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School of Maryzona ማርይዞና ት/ቤት

2024G.C 2017 ዓ.ም

2017 E.C 2nd Quarter Citizenship Mid Exam for Grade 8
Total no. of Question : 60
Time allowed: 1:00 hr
Name Grade NO _____ Total Mark : 60%

Instructions: 1. Read each questions carefully.

2. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives.
3. Write the letter of your choice on the separated answer sheet.
1. From the following one is not branch or organ of the government?
A. The executive body B. The judicial body C. The media D. The legislative
2. In unitary state, there is only one source of authority that authority is:
A. The local territorial unit C. The president
B. The central gov’t D. The subsidiary bodies
3. A person who works hard within hardship develops the quality of
A. Generosity B. Courage C. Honesty D. Compassion
4. If Loza develops love, respect and kindness in her lite, she develops the virtue
ethics of:
A. Responsibility B. Fairness C. Self-discipline D. Compassion
5. The following statement describes the importance of virtue ethics except:
A. Enables someone to accomplish his responsibility
B. It does not help to find out the true purpose of lite
C. It is useful for identification of right and wrong
D. Helps to avoid problems of social evils from our life
6. The behavior and attitude of not telling or accepting lies is:
A. compassion B. Courage C. Generosity D. Honesty
7. If same one practices courage he becomes courageous. This idea explains that:
A. Virtue develops in nature
B. Virtue develops as a result of practice
C. Same one is created naturally courageous
D. There is no relationship between courage and practice
8. In Ethiopia, the emperor was the law maker, law enforcer and adjudicator in
the past. The type of government is:
A. Republican B. Monarchical C. Military D. Socialist
9. When the power of government concentrated at the center, the type of
government is:
A. Federal state B. Unitary state C. Confedral state D. Hybrid state
10. One of the following describes the weakness of the monarchical regime of
Ethiopia which one?
A. Significant role of state formation and national building
B. Establishing ministerial system of government
C. Ignorance of diversity of the country’s peoples
D. The formation of continental organization in Addis Ababa
11. In Federal state structure, Regional states are:
A. Externally sovereign C. Integrally sovereign
B. No sovereign status D. Internally sovereign
12. In federal state structure, there are
A. four levels of government C. One level of government
B. Three levels of government D. Two levels of government
13. Which of the following combination is correct?
A. States to Canada B. Cantons to India C. Killil to Ethiopia D. Ridings to U.S.A
14. The government branch responsible in making laws is
A. The Judiciary B. The media C. The executive D. The legislative
15. A state structure characterized by centralization of power which is controlled
by the central government is:
A. Federal system B. Unitary system C. Parliamentary system D. Confederation
16. From the following one is not the branch of government
A. The executive body B. The judiciary body C. The legislative body D. The
17. is a set of institutions which serve certain elementary common
purposes and conditions of life, under a single authority.
A. Organization B. Establishment C. State D.
18. Which of the following is an example of the confederation type of government?
A. united states of America B. African union C. Ethiopia D. Nigeria
19. Look for the wrong match
A. Legislative Enacting laws C. Excutive implementing laws
B. Legislative making laws D. Judiciary – excuting law
20. is a system where by the power of the state are divided among the
government and other subordinate.
A. Autocracy B. Federalism C. Confederal D. Unitary
21. The highest executive powers of the federal gov’t are vested in the
A. Federal supreme court
B. Federal judicial Administrative council
C. Prime minister and the council of ministers
D. House of peoples’ representatives
22. According to the FDRE constitution, which organ of government is assigned to
interpret to laws?
A. Judiciary B. Executive C. Legislative D. Ministry of council
23. The prime minister of the FDRE is accountable to the
A. Council of ministers C. House of peoples representatives
B. House of Federation D. President of the country
24. Which of the following is an example of the confederation type of government?
A. Ethiopia B. U.S.A C. India D. African Union
25. Which of the following is not a merit of a unitary state structure?
A. Suitable for small countries C. Government takes speady action
B. Uniformity of law D. There is conflict of authority
26. Which one of the following is not a feature of unitary state structure?
A. Decisions are made quickly C. Uniform laws for the whole country
B. Small territorial Land mass D. Heterogeneous nature of the state
27. Which of the following is not true about parliamentary democracy?
A. The President is the head of state
B. The prime minister is the chief executive
C. The president will have nominal representation
D. The prime minister is not a member of the legislative
28. The document which contains the nations basic and fundamental low is:
A. criminal law B. civil law C. commercial law D. constitution
29. A mismatch of ideas between people who have opposing viewpoints ideas or
goals is:
A. Harmony B. Agreement C. violence D. conflict
30. Which comes first in problem solving process?
A. selecting alternative solutions C. Identifying cause of problem
B. Identifying a problem D. Selecting alternative solutions
31. One of the following is important for the prevalence of peace building in certain
A. Intolerance B. Tolerance C. Homelessness D.
32. In Ethiopia, who is the head of state?
A. The prime minister C. The mayor of A.A
B. The president D. The vice prime minister
33. Which is the characteristics of unitary state structure?
A. One government B. One constitution C. One flag and anthem D. All of the
34. Virtue is acquire through:-
A. Thinking B. Reflection C. Theory D. Practicing
35. Which of the following deals with morality and search for morally good life?
A. Civics B. Ethics C. virtue D. vice
36. Virtue for human beings are:
A. Not relevant C. Impractical
B. Unnecessary D. habitual and excellent traits
37. Democracy is a term used to describe:
A. the form of government C. Exercise of rights
B. social relationships D. all of the above
38. Which of the following is the function of government?
A. Regulating the economy C. Maintaining national security
B. Resolving of conflicts D. All of the above
39. Which state structure is advantages for heterogeneous society?
A. unitary state structure C. Confederal state structure
B. Federal state structure D. All of the above
40. Which of the following is the example of confederation?
A. NATO, COMESA B. AU, EU C. ASEAN, OAS D. All of the above
41. An emphatic understanding of another person’s feeling is
A. Paying tax B. Honesty C. Generosity D. Compassion
42. The ability to make sound decisions in to avoid danger or risk is:
A. Fairness B. courage C. Prudence D.
43. Entails acting and behaving in accordance with certain acceptable standards is:
A. Courage B. compassion C. Self-discipline D. Prudence
44. is a reasond devotion or commitment that all citizens of a given state
are expected to discharge or fulfill.
A. Moral virtue B. civic virtue C. vice D. wickedness
45. An attitude of confronting and dealing with what is perceived to be difficult or
painful rather than avoiding it is:
A. Prudence B. compassion C. fairness D. courage
46. Which one is the most ancient fields of study which contains various values?
A. Aesthetics B. Ethics C. Politics D. Logic
47. Which term refers to having more than one party to run for an election?
A. Transparency B. Accountability C. Pluralism D. universal suffrage
48. The relationship between the executive and legislative branches of the gov’t is
known as:
A. state structure B. system of government C. confederation D. secularism
49. Which of the following is true when the executive and legislative branches are
elected by the people?
A. The government can be presidential
B. The government can be prime ministerial
C. The gov’t can be both the presidential and prime ministerial
D. All of the above
50. Which of the following is different from the others?
A. A cabinet government C. parliamentary system
B. Prime ministerial system D. presidential system
51. Where were parliamentary system of government originated?
A. South Africa B. United Kingdom C. Denmark D. Italy
52. Which of the following is parliamentarian country?
A. Botswana B. Malaysia C. Germany D. All of the above
53. Which of the following is not true about parliamentary system?
A. The true executive is directly and legally accountable to the legislature.
B. the legislature and the executive work together
C. the legislature and the executive do not work together
D. the prime minister appoints the executive members from the parliament.
54. Which of the following is the features of parliamentary system?
A. Leadership of the prime minister C. political homogeneity
B. Nominal head state D. All of the above.
55. Which of the following is the duties of the head of states in Ethiopia?
A. receiving and sending diplomats C. awarding medals
B. prizes and gift for exceptional performances D. All of the above
56. A presidential system is also known as:
A. single executive system C. no executive system
B. double executive system D. many executive system
57. In the parliamentary system of government the executive branch of the
government is led by:
A. The prime minister C. The vice prime minister
B. The president D. The mayor
58. Which of the following is true about presidential system?
A. The executive is separated from the legislative
B. the head of the government is the head of state
C. there is separation of power
D. all of the above
59. Which of the following is not presidential country?
A. Keneya B. Argentina C. Brazil D. South Africa
60. is the autheority granted to the legislatire to vote on the removal of
president of he or she fails to meet his or her oath.
A. Constitutionalism C. Secularism
B. process of impeachment D. Federalism

Set by:- Mr. Ashenafi B.

Parent’s sign ------------------------------ Date ---------/----------/2017E.C
Address: Lemi kura Woreda 3 Administration Located Around Ayat Sunshine Real-Estate
mob. 09 11173797/ 09 45354883

2017 E.C 2nd Quarter Citizenship Mid Exam for Grade 8

Name Sec._____ No. _____

No Choice No Choice No Choice No Choice No Choice No Choice

1 11 21 31 41 51
2 12 22 32 42 52
3 13 23 33 43 53
4 14 24 34 44 54
5 15 25 35 45 55
6 16 26 36 46 56
7 17 27 37 47 57
8 18 28 38 48 58
9 19 29 39 49 59
10 20 30 40 50 60

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