Norman, Tinsley, Barksdale, Wiersholm, Campbell, and MacNair
providing built-in material handling constructs, a full- • Material handling systems modeled with a full-
featured programming language and 3-D graphics. This featured simulation language containing built-in
architecture provided for data-driven models using material handling modules and 3-D animation
AutoSched’s input file structures and 3-D animation. One • Independent model development, validation,
drawback to this broad functionality was execution speed. experimentation and support
Addressing this issue, AutoSimulations’ next-generation • Distributed processing, taking advantage of
product, AutoSched AP, was optimized for runtime multiple networked computers or processors
performance. The new object-oriented, C++ environment for improved runtime performance
of AutoSched AP sacrificed the computationally intensive
graphics for exceptionally fast execution speed. Many of 2 PROCESS OVERVIEW
AutoSimulations’ clients were willing to live without
graphics for the drastically improved model run times and Wafer fabrication is an extremely expensive business.
other new functionality of AutoSched AP. Typical fabs today cost several billion dollars to build and
Recently (with the release of AutoMod version 8.7 in equip, due primarily to the extreme “cleanroom”
1998) AutoSimulations has developed a product that environment needed to prevent contamination of the wafers
provides for communication between different simulation during fabrication, the tight physical tolerances of the
models or between models and other applications. This imbedded circuitry of the wafers, and the exotic production
technology is based on “sockets”. Sockets communication materials used. Many elaborate procedures and measures
is provided with most computer operating systems, and the are taken to keep the wafers from being exposed to any dust
TCP/IP standard allows for sockets on different hardware or other foreign matter and all of the process and handling
platforms to communicate seamlessly. Most computer equipment is designed specially for cleanroom use. The
systems have support for communications through TCP/IP equipment and fabs themselves also have a limited useful
Sockets. In Windows NT sockets are called Windows life due to rapidly changing technology and market forces.
Sockets, or WinSock. To be competitive in this environment, semiconductor
Socket communications allow multiple models to be companies need to closely monitor and control production
attached to each other via messages. This attachment can processes and costs. Relatively small improvements, or
be between models on the same computer or with models problems, usually result in big cost impacts.
on multiple networked computers. The messages may The processes involved in wafer fabrication provide
contain text information or data; the message formats are many challenges. For example:
user-defined. The use of multiple models communicating
saves time in model building, because different models can • Individual product routings are diverse and
be developed concurrently by different simulation analysts, highly variable with frequent re-entrant flows
and instead of merging models or code, the models can (meaning the same sets of equipment are
work independently and communicate with each other revisited many times)
where needed. This feature enables users to take • Changing priorities (the “what to work on
advantage of using multi-processor hardware and networks next” decision) constantly require
of machines. adjustments to schedules
Considering the many opportunities now available • Time-critical interdependencies may interrupt
given the ability for models to communicate with one planned sequences or lead to rework if time
another, the obvious new architecture for models of wafer constraints are violated
fabs is to exploit the strengths of different products and • Different batching conditions at various
link them via messaging. For the case studies described in process steps require complex dispatching
this paper, the manufacturing systems (consisting of part decisions which may impact later steps (i.e.
routings, equipment definitions, dispatch algorithms, create starvation or bottlenecks)
operations schedules, etc.) are modeled with the
• High quality standards necessitate frequent
AutoSched AP software. The material handling systems inspections and require periodic tool and
(automated overhead electrified monorails, operators, operator requalifications
storage units, operators, etc.) are modeled with the
• Engineering tests and stringent handling
AutoMod software. The two models communicate via
requirements interrupt or delay equipment use
sockets with the Model Communications Module
• Varying customer demand and new product
application. This design provides many benefits:
introductions result in constantly changing
product mixes.
• Wafer fab process modeling in an
environment specifically designed for that
All of these factors, along with normal process
application, data-driven and extremely fast
variations, create a very dynamic scheduling environment
Process and Material Handling Models Integration
and a daunting environment to analyze or attempt to ongoing process design issue at Dominion and is an
control. The need for automation (not to mention important area of investigation.
simulation!), both in the physical processing of product and The PRI system is controlled by Dominion’s Material
in the control and management of the system is obvious. Control System (MCS), which communicates directly with
The high level of automation and the many systems the Manufacturing Execution System (MES). Together
supporting production lead to the production of vast these systems track the location and status of each lot and
amounts of data. The need exists to better organize, make OEM vehicle in the fab. The AMHS is supported around-
sense of, and present important information from this data the-clock (24x7) by on-site PRI engineers and a small group
in a systematic and timely manner for process monitoring, of Dominion engineers. The Dominion staff is responsible
control and improvements. for recommending efficiency improvements, for new
equipment justification and for ensuring the system is
3 MATERIAL HANDLING functioning properly to support production. A staff member
is always on-call to address any problem that arises.
Sets of wafers (referred to as “lots”) are transported in sealed The IBM facility is the same basic “spine-type” layout
containers called pods. These pods, each containing up to as the Dominion fab. The exact type of material handling
25 individual wafers, are stored within “stockers” inside system was yet to be determined at the time of modeling,
each bay of the clean room. Stockers are automated storage so rather than a specific vendor solution, various
units with an internal robot moving lots between I/O ports alternative material handling systems were modeled for
and shelves; the typical capacity of a stocker is about 200 comparative analysis. One system resembled the
pods. The pods are transported between the bays (isolated Dominion AMHS, another consisted of isolated interbay
rooms connected to a central aisle) via an automated and intrabay monorail systems, another serviced the entire
overhead electrified monorail system. The Dominion fab fab with an interconnected AMHS, and yet another
uses an AMHS provided by Precision Robotics Incorporated consisted of a manual system. Each of the material
(PRI), which uses cars on the rail system to transport the handling schemes could be selected by flag settings in an
pods. The movement of pods between bays is referred to as input data file.
“interbay” transport. Figure 1 below shows the track layout
of the PRI system. Each small loop extending from the 4 MODEL ARCHITECTURE
central aisle (horizontal tracks in the diagram) services one
or more stockers inside a bay. The system architecture provides the flexibility of separate
The PRI system at Dominion currently services 11 use of the models and for tightly integrated operation.
bays on about 3,000 ft. of track, servicing 20 stockers (the Running both models together (referred to as “integrated”
AMHS simulation model included a planned expansion, mode) is necessary any time product routings, demand or
which resulted in 39 stockers in 22 bays). Routing of cars mixes change. Both models’ simulation clocks are
takes place at redirection devices called turntables, which synchronized, with the models communicating via
as the name implies, may rotate and proceed cars to messaging technology provided by the MCM. This mode
different sections of track; there are 23 turntables in the is activated from the AutoSched AP environment, with that
system. Complex routing and parking migration model acting as a “server” to the AutoMod “client”.
algorithms determine the actual paths taken by the cars. Upon model start in integrated mode, a single data file
is read by both models. This file contains definition
information regarding the stockers and local buffer storages.
The use of one input file for both models simplifies the
change management of the storage devices, the only
equipment common to both models (an operator input file
may be added to the IBM model to handle dynamic sharing
of operators for material handling and process tasks).
While running in integrated mode, the AutoSched AP
Figure 1: Dominion AMHS Plan View model messages to the AMHS model when material
handling moves are needed, then waits for the AMHS
For material handling moves inside each bay (so- model to execute the move and return a message that the
called “intrabay” moves), human operators stock in and out move was completed. A unique message type for each of
pods from I/O ports at the stockers. At Dominion, the pods these messages (signified by a particular type of message
may be temporarily stored on racks inside the bay or used defined for the MCM) contains:
immediately on one of the machines in the bay. The racks
in each bay act as local storage buffers to individual or sets • the string name of the lot
of machines. The use and sizing of these local buffers is an • a lot pointer value (an integer)
Norman, Tinsley, Barksdale, Wiersholm, Campbell, and MacNair
Process and Material Handling Models Integration
Norman, Tinsley, Barksdale, Wiersholm, Campbell, and MacNair
aspect since personnel involved with these projects come engineering positions in process equipment engineering,
from different organizations in different physical locations. automation systems development, and mechanical systems
The model architecture has proven effective and design. Philip holds a M.S. degree in Mechanical
versatile; it could be implemented in a wide range of Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a B.S.
similar applications. in Mechanical Engineering from Polytechnic University,
and a BS in physics from St. John’s University.
EDWARD MACNAIR, specializes in modeling
Barksdale, J., Norman, M., Tinsley, D., Wiersholm, O., contention systems in IBM Research’s Mathematical
1999. Integration of Manufacturing & Material Sciences Department. He has more than 30 years of
handling Simulation Models. IIE Simulation Solutions experience at IBM and has worked in the areas of
’99 Proceedings. modeling systems and model tool development. Mr.
Rohrer, M., 1998. Vision of Emulation, AutoSimulations MacNair holds a M.S. in Operations Research from New
Symposium ’98 Proceedings. York University and a B.A. in Mathematics from Hofstra
Stafford, R., 1998. AutoMod/ASAP Integration, Auto- University.
Simulations Symposium ’98 Proceedings.