Health, Engineering and Education, Murdoch University, Perth, WA, Australia; dSchool of Pharmacy and Biomedical
Sciences, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia; eCA Clinics, Sydney, NSW,
Australia; fPain Management Department, Charing Cross Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, London, UK
Other musculoskeletal pain covered presentations such as neck pain, back pain, and pain following injury. ^ Pe-
riod between reporting of AEs by the clinician or period elapsed between first and last PROMIS-29 completion. The
period is directly relevant to the period of data collection being analysed for each cohort. # p value calculated using
unpaired Student’s t test or Fisher’s exact test for sex and Kruskal-Wallis test for pain indication group comparisons.
chronic pain as described by the International Association for the doctor and pharmacist were consulted to retrospectively apply these
Study of Pain [20]. Candidates for this study were included if they categories to each relevant AE. SAEs and AEs were categorized using
met the following criteria: (1) adult aged 18 years or over, (2) report- the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA, version
ing pain symptoms of at least 3-month duration, (3) previously tried 2019AB), a dictionary designed for use in the registration, documen-
and failed other analgesics, (4) sufficient cognitive function and En- tation, and safety monitoring of medicinal products using a System
glish language skills to complete questionnaires, and (5) seeking me- Organ Classes (SOC) hierarchy and Common Terminology Criteria
dicinal cannabis therapy within the CA Clinics network. Candidates for Adverse Event (CTCAE, version 5.0) definitions. CTCAE is a
were excluded from the study if they (1) had any severe cognitive, web-based application to assist in locating appropriate AE terms.
medical, or psychiatric condition that impaired their ability to pro- In addition to AE monitoring during clinical visits, patients
vide informed consent and complete questionnaires, (2) were wom- completed an online questionnaire during their treatment that in-
en who were pregnant or breastfeeding, or (3) were administering a cluded the question “Have you been experiencing any side effects
medicinal cannabis formulation other than the LGP Classic 10:10. from your medicinal cannabis prescribed by CA Clinics”? They were
Data were collected between December 2018 and May 2020 then given the option to choose from a list of possible side effects
from 151 participants. Clinical consult data were extracted from or choose “Other” or “None.” Patients did not report the severity
electronic medical records, and patient-reported outcome mea- of these side effects. This questionnaire was sent to participants
sures were captured and stored using Research Electronic Data once per week (online suppl. Fig. 1; for all online suppl. material,
Capture (REDCap). Details of the analysis cohort selection criteria see
are shown in Figure 1. Patients who self-reported an AE in this questionnaire were
contacted by their CA Clinics clinician to assess the type of AE,
AE Reporting relatedness to study treatment, and severity. These clinician-veri-
Clinician-reported AEs and SAEs were collected at regular pa- fied patient data are reported here, as well as AEs reported during
tient monitoring visits conducted as part of routine standard of care. clinical visits.
The participant information consent form advised patients on the
study to visit their clinician once monthly for the first 3 months of Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System
treatment and once per 3-month period thereafter. Clinicians report- Analysis
ed the severity (mild/moderate/severe) and relatedness (unlikely/ The PROMIS-29 (v2.0) is a validated, generic (disease non-spe-
possibly/probably) of AEs within the clinical notes. In the event these cific) health-related quality of life (HRQoL) tool consisting of pa-
details were missing in consult notes for some AE cases, a medical tient-reported outcome measures across seven domains used to
Excluded (n=38)
♦ Indications other than chronic pain
Excluded (n=0)
♦ No clinician-reported AE monitoring available
Excluded (n=15)
♦ Administered non-LGP 10:10 products
Excluded (n=81)
♦ Did not complete ≥2 PROMIS-29
questionnaires during observational period
♦ <7 days between PROMIS-29 (n=2)
PROMIS-29 analysis
Fig. 1. Cohort inclusion for AE and PROMIS analysis from CACOS participants that were prescribed the LGP
Classic 10:10 product. Two analysis cohorts were identified: the AE cohort (n = 166) and the PROMIS subgroup
(n = 85).
evaluate physical, mental, and social health and wellbeing in peo- (n = 42; 27.8%), neuropathic pain (n = 34; 22.5%), and
ple with chronic illnesses [21]. It has been used as a primary way other musculoskeletal pain (n = 25; 16.6%). The mean
to measure change in HRQoL [22]. Figure 1 provides an outline of observation period was 133.3 (±114.5, range: 9–392) days
analysis inclusion. Figure 2 shows the survey items..
Patient data were included in the analysis if they had complet- (Table 1). The mean daily dose of cannabinoids for the
ed a minimum of two PROMIS-29 questionnaires during the ob- AE analysis cohort was 22.4 ± 13.0 mg THC and 22.4 ±
servational period, at the time of cross-sectional sampling. PRO- 13.0 mg CBD administered as a ∼2.25 mL volume of oral
MIS-29 data were excluded from participants who failed to com- oil.
plete two or more questionnaires. This questionnaire was sent to A majority of subjects in this analysis group presented
participants once per week (online suppl. Fig. 1).
The observational period for each patient was defined as the with a single chronic pain condition (n = 134/151, 88.7%),
time between first and last data points collected. The minimum while the remainder presented with two or more chronic
observation period for inclusion in the analysis was defined as ≥7 pain conditions. The mean age of the PROMIS-29 analy-
days given the PROMIS-29 is validated to a 7-day period. Analyses sis cohort was 55.3 (±15.4) years, with a slightly higher
of PROMIS-29 domains were conducted using T-score reference proportion of females (54.9%) than males. The most
tables from the PROMIS-29 v2.0 conversion tables [21]. Pain im-
pact scores were calculated based on NIH Task Force recommen- common chronic pain conditions included neuropathic
dations [23]. pain (n = 19, 26.8%), other musculoskeletal pain (n = 18,
25.4%), and arthritis (n = 17, 23.9%). The mean observa-
Statistical Analysis tion period was 139.2 (±116.4, range: 9–392) days (Ta-
Data were analysed using SPSS Statistics (IBM, ble 1). The mean daily dose of cannabinoids for the PRO-
Armonk, NY, USA) and GraphPad Prism v8 (GraphPad, San
Diego, CA, USA) for descriptive statistics. Effectiveness of treat- MIS analysis cohort was 22.4 ± 13.0 mg for THC and 22.4
ment was explored through the PROMIS-29 survey consisting ± 13.0 mg CBD, administered as a ∼2.25 mL volume of
of 8 pain domains, 7 of which use 5-point Likert scales and 1 of oral oil.
which uses a 10-point Likert scale. Raw scores were converted to A majority of subjects in this analysis group presented
standardized T scores using the PROMIS-29 scoring manual
with a single chronic pain condition (n = 45/71, 63.4%),
(v2.1). Means and standard deviations were calculated for con-
tinuous variables, and frequency as a proportion of the group while the remainder presented with two or more chronic
was calculated for categorical variables. Paired Student’s t test pain conditions. The mean cannabinoid dose was signifi-
was used for comparison of PROMIS T-score means over the cantly lower at the first time point compared with the last
observation period. Unpaired Student’s t test was used to com- time point collected (THC, 25.1 ± 27.5 mg, and CBD, 25.1
pare continuous variable means. The χ2 test (or Fisher’s exact
± 27.5 mg, for the first time point compared with THC,
test when n < 20) was used to compare categorical variables. A p
value below 0.05 was used to indicate statistical significance in 29.4 ± 24.0 mg, and CBD, 29.4 ± 24.0 mg, for the last time
all analyses. point; per day; two-way ANOVA; time point p < 0.0001;
cannabinoid p > 0.05). No significant differences between
analysis cohort demographics were found (p > 0.05) (Ta-
ble 1).
Mild Adverse Events Associated with Medicinal
Demographics Cannabis Were Observed within the Study Cohort
One hundred and fifty-one participants contributed to Over half (n = 91/151; 60.3%) of the total AE analysis
the AE analysis, and a subset (71 participants) contrib- cohort (n = 151) experienced at least one AE during the
uted to the PROMIS-29 analysis. The mean age of the AE observational period, as reported by their clinician,
analysis cohort was 54.6 (±15.9) years, with a slightly while 39.7% (n = 60/151) of patients had no AEs. A to-
higher proportion of females (55.6%) than males. The tal of 196 AEs were attributed to 91 subjects, highlight-
most common chronic pain conditions included arthritis ing that some patients experienced multiple AEs. The
MedDRA system organ class AEs, (n) Patients MedDRA system organ class AEs, (n) Patients
reporting reporting
AE, (n) AE, (n)
mean AEs reported (by clinicians) per participant were defined by the TGA and CTCAE reporting requirements.
2.2. Table 2 describes the AEs reported for the analysis No grade 4 or 5 events were reported.
cohort within the defined observational period (n = The relatedness of the AEs to medicinal cannabis treat-
151). ment was reported. Most AEs were probably related (n =
The severity analysis revealed the majority of AEs re- 150/196, 76.5%) or possibly related (n = 76/196, 38.8%) as
ported (n = 168/196; 85.7%) were mild (grade 1), as op- opposed to unlikely related (n = 6/196, 3.1%) to treatment
posed to moderate (n = 54/196; 27.6%; grade 2) or severe with LGP Classic 10:10 oil. No SAEs were reported with-
(n = 10/196; 5.1%; grade 3) in intensity, per the grading in the observational period for this cohort of patients.
Measure (range) First (n = 71) Last (n = 71) p value Improved Not changed Worsened MCID
mean (SD) mean (SD) n (%) n (%) n (%)
PROMIS-29 domains
Pain intensity (0–10) 6.3 (2.1) 5.7 (2.3) 0.053 24 (32.9) 33 (45.2) 16 (21.9) 2.0 [23]
Domains as T-scores (population mean 50, SD 10)
Pain interference 64.7 (7.9) 63.5 (8.4) 0.16 27 (37) (34.1) 26 (35.6) 20 (27.4) 2.0 [23]
Fatigue 54.9 (10.6) 55.5 (10.3) 0.62 26 (35.6) 25 (34.2) 22 (30.1) 2.5 [24]
Sleep disturbance 53.6 (10.0) 51.4 (9.5) 0.13 36 (49.3) 11 (15.1) 13 26 (35.6) 2.0^
Anxiety 52.7 (8.6) 53.2 (10.2) 0.61 17 (23.3) 37 (50.7) 19 (26.0) 2.3 [25]
Depression 53.2 (8.8) 52.8 (9.1) 0.67 17 (23.3) 37 (50.7) 19 (26.0) 3.0 [25]
Satisfaction with social role 40.5 (9.5) 40.4 (8.3) 0.93 23 (31.5) 34 (46.6) 16 (21.9) 2.0^
Physical function 35.8 (8.3) 36.2 (7.7) 0.58 26 (35.6) 30 (41.1) 17 (23.3) 1.9 [23, 26]
Impact score (raw score, 8–50) 33.5 (10.2) 31.1 (10.0) 0.034* 35 (47.9) 21 (28.8) 17 (23.3) 3.0 [23]
Impact shift – – – 17 (23.6) 43 (58.3) 13 (18.1) –
Bold values indicate the placement of the cohort majority. Impact shift is defined as change from mild impact (8–27) to moderate impact
(28–34) to severe impact (≥35) based on impact score cutoffs. A positive impact shift shows patients changed in a positive direction from
a detrimental impact level to a lesser one (i.e., severe → moderate/moderate → mild). MCID, minimal clinically important difference. ^ MCID
= 2.0 as default given there is no published MCID value in the literature to reference. * p < 0.05 compared to first (paired Student’s t test).
Psychiatric and Gastrointestinal-Related AEs was a 3.2 ± 1.9-point reduction (p < 0.0001) compared to
Accounted for the Majority Reported a 2.6 ± 0.6-point increase in those that had worsened pain
The majority of the cohort experienced at least one AE intensity (n = 16; p < 0.0001).
(n = 91/151; 60.3%). AEs were classified by the MedDRA Impact score was also calculated based on responses to
SOC and reported based on frequency and the number of targeted pain impact items (Fig. 2). A significant decrease
patients experiencing each AE (Table 2). The majority of in pain impact score was found overall, with the mean
AEs experienced fell under psychiatric disorders (n = impact score reduced by 2.3 ± 9.4 points (p = 0.034). Of
66/196; 33.7%), followed by gastrointestinal disorders (n those with a meaningful improvement (based on minimal
= 43/196; 21.9%) and nervous system disorders (n = clinically important difference [MCID] = 3.0; n = 35), a
38/196; 19.4%). The two former categories accounted for mean 9.6 ± 7.9-point decrease was observed (p < 0.0001).
∼55% of all reported AEs. Somnolence (n = 23/196; Most subjects experienced an improvement in pain im-
11.7%) and dry mouth/throat (n = 14/196, 7.1%) were the pact (47.9%) suggesting that the reduction in pain inten-
most common AEs experienced. sity was having an effect on patients’ quality of life that
was not reflected in the pain intensity measurements.
Improvements in Pain Intensity and Pain Impact Conversely, a mean 8.7 ± 4.5-point increase was seen in
Scores Were Observed those with worsened pain impact outcomes (p < 0.0001,
Within the PROMIS-29 analysis subset (n = 71), we n = 17).
found a significant improvement in the impact of pain
and an improvement verging on significance for pain in- Sleep Disturbance and Fatigue Significantly Improved
tensity when comparing first and last completed ques- in the Majority of Patients
tionnaires within the observational period for each sub- There were no statistically significant improvements
ject (Table 3). Analysis showed a reduction in overall pain across the other PROMIS-29 domains when comparing
intensity scores (−0.6 ± 2.5-point reduction; ∼9% de- mean T-scores across the observation period (Table 3).
crease; p = 0.053) approaching significance. When pain However, the majority of subjects who reported changes
intensity changes were assessed using the published min- to fatigue and sleep disturbance domains noted improve-
imal clinically important differences (MCID) value [23] ments (sleep disturbance 49.3% improved; fatigue 35.6%
(2.0 change), 32.9% of the cohort was improved com- improved) (Table 3). Evaluation of only those that were
pared with 45.2% unchanged and 21.9% worsened. The improved (based on MCID cutoffs) showed a significant
average intensity change in those that improved (n = 24) improvement in sleep disturbance T-scores (−12.5 ± 6.5
The authors wish to thank Ms. Belen Gomez and Dr. Natalie The data that support the findings of this study are not pub-
Beveridge for their assistance in establishing the data collection licly available. The data are contained within patient records that
facilities for this project. are securely stored for access by CAC staff and researchers only.
Further enquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
Statement of Ethics
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