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CJ-202-51: Corrections in the U.S.

First Exam

Please answer all the questions below in short-answer format using complete sentences and, where
appropriate, citing your sources (including page numbers for any quotes). Please type and double-space
your answers using 12-point font. Each question is worth 5 points.

1) Identify punishment and identify corrections. How does each differ from the other, and why are
they often confused with one another?

2) Explain how the classical school of criminology, behavioral psychology, and the field of
corrections can be interrelated in reforming offender behavior.

3) What are some key differences between the Pennsylvania and Auburn prison systems?

4) How did different regions vary in their approaches to prison operations? Compare at least two

5) What is meant by the Top Three in American corrections, and why is this important?

6) Compare and contrast the two philosophical orientations of incapacitation and deterrence. In
your opinion, which one is the better approach to correctional practice?

7) Compare and contrast the terms disparity and discrimination. Which one do you think is most
appropriate to explaining the overwhelming proportion of minority inmates behind bars?
8) Compare and contrast indeterminate and determinate sentencing. What are the pros and cons
of each?

9) What is restorative justice and how is it unique from many other perspectives on the resolution
of crime?

10) According to the chapter, in what ways are classical criminology and operant conditioning
similar to one another in their orientations on shaping human behavior?

11) What was the hands-off doctrine, and how were prisons run during this era?

12) Identify and discuss legal liabilities associated with correctional staff.

13) How would you describe the current relationship between corrections and judicial oversight? Is
it now balanced, or are prisons systems still under close scrutiny?

14) Compare and contrast state tort cases and federal Section 1983 cases.

15) Discuss injunctions and consent decrees. What is the purpose of each when leveled against a
correctional system?

16) Compare issues for large metropolitan jails to those for small rural jails.
17) What is booking, and why is this area of the jail so important?

18) Discuss the dynamics of suicide within the jail facility.

19) How have communicable diseases impacted jail operations during recent years?

20) How can a first-time jail experience result in labeling a person and thereby potentially increasing
his or her likelihood of continuing in a life of crime?

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