police personnel;
-incidents where a suspect in the custody of the police was seriously injured; and
-incidents where the established rules of engagement have been violated.
-headed by the INSPECTOR GENERAL who is a CIVILIAN and appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the
Director General (Chief, PNP)
-the Inspector General shall be assisted by a Deputy Inspector General
-there shall be national, regional and provincial offices
-the national office shall be headed by the Inspector General, the regional offices by a Director, and the provincial offices by a
composed of five (5) members who shall be as follows:
-any member of the sangguniang panlungsod/bayan.
-any barangay chairman of the locality concerned.
-three other members to be chosen by the local peace and order council from among the members of the community.
-for the three other members, the following conditions must be met:
-one must be a woman
-one must be a lawyer, or a college graduate, or the principal of an elementary school in the q locality
-the CHAIRMAN of the PLEB shall be elected from among its members
-the term of office of the members of the PLEB is THREE (3) YEARS
1. Withholding of privileges
2. Restriction to specified limits
3. Restrictive custody
4. Forfeiture of salary
5. Suspension
6. Any combination of the penalties above (1 to 5)
7. One (1) rank demotion
8. Dismissal from the service
- The determination in advance of how the objectives of the organization will be attained; involves the determination of a course
of action to take in performing a particular function or activity
- a management function concerned with visualizing future situation, making estimates concerning them, identifying issues,
needs and potential danger points, analyzing and evaluating the alternative ways and means of reaching desired goals
according to a certain schedule, estimating the necessary funds and resources to do the work and initiating action in time to
prepare what may be needed to cope with changing conditions and contingent events
-general plan of action that serves as a guide in the operation of the organization or unit
-codes of procedures
-those which require actions or assistance from persons or agencies outside of the department
-involve coordination with other agencies
-examples are: exchange of information on wanted persons, known drug syndicates, known organized crime groups,
stolen vehicles, etc