2007 Martin de Frees Qiu
2007 Martin de Frees Qiu
2007 Martin de Frees Qiu
Apr–Jun 2007"
1 Introduction and Li are condensable metal vapors and can coat the mir-
ror collection optics, which will degrade the mirror’s reflec-
According to the International Technology Roadmap for
tivity. Output power, imaging capability, wafer throughput,
Semiconductors !ITRS", the 32-nm node will require next-
generation lithography for semiconductor productions with and overall cost of ownership are important factors in de-
a light wavelength of 13.5 nm, which is termed extreme termining which of the sources tool suppliers and chip
ultraviolet lithography !EUVL".1–3 Currently, there are sev- manufacturers will select, but one commonality with all
eral processes under development to produce EUV photons EUVL sources is that the collector optics must be robust
at this wavelength including laser produced plasma pinches and have a long lifetime.
!LPP", gas discharged plasma pinches !GDPP", and Although GDPP, LPP, and vacuum arc convert about 1
vacuum arcs.4 Some drawbacks of the various schemes in- to 4% of net deposited plasma energy into EUV photons,
clude a low collection efficiency, the degradation of the the remaining energy generates out-of-band radiation and
electrode system, and the limited lifetime of the collector produces highly energetic ions and neutrals in the dense hot
optics.4,5 plasma that move outward in all directions. A fraction of
The initial choice of a target material for the EUV pinch these ions strike electrode surfaces, injection nozzles, and
was xenon, as it yields a modest series of line transitions in the vacuum chamber producing low-energy sputtered at-
the 13.5± 0.2-nm range with a 1% conversion efficiency.4 oms, and another fraction will reflect and create a source of
Now that EUV source power requirements are approaching medium-energy gas atoms. Highly energetic ions will also
200 W, assuming a 10 mJ/ cm2 resist, xenon is becoming travel the same line of sight path as the desired photons into
increasingly untenable as this exposes the plasma-facing the collector optics.6 These sources of ion and low-energy
collector mirror optics to conditions that are extremely sputtered atoms are collectively labeled “debris,” and miti-
harsh and damaging. gation techniques are the subject of ongoing efforts to
As such, alternative target materials, such as Li and Sn, block this debris from reaching the collector optics. Various
have been identified to have a higher electrical conversion mitigation techniques include foiltraps and E and B repul-
efficiency and yield a broader band spectra at 13.5± 0.2 nm sions fields.6,7 Foiltraps are the industry standard technique
for Sn and a narrow line spectrum at 13.5 nm for Li and and are effective, but they still allow debris to reach the
both of these target materials have a higher EUV conver- collector optics. For high-volume manufacturing operation
sion efficiency, on the order of 1 to 4%.4 However, both Sn !100 wafers per hour", the collector optics must not lose
more than 10% of absolute EUV reflectivity over 1011
1537-1646/2007/$25.00 © 2007 SPIE pulses or 30 000 h.8
Fig. 4 !a" Sample 0, !b" sample 1, !c" sample 2, !d" sample 3, !e" sample 4, and !f" sample 5.
shown in Fig. 4. When looking at the as-received mirror 1 ± 0.5 nm/ min as shown in the resulting profilometry re-
samples in Fig. 4!a", it should be noted that the SCOPE sult in Fig. 6. Figure 4!c" shows the AFM and SEM results
facility is not in a clean room; as can be seen in Fig. 4!a", for sample 2. Again, notice the roughness and the clumping
there was a certain amount of contamination or existing nature of the debris left on the surface of the mirror optics.
debris on unexposed mirror optics samples. This was con- This mirror would also not be reflective.
sidered the control for the remainder of the experiments. Sample 3 repeats the conditions of sample 2, but with
For the first experiment, sample 1 was kept at 50°C and the added He+ flux from the secondary helicon plasma
0 V with the magnetron on. At this temperature, the vapor source. Again, the magnetron was operated under the same
pressure and hence evaporation of Li from the surface is conditions. From Langmuir probe analysis, the new ne,
negligible.18 Because of the location of the sample with with both plasma sources in operation, was 3 ! 1012 cm−3, a
respect to the magnetron, the He plasma used to sputter Li factor of more than 100 times the density from the magne-
from the magnetron overlaps at the sample. Hence, with tron plasma alone, and Te is 6 eV. The debris film is less
just the magnetron plasma, this can be thought of as a sec- than the resolution of the profilometer, but an AFM survey,
ondary plasma source on the mirror optics that would not in Fig. 4!d", clearly shows that there is still debris present
normally be present in an EUVL source. From Langmuir on the surface of the mirror optic.
probe measurements at the sample surface with just the
magnetron plasma on, the electron density, ne, was deter-
mined to be 1 ! 1010 cm−3 and Te of 4.7 eV. However,
sputtering of the Li debris from the mirror sample can also
be deemed as negligible because at 0-V bias, this is in the
electron saturation region and no ion current is being drawn
to the sample. From a profilometry measurement of the
debris thickness on the sample, as shown in Fig. 5, the
deposition rate on the mirror optics was 3.33± .5 nm/ min.
Figure 4!b" shows the AFM survey and SEM survey of
sample 1 and show the Li film on the surface of the mirror
optics to be very rough and to vary widely across the
sample. In this condition, the EUV reflectivity would be
Sample 2 was run under the same conditions but this
time a −100-V bias was applied so as to draw He+ ions in
from the magnetron He plasma and sputter Li from the Fig. 5 Profile of sample 1, run for 60 min at 78 mTorr with the mag-
surface of the mirror optics. This lowered the rate to netron He plasma and the mirror optics at 50°C and 0 V.