Uninterruptible Power Supplies - v1.0_0

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Title Block

Test Report Template Name:

Version Number:
Latest Template Revision:
Tab Name:
File Name:

Reference Test Procedure

Appendix Y to Subpart B of Part 430—Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consum

Table of Contents
General Info & Test Results
Setup & Instrumentation
General Setup
Optional UPS Classification
VFD Efficiency
VI Efficiency
VFI Efficiency
Output Efficiency Calculation
Report Sign-Off Block
Test Conditions
Version Control



Instructions for Completing this Template

Follow the steps below, filling in all input cells (shaded light blue) in each tab you are instructe
cell is useful, but does not ensure that all input cells are reached. To guarantee that you enter
blue cells in the entire area bounded by yellow-shaded cells.
Follow the steps below, filling in all input cells (shaded light blue) in each tab you are instructe
cell is useful, but does not ensure that all input cells are reached. To guarantee that you enter
blue cells in the entire area bounded by yellow-shaded cells.

Important: Start with a clean (unused) template copy for each new report. Enter only data an
current test of that unit. All abbreviations and variable names should be consistent with the ref


Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Uninterruptible Power Supplies

Part 430—Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Battery Chargers

Instructions and Table of Template Contents
Lab Information, Test Information, Product Information and Test Results
Instrumentation Requirements and Space for Sensor Placement Descriptions
General Preparation and Setup
Optional Test for Determining UPS Type
Input for UPS Efficiency in VFD Mode
Input for UPS Efficiency in VI Mode
Input for UPS Efficiency in VFI Mode
Calculation for Overall Efficiency
Inputs for Anomalies That Affect Test Results or Interpretations
Inputs for Product and Sensor Placement Photos
Report Review History
Table of Test Condition Requirements for Each Test
Description of Abbreviations used throughout Report Template
Report Template Revision History

Tabs with input cells

Input cell
Auto-populated cell
Provided data

ing this Template

ng in all input cells (shaded light blue) in each tab you are instructed to complete. Using TAB to "hop" from in
ensure that all input cells are reached. To guarantee that you enter all required information, you must visually
bounded by yellow-shaded cells.
ng in all input cells (shaded light blue) in each tab you are instructed to complete. Using TAB to "hop" from in
ensure that all input cells are reached. To guarantee that you enter all required information, you must visually
bounded by yellow-shaded cells.

ean (unused) template copy for each new report. Enter only data and information that are unique to the unit te
abbreviations and variable names should be consistent with the reference test procedure.


General Info & Test Results

Setup & Instrumentation
General Setup
Optional UPS Classification
VFD Efficiency
VI Efficiency
VFI Efficiency
Output Efficiency Calculation
Report Sign-Off Block
Send separate Raw Data files for "VFD Efficiency", "VI Efficiency", "VFI Efficiency" tabs
Title Block
Test Report Template Name:
Version Number:
Latest Template Revision:
Tab Name:

File Name:

Test Completion Date:

Lab Information
Lab Name:
Lab Location:

Test Information
Date Test Started:
Date Test Finished:

UPS Information
Manufacturer Model Number:
Serial Number:
Date Manufactured:
Date Product Received:
Condition as Received:

VFD Support:
VI Support:
VFI Support:
Rated Output Power [W]:
Rated Apparent Power [VA]:

If the UPS has any additional features

unrelated to maintaining continuity of load
power in case of input AC power failure,
please describe and note setting:
Device Information (if, applicable)
Manufacturer Model Number:
Serial Number:
Date Manufactured:
Date Product Received:
Condition as Received:

Battery Information (if, applicable)

Manufacturer Model Number:
Serial Number:
Date Manufactured:
Date Product Received:
Condition as Received:

Battery Chemistry:
Rated Battery Voltage [V]:
Rated Battery Charge Capacity [Ah]:
Rated Battery Charge Energy [Wh]:
Uninterruptible Power Supplies



Figures of Merit for Tested Unit


(for VFD only)
(for VI only)

(for VFI only)

Overall Average Efficiency for VFD (if applica

[MM/DD/YYYY] Overall Average Efficiency for VI (if applicable
Overall Average Efficiency for VFI (if applicab

NOTE: This is only a copy; sign off is done i

Test Report Sign-Off Block

We certify that the information and data i

test unit under test; (2) were obtained du
not copied from any other source, except
altered or modified in any way.

Test Completion
Template Completion

Report Review by Test Lab

Report Review by Test Lab

Back to Instructions Tab

es of Merit for Tested Unit

ble Result
25% Load
50% Load
75% Load
100% Load
25% Load
50% Load
75% Load
100% Load
25% Load
50% Load
75% Load
100% Load
l Average Efficiency for VFD (if applicable)
l Average Efficiency for VI (if applicable)
l Average Efficiency for VFI (if applicable)

: This is only a copy; sign off is done in the Report Sign-Off Block tab
Report Sign-Off Block

rtify that the information and data in this report: (1) were obtained from the specific
nit under test; (2) were obtained during the specific test being reported; (3) were
opied from any other source, except where instructed to do so; and (4) were not
d or modified in any way.

Role Date Entity

ompletion [MM/DD/YYYY] [Test Lab Name]
ate Completion [MM/DD/YYYY] [Test Lab Name]

t Review by Test Lab [MM/DD/YYYY] [Test Lab Name]

t Review by Test Lab [MM/DD/YYYY] [Test Lab Name]

Title Block
Test Report Template Name: Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Version Number: v1.0
Latest Template Revision: 1/23/2024
Tab Name: #VALUE!

File Name: #VALUE!

Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Set-Up (This table should include instrumentation, sensors, and all equipment used d
Instrument Type Brand

Required Uncertainty and Resolution of Measuring Instrumentation

The power or energy meter must provide true root mean square (r. m. s) measurements
of the active input and output measurements, with an uncertainty at full rated load of less
than or equal to 0.5% at the 95% confidence level notwithstanding that voltage and
current waveforms can include harmonic components. The meter must measure input
and output values simultaneously.
Back to Instructions tab

sors, and all equipment used during testing)

Model # Sensor Location

are (r. m. s) measurements
ainty at full rated load of less
nding that voltage and
eter must measure input
Accuracy Date of Last Calibration
Deadline for Next Calibration
Title Block
Test Report Template Name:
Version Number:
Latest Template Revision:
Tab Name:

File Name:

Test Completion Date:

Configure the UPS according to Annex J.2 of IEC 62040–3 Ed. 2.0 (incorporated by referenc
1. If the UPS can operate in two or more distinct normal modes as more than one UPS arch
dependency mode where VFD represents the highest possible input dependency, followed b

2. The UPS must not be modified or adjusted to disable energy storage charging features. M
energy storage system is fully charged (at the start of testing) as follows:
(1) If the UUT has a battery charge indicator, charge the battery for 5 hours after the UUT
(2) If the UUT does not have a battery charge indicator but the user manual shipped with th
(3) If the UUT does not have a battery charge indicator or user manual instructions, charge

3. All DC output port(s) of the UUT must remain unloaded during testing.

4. Additional features should be configured as prescribed in Section 4.2.2.

Energy Storage System Preparation

Charge Time
Uninterruptible Power Supplies



Annex J.2 of IEC 62040–3 Ed. 2.0 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) with the following additional require
or more distinct normal modes as more than one UPS architecture, conduct the test in its lowest input depend
presents the highest possible input dependency, followed by VI and then VFI.

or adjusted to disable energy storage charging features. Minimize the transfer of energy to and from the ene
arged (at the start of testing) as follows:
ge indicator, charge the battery for 5 hours after the UUT has indicated that it is fully charged.
attery charge indicator but the user manual shipped with the UUT specifies a time to reach full charge, charge
attery charge indicator or user manual instructions, charge the battery for 24 hours.

UT must remain unloaded during testing.

configured as prescribed in Section 4.2.2.

Start Time
orated by reference, see § 430.3) with the following additional requirements:
han one UPS architecture, conduct the test in its lowest input dependency as well as in its highest input
ndency, followed by VI and then VFI.

arging features. Minimize the transfer of energy to and from the energy storage system by ensuring the

urs after the UUT has indicated that it is fully charged.

al shipped with the UUT specifies a time to reach full charge, charge the battery for 5 hours longer than the t
structions, charge the battery for 24 hours.

End Time
Back to Instructions tab

al requirements:
ut dependency as well as in its highest input

m the energy storage system by ensuring the

e, charge the battery for 5 hours longer than the time specified.
Title Block
Test Report Template Name: Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Version Number: v1.0
Latest Template Revision: 1/23/2024
Tab Name: #VALUE!

File Name: #VALUE!

Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

UPS Architecture Classification Tests

Note: The following tests are OPTIONAL to determine UPS architecture.


1. Perform the AC input failure test in Section of IEC 62040–3 Ed. 2.0 (incorporated
2. Verify if the UPS switches from normal mode of operation to battery power while the inp

1. Perform the steady state input voltage tolerance test in Section of IEC 62040–3 E
2. Verify if the UPS remains in normal mode with the output voltage within the specified ou
rated input voltage.
1. Perform the steady state input voltage tolerance test and the input frequency tolerance t
2. Verify if the UPS produces an output voltage and frequency within the specified output ra
rated input voltage and the input frequency is varied by ±2 percent of the rated input frequ

Optional Test(s) Performed

Test Name Performed?
VFD Test
VI Test
VFI Test
e Power Supplies
Back to Instructions tab

ine UPS architecture.

2.7 of IEC 62040–3 Ed. 2.0 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3).

operation to battery power while the input is interrupted.

test in Section of IEC 62040–3 Ed. 2.0.

he output voltage within the specified output range when the input voltage is varied by ±10% of the

test and the input frequency tolerance test in Sections and of IEC 62040–3 Ed. 2.0
d frequency within the specified output range when the input voltage is varied by ±10 percent of the
ed by ±2 percent of the rated input frequency.

d by ±10% of the

2040–3 Ed. 2.0

10 percent of the
Title Block
Test Report Template Name: Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Version Number: v1.0
Latest Template Revision: 1/23/2024
Tab Name: #VALUE!

File Name: #VALUE!

Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

NOTE: If the UPS does not support VFD mode, this tab can be left blank.

1. Ensure the UPS is running in VFD setting.

2. Ensure the UPS has been properly set up according to Section 4.2.
3. Connect the data logging equipment to the UPS.
4. Test the UPS in the order of 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%* of the rated output power with a refe
5. For each reference load tested, allow sufficient time for the UPS to reach steady state as speci
6. Calculate the efficiency of each tested reference load by using either the average power metho

*: The 25% loading point measurement is only required for UPSs in VFD mode with rated output

Efficiency at Different Loading Points

Loading Condition

Back to Instructions tab

utput power with a reference load.

ch steady state as specified in Sectio
e average power method, or the accumulated energy method as specified in Section 4.3.3.

mode with rated output power of less than or equal to 1,500 Watts.

100% 75% 50%

ection 4.3.3.

Title Block
Test Report Template Name: Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Version Number: v1.0
Latest Template Revision: 1/23/2024
Tab Name: #VALUE!

File Name: #VALUE!

Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

NOTE: If the UPS does not support VI mode, this tab can be left blank.

1. Ensure the UPS is running in VI setting.

2. Ensure the UPS has been properly set up according to Section 4.2.
3. Connect the data logging equipment to the UPS.
4. Test the UPS in the order of 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%* of the rated output power with a refe
5. For each reference load tested, allow sufficient time for the UPS to reach steady state as speci
6. Calculate the efficiency of each tested reference load by using either the average power metho

*: The 25% loading point measurement is only required for UPSs in VFD mode with rated output

Efficiency at Different Loading Points

Loading Condition

Back to Instructions tab

utput power with a reference load.

ch steady state as specified in Sectio
e average power method, or the accumulated energy method as specified in Section 4.3.3.

mode with rated output power of less than or equal to 1,500 Watts.

100% 75% 50%

ection 4.3.3.

Title Block
Test Report Template Name: Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Version Number: v1.0
Latest Template Revision: 1/23/2024
Tab Name: #VALUE!

File Name: #VALUE!

Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

NOTE: If the UPS does not support VFI mode, this tab can be left blank.

1. Ensure the UPS is running in VFI setting.

2. Ensure the UPS has been properly set up according to Section 4.2.
3. Connect the data logging equipment to the UPS.
4. Test the UPS in the order of 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%* of the rated output power with a refe
5. For each reference load tested, allow sufficient time for the UPS to reach steady state as speci
6. Calculate the efficiency of each tested reference load by using either the average power metho

*: The 25% loading point measurement is only required for UPSs in VFD mode with rated output

Efficiency at Different Loading Points

Loading Condition

Back to Instructions tab

utput power with a reference load.

ch steady state as specified in Sectio
e average power method, or the accumulated energy method as specified in Section 4.3.3.

mode with rated output power of less than or equal to 1,500 Watts.

100% 75% 50%

ection 4.3.3.

Title Block
Test Report Template Name: Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Version Number: v1.0
Latest Template Revision: 1/23/2024
Tab Name: #VALUE!
File Name: #VALUE!
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Output Efficiency Calculation

〖𝐸𝑓𝑓〗 _𝑎𝑣𝑔=(𝑡_(25%)∗├ 𝐸𝑓𝑓┤|_(25%) )+(𝑡_(50%)∗├ 𝐸𝑓

Output Efficiency shall be calculated using the equation below:

_(75%) )+(𝑡_(100%)∗├ 𝐸𝑓𝑓┤|_(100%) )

UPS Load Weightings

Rated Output Power (W) UPS Architecture

P ≤ 1500W
P > 1500W VFD, VI, or VFI

*Measuring efficiency at loading points with 0 time weighting is not required.


UPS Supported Input Dependency

25% Load
50% Load
Loading Point Efficiency
75% Load
100% Load
Average Load Adjusted Efficiency
Back to Instructions tab

%) )+(𝑡_(50%)∗├ 𝐸𝑓𝑓┤|_(50%) )+(𝑡_(75%)∗├ 𝐸𝑓𝑓┤|


%) )

Portion of Time Spent at Reference Load*

25% 50% 75% 100%

0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3
0 0.3 0.4 0.3
0 0.3 0.4 0.3

Title Block
Test Report Template Name:
Version Number:
Latest Template Revision:
Tab Name:

File Name:

Test Completion Date:

Uninterruptible Power Supplies
v1.0 Back to Instructions tab


Title Block
Test Report Template Name:
Version Number:
Latest Template Revision:
Tab Name:

File Name:

Test Completion Date:

1. Nameplate showing model number and serial number (if applicable)

3. Photograph of battery charger as received (including all parts and application)

5. Photograph of UPS connection to test load
6b. Additional photograph of test room set-up, including all instrumentation
Uninterruptible Power Supplies



ing model number and serial number (if applicable)

attery charger as received (including all parts and application)

PS connection to test load
ograph of test room set-up, including all instrumentation
Back to Instructions tab

2. FTC EnergyGuide label (if present)

4. Photograph of battery, including any markings (if applicable)

6a. Photograph of test room set-up, including all instrumentation
7. Additional photos (if necessary)
Title Block
Test Report Template Name: Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Version Number: v1.0
Latest Template Revision: 1/23/2024
Tab Name: #VALUE!

File Name: #VALUE!

Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Test Report Sign-Off Block

By signing in the space below, we certify that the information and data in this report: (1) were ob
obtained during the specific test being reported; (3) were not copied from any other source, exce
modified in any way.

Test Completion
Template Completion
Report Review by Test Lab
Report Review by Test Lab
Back to Instructions tab

n this report: (1) were obtained from the specific test unit under test; (2) were
m any other source, except where instructed to do so; and (4) were not altered or

Date Entity
[MM/DD/YYYY] [Test Lab Name]
[MM/DD/YYYY] [Test Lab Name]
[MM/DD/YYYY] [Test Lab Name]
[MM/DD/YYYY] [Test Lab Name]
Title Block
Test Report Template Name:
Version Number:
Latest Template Revision:
Tab Name:

File Name:

Test Completion Date:

Electric Supply Conditions


AC Voltage

Test Room Conditions


Room Air Temperature

Air Speed immediately surrounding the UUT
Uninterruptible Power Supplies




Electric Supply Voltage (provide plots of voltage vs.

time showing compliance with requirements)

Electric Supply Voltage Frequency (provide plots of

frequency vs. time showing compliance with


Room Air Temperature

r Speed immediately surrounding the UUT

within 3% of the highest rated voltage

within 1% of the highest rated



20 - 30 °C
≤ 0.5 m/s
Title Block
Test Report Template Name:
Version Number:
Latest Template Revision:
Tab Name:

File Name:

Test Completion Date:

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Voltage and Frequency Dependent
Voltage and Frequency Independent
Voltage Independent
Uninterruptible Power Supplies



pply UPS
ependent VFD
dependent VFI
Title Block
Test Report Template Name:
Version Number:
Latest Template Revision:
Tab Name:

File Name:

Test Completion Date:

Revisions List
Uninterruptible Power Supplies




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