(i) On the graph paper in Fig. 4.1, label the x axis and plot the results in Table 4.1. [1]
(ii) Circle any anomalous results present in the graph you have drawn in Fig. 4.1. [1]
(iii) Draw a best-fit smooth curve on the graph you have drawn in Fig. 4.1. [1]
• zinc with the same mass (0.200 g) and same surface area
• the same temperature and pressure
• 40.0 cm3 of 0.125 mol dm–3 HCl, instead of 50.0 cm3 of 0.100 mol dm–3 HCl.
On your graph in Fig. 4.1 sketch the curve you would expect in this experiment. [2]
(c) The graph shows that rate of reaction decreases over time.
(i) The rate of the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid can be increased using a solution of copper(II)
sulfate as a catalyst.
(ii) Why is it difficult to classify the solution of copper(II) sulfate as a homogeneous or heterogeneous catalyst in
this reaction?
2(a) Nitrogen can be reacted with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst to make ammonia in the Haber process.
Describe and explain the effect of increasing the pressure on the rate of this reaction.
(ii) Explain how the following changes would affect the amount of NH3 present in the equilibrium mixture.
Use of a catalyst:
A higher temperature:
(b) Catalysts can be used to change the rate of some chemical reactions.
(i) Zinc and sulfuric acid react together to form a solution of zinc sulfate, ZnSO4, and hydrogen gas. The
reaction is exothermic.
Complete the enthalpy profile diagram for this reaction using the formulae of the reactants and products.
Label activation energies, Ea (without catalyst) and Ec (with catalyst).
Label the enthalpy change of reaction, ΔH.
(ii) Using a Boltzmann distribution, explain how a catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction.
Include a labelled sketch of your Boltzmann distribution on the grid below. Label the axes and any other
important features.
Your answer needs to be clear and well organised using the correct terminology.
The equilibrium between NO2 and N2O4 gases is set up in a gas syringe at room temperature.
The two gases are different in appearance.
Using le Chatelier's principle, predict and explain how the following changes would affect the appearance of the
equilibrium mixture.
(i) The gas mixture is compressed by pushing in the plunger of the gas syringe.
The rate of reaction is determined from the loss in mass over a period of time.
(ii) An excess of strontium carbonate, SrCO3, is mixed with 20.0 cm3 of 1.25 mol dm−3 nitric acid, HNO3.
mass = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g [3]
(i) Describe and explain the change in the rate of the reaction during the first 200 seconds of the experiment.
(ii) Using the graph, calculate the rate of reaction, in g s−1, at 200 seconds.
(c) Outline a method that could be used to obtain the results that are plotted on the graph.
Your answer should include the apparatus required and the procedure for the experiment.
In the manufacture of methanol, carbon dioxide and hydrogen are reacted together in the reversible reaction
shown below.
High pressures and low temperatures would give a maximum equilibrium yield of methanol.
(ii) Explain why the actual conditions used by the chemical industry might be different.
Examiner’s Comments
Examiner’s Comments
Examiner’s Comments
Examiner’s Comments
Examiner’s Comments
ii Reactants have different physical states ✓ 1(AO2.1) ALLOW idea that copper(II) sulfate solution
is homogeneous in relation to the acid, but
heterogeneous in relation to the zinc
Examiner’s Comments
Total 10
= (0.877)2/(2.00)3(1.20) (1)
ii Catalyst: 3
No effect, it only changes the rate of
reaction (1)
Higher temperature:
Forward reaction is exothermic (1)
so position of equilibrium moves to the left
and there will be less NH3 (1)
Total 8
Examiner's Comments
ΔH labelled with product below reactant DO NOT ALLOW –ΔH
AND arrow downwards ✓ ALLOW this arrow even if it has a small
gap at the top and bottom i.e. does not
quite reach reactant or product line
Examiner's Comments
Axes labelled
y axis: (number of) molecules AND x axis:
ALLOW particles instead of molecules on y
(kinetic) energy ✓
DO NOT ALLOW enthalpy for x-axis label
DO NOT ALLOW atoms instead of
particles or molecules
ALLOW ECF for the subsequent use of
atoms (instead of molecules or particles)
Catalyst lowers the activation energy (by
providing an alternative route) ✓
ALLOW annotations on Boltzmann
distribution diagram
Examiner's Comments
Right-hand side has fewer (gaseous)
moles / molecules The effect of pressure on the position of an
OR left-hand side has more (gaseous) equilibrium is well known by candidates.
moles / molecules ✓ Most were able to apply le Chatelier's
principle accurately stating the equilibrium
shifted to the right as that was the side with
fewest moles of gas. However a significant
proportion of the cohort did not comment
on the effect on the appearance of the
equilibrium mixture.
Examiner's Comments
Total 13
Examiner's Comments
Examiner's Comments
Examiner's Comments
IGNORE units
Examiner's Comments
Total 11
5 a The (position of a dynamic) equilibrium 1 ALLOW suitable alternatives for ‘shifts’ and
shifts to minimise (the effect of) any ‘minimises’
change ✔
IGNORE ‘reaction shifts’
Examiner's Comments
Statement that: IGNORE comments about the ‘exothermic
(Forward) reaction is exothermic side’ or ‘endothermic side’
OR (forward) reaction gives out heat
OR reverse reaction is endothermic
OR reverse reaction takes in heat ✔
Lower temperature / cooling AND Equilibrium mark is for stating that BOTH
increasing pressure shifts (equilibrium low temperature and high pressure shift
position) to the right ✔ equilibrium to the right (Could be separate
Examiner's Comments
Examiner's Comments
Total 6