Keiko the whale is in an aquarium. _______ was in the movie "Free Willy." He______ been
in the aquarium almost two years. _______do not know if he is healthy _______not.
People at the aquarium think Keiko _______ be sick. He had an infection. He _______had
worms inside him.
The people who _______ Keiko say he is healthy. They say _______ has been checked. They
say he has _______ infections. The government wants Keiko to have _______ medical check-
Keiko's owners would like to _______him free. But they are not sure _______he is ready.
Can he see well? _______he talk with other whales? Will _______be able to hunt?
Right now Keiko _______ not seem ready. He cannot hunt. _______eats frozen fish. He
spends 15 hours _______day with humans.
Some people think that _______ cannot be set free. He has _______been in the ocean by
himself. He _______humans too much.