You had to write one to your______ for that knitted scarf she made you______ you were 6 -
and when you were______ , 8, 9....
But after the dust from ______ reception settles, you need to seriously get______ on all those
wedding thank-you notes - one ______ every dish, every vase, every new scarf ______
received. A thank-you note must be sent______ everyone who gives you a gift, especially
______ this may be the only way the ______ knows you actually received it. Telephone
calls ______ good enough - period. Following is a guide______ how to properly send thank-
you notes.
Traditionally, ______ thank-you notes are written in blue or______ ink on folded
ivory or white notepaper.
______ personalize the note by naming the gift: "______ you for the beautiful
crystal vase..."
If ______ gift was money, mention how you plan ______ use it: "Thank you for the
generous______ . We are using it as part of______ down payment on a house."