Learning Objectives
After taking up this module,the students will be able to;
A. define Nature of Political Science,
B. cite the different forms of politics and its definitions,
C. enumerate the Components of Politics and characteristics of Good Governance and,
D. create a simple Political Strategy that will help to improve their own places.
Directions: Read each statement below. State whether you AGREE or DISAGREE to each of the
statements. Write your answers on the space provided.
___________1. Politics emanates from the Latin word politika meaning the affairs of the cities.
___________2. Politics is both an art and science of government encompassing the administration and
control of its internal and external affairs.
___________3. Public policy discussions fall under semi-formal politics.
___________4. Formal politics is also known as everyday politics.
___________5. Political science as a field of discipline is under the umbrella organization of natural
___________6. The barangay is the basic unit of the society.
___________7. Issues like abortion, free trade and war on drugs are examples of political institutions.
___________8. Monarchy is an example of political ideology.
___________9. The traditional/historical approach are concerned in the observable world than the
normative world in understanding contemporary science.
___________10. Governance and government have the same meaning.
Components of Politics
The following are the components of politics:
•Political Institutions – these comprise the state, government agencies, political systems and the
functions of the political beings or individuals within the institution.
•Political Ideologies–these refer to the set of beliefs and doctrines that serve as the guide in the
political, economic, and social action of a state. Foremost examples are democracy, monarchy,
dictatorship etc.
•Political Parties – these are groups of certain individuals who aspire to occupy public office.
•Political Issues - these are governmental and societal controversies debated over time inclusive
of divisive topics such as abortion, taxation, foreign policy, free trade etc.