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Department of Memorandum

Veterans Affairs
From: VHA Office of Academic Affiliations (OAA)

Subj: Random Drug Testing Notification and Acknowledgement

To: Health Professions Trainee (HPT) in Testing Designated Positions (TDP)

1. On September 15, 1986, President Reagan signed Executive Order 12564, Drug-Free Federal
Workplace, establishing a policy against the use of illegal drugs by Federal employees,
whether on or off duty. In accordance with the Executive Order, VA has established a Drug-
Free Workplace Program to include random testing for the use of illegal drugs by employees.
OAA sponsored health professions trainees (HPTs) appointed under 38 U.S.C. 7405 or 7406
authority are employed in VA and are subjected to provisions of this policy.

2. This is to notify you that as an HPT, the Secretary of VA may deem your position as a sensitive
position to protection of life or safety of patients and therefore you may be subject to random
drug testing. The testing procedures, including the collection of a urine specimen, will be
conducted in accordance with Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Guidelines
for Drug Testing Programs. There are no pre-employment drug testing requirements for HPTs.

3. You can be assured that the quality of testing procedures is tightly controlled, that the test
used to confirm use of illegal drugs is highly reliable and that the test results will be handled
with maximum respect for individual confidentiality, consistent with safety and security.

4. As a HPT subject to random drug testing you should be aware of the following:

• Counseling and rehabilitation assistance are available to all HPTs through existing
Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) at VA facilities (information on EAP can be obtained
from your local Human Resources office). EAP plays a valuable role by helping employees,
their families and their communities.You will be given the opportunity to submit
supplemental medical documentation of lawful use of an otherwise illegal drug to a Medical
Review Officer (MRO).
• VA may, at the direction of the facility’s leadership, initiate disciplinary actions up to
dismissal from VA rotation against any HPT who:
o refuses to be tested,
o refuses to obtain counseling or rehabilitation after a verified positive drug test, or
o does not refrain from illegal drug use after a verified positive drug test.
• VA will not initiate any disciplinary action against an employee who voluntarily identifies
themselves as a user of illegal drugs prior to being notified of a scheduled drug test,
obtains counseling or rehabilitation and thereafter refrains from using illegal drugs.

5. Random testing will begin no sooner than 30 days from the date you sign this

6. Visit the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Work-Life webpage for “Information on
Services Available for You,” Guidance & Legislation as well as Substance Use Disorder.

Ver. 2022
I acknowledge receiving and reading the notice which states that my position may be
designated for random drug testing, and that, if selected, refusal to submit to testing will
result in termination and/or dismissal from the VA.

Training Program and Affiliate

Print Name and Date Signed Signature

Ver. 2022

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