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Case Study: Feral Child

Your job is to pick a feral child that we have talked about and do more in-depth research
about. OR you MAY research a different feral child if you choose. There are SO many feral
children that are studied that you can pick from.
o Essential Question(s): What factors influence an individual’s development (include
socialization in your answer)? How is our behavior a consequence of our social
environment and learning?

On your poster you need….

o An appropriate title (this can be the title of the experiment or feral child)
o Color (markers, colored pencils, etc.)
o Two visual images to create a central focus to your page. Images may be
illustrations, cut outs from magazines and/or computer graphics.
o Include two questions about your chosen experiment or feral child. Include
ANSWERS! Examples: What was the life of Genie like? What is one major
reason that the monkeys picked the terry cloth mother over the other?
o Have a border around the edges of the paper (make it creative)
o Accuracy and a purpose or theme – your arrangement of ideas must be
creative and meaningful
o A summary (4-6 sentences): IT MUST INCLUDE a description of your
chosen feral child’s case (years that the case occurred), what did experts do
in order to help socialize the child (if they didn’t try, tell me this!), what
happened to the feral child (what circumstances did they live under before
they were found), how old was the child when he or she was found, etc).
Within this summary, also answer the essential questions

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