TOS_Science 3_Q2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Kalinga

Table of Specification in Science 3

Grade: 3 Quarter: 2nd Quarter

Learning Competency Code 21st Century Skill Type of Test No. of Items Item Placement
Cognitive Process Dimension Target
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
1. Describe the S3LT-IIa-b- 5 Critical Thinking MC 5 1-5
functions of the sense 1
organs of the human
2. Describe animals in S3LT-IIc-d- 2 Critical Thinking MC 2 6-7
their immediate 3
surroundings S3MT-Ih-j-
3. Identify the external S3LT-IIc-d- 1 1 Critical Thinking MC 2 8-9
parts and functions of 4
4. Classify animals S3LT-IIc-d- 2 1 Critical Thinking MC 3 10-12
according to body parts 5
and use
5. State the importance S3LT-IIc-d- 2 1 Critical Thinking MC 3 13-15
of animals to humans 6
6. Describe the parts of
different kinds of plants S3LT-IIe-f-
Critical Thinking MC 2 16-17
7. State the importance S3LT-IIe-f-9 3 1 Critical Thinking MC 4 18-21
of plants to humans
8. Compare living with S3LT-IIe-f- 3 Critical Thinking MC 3 22-24
nonliving things 11
9. Identify observable S3LT-IIg- 2 Critical Thinking MC 2 25-26
characteristics that are h13
passed on from parents
to offspring (e.g.,
humans, animals,
10. Identify the basic S3LT-IIi-j- 2 Critical Thinking MC 2 27-28
needs of humans, 14
plants and animals such
as air, food, water, and
11. Explain how living S3LT-IIi-j- 1 Critical Thinking MC 1 29
things depend on the 15
environment to meet
their basic needs
12. Recognize that S3LT-IIi-j- 1 Critical Thinking MC 1 30
there is a need to 16
protect and conserve
the environment
Total 17 8 4 1 30

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