Atow 496 00 01
Atow 496 00 01
Atow 496 00 01
• Thyroid storm is a life-threatening condition characterised by overt thyrotoxicosis in the setting of longstanding
untreated or undertreated hyperthyroidism.
• It may be triggered by an acute stress event such as abrupt discontinuation of antithyroid medication, infection, or surgery.
• In the awake patient, neurological, cardiovascular, thermoregulatory, and gastrointestinal dysfunction characterise the
predominant clinical abnormalities.
• In the anaesthetised patient, intraoperative signs may be limited to pyrexia, tachycardia, and atrial fibrillation, making
the diagnosis more difficult.
• The differential diagnosis for an intraoperative thyroid storm should include sepsis, malignant hyperthermia, neuroleptic
malignant syndrome, serotonin syndrome, pheochromocytoma, and anticholinergic syndrome.
• Perioperative management should include general supportive measures (airway, breathing, circulation, and temperature
management) as well as specific pharmacological interventions (beta-blockade, thionamide, iodine, and glucocorticosteroids).
A paucity of literature exists regarding the intraoperative recognition and management of a thyrotoxic crisis, more commonly
known as a thyroid storm. Due to the rarity of this condition1-3 and the various nonspecific clinical manifestations of a thyroid
storm under anaesthesia,4 prompt diagnosis and initiation of treatment remain a challenge but are very important.5 This tutorial
will focus on this rare but life-threatening complication of thyrotoxicosis, provide a stepwise approach to supportive and
pharmacological management, and provide guidance on the optimisation of patients in the perioperative period.
Hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, and thyroid storm are 3 separate clinical conditions that should not be confused with one
• Hyperthyroidism is a biochemical diagnosis that is defined by an increase in circulating thyroid hormone levels.6
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Clinical Features
Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis include heat intolerance, palpitations, anxiety, fatigue, weight loss, muscle weakness, and, in
women, irregular menses. Clinical findings may include tremors, tachycardia, lid lag, and warm moist skin. The clinical picture
of thyroid storm is characterised Cby nonspecific signs ranging from thermoregulatory dysfunction to thyrotoxic heart disease
(cardiothyreosis)1 (Table 1).
The exact mechanisms underlying the development of a thyroid storm are poorly understood. Thyroid storm occurs in
undiagnosed or uncontrolled hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis in the presence of a trigger.11 A heightened cellular response to
thyroid hormone is implicated, as seen during acute stress. The increased or abrupt availability of free hormones results in
enhanced responsiveness to catecholamines. It is postulated that a rapid increase in thyroid hormone, rather than the actual
hormone level, leads to the development of a thyroid storm. A thyroid storm must be triggered regardless of the aetiology of
hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis; however, in up to 30% of patients no trigger can be identified.
Thyroid storm can develop in untreated or poorly controlled hyperthyroidism but it is more commonly precipitated by an
acute event. The literature describes several precipitating factors, or triggers, including abrupt discontinuation of
antithyroid medication, infection, surgery (thyroid and nonthyroid), trauma, preeclampsia, parturition, hyperemesis
gravidarum, diabetic ketoacidosis, and acute iodine overload (radioactive iodine treatment, iodine in contrast studies, and
oral iodine) (Table 2).2,3
The diagnosis of thyroid storm is challenging due to the nonspecific clinical features and rarity. The diagnosis is further
hampered due to the continuum of severity ranging from thyrotoxicosis to thyroid storm. No laboratory abnormalities are
specific to thyroid storm. Hyperthermia, mental state changes (irritability, delirium, psychosis, lethargy, coma), hypotension,
tachycardia, dysrhythmias, and gastrointestinal and hepatocellular dysfunction characterise the clinical scenario in an awake
patient with thyroid storm (Table 1).9
The diagnosis of intraoperative storm is a difficult task as the only clues may be intraoperative pyrexia and tachycardia. Mental
state changes and gastrointestinal dysfunction will not be detected in a patient under general anaesthesia. Tachycardia has
numerous causes and may indicate pain, awareness, hypovolemia, haemorrhage, medication side effects, or bladder
distension. A rise in temperature and end-tidal carbon dioxide may be a sign of sepsis, malignant hyperthermia, neuroleptic
malignant syndrome, serotonin syndrome, pheochromocytoma, or anticholinergic syndrome.12 Atypical presentations have
been described under general anaesthesia in which the patient does not develop a fever. In the setting of a caesarean section
under neuraxial anaesthesia, haemorrhage and hormonal changes can obscure the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, making the
intraoperative diagnosis even more challenging.
A stepwise diagnostic approach should be followed when a patient under general anaesthesia develops intraoperative
tachycardia or pyrexia (Figure).13,14 The differential diagnosis for pyrexia and tachycardia should be considered initially
(Table 3).12
Diagnostic Tools
Certain diagnostic tools can aid in diagnosing a thyroid storm in the awake patient in the preoperative and postoperative
periods. The Burch and Wartofsky point scale (BWPS) described in 1993 uses nonspecific features to predict the likelihood
of a thyroid storm (Table 4).3 The BWPS has been widely applied for the diagnosis of thyroid storm for more than 2 decades.
Central nervous system disturbances are heavily weighted in the BWPS; however, in the anaesthetised patient these
disturbances will not be detected. In 2012, the Japanese Thyroid Association proposed diagnostic criteria (the Akamizu
diagnostic criteria) that include thyrotoxicosis as a prerequisite condition (Table 5).13 Using both scores to evaluate an
awake patient’s condition is recommended to increase diagnostic accuracy. These diagnostic criteria are helpful because
they provide a systematic framework to think about the diagnosis. However, we are not forced to rigidly adhere to these
criteria for 2 reasons. Firstly, the diagnosis of thyroid storm is partially a diagnosis of exclusion. For example, sepsis with
multi-organ failure could easily score . 45 on the BWPS. Therefore, a score . 45 does not prove a diagnosis of thyroid
storm. Secondly, treatment for thyroid storm is reasonable in any patient with severe hyperthyroidism causing organ failure
(especially heart failure). Therefore, even if the patient does not have a score . 45 on the BWPS, it may be prudent to
initiate therapy for thyroid storm.
treatment outlined below are based on clinical experience, case studies, the 2016 Japan Thyroid Association Guideline,13 and
the 2016 American Thyroid Association Guideline.14
Management principles can be divided into general considerations and specific considerations (Table 6),13,14 and encompass
the following:
(1) Consideration and exclusion of the differential diagnoses,12
(2) If thyroid storm is likely, implementation of the “ABCs of the Convulsing Hot Hormonal heart” (Table 6), and
(3) Consideration of thyroidectomy in refractory cases and plasma exchange in thyroid storm complicated with acute hepatic failure.13
followed up initially after 4 to 6 weeks, then at month 3, month 6, and then at yearly intervals. In the setting of emergency surgery
where optimisation might not be an option, a perioperative thyroid storm should be anticipated and adequately prepared for.
Premedication in the form of a beta-blocker (propranolol 0.1-0.15 mg/kg intravenously [IV]), antithyroid drug (propylthiouracil 200-
400 mg orally), and a corticosteroid (hydrocortisone 300 mg IV) should be administered. Where possible, regional anaesthesia
and peripheral nerve block are preferable to general anaesthesia. If the surgical procedure does not allow for a regional
anaesthetic technique, proceed with general anaesthesia ensuring that the intubation response is blunted, analgesia and
depth of anaesthesia are adequate, and a smooth emergence and extubation are performed.15 Vigilance regarding thyroid
storm should extend into the postoperative care period; therefore it is recommended that the patient be monitored in a
high-dependency unit.
Thyroid storm in an awake patient remains an elusive diagnosis. In an anaesthetised patient, the diagnosis is even
more challenging, and the pharmacological treatment options are limited to a few intravenous medications. In the
awake patient, the BWPS and the Akamizu’s diagnostic criteria should form part of the anaesthetist’s assessment.
When tachycardia and pyrexia are noted in the patient receiving general anaesthesia, the differential diagnosis
including thyroid storm should be considered.
And the waters leapt,
And the wild winds swept,
And blew out the moon in the sky,
And I laughed with glee,
It was joy to me
As the storm went raging by!
The rising of the storm, by Paul Laurence Dunbar
Table 6. Continued.
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