Scope of Work BRTS Jaipur

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Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

Scope of Work
For Preparation of Detailed Design and Engineering Report



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Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City


Request for Proposal (RFP)
For Preparation of Detailed Design and Engineering Report for

Bus Rapid Transit System at Jaipur

International Competitive Bidding
Project Background
Government of India under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) has agreed in principle to develop the Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) at Jaipur. Under the BRT System, the buses run and operate on physically segregated exclusive lanes in the road called bus-ways. Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) had completed the Feasibility Study for the proposed System, which identified 42 Km of Road Network for developing the BRTS. JDA now wishes to appoint Technical Consultant for preparing the Detailed Design and Engineering Report for the proposed system as per the JNNURM guidelines.

Eligibility Criteria
Interested Consultancy Firms/Consultants/JV shall meet the following criteria:1. Should have done atleast one Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Study. 2. Should have done atleast one Detailed Project Report for any Public Transport Project. 3. Should have an average Turn over of Rs 25 Crores per year for the preceding three years.

Request For Proposal (RFP) Document

RFP Documents consisting of Terms of Reference with detailed Scope of Work and other information will be issued/dispatched to interested parties on receipt of a written request. The request alongwith the demand draft of Rs 25,000 ( Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) or US$ 5000 ( US$ Five Thousand Only) in favour of Secretary, Jaipur Development Authority, payable at Jaipur can be sent to the office of PDCOR Ltd (Project Management Consultant to JDA) on any working day from 29.9.2006 to 10.10.2006. The RFP document can also be downloaded from the website The pre-proposal meeting shall be held at 1530 hrs. on 6.10.2006 in the Manthan Hall of JDA office, Jaipur. The proposal duly completed in all respect, in original and three copies in separate sealed envelope, should be submitted in the office of PDCOR Ltd on or before 15:00 hrs. on 13.10.2006. The Technical Bids will be opened on the same day at 1530 hrs. whereas the Financial Bids of the eligible bidders shall be opened at 1530 hrs on 18.10.2006. JDA reserves the right to reject any or all application without assigning any reason thereof.

For further information please contact :

Paritosh Gupta/Shailendra Kaushik PDCOR Limited 1st Floor, LIC Jeevan Nidhi Building Bhawani Singh Road, Jaipur, India 302005 Mobile : +91 9314673610, +91 9314660093 Tele: +91 141 2747012 Fax:+91 141 2747045 P Arvind Senior Town Planner, JDA R K Vyas Bhawan, JLN Marg, Jaipur, India 302005 Phone : +91- 141 - 2564625 Mobile:+91-9414046777

Director (TP) JDA


Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City




Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City



JDA is interested in developing BRTS Corridor along selected Road Sections in Jaipur city. The sections were selected after undertaking a pre feasibility study (Annexure -I) for improving the Public Transport System in the city. As a result of the pre feasibility study a BRTS Master Plan (Annexure -II) having 138 km of corridor length has been identified for the implementation, covering most of the major residential and activity places including the proposed industrial and residential growth centers of Jaipur city. The identified corridors will further validate under, Land Use Master Plan prepared by JDA. On the basis of traffic projections for the horizon year and considering the future development pattern including new residential areas and activity centres and based on the ridership numbers, a total length of about 42 km of corridor has been identified for developing the BRTS network under Phase-I (Annexure -III). The BRTS corridors in Phase-I shall have four segments as under, with hub at Governmental Hostel crossing. Segment 1: Segment 2: Segment 3: Segment 4: Government Hostel Crossing to Ajmer Road Bypass via Sikar Road Government Hostel Crossing to Transport Nagar via M I Road in one direction and on Ashok Marg via Ahinsa circle in other direction Government Hostel Crossing to Sanganer Airport Flyover via Sahkar Marg and Tonk Road Government Hostel Crossing to Amrut Nagar (near Iskon Temple) via Ajmer Road.

The objective of this consultancy assignment is to prepare a detailed design and engineering report for developing about 42 Km of BRTS network in the city in a phased manner. The consultant shall assess the project viability; recommend the facilities and details of infrastructure and services to be provided at the identified corridors after ascertaining through a detailed study/analysis of its technical, social, economic and financial viability. The study shall also include undertaking engineering studies, project design, cost estimates, bid documents etc. The project will be developed and funded under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). Government of India Accordingly Consultant is required to prepare the Detailed Engineering and Design Report as per the JNNURM guidelines. The consultant shall undertake all surveys and investigations necessary for effective planning and for obtaining Government sanction for the project. It shall include a comprehensive corridor wise study of existing traffic situation, traffic intensity, movement pattern, available road infrastructure, road right of way, parking demand and extent of available facility, traffic signalling system, future perceived Traffic Growth, road geometry, topography, survey of utility services and cost estimation. This analysis shall lead to an assessment of the magnitude of demand on proposed corridors and resultant requirement of Infrastructure. A detailed exercise for planning and designing segregated lanes for BRT, normal traffic lanes, service roads, non motorised vehicle lanes, bus stops and terminals,

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

traffic Intersections, road markings, traffic signage, traffic signal system giving priority to BRT shall be required as a part of the study. The assignment will be undertaken under three Stages: Preparation of Operational and Conceptual Engineering Plan for Open, Closed or mixed system of Bus Operation along selected corridor and Detailed Engineering for the selected option. Also includes cost estimation, financial analysis and Risk analysis. Stage 1 will also include organizing a field visit to any three countries having operational BRT system. Stage II: Impact Assessment Study i.e. Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) & Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Formulation of Project Implementation Strategy and getting required approvals under JNNURM. Stage III: Preparation of Bid Documents and Bid Process Management upto the stage of appointment of Implementation agency Stage I: The detailed terms of reference shall be as follows: STAGE -I 2.0 2.1 Collection of Data Reconnaissance Survey

To carry out reconnaissance survey on the corridors for identification of specific / typical problem areas such as tight / encroached spots, appreciation of ground constraints / situations such as at existing grade separators and identification of traffic survey location in consultation with JDA. The detailed survey of the alignment along the identified corridor shall be done using total station and SPS and will be produced in electronic format and hard copies containing plans, longitudinal section and Cross section shall be prepared to the scale prescribed in IRC/MORT&H Standards. While doing the survey encroachments, land required to implement the BRTS with plot number and ownership details shall be furnished. The consultants shall be required to carry out videography of all the corridors involved in the study. Such videography shall cover the available RoW and should be so organised as to focus on important features including unauthorised occupations of RoW and other road features. 2.2 Secondary data

To collect relevant secondary data regarding: 1. Right of way and Road Development Plans (road widening / Improvements, f1yovers. subways) of the entire corridor from the relevant planning agencies; 2. Signal phasing / ATC plans for all intersections and traffic management measures along the entire corridor;

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

3. Existing Off-Street parking provisions in the Influence area of corridor and any new parking proposals planned; and 4. Bus routes with frequency and number of buses operating on the corridor. 2.3 Traffic Surveys

To carry out detailed primary traffic & travel surveys along the corridor and data analysis with interpretations. These surveys shall include: 1. Speed and Delay survey. This survey would be done separately for the traffic stream and for buses, both peak and off peak period to assess the journey and running speeds along with delays along the entire length of the corridor. 2. Road Network Inventory Surveys of entire length of corridor including all Intersections and service roads in the influence area; 3. Boarding / alighting survey of passenger at major bus stops. This survey shall provide an estimate of bus stop loads as well as total bus passenger demand on the corridor; 4. Origin / Destination cum Opinion Survey both for bus and Intermediate Public Transport / private modes (auto-rickshaws and two-wheelers) at all major bus stops and intersections respectively during peak periods on sample basis. The O-D survey for bus passengers shall be conducted at all the bus stops on the selected corridors and shall provide an estimate of distance wise bus passenger demand on the respective corridor. The O-D cum opinion survey for other users shall in addition provide the potential shift to the new system; 5. Direction-wise Classified Traffic Volume Survey (All types of buses will be counted separately) and Passenger Occupancy survey at all intersections. This survey will provide information on section wise daily and peak hour traffic volume and composition on the corridors; 6. Traffic Signal time and saturation flow survey at all signalised intersections for morning, midday and evening peaks as well as off peak period. 7. Parking survey (on-street and off-street) would be carried out along the entire length of the corridor to collect the details about parking accumulation and parking duration for peak period. The parking demand assessment would enable to plan for providing alternate parking facility; and 8. Pedestrian Survey at all major intersections for peak periods. Both along and across movements will be counted to gauge the Intensity of pedestrian Traffic for provision of requisite pedestrian facilities as well as minimizing pedestrian vehicular conflicts. 2.4 Topographical Surveys

To carry out topographical survey along the identified alignment for the proposed corridor. The detailed TOR for topographic survey is attached at Annexure-III


Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City


Field Visit

The Consultant would organize as part of this assignment the field visit of three countries having operational BRT system. Consultant is required to make all logistics and other necessary arrangement for the site visit ten persons. 3.0 3.1 Preparation of Conceptual Engineering Plan Engineering concept plan

To prepare an engineering concept plan indicating amongst other the following details and the solutions / proposals thereof: 1. Bus lanes (centre/ side), bus Stops (parallel or staggered, single or double) and overtaking facility: 2. Type of Architectural design for various structures like bus stops etc. 3. Tight spots, encroachments on the right of way, religious structures etc: 4. Intersections, flyovers, interchange points and side lanes/punctures, elevated roads wherever considered necessary on account of constraints in availability of land. 5. Impact on trees, utilities, parking, service roads; 6. Design of bus lanes and means of physical segregation of bus lanes: 7. Location of bus Stops and areas served by each; 8. Location of terminals and stabling and access to stabling and workshop: 9. Type of road surface for the bus lanes and the rest of the road, making adequate provision for all types of fast moving and slow moving vehicles including cycles, cycle rickshaws. 10. Low vs high platforms: 11. Availability of construction sites and alternative routes for traffic diversion during construction: 12. Construction time, disruption to other traffic during construction; 13. Platform level and gap and protection against side collision: 14. Fencing and drainage: 15. Inter-modal interchange facilities; and 16. Security Provisions

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City


Amenities To prepare the detailed planning and design for 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Passenger information displays, Public address systems Toilets, drinking water, rest and waiting areas and protection from weather; Facilities for physically challenged; Seating and standing at bus shelters; Lighting, fans etc. at bus stops: Advertisements and kiosks; Revenue collection i.e. Ticketing, Ticket checking, Cash handling: Driver training and special instructions if any when on dedicated lanes: and Mechanism for liaison with bus operator. Detailed Engineering Design


To prepare detailed geometric design for the BRT corridor covering horizontal as well as vertical profiles. The geometric design shall take care of the BRT lanes, bus stops / terminals, Intersections, slow moving traffic lanes, service lanes, street furniture and general corridor layout. The principles of traffic engineering shall be duly adhered to while designing. The various activities under this task will include: 4.1 Road Improvement Plans 1. To prepare land requirement plans, if any; 2. To identify unauthorised structures in the RoW which are required to be removed 3. To recommend the type of pavement for bus lanes and rest of the road including design of such pavement. Cross-sectional details for the entire stretch of BRT corridor be furnished incorporating all the features such as foot paths, lane details for all types of traffic, dedicated corridor details, the location of barriers segregating BRT lanes from other lanes, street light, road side drains etc. At each bus stop, a separate cross-section shall be developed showing passenger shelter, subway or any other feature that may be proposed. Cross-section is to be prepared for each such location wherever there is a change in features/dimension 4. To frame proposals for shifting of utility services wherever required and to work out cost for the same. 5. To prepare plans for traffic and utility diversion as agreed by relevant agencies. 6. To design bus shelter, 7. To propose improvements and modifications in road and junction designs. 8. To prepare specifications for technical materials and workmanship. 9. To identify the locations of foot over bridge/subway and to furnish structural design for the same. Location of escalator be also identified 10. Detained road marking plan with lane marking zebra crossing, stop line etc.

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City


Traffic engineering and management measures 1. To study existing traffic management measures in terms of one-way street measures, ban on certain traffic movements, regulation of goods traffic movement at certain timings, parking restriction, temporal/spatial restriction on specific modes and type of traffic control measures at all intersections. The traffic circulation in view of existing grade separators will be assessed to decide if the BRT shall be going over the flyover or on the side; 2. To design necessary traffic arrangement measures by way of restriction, regulation, banning, shifting & spreading awareness; 3. To prepare traffic signal design, along the corridor with the concept of giving priority to the BRT system. The possibility of introduction of synchronized signalling and ITS application shall also be examined, proposed and design, 4. To prepare plan for traffic signs and road-marking for the corridor; 5. To plan for non-bus traffic on the corridor, the slow moving traffic, goods traffic, on street parking and alternate parking facility, hawking activities, restrictions on turning movements for all or some vehicles; and 6. To suggest traffic improvement measures along the feeder road network. 7. To develop traffic diversion plans, as necessary, during construction and after implementation for the corridor including traffic management plan in the influence area of the corridor as may become necessary for smooth functioning of BRTS.


Standards and Guidelines All activities related to fields studies, design and documentation shall generally be done as per the latest guideline/ circulars of MORT&H and relevant publication of Indian Road Congress (IRC) and Bureau of Indian standard. For aspects not covered by IRC and BIS, international standard practises, such as, British and American standards may be adopted.


Operational plan

To prepare an operation plan for the corridor; operation plan may include amongst others the following:5.1 Assessment of demand and number of buses required: 1. To assess travel demand on the corridor and other modes through analysis of various data collected. The demand assessed shall include the existing bus passenger demand and likely shift from other modes due to introduction of the new system. The demand assessment should take into consideration expected benefits in terms of improved and faster speeds, Comfortable journey and results of passenger opinion surveys; 2. To estimate fleet requirement meeting the travel demand if operating in a closed system. The fleet requirement shall be assessed for each corridor on the basis of system's carrying capacity, desired frequency of service during peak

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

hours, total BRT demand and the turnaround time for the vehicles. Consultant is also require to suggest the feeder buses network plan. 3. To frame proposal for parking of buses during idle hours. 4. To Work and proposal for workshop for repair of buses, its location and area require mark 5.2 Bus operation 1. Number of buses using the corridor including left and right turning movements at each junction; 2. Preferential signalling at intersections and waiting time for buses: 3. Locations where the buses will need to switch from centre to side lanes and the available length of weaving: 4. Adequacy of roadway for balance traffic; 5. Adequacy of side footpaths to handle the expected number of commuters: 6. Provision of interchange facilities: 7. Measure for removal of buses in case of breakdown or emergency exit. 8. Meeting Emergencies i.e. emergency evacuation of passengers, dealing with disabled buses, fire fighting, law and order, road accidents that may or may not involve buses: 9. Mechanism for overtaking: 10. Provision for Depot; if depot already exists then any upgradation of existing facility be proposed. 5.3 Passenger handling 1. Volume of passengers at various stops and need for Foot Over Bridges/escalators subways, if any; 2. Number and location of Mid-section bus stops and additional traffic signals; 3. Roadside friction and land-use and means of reducing it; 4. Measures to control pedestrians crossing the road everywhere; 5. Arrangements for security and safety, both for users of BRT and for non-users as well.


Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

6. Provision of boarding & alighting facilities for passengers including physically challenged passengers and provision for crossing of pedestrians at selected intervals/locations. 6.0 Cost Estimates

Cost estimates are to be framed on prevailing rates for all the proposed improvements. The prevailing rates are to be supported by detailed analysis as per guidelines of MORT&H. 6.1 Potential of Real Estate Development

Consultant is require to assess the potential for real estate development along the BRTS corridors and above the major bus stops. 6.2 Economic and Financial Viability

Based on the project cost estimates and demand projections till the horizon year, the Consultant shall establish and evaluate the projects financial viability in terms of EIRR and FIRR. The consultant, for financial analysis, shall consider various sources of revenue like fare box, advertisement etc. The Consultant is required to present details of the annual operating cost as well as revenue streams and values together with assumptions. All supporting financial statements have to be provided by the Consultant. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis with factors such as project cost, variation in revenue, logistics cost, operation and maintenance costs, etc., shall be carried out. STAGE II:


Impact Assessment Study and Formulation of Project Implementation Strategy Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the Project


The consultant are required to carry out an EIA .The objective of the EIA is to provide an understanding of the environmental impact of the proposed project. The EIA would address the environmental benefits expected to accrue as a result of developing the BRTS corridors. The interest of the local communities, who may suffer from property or community severance, denied access and others adverse environmental fallouts as a result of development of BRTS Corridors shall be protected. Community consolation shall there fore, be an essential part of the consultancy service. 7.2 Social Impact Assessment of the Project

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

The consultant is required to carry out the social impact assessment study. This would also address the mitigation plan, if any due to development of proposed facility. The Environmental and Social Impact assessment should follow the relevant guidelines and standards. 7.3 Implementation Framework

The consultant shall, as a part of the study make a detailed recommendation about project implementation framework. This will be besides the institutional arrangement for implementation and shall also include the preparation of activity schedule for construction work. This will clearly define the start and end time for various items of works including the material requirements and the funds required. The consultant will also formulate the documents for appointment of an independent agency for supervision during the construction phase. STAGE III:



The following steps shall be taken as a part of this activity 8.1 PRE-QUALIFICATION OF IMPLEMENTATION AGENCIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8.2 Prepare advertisement for Pre-Qualification of agencies to implement the project; Prepare the Pre-Qualification/Expression of Interest documents Invite RFQ applications on behalf of JDA; Organise a pre-bid conference with the bidders Process and evaluate the applications and shortlist suitable agencies; and Recommend the short listed agencies to JDA

PREPARATION OF BID DOCUMENTS:1. Instructions to bidders including bid evaluation criteria and formats for bid submission; 2. Technical and Performance specifications; 3. Agreements and Schedules 4. RFP including the concept drawings; and BOQs 5. Issue RFP documents to the short listed agencies


PRE-BID CONFERENCE:1. Attend pre-bid conference to assist JDA in providing necessary clarifications; 2. Assess the results of pre-bid conference for operational, technical and risk issues and make recommendations

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

3. Prepare the minutes of pre-bid conference including responses to the questions raised by short-listed agencies; and 4. Prepare addendum/corrigendum to the bid documents and issue the same to bidders 8.4 EVALUATION OF BID PROPOSALS: 1. Assist the JDA in receiving & evaluating the bids (technical and financial); and 2. Make recommendations of the preferred bidder for award of contract 8.5 NEGOTIATIONS/ FINALISATION OF AGREEMENT: Assist the JDA in negotiating the financial bid with preferred bidders including providing legal expertise and finalizing the same with respect to scope of services, technical and performance specifications etc. 9.0 9.1 DELIVERABLES Stage I: PART- A Preliminary Project Report The consultants shall submit preliminary proposals along with cost estimates for the project. The preliminary proposals shall include traffic data and analysis, broad details of the identified corridors with engineering designs of all the features associated with the projects. In the mean while consultant shall also present and discuss the various architectural & structural designs for bus stops and others. 9.2 9.2.1 Stage I: PART- B Detailed Design & Engineering Report Traffic and Topographic survey analysis report 1. Traffic survey results and findings 2. Transport demand for present and future and bus stop loads; and 3. Survey maps of the corridors Operation and conceptual engineering plan 1. Engineering feasibility report 2. Passenger dispersal and Integration facilities 3. Safety features, evacuation of passengers and meeting emergencies 4. Strip plan of the corridors highlighting important features and engineering works 5. Cross-sectional details of corridors showing all the features including passenger shelter, footpath, drains, traffic lanes etc. Detailed Project Report 1. Geometrical design drawings of alignment with necessary details



Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Engineering design of all features associated with the project. Traffic and utility diversion plans Land requirement plans, if any Construction methods and commissioning schedule Cost Estimates and BOQs Capital and operation and maintenance cost estimates and revenue estimates 8. Economic and financial viability analysis 9. Approvals/Clearance required from various concerned authorities with associate documentations 9.2.4 Drawings The drawings containing proposals related to the assignment work shall be prepared by the consultant and shall include, but,be,not limited to, the following:Strip Plan of the corridor General Alignment drawings Junction designs Land acquisition plans Typical crosssection with details of pavement design, lanes for various types of traffic including BRTS lanes, pedestrian walk- way, drains, trees, street-light poles, medians, separators for BRT, bus shelters service Road, elevated road, flyover, foot over bridge, under pass, subway, escalator etc. Good for Construction (GFC) drawings for all the works along the corridors Structural Drawings for grade separated structures or any other work.

All drawings will be prepared in A2 size sheets in multicolour. The drawing shall also include the location of traffic safety features including traffic signals, signages, road markings, crash barrier delineator, and bus stops and parking areas etc. 9.3 Stage II 9.3.1 IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT 1. Environment Impact assessment and Environment management plan

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

2. 3. 4. 5. 9.4

Social Impact assessment and Resettlement & Rehabilitation Plan Plan for operation and maintenance of the corridor Alternative implementation strategies with recommendation R & R plan in line with ADB/WB requirements.

Stage III 9.4.1 BID DOCUMENTS 9.4.2 PRE-QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS 1. Advertisement of pre-qualification 2. Pre-qualification/expression of interest documents 3. Evaluation report on the RFQ applications with recommendations 9.4.3 TENDER-DOCUMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Instructions to bidders including bid evaluation criteria; Technical and Performance specifications Tender including concept drawings Conditions and Contract; and Agreement and Schedules 9.4.4 PRE-BID CONFERENCE 1. Minutes/Assessment of operational, technical and risk issues with recommendations; 2. Addendum/corrigendum to the bid documents for issue the bidders. 9.4.5 REPORT ON EVALUATION OF BID PROPOSAL 1. Evaluation of technical and financial bid with recommendations; 9.4.6 NEGOTIATIONS/ FINALIZATION OF AGREEMENT 1. Final agreement and awards letter


SCHEDULE OF SUBMISSION OF DELIVERABLES: Schedule for submission of deliverables and payment of fee for consultation shall be as under:


Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

Stage Stage I Stage I-Part A Stage I-Part B

Report Inception Report Preliminary Project Report Detailed Design & Engineering Report (Draft) Detailed Design & Engineering Report (Final) Impact assessment report along with Other Reports Approval from state level steering committee under JNNURM Approval from Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee, GoI under JNNURM Bid documents including RFP & RFQ and all relevant drawings Completion of Bid Process Approval of GFC and other drawings

No. of Days 10 45 46-75 55-90 55-90 --55-90 90-120 120-150

Fee (% of Quoted Fee) 5 10 10 20 5 5 5 10 15 15

Stage II Stage II Stage II Stage III Stage III Stage III

As part of the assignment the consultant is required to prepare the perspective drawings and animated video clips for the proposed system in order to facilited the decision making of various stakeholders regarding the proposed system. The consultant will submit a total of 25 copies (hard and soft), for all the deliverables. All the reports and documents along with the related invoice would be submitted to the project management consultant (PMC) as appointed by JDA. During the assignment the consultant team would work closely with the PMC team. PMC team would review all the reports and outputs and suggest necessary changes before placing it for approvals at the level of JDA/ GoR/ GoI. Consultant is also required to make presentations at every submission or as desired by JDA/PMC during the assignment. Consultant needs to assist the selected developer during the construction stage, for modification in design or any other purpose. 11.0 ESTABLISHMENT OF LOCAL OFFICE: -

Consultant has to establish a local office in Jaipur for the project for the duration of the consultancy services as agreed. Consultant has to bear all the expenses related to the establishment of the office. 12.0 PACKAGING OF THE WORK: -

All the documents shall be as per details mentioned in para 9 viz deliverables The execution of work is proposed under three packages as follows:

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

Package 1

Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4

Package 2 Package 3

As stipulated in the schedule for submission of deliverable, preliminary project Report is required to be sublimated by the consultants within 45 days. All the relevant documents shall be submitted by consultants covering stage 1, stage II and stage III for each package as follows: Package 1 Package 2 Package 3 60 days 75 days 90 days


Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City


Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan state, is one of the major tourist destinations in the country and across the world. The imbalance in the location of jobs and residences over space, coupled with inadequacy of public transport system has generated a large volume of intermediate and personalized traffic, especially on the arterial roads. The city has been growing with a growth rate of over 4 percent. The growing population of Jaipur is exerting tremendous pressure on the existing transportation infrastructure facilities. With the growing urbanization, population and tourist facilities, the existing transportation infrastructure is under duress. All the corridors carrying frequent visitors are facing bottleneck situations. The lack of parking facilities and roadside encroachment are adding another difficulty to the situation. In order to plan for an efficient and sustainable public transport system in the city, RUIDP had initiated a study in August 2005. The study was carried out by PDCOR Ltd with an objective to plan and develop an Urban Mass Transit System for Jaipur city. The study scope of work was as under: 1. Conducting various primary surveys including traffic surveys, household surveys, road inventory and willingness to pay survey etc. 2. Establishment of the Urban Travel Demand Model for Jaipur 3. Evaluate Alternative Alignments options 4. Recommend suitable Transit System 5. Estimate the Ridership on the Proposed Corridor 6. Examine the Sensitivity of Ridership 7. Suggesting an implementation framework The Final Report of the Study was submitted to RUIDP in March, 2006 and to take the study forward, the project was transferred to JDA in May 2006. 2. Need for a Transit System

As a part of the study Urban Travel Demand Model for the city was developed to forecast the trip pattern of the city residents. The traffic forecasts generated from the model, developed for this study, indicate that the traffic conditions will only worsen in future years. The total daily-motorized passenger trips generated in Jaipur in year 2005 is about 27 Lakh out of which only 18 percent are performed on Public Transportation. More than half of the total motorized trips are performed on two wheelers. The projected travel demand, after taking in to consideration the future settlement pattern and employment clusters, showed significant passenger movement in the east-west and North-South direction. The total travel demand in the study area by 2021 will be about 62 Lakh Trips. The road network of Jaipur cannot carry such a large volume of trips as the major arterial roads are presently operating beyond theirs capacities. The existing level of services across major roads is presented below:


Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

S. No 1 2 3 4 5

Name of the Road Tonk Road Sahkar Marg MI Road Ajmer Road Sikar Road

Ratio of Existing Traffic Volume/ Road Capacity 1.32 1.29 0.96 1.3 0.97


In light of all this, there is an urgent need to plan and develop an efficient transportation system in the city which will be safe, comfortable, cost effective, sustainable and blend with the existing heritage character of the city and will not adversely affect it. 3. Alternative Alignment Options

The traffic assignment across the 1000 Km of Road Network shows a strong interaction between North-South and East-West directions. Several alignment options for the proposed mass rapid transit system were identified based on the travel demand pattern, major activity centers and the residential neighborhoods in the study area and the future growth of population, residential neighbourhood and employment centres. Looking at the ridership numbers, four alignments options were selected as PPHPD PPHPD PPHPD PPHPD Year Alignment A Alignment B Alignment C Alignment D candidates for modeling and forecasting purpose. These 2005 6,890 10,615 11,028 5,600 options were evaluated using the demand model. Of the 2010 9,363 18,508 19,124 11,264 four alignment options 2020 15,913 25,860 26,324 18,450 identified, one (Alignment 2030 21,386 34,754 39,500 28,110 C) was selected as the most feasible one for further investigations. This is because of the fact that this alignment provided the best connectivity from and to the major attraction centers of the City. Besides, this, it is the alignment that is going to carry the maximum Passengers Per Hour Per Direction (PPHPD) in the horizon years. A detailed reconnaissance of the identified alignment was carried out to ascertain its feasibility in terms of constructability of the proposed corridor for the transit system. From the reconnaissance survey of the identified alignment, it was determined that certain modifications of the alignment were required in order to propose most feasible alignments (corridors) for the city of Jaipur.


Proposed Transit System


Level of service of the road as defined by Indian Road Congress. The road should ideally operate at LOS C

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

The Mass Rapid Transit Systems (MRTS) available around the globe can be broadly grouped into a rail system and a bus system classification. The rail based MRTS includes systems like metro, monorail, Light Rapid Transit (LRT) etc. The bus based system includes Bus Rapid Transit, commonly known as BRT. Selection of a particular type of Mass Transit System for the city of Jaipur will depend on the performance characteristics of the options. The traffic projections from the Traffic Demand Model have given a picture about the future PPHPD in Jaipur. A detailed reconnaissance of these corridors had determined the practical feasibility of introducing the type of transit system considered. The Consultants have made a study of these factors, and based on that, have evaluated alternative mass transport system in the city and suggested that the suitable Mass Rapid System for the city of Jaipur. Looking at the ridership numbers it was found suitable that along the selected alignment Bus Rapid Transit System which will be having the facility of the metro in a Bus. 5. Suggested Alignment

Based on the ridership numbers, a total of about 42 Km of the network has been identified for developing the BRTS network. This network is a part of Phase I of the BRTS network and has been identified on the basis of traffic assignment for the horizon year and considered the future development pattern including new residential areas and activity centres. Further network to be developed under BRTS will be identified during the preparation of the new master plan for Jaipur. In this alignment, the main hub of the transit system is located at the government hostel crossing. All the corridors of this alignment would pass through this point, making it the transfer station. The alignment will be having 4 segments SI No Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Name of the Segment Government Hostel Crossing to Sanganer Airport via Sahkar Marg Government Hostel Crossing to Ajmer Bypass on Sikar Road via Collectorate Government Hostel Crossing to Transport Nagar via M I Road Government Hostel Crossing to Amrut Nagar (near Iskon Temple) via Ajmer Road Length in km 10.2 11.2 7.3 13.4


Project Cost

The tentative estimated cost for development of BRTS system is given below SI No 1 2 3 Components Road way development* Fleet Cost Other Expenses (Preliminary, supervision, coningency, IDC) Estimated Cost in crores 469.91 150.00 163.41


Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

SI No 4

Components Toal Cost

Estimated Cost in crores 783.31

*This cost includes roadway construction, construction of footpath, bicycle path, vehicular and bicycle parking, bus stations, user amenities such as toilets, kiosks, lighting, information boards including advertisement boards etc but does not include land acquisition, utility shifting, bus procurement and operation and maintenance.


Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

Annexure II: BRTS Master Plan


Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

Annexure III:Details of BRTS Corridor under Phase-1


Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

Annexure III - Scope of Work : Topographic Survey of BRT Corridors 1. General:-

The work involves carrying out a detailed engineering, topographic survey in the city area along the roads and all road intersections for 200 m width from the edge of existing road on both sides. The length of the corridor to be surveyed is about 42 km. 2. Topographical Survey:-

The survey shall include picking up all details along the road, necessary for planning dedicated lanes for buses and separate lanes for other fast and slow moving traffic, including but not limited to the following; 2.1 Road Right of Way:1. Width of carriageway, footpaths, central verge, drains. where there is a sudden change in width of road, physical measurement shall be marked on the drawings; 2. Road / lane name and location of all the approach roads; 3. Level crossings (if any) with their numbers, class, manned or unmanned, Road-OverBridges (ROBs) Road-Under-Bridges (RUBs) and Foot-Over Bridges (FOBs), Railway bridges with their structural details, angle of crossing and road & rail levels; and 4. Storm water drains, open drains, nallahs, with bed levels, HFL and manhole details. 5. Details of existing flyovers including details of at-grade service roads at such locations. 2.2 Buildings and Structures:1. Dimensions and Details of built-up areas including setbacks from building line/boundary wall, with plot numbers and Ownership such as private or government and usage i.e. residential or commercial etc. within survey limits; 2. Type of building, such as temporary, permanent including number of storeys and basement details; 3. Details of religious structures such as temple, Gurudwara, Mosque, Church, Monuments, tombs, ete; 4. Details of land along the route and their uses such as residential, commercial, religious, parks, green areas, vacant lands etc; 5. Name of all the adjacent colonies including number of houses, Jhuggie Clusters with number of jhuggies along the route; and squatters (no legal authority on Land-ADB) 6. Encroachments of the right of way.


Utilities 1. Utility services such as electric lines, telephone lines, H.T., L.T. Transmission lines;

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

2. Vertical Clearances to power line or telephone / telegraph lines at road crossings and at locations where Flyovers are proposed 3. Traffic Signals, light posts, bus stops, Junction boxes (telephone and power), wire and water hydrants (fire fighting and others), transformers, telephone posts; 4. Any other structure or details which may be relevant, 5. Underground utilities (Public & Private) i.e. cables, sewers, pipelines. 2.4 Trees

Location of trees with girth more than 30 cm (measured at 1/2 m height from ground level) in separate Auto CAD layer. A table, showing location, type, their species, girth diameter and reference number duly shown on the plan shall be made. The trees at site to be numbered and marked with paint including the identification of trees, which can be saved (with out cutting), if falling in median. 2.5. Precise Levelling of Control Points: 1. Reduced Levels of all traverse stations shall be taken by Double territory method; 2. Levelling shall be started from a GTS Benchmark and Closed at the same point after carrying Out levelling of traverse stations; 3. Control points established along the alignment shall be referred as temporary bench marks. TBMs should be located at every 1 km and at critical locations. Intermediate GTS benchmarks, if any are also to be connected; 4. All control points / TBMs shall be staked at ground with twisted steel bars of 12 mm dia and 0.30 in long if these are not established on permanent structures. 2.6 Profile Levelling:

The work involves carrying out/recording: 1. Longitudinal sectioning along the centre line of proposed alignment. Levels shall be taken at an interval of 25 m along the proposed alignment; 2. Reduced levels at every important location e.g. road intersections, Nallah bed, bridge level, rail level etc; 3. Height of buildings falling on the alignment, 4. Spot / Ground levels at 25 meter Intervals in longitudinal as well as transverse direction (with grid and duly marked on the drawing) and at sudden change of levels and other features etc; 5. Levels at important locations like road junctions and area where there are major undulations of the ground.


General Instructions:1. All survey work (barring levelling work) shall be carried out using total stations of two-second accuracy. A precision auto level shall carry out the levelling work. 2. Bidder should possess all required equipments/instruments duly calibrated & other facilities with them in adequate quantity to complete the work.

Scope of Work Bus Rapid Transit System for Jaipur City

3. The Engineer-in Charge from JDA or his representative visiting the site shall be extended full cooperation and he shall be explained about methodology adopted and shall be appraised about the measures adopted for accuracy of work. 4. The equipment used shall be accessible to the Engineer in charge or his representative for inspection to ensure its Suitability for the job. 5. The coordinates of all traverse stations are to be calculated with respect to the coordinates of stations as given by relevant authority. 6. The legend for surveying and preparation of plans shall conform to the Survey of India practice. 7. The quoted rates shall be inclusive of the cost of labour, materials, equipments, transport, preparation of drawings and reports etc. and no other charges whatsoever shall be entertained in any circumstances. 8. Some field work may have to be done at night. The consultant will have to make his own lighting arrangements etc. for night working for which no additional payment will be made. 9. The consultant at his cost shall ensure all road/traffic safety measures. 10. All drawings shall be prepared on Auto CAD. The Auto CAD drawings shall have different layers for different entities like Road, Spot/Ground levels, Drain, Building, Boundary Wall. Over Ground utility and Ground Utility, Tree, Traverse Station, ROB / RUB etc. X, Y, Z co-ordinates of all spot / ground points shall be provided In CSV file with point numbers and feature coding. . 11. All the ground levels shall be plotted in the form of L-Section in computer Auto CAD with scale 1: 1000 horizontal, 1: 100 vertical. 4. Deliverables:1. Weekly progress report including program for the next week shall be provided to PMC, every week; 2. Survey drawing on 1: 1000 scale and plotting of spot / Ground levels at twenty-five meters Intervals (with grid) and at sudden changes in levels and all features and spotting all utilities. Output shall be on 75-micron thick double matt transparent sheet and an electronic version in AutoCAD (2 copies) shall be provided. 3. All levelling calculations shall be submitted in a register along with all field recording data books. All the field data and calculation work shall be done in MX- Excel Package of computer to be submitted to PMC, and 4. All field books, note books, floppies, drawings and other documents containing field data gathered during traverse survey shall be handed over to the client and consultant shall have no claim or use whatsoever. The consultant shall not reproduce any data collected from the work in any form.


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