Until otherwise indicated all rings are arbitrary associative rings not
necessarily possessing an identity element. To simplify the statements of the
results, we expand the usual definition of a prime ideal to include the ring
itself. For any subset A of a ring R we set /-(/I) = (0: A) = {r G R\Ar = 0},
the right annihilator of A; (0: x) being written for (0: {x}). More generally,
for A and B subsets of R, (5: A) will denote {r G R\Ar C B). We let ¡iA)
denote the left annihilator of A.
A ring R is said to have the finite intersection property on right annihilators
provided that whenever riA) = 0 for a right ideal A C R there exists
xv ..., xn G A with n"=i(0: x¡) = 0. It is readily apparent that a ring which
satisfies the descending chain condition on right annihilators possesses this
property; for choosing xx, . . . , xn G A with n"=1(0: x¡) minimal among all
such intersections forces n"=1(0: xt) = 0. The converse is false however. For
instance a commutative subdirectly irreducible (i.e., having a unique minimal
ideal) nil ring which is not nilpotent has the finite intersection property; in
fact it satisfies the stronger requirement that DxSAi0: x) = 0 implies that
(0: x) = 0 for some x G A. But such a ring cannot satisfy the descending
chain condition on annihilators, else by well-known theorem [3, Theorem 1] it
would be nilpotent. For a specific example of such a ring one may take any
subdirectly irreducible homomorphic image of ®0<a<xFxa where F is a field
and multiplication is defined by xaXß = xa + /8 if a + ß < 1 and 0 otherwise
(see Example 3 of [1]). This example also demonstrates that finite intersection
properties on annihilators cannot force the nilpotence of nil rings.
A ring will be called nonsingular if its right singular ideal Z(Ä) is zero,
where Z(/\) = {a G /?|(0: a) is an essential right ideal).
Proposition 1. Assume (1) riP) = Ofor every prime ideal P of R; and
(2) R has the finite intersection property on right annihilators.
Received by the editors December 18, 1974 and, in revised form, March 27, 1975.
AMS (MOS) subject classifications (1970). Primary 16A34; Secondary 16A12, 16A18, 16A46.
Key words and phrases. Finite intersection property on right annihilators, descending chain
condition on right annihilators, right Goldie ring, absolutely torsion-free ring, hereditary kernel
1 This research was supported in part by NSF Grant GP 34098.
© American Mathematical Society 1976
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Then given any nonzero right ideal I of R there exist xx, . . . , xn G / with
n;=1(o:*,.) = o.
Proof. It suffices to show that r(I) = 0 for all nonzero right ideals /. If this
is not the case, then use the finite intersection property together with Zorn's
lemma to choose a right ideal P maximal with respect to r(P) i= 0. Now
r(P + RP) = r(P), so P = P + RP by the maximality of P, and thus P is an
ideal of R. In fact P is a prime ideal. For if A and B are ideals of R properly
containing P then r(A) = r(B) = 0. Hence r(AB) = 0, and it follows that
P C¿ AB. Thus P is a prime ideal with r(P) =£ 0, a contradiction which
establishes the conclusion.
H (0: xA n / = 0.
In particular, R is a semiprime nonsingular ring.
Proof. If the conclusion fails then one can use Zorn's lemma to choose a
right ideal P maximal with respect to the property that r(F) n P =£ 0 for all
finite subsets F of P. If G is a finite subset of P + RP, then there exists a
finite subset F of P with r(F) Ç r(G), and from this it follows that P = P +
RP, so P is an ideal.
Next, from the finite intersection property one has that r(P) =£ 0.
Furthermore P n r(P) =£ 0. Else P C¿ P + r(P), whence there exists a
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1. N. J. Divinsky, Rings and radicals, Mathematical Expositions, no. 14, Univ. of Toronto
Press, Toronto, Ont., 1965. MR 33 #5654.
2. A. W. Goldie, Semi-prime rings with maximum condition, Proc. London Math. Soc.
(3)10(1960),201-220. MR 22 #2627.
3. I. N. Herstein and L. W. Small, Nil rings satisfying certain chain conditions, Canad. J. Math.
16(1964),771-776; addendum, ibid. 18(1966),300-302. MR 29 #3497; 32 #5690.
4. R. A. Rubin, Absolutelytorsion-freerings, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 78(1972),854-856. MR 45
5. J. Viola-Priolo, On absolutely torsion-free rings, Pacific J. Math. 56 (1975), 275-283.