- Class 3 TEQB Two Word Expressions & Plurals

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Two-word expressions

Unit 0000
Make 15 two-word expressions connected with medicine by combining words from the
two lists: A and B. Match each expression with the appropriate phrase. Use each word
once. The first one has been done for you as an example.

allergic anaesthetic
balanced attack
bedside clock
biological death
bone diet
brain intervention
clinical manner
digestive marrow
general practitioner
general reaction
heart surgery
malignant system
plastic tooth
primary trial
surgical tumour

1. A condition in which the heart has a 9. An effect produced by a substance to which

reduced blood supply because one of the a person has an allergy, such as sneezing or
arteries becomes blocked by a blood clot, a skin rash.
causing myocardial ischaemia and
myocardial infarction
heart attack 10. A trial carried out in a medical laboratory on
a person or on tissue from a person.
2. A substance given to make someone lose
consciousness so that a major surgical
operation can be carried out 11. A tumour which is cancerous and can grow
again or spread into other parts of the
body, even if removed surgically.
3. Soft tissue in cancellous bone.

12. A doctor who provides first-line medical

4. The treatment of disease or other condition care for all types of illness to people who
by surgery. live locally, refers them to hospital if
necessary and encourages health
5. Any one of the first twenty teeth which
develop in children between about six
months and two-and-a-half years of age, 13. The rhythm of daily activities and bodily
and are replaced by the permanent teeth at processes such as eating, defecating or
around the age of six. sleeping, frequently controlled by
hormones, which repeats every twenty-four
6. Surgery to repair damaged or malformed
parts of the body.
14. The set of organs such as the stomach, liver
and pancreas which are associated with the
7. A condition in which the nerves in the brain digestion of food.
stem have died, and the person can be
certified as dead, although the heart may
not have stopped beating. 15. A diet that provides all the nutrients needed
in the correct proportions.

8. The way in which a doctor behaves towards

a patient, especially a patient who is in bed.

For reference see A & C Black Dictionary of Medical Terms (0 7136 7603 5).
Unit 0000
Plural formation
In Column A of this table there are 25 nouns relating to medicine. For each of the nouns
decide whether the correct plural form is in Column B or Column C and then circle it.

The first question has been done for you as an example.

Column A Column B Column C

1. stratum stratums strata

2. foot foots feet
3. fibula fibulae fibulas
4. glomerulus glomerulae glomeruli
5. abscess abscesses abscessi
6. joint jointes joints
7. bulla bullae bullas
8. testis testises testes
9. septum septa septums
10. oesophagus oesophaguses oesophagi
11. diagnosis diagnoses diagnosises
12. humerus humeruses humeri
13. syringe syringes syringae
14. acetabulum acetabula acetabulums
15. larva larvae larvi
16. chorda chordas chordae
17. varix varices varixi
18. fungus fungi funguses
19. ganglion ganglions ganglia
20. villus villi villae
21. atrium atria atriums
22. pons pontes ponses
23. ovum ovums ova
24. bout bouts boutae
25. cortex cortexes cortices

For reference see A & C Black Dictionary of Medical Terms (0 7136 7603 5).

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