CB#13(Magnetic Effect Sol)

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Hints And Solution

1. ANS – 2 3. ANS – 3

From the hysteresis curve of soft iron we get

soft iron has high retentivity and low coercive
force therefore the loop (i) is for soft iron and
the loop (ii) is for steel.

4. ANS – 1

Given, angle of dip ∂ = 22°

Required force = − L Horizontal component of the earth's magnetic
2π 0.05 0.03
field H=0.35G
Assuming left side is the +ve direction
× × Let the magnitude of the earth's magnetic field
= 2 x 0.25 x 10-7 .
− .
N towards left at the place is R.
= 2 x 0.25 x 10-5 (40 - 100) N towards left
Using the formula, H = R cos ∂
= 2 x 0.25 x 10-5 x 60 towards right
H 0.35
= 3 x 10-4 towards right R= =
cos ∂ cos22

2. ANS – 2 Thus, the value of the earth's magnetic field at

that place is 0.38 G.
F⃗ = q(V⃗ × B⃗)
Because q = -ve 5. ANS – 4
Therefore In series current is same in tangent
⃗f = −q(V⃗ × B⃗) galvanometer

B=BH tanθ

μ n𝔦 Because magnetic force will provide required
= B tanθ centripetal force. Hence

Since current is same therefore n ∝ tanθ mv

qvB =
n tan 60 √3
= = 2KE 2 × 10 × 1.6 × 10
n tan 45 1 ⟹v= =
qBr 1.6 × 10 × 10 × 0.1
v = 2.0 × (10 )ms
6. ANS – 2

= qvB 10. ANS – 2
v qB
∴ = We know that the work done is given by :
r m
v qB W = NiAB (cos 0° − cos 180°)
f= =
2πr 2πm
= 100 × 0.5 × π × 0.1 × 2 × (1 + 1)
f does not depends upon velocity of the = 2π J
charge particle.

11. ANS – 3
7. ANS – 2
The values of relative permeability of
Diamagnetic substance creates an induced
diamagnetic material are slightly less than 1
magnetic field which is opposite to the applied
and εr is quite high. According to the table
magnetic field and thus there is repulsion on
given one takes . εr = 1.5 and µr = 0.5. the
both North and South Pole.
choice (εr = 1.5, µr = 0.5) is correct.

8. ANS – 3
12. ANS – 4
Using Ampere’s law, we have μ Ni
B μ 1
∮ B⃗ . dl⃗ = μ i x= = 2 r =
M Ni(πr ) 2π r
i.e, x will become x/8 when radius and current
both are doubled.

13. ANS -1
i At magnetic equator angle of dip becomes
OR , B × 2πr = μ πr
πR zero so total magnetic field at equator
μ ir becomes horizontal component and vertical
⟹ B= . component becomes zero.
2π R

14. ANS – 4
9. ANS – 1
Magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity,
When charge enters into a perpendicular and they are at angle of 90°.
magnetic field, it starts to move in a circular Thus, they can be added as perpendicular
path. vectors

M= M +M
N= 3 +4 =5

15. ANS – 1

Hence lesser the distance more is the force.

In the given circuit force of attraction is more
between EF and AD that of repulsion between
EF and BC, hence current loop will move
16. ANS – 1 towards the wire.

τ = MBsinθ 19. ANS – 2

= MBcosθ

For τ to be maximum θ
= 0

θ = 0o

17. ANS – 2
Field due to section 1

B = Outwards

Field due to section 2

B = = Outwards

Field due to section 3

r = ≥ b−a B = Outwards
qB(b − a) Therefore B =B +B +B
V ≥
B = + + Outwards
18. ANS – 2
= +1 Outwards
μ i i
F= 𝑙
4π d
20. ANS – 2
Where d is the distance between the
conductors Time period of a dip needle vibration due to
magnetic field is given by
T = 2π

In magnetic meridian = μ (i + i + i − i )
= μ (i + i )
3 = 2π …………………..(i)
25. ANS – 1
In horizontal plane
Magnetic field on the axis is in direction of
magnetic dipole moment.
3√2 = 2π …………………(ii)

26. ANS – 2
3 B B cosθ
= = 1
3√2 B B χ ∝
1 T
cos θ =
2 =
Therefore the dip angle is 60°
21. ANS – 4
χ = 2χ = 2 × 0.0060 = 0.0120
Direction of electron velocity is along
magnetic field lines. Hence F=0 27. ANS – 1

22. ANS – 1 From figure it is clear that

According to Fleming left hand rule for a small

current element, it is found that force is acting
outward. Hence coil expands at all points due
to outward force.

23. ANS – 2 B =B

μ i μ 4i a
Electromagnet should have a property to give = (sin ∅ + sin ∅ ) = ×
magnetizing and demagnetizing action very b 4π b √a + b
4π 2
fast with the change in magnetic field, for this
it should have very low coercivity and low μ 4i b
retentivity. B =B = ×
4π a √a + b

24. ANS – 4 ∴B=B +B +B +B

If the loop current is coming out it should be μ 4i a μ 4i b

B=2 × +2 ×
taken as positive and if it is going in it taken 4π b √a + b 4π a √a + b
as negative.
μ 2 × 4i 1 a b
i3 is coming out and again going in so its net B= × +
4π √a + b b a
contribution will be zero.
8μ i
B= × a +b
According to Ampere’s law, 4π ab

B⃗. dl⃗ = µ i

28. ANS – 4 2πmv
The radius of a charged particle in a uniform
magnetic field Also radius of helix is
r= mvsinθ mv √2p 1
qB R= = = =
qB √2qB 2√2π 2π
or r =
m 2π
r∝ … … … … (i)
32. ANS – 1
According to the given figure, the center of
both the curve is on the same side, hence Time period of oscillation of a magnet is,
nature of both the charge is same.
From figure R <R ⟹ < T = 2π

29. ANS – 2 T M
N = 500
I = 0.5A T M
r = 0.1m =
2 4M
For toroid T = 1 sec
μ NI
2πr 33. ANS – 1
4π × 10 × 500 × 0.5
B= = 5 × 10 Tesla Force acting between two parallel wires
2π × 0.1
μ i i
30. ANS – 3 F=
(2 × 10 )(10)(15)
Coercivity is H = 2 × 10 Am-1 F= ×5
For a solenoid, H = ni 0.3
F = 5 × 10 N
Number of turns per unit length
34. ANS – 4
n= = 1000
15 × 10
i= = = 2A

31. ANS – 3 Magnetic field due to each half is equal in

magnitude but opposite in direction so net
Pitch of the path is, field at the centre of the circular wire is zero.
Therefore magnetic force acting on the
2πm 2πmvcos45° particle when it passes through the centre is
p = (vcosθ) × =
qB qB zero.

35. ANS – 1 41. ANS – 4

Due to electrostatic force, there will be Above Curie’s temperature a ferromagnetic

repulsion between electron beams. Due to substance becomes paramagnetic.
magnetic interaction electron beams will
attract each other as they are moving in the
same direction. 42. ANS – 4
As the magnitude of electrostatic repulsion is
more than magnetic attraction therefore there F⃗ = F ⃗ + F ⃗ =qE⃗+ q v⃗ × B⃗
will be a net repulsion.
43. ANS – 2
36. ANS – 1
r < R ,B = 0
χ = = Slope of I − H graph μ i
H r>R , b=
The susceptibility of material B is larger
than A. μ i(r² − R ²)
R < 𝑟 < R ,, B =
2πr(R ² − R ²)
37. ANS – 1 44. ANS – 4
Force as well as torque both acts on a The coil carrying a current I in clockwise
magnetic needle kept in a non uniform sense coil has south polarity on that face of
magnetic field coil and other coil having current i in counter
clockwise sense has north poles will attract
38. ANS – 2 each other, hence a steady attractive force
acts between the coils.
𝔦 ( 𝔦)
B1 = , B2 = ( )
45. ANS – 2
BR = B1 – B2 =0
Apply the concept of Lenz’s Law.
B1 = B2 , Both are in opposite direction.

39. ANS – 2

F⃗ = F⃗
∴ qE = Bqv
𝑙 𝑙B 𝑙B ϵ 𝑙B
t= = = σ =
v E σ
40. ANS – 3

Due to charge q moving on circular path

μ I μ qf μ qω
B = = =
2R 2R 4πR

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