LAL For Iron
LAL For Iron
LAL For Iron
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field of 0.39 T and NaCl solution (7 mM) was prepared to and efficient thermal energy transfer to ambient liquid.
examine the effects of electrolytes in LAL. In our experi- Accordingly, the spectral emission is observed only at early
mental condition, 7 mM of NaCl solution was the optimum times.21 At high laser powers, the density of electronically
at later times. In the gas phase pulsed laser deposition, the electrolytes and magnetic field more clearly, the life times at
ejected target material could be transported to a substrate different LAL conditions are shown in Fig. 3(b). They were
mounted a few cm away from the target thereby enabling dep- 80 ns, 129 ns, 102 ns, and 128 ns for deionized water, deion-
osition of thin films,18 while the plume in LAL was confined ized water under magnetic field, NaCl solution, and magnetic
in a small volume of 1.5 mm in diameter. field plus NaCl solution, respectively. This results manifest
Time-resolved images and life times of the plasma that electrolytes and magnetic field are certainly beneficial to
plumes generated in four different conditions at 100 mJ/ prolong the plasma emission.
pulse are displayed in Fig. 3(a); deionized water, NaCl solu- In LAL, the spectral width of plasma emission becomes
tion (7 mM), deionized water under magnetic field, and NaCl quite broadened by Bremsstrahlung emission, and the expan-
solution (7 mM) plus magnetic field. Interestingly, the emis- sion of the plasma plume is restricted due to ambient liquid
sion was fairly extended with ambient electrolytes and/or phase. Thus, the plasma energy is lost quickly and the optical
magnetic field; at 420 ns, the plasma emission was vague in emission peaks are to be detected only at earlier times;21 the
deionized water but it became apparent with aid of either plasma plume cools down in 80 ns and recombination
electrolytes or magnetic field. To illustrate the effects of the occurs.23 Under magnetic field of 0.39 T, however, the
optical emission was observable even at 420 ns, which A shockwave and LIB follow the plasma emission in
implies that the J B force (J: charge current density, B: liquid laser ablation. Figure 4 shows the shadow images of
magnetic field) plays a role not only in gas phase as reported shockwaves at 1 ls after laser ablation for various laser
by Neogi and Thareja but also in liquid phase. They powers. The shockwave was imaged by a shadow image
observed that, in the gas phase, the atomic emission inten- method, where the shockwave was positioned by a dark
sities in carbon plume were inversely proportional to the dis- image of the compressed liquid formed along with the propa-
tance between the magnets and it took more time for gation of the shockwave. A bright spot is observed in front
electrons to cool down under magnetic field. This can be of the target even after the plasma emission as shown in Fig.
understood as follows: as the magnetic field induces electron 4 as well as in Fig. 2(b). This spot is considered to originate
flow in the plume, the plume is more energized through joule from the scattered light by localized NPs. The shockwave
heating and thus electrons cool down more slowly. This showed up at an early stage of LIB formation after the
effect was more distinctive as the spacing between the mag- plasma emission disappeared: the shockwave velocity was
nets was shortened.22 2600 m/s at the laser power of 100 mJ/pulse. The shock-
Also, it was reported that the plasma splits towards the wave velocity was unaltered with variation of the laser
magnetic field in the gas phase; the emission at the boundary power in our experiment, while it showed dependence on the
of the plume was more intense due to the interaction of the laser power and laser pulse duration according to Vogel
plume with the magnetic field and thus lobe-type emission et al.17 This conflict seems to stem from the difference in the
was observed.18,22 However, in our experiment, such phe- experiment; they observed shockwaves generated by an elec-
nomena were not quite conspicuous presumably because the trical breakdown at the focal spot of the laser instead of
emission disappeared prior to the splitting of the plume. laser-impinging on a solid target.
Still, we suggest that the reduced emission intensity under Figure 5(a) shows time-resolved changes in the volume
magnetic field as shown in Fig. 3(b) has to do with the lobe- of LIBs at various laser powers. It was clear that the volume
type emission observed in the gas phase.18 Besides, in the of the LIB increased with the laser power and the LIBs
gas phase, the atomic emission intensities and delay times shrank with time. Also, the expansion velocity of the LIBs
changed with ambient gases and their pressures due to the was faster and their volumes reached their peaks at later
compression effect in the plume;20 the transport velocity of times as the laser power increased. The height and volume of
TABLE I. The conversion ratio of laser to bubble energy at different laser There can be many factors which determine the size of
powers and ablation environment. NPs produced by laser ablation in liquid. And the density of
Bubble energy (mJ) Conversion (%)
atomic species responsible for the plasma emission is cer-
tainly one of the key factors. Accordingly, the particle size
50 mJ 1.5 2.9 can be smaller when the density of emitting species becomes
75 mJ 3.5 4.6 lower. However, the details may be highly complicated;
100 mJ 5.2 5.2
decreased density of emitting species by lower laser power
125 mJ 7.5 6.0
plays a role to reduce the thermal size quenching effect and
150 mJ 9.8 6.5
results in the growth of NPs when nanosecond lasers with
Bubble energy (mJ) Conversion (%) low repetition rate are employed as ablation lasers.30 On the
Water 5.0 5.0
other hand, with femtosecond lasers with high repetition
NaCl 6.4 6.4
Magnet 5.1 5.1
rates, the size of NPs increases at higher laser power because
NaCl þ magnet 5.6 5.6 the supply of the material in liquid phase by laser ablation is
faster than its diffusion rate.31
et al. proved that the size of LIB is inversely proportional to IV. CONCLUSION
the liquid phase pressure.12
Figure 7 shows time-resolved scattered light image of We investigated the effects of laser power, ambient elec-
nanoparticles obtained after laser ablation by sheet-focusing trolytes, and magnetic field on the laser-produced plasma in
of a HeNe laser normal to the expansion of LIB, where a LAL and observed that the lifetime of plasma emission
half circle denotes the size of the LIB. It is apparent that increased with addition of electrolytes and magnetic field.
nanoparticles are formed from ejected materials inside the This suggests that electrolytes have strong influence on the
LIB. This is in line with the results of Ibrahimkutty et al., Bremsstrahlung emission and J B force plays a central
who showed that small primary particles with size of role to extend the lifetime of the plasma emission, while the
8–10 nm are located near the target inside the LIB, and sec- volume of LIBs remained nearly the same. On the other
ondary particles with size if 45 nm formed by aggregation of hand, the laser power was highly influential not only on the
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