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1(a) Zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid, HCl(aq), as shown in the following equation.

Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)

A student investigates the rate of this reaction.

The student uses the apparatus in the diagram.

The student’s method is outlined below:

• Pour 50.0 cm3 of 0.100 mol dm–3 HCl into the conical flask.
• Add 0.200 g of zinc (an excess), and quickly attach the delivery tube and gas syringe.
• Measure the volume of gas collected every 20 seconds until the reaction stops.

The student obtains the results shown in Table 4.1.

Time / s 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 160 200

Volume of gas / cm 0 16 27 37 39 50 53 58 58
Table 4.1

(i) On the graph paper in Fig. 4.1, label the x axis and plot the results in Table 4.1. [1]

(ii) Circle any anomalous results present in the graph you have drawn in Fig. 4.1. [1]

(iii) Draw a best-fit smooth curve on the graph you have drawn in Fig. 4.1. [1]

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(b) The student repeats the experiment using:

• zinc with the same mass (0.200 g) and same surface area
• the same temperature and pressure
• 40.0 cm3 of 0.125 mol dm–3 HCl, instead of 50.0 cm3 of 0.100 mol dm–3 HCl.

On your graph in Fig. 4.1 sketch the curve you would expect in this experiment. [2]
(c) The graph shows that rate of reaction decreases over time.

Explain why, in terms of collision theory.


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(i) The rate of the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid can be increased using a solution of copper(II)
sulfate as a catalyst.

Explain how a catalyst increases the rate of reaction.


(ii) Why is it difficult to classify the solution of copper(II) sulfate as a homogeneous or heterogeneous catalyst in
this reaction?


2(a) Nitrogen can be reacted with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst to make ammonia in the Haber process.

N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) ΔH = –92 kJ mol–1

Describe and explain the effect of increasing the pressure on the rate of this reaction.


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(b) A mixture of N2 and H2 was left to react until it reached equilibrium. The equilibrium mixture had the following

N2 1.20 mol dm–3

H2 2.00 mol dm–3
NH3 0.877 mol dm–3

(i) Calculate a value for Kc for this equilibrium.

Kc = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dm6 mol–2 [3]

(ii) Explain how the following changes would affect the amount of NH3 present in the equilibrium mixture.

Use of a catalyst:

A higher temperature:


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3(a) When potassium chromate(VI), K2CrO4, is dissolved in water an equilibrium is set up. The position of equilibrium
is well to the left and the solution is a yellow colour.

The addition of aqueous acid turns the solution an orange colour.

Aqueous alkali is then added and the solution turns a yellow colour.

Explain these observations in terms of le Chatelier’s principle.

(b) Catalysts can be used to change the rate of some chemical reactions.

(i) Zinc and sulfuric acid react together to form a solution of zinc sulfate, ZnSO4, and hydrogen gas. The
reaction is exothermic.

The rate of the reaction increases when a catalyst is added.

Complete the enthalpy profile diagram for this reaction using the formulae of the reactants and products.
Label activation energies, Ea (without catalyst) and Ec (with catalyst).
Label the enthalpy change of reaction, ΔH.

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(ii) Using a Boltzmann distribution, explain how a catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction.

Include a labelled sketch of your Boltzmann distribution on the grid below. Label the axes and any other
important features.

Your answer needs to be clear and well organised using the correct terminology.

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(c) This question is about equilibrium and catalysts.

The equilibrium between NO2 and N2O4 gases is set up in a gas syringe at room temperature.
The two gases are different in appearance.

Using le Chatelier's principle, predict and explain how the following changes would affect the appearance of the
equilibrium mixture.

(i) The gas mixture is compressed by pushing in the plunger of the gas syringe.


(ii) The gas syringe is placed in a warm water bath.


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4(a) A student investigates the reaction between strontium carbonate and dilute nitric acid.

SrCO3 + 2HNO3 → Sr(NO3)2 + CO2 + H2O

The rate of reaction is determined from the loss in mass over a period of time.

(i) Explain why there is a loss in mass during the reaction.


(ii) An excess of strontium carbonate, SrCO3, is mixed with 20.0 cm3 of 1.25 mol dm−3 nitric acid, HNO3.

Calculate the mass of SrCO3 that reacts with the HNO3.

mass = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g [3]

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(b) The student plots a graph of total mass (reagents + container) against time.

(i) Describe and explain the change in the rate of the reaction during the first 200 seconds of the experiment.


(ii) Using the graph, calculate the rate of reaction, in g s−1, at 200 seconds.

Show your working on the graph.

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rate of reaction = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g s−1 [2]

(c) Outline a method that could be used to obtain the results that are plotted on the graph.

Your answer should include the apparatus required and the procedure for the experiment.


5(a) State le Chatelier's principle.


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(b) Methanol, CH3OH, is an important feedstock for the chemical industry.

In the manufacture of methanol, carbon dioxide and hydrogen are reacted together in the reversible reaction
shown below.

CO2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ CH3OH(g) + H2O(g) ΔH = −49 kJ mol−1

High pressures and low temperatures would give a maximum equilibrium yield of methanol.

(i) Explain this statement in terms of le Chatelier's principle.


(ii) Explain why the actual conditions used by the chemical industry might be different.



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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

1 a i Use of graph paper 1(AO2.4× ALLOW Time (s) OR Time in s

linear numerical scale chosen for x 1) ALLOW seconds OR sec OR secs
AND Tolerance ± 1 small square
Time / s added as label
AND Point at 0,0 NOT required
ALL points plotted correctly ✓ ALLOW up to 3 plotting errors

Examiner’s Comments

Most candidates obtained this mark, some

lost the mark because they did not use a
linear scale or provide units.

ii Anomaly 1(AO2.4x ALLOW one more anomalous point NOT

point at 80 s circled ✓ 1) on the curve drawn in (iii)

Examiner’s Comments

Nearly all the candidates obtained this


iii Line 1(AO3.1) Examiner’s Comments

smooth curve using all points
EXCEPT point at 80 s ✓ Nearly all the candidates obtained this

b Initial slope is steeper 2(AO2.8×

AND curve levels off at an earlier time ✓ 2)

Same volume of gas produced (58 cm3) ✓ Tolerance ± 1 small square

Examiner’s Comments

Many students did not sketch this curve or

sketched a curved that was less steep and
did not finish at 58cm3.

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c Rate 2(AO IGNORE amount of acid decreases,

(Acid) concentration decreases. ✓ 1.1×2) response must imply a volume and NOT
area, e.g. fewer particles/molecules/ions in
same space /volume
Fewer collisions per second
OR less frequent collisions ✓ ‘fewer collisions’ alone is not sufficient (no

Examiner’s Comments

Many responses detailed why the graph

was steep at the beginning, rather than
answering the question. Those that did
explain the decrease often omitted the
words concentration and frequency so the
majority did not gain 2 marks. A large
number of candidates discussed particles
“losing energy” and “less successful
collisions” so were not given any marks.

d i Catalyst lowers the activation energy (by 2(AO1.2×

providing an alternative route) ✓ 2)

A greater proportion of molecules have ALLOW ‘more’ for ‘greater proportion’

more energy greater than/equal to
activation energy ✓ ALLOW more molecules have sufficient
energy to react

IGNORE (more) successful collisions

Examiner’s Comments

Most candidates scored the first marking

point but many did not achieve the second
marking point as their explanations were
too vague.

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ii Reactants have different physical states ✓ 1(AO2.1) ALLOW idea that copper(II) sulfate solution
is homogeneous in relation to the acid, but
heterogeneous in relation to the zinc

Examiner’s Comments

Almost half of the candidates answered

this question correctly, the remainder did
not realise that the question gave them the
answer to the state that the copper
sulphate solution was in. Many answers
stated that it could be solid or aqueous, so
difficult to classify.

Total 10

2 a (Increase in pressure) increases the rate 2

and because molecules are closer allow more particles per unit volume
together… (1) not molecules move faster or have more
… so there are more collisions per unit
time (1)

b i Expression: 3 square brackets required

Kc = [NH3]2 / [H2]3[N2] (1)

= (0.877)2/(2.00)3(1.20) (1)

i = 0.0801 ✔ (dm6 mol–2) allow from 1 sig fig up to calculator display

correct answer alone scores all marks

ii Catalyst: 3
No effect, it only changes the rate of
reaction (1)

Higher temperature:
Forward reaction is exothermic (1)
so position of equilibrium moves to the left
and there will be less NH3 (1)

Total 8

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Addition of acid CROSSES

[H+] OR H+ increases IGNORE amount of acid increases (in

AND question)
equilibrium (position) shifts to right ✓ ALLOW (added) acid reacts with CrO42–

Note: ALLOW suitable alternatives for ‘to

right’, e.g.: towards products
OR towards Cr2O72– / H2O
OR in forward direction
Addition of alkali OR favours the right

Alkali reacts with H+ OR alkali removes H+

equilibrium (position) shifts to left ✓ ALLOW alkali reacts with (added) acid

Note: ALLOW suitable alternatives for ‘to

left’, e.g.: towards reactants
OR towards CrO42– / H+
OR in reverse direction
OR favours the left

IGNORE just H+ concentration decreases

(needs role of alkali)
IGNORE concentration of water increases
(needs role of alkali)

Examiner's Comments

This question discriminated well and the

strongest candidates provided succinct
responses with the correct level of
scientific content. The first mark was
awarded for recognition that adding an acid
would increase the concentration of H+
ions, causing the equilibrium to shift to the
right. Most candidates realised this was the
case. However, it was not uncommon to
see vague responses that simply re-stated
the information in the question, rather than
focussing on the effect it would have on the
species in the equilibrium equation. The
second mark proved more difficult. The
strongest candidates identified that the
added alkali would remove H+ ions from

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the equilibrium mixture, and some

supported this statement with an equation.
Many however, simply stated that the
equilibrium would shift left to reduce the
concentration of the alkali without
attempting to relate it to the equation
provided. Candidates are advised to
consider the chemical equations provided
with a question as they will help form the
basis from which to build a response.

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Zn and H2SO4 on LHS IGNORE state symbols.

AND ZnSO4 + H2 on RHS ✓

ΔH labelled with product below reactant DO NOT ALLOW –ΔH
AND arrow downwards ✓ ALLOW this arrow even if it has a small
gap at the top and bottom i.e. does not
quite reach reactant or product line

Ea AND Ec correctly labelled with Ec below Ea:

Ea ✓ ALLOW no arrowhead or arrowheads at
both ends of activation energy line
The Ea line must point to maximum (or
near to the maximum) on the curve OR
span approximately 80% of the distance
between reactants and maximum
regardless of position
ALLOW AE or AE for Ea

Examiner's Comments

Many candidates are well-prepared for this

type of question however there are still
some issues regarding the use of double
headed arrows to indicate an enthalpy
change. Whilst allowed by the examiners
for showing activation energies, a correct
single headed arrow was required to
illustrate ΔH. A small proportion of
candidates omitted hydrogen as a product,
despite it being stated in the question.



Curve must start at origin. The limit of

acceptability is that the curve must start
within the first small square nearest the

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Curve must not touch the x-axis at higher


IGNORE a slight inflexion on the curve

DO NOT ALLOW two curves

DO NOT ALLOW a curve that bends up at
Correct drawing of a Boltzmann distribution
the end by more than one small square
curve ✓

Axes labelled
y axis: (number of) molecules AND x axis:
ALLOW particles instead of molecules on y
(kinetic) energy ✓
DO NOT ALLOW enthalpy for x-axis label
DO NOT ALLOW atoms instead of
particles or molecules
ALLOW ECF for the subsequent use of
atoms (instead of molecules or particles)
Catalyst lowers the activation energy (by
providing an alternative route) ✓
ALLOW annotations on Boltzmann
distribution diagram

QWC requires more molecules have /

QWC - (With a catalyst a) greater
exceed activation energy / Ea.
proportion of molecules with energy
IGNORE more molecules have enough
greater than activation energy
energy to react for the QWC mark (as not
linked to Ea)
(With a catalyst a) greater proportion of
ORA if states the effect with no catalyst
molecules with energy equal to the
activation energy
IGNORE (more) successful collisions
(With a catalyst there is a) greater area
under curve above the activation energy ✓
Examiner's Comments

Candidates are very familiar with the

Boltzmann distribution curve and there
were many examples of excellent
diagrams. The majority of candidates
scored maximum marks in this part. Failure
to identify that more molecules have an
energy greater than the activaction energy
when a catalyst is used, was a common
reason why only three marks were scored.

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

c i Equilibrium (position) shifts to right 2 ALLOW turns colourless

turns paler (brown) ✓ IGNORE initially goes darker (brown)

Note: ALLOW suitable alternatives for ‘to

right’, e.g.: towards products
OR towards N2O4
OR in forward direction
OR favours the right

IGNORE responses in terms of rate

Examiner's Comments
Right-hand side has fewer (gaseous)
moles / molecules The effect of pressure on the position of an
OR left-hand side has more (gaseous) equilibrium is well known by candidates.
moles / molecules ✓ Most were able to apply le Chatelier's
principle accurately stating the equilibrium
shifted to the right as that was the side with
fewest moles of gas. However a significant
proportion of the cohort did not comment
on the effect on the appearance of the
equilibrium mixture.

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

ii Equilibrium (position) shifts to left 2 ALLOW turns brown

turns darker / deeper (brown) ✓ Note: ALLOW suitable alternatives for ‘to
left’, e.g.: towards reactants
OR towards NO2
OR in reverse direction
OR favours the left

IGNORE comments about the ‘exothermic

(Forward) reaction is exothermic side’ or ‘endothermic side’
OR (forward) reaction gives out heat
OR reverse reaction is endothermic ALLOW ‘equilibrium (position) shifts left
OR reverse reaction takes in heat ✓ AND in the endothermic direction’ for
second marking point

IGNORE responses in terms of rate

Examiner's Comments

As with part (a)(i), candidates

demonstrated an excellent grasp of le
Chatelier's principle but it was only the
most able candidates who referred to the
appearance of the equilibrium mixture.
Candidates should be encouraged to read
questions carefully to ensure they include
all the required information in their

Total 13

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

4 a i carbon dioxide lost/evolved/given off/or 1 DO NOT ALLOW water or steam or CO2

produced as a gas ✓ evaporates

Examiner's Comments

Candidates who failed to state that the gas

being lost was CO2 could not access the
mark for this question. Vague answers
relating to water being produced, products
being gases, products being lost or a gas
evolved were often given by Candidates.

ii FIRST CHECK ANSWER ON THE 3 If there is an alternative answer, check to

ANSWER LINE see if there is any ECF credit possible
IF answer = 1.85 OR 1.845 g award 3

ALLOW ECF from incorrect n(HNO3)

m(SrCO3) molar mass of SrCO3 = 147.6 (g mol–1)

= 0.0125 × 147.6 = 1.845 g OR 1.85 g ✓ ALLOW ECF from incorrect n(SrCO3)

Examiner's Comments

The vast majority of candidates were able

to complete this calculation arriving at the
correct answer to score all three available
marks. The most common error was in
calculating the amount, in moles, of the
SrCO3 from the stoichiometry given in the
equation. This resulted in an answer which
was twice that expected however two
marks could still be obtained by applying
error carried forward.

Answer = 1.845 g or 1.85 g

b i rate of reaction decreases 1 ALLOW reaction slows down

concentration decreases / reactants are ALLOW concentration of reactants
used up ✓ decreases.

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i less frequent collisions ✓ 1 ALLOW fewer collisions per unit time

OR collisions less often
OR decreased rate of collision

IGNORE less successful collisions / less

collisions less chance of collisions

Examiner's Comments

Very few candidates were able to explain

the change in the rate of the reaction
during the first 200 seconds of the
experiment. This relatively straightforward
question required a statement that the rate
decreases as the concentration of the
reactants decreases due to there being
less frequent collisions. Although a large
number of candidates were able to state
that the rate decreases few were able to
explain why. This was possibly due to
candidates having to apply their
understanding in an unfamiliar context
rather than from a lack of knowledge

ii Attempted tangent on graph drawn to line 1

at approximately t = 200 s ✓

ii Gradient (y/x) 1 ALLOW 1 SF up to calculator value,

in range 5 × 10–4 to 8 × 10–4

IGNORE units

Examiner's Comments

This was the first time AS level candidates

have been required to calculate a rate of
reaction from a graph and many found this
quite testing. Although many knew that a
tangent was required only the most able
candidates were able to arrive at a value
for the gradient that was within the
expected range. Candidates sometimes
took as their values the point at which their
tangent cut the axes rather than calculating
the change in mass or change in time.

Acceptable range 5 × 10–4 to 8 × 10–4

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

c Flask OR beaker 1 DO NOT ALLOW round-bottomed flask.

balance IGNORE weighing scales
stopwatch OR stop clock OR other timing
device ✓

Records mass at time intervals ✓ 1 ALLOW ‘weigh at time intervals’

Time interval quoted between 10-50s ✓ 1

Examiner's Comments

This was the second question that required

candidates to describe an experiment that
they could have carried out as part of their
course. Even if this experiment had not
been completed in class, candidates
should be able to recognise that mass
needs to be measured over a period of
time. As the reaction was between an acid
and a carbonate a suitable named reaction
vessel such as a beaker or flask was
required. A balance was needed for mass
measurement and a timing device to
monitor time. A simple statement that mass
should be recorded at a given time interval
scored two marks with one mark being
allocated to suitable apparatus. At this
level it is expected that candidates will be
familiar with the correct names for the
apparatus required to carry out an

Total 11

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5 a The (position of a dynamic) equilibrium 1 ALLOW suitable alternatives for ‘shifts’ and
shifts to minimise (the effect of) any ‘minimises’
change ✔
IGNORE ‘reaction shifts’

Examiner's Comments

Most candidates were able to describe le

Chatelier's principle.

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Right-hand side has fewer (gaseous) DO NOT ALLOW fewer atoms on right-
moles / molecules OR left-hand side has hand side
more (gaseous) moles / molecules ✔ OR more atoms on left-hand side.

Statement that: IGNORE comments about the ‘exothermic
(Forward) reaction is exothermic side’ or ‘endothermic side’
OR (forward) reaction gives out heat
OR reverse reaction is endothermic
OR reverse reaction takes in heat ✔

Lower temperature / cooling AND Equilibrium mark is for stating that BOTH
increasing pressure shifts (equilibrium low temperature and high pressure shift
position) to the right ✔ equilibrium to the right (Could be separate

Note: ALLOW suitable alternatives for ‘to

right’ , e.g.: towards products
OR towards CH3OH / H2O
OR in forward direction
OR favours the right

IGNORE Increases yield of CH3OH /

products (in question)

IGNORE responses in terms of rate

Examiner's Comments

A good discrimination was achieved by this

question. The most able candidates gave
succinct responses which related the low
temperature and high pressure to the
change in equilibrium position. Candidates
are encouraged to write as accurately as
possible in this type of question. For
example, the effect of pressure is best
explained by reference the relative number
of moles on each side of the equation. A
statement about the nature of the forward
reaction, in this case exothermic, is
appropriate to explain the effect of

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ii Low temperature gives a slow rate 2

OR high temperatures needed to increase
rate ✔

High pressure is expensive (to generate) ALLOW high pressure is dangerous

OR high pressure provides a safety risk ✔ IGNORE high pressure is explosive

Examiner's Comments

Most candidates identified high pressures

as either dangerous or requiring expensive
equipment. The strongest responses linked
low temperature with a slow rate of

Total 6

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