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l Seal external leaks immediately. If necessary

inform the responsible customer service. 5.2 Fuels and lubricants
l Do not store drums with hydraulic oil outdoors,
or at least under a cover. Water can be drawn
Engine oil
in through the bunghole when the weather
changes. Quality
l We recommend to use the BOMAG filling and For use in DEUTZ engines the lubrication oils are
filtering unit with fine filter to fill the system. classified in DEUTZ Lubrication Oil Quality Class-
This ensures finest filtration of the hydraulic es (DQC).
oil, prolongs the lifetime of the hydraulic oil fil-
ter and protects the hydraulic system. Approved engine oils
l Clean fittings, filler covers and the area around Deutz ACEA * API** DHD
such parts before disassembly to avoid enter-
ing of dirt. DQC II-05 or E3-96, CG-4, DHD-1
DQC II-10 E5-02, CH-4,
l Do not leave the tank opening unnecessarily
E7-08, CI-4,
open, but cover it so that nothing can fall in.
E4-07, CI-4 Plus,
E6-04, CJ-4

DQC III-05 or - - -

DQC IV-05 - - -
or DQC II-10
* Association des Constructeurs European d’Automobiles
** American Petroleum Institute

The list of approved lubrication oils is also availa-

ble in the Internet under the following address:

de >>SERVICE >> Betriebsstoffe und Addi-

tive >> DeutzQualityClass >> DQC-Freiga-

en >>SERVICE >> Operating Liquids and Ad-

ditives >> DeutzQualityClass >> DQC Re-
lease List

Consult your local service station if in doubt.

l Use winter grade engine oil for winter opera-

Oil viscosity
Since lubrication oil changes its viscosity with the
temperature, the ambient temperature at the oper-
ating location of the engine is of utmost impor-
tance when choosing the viscosity class (SAE-
class) .

BW 226 DH-4 BVC BOMAG 91


Too high viscosity can cause starting difficulties, DQC II, DQC III, DQC IV: 500 operating hours
too low ´viscosity can jeopardize the lubrication ef-
fect and result in a high lubrication oil consump-
! Caution
When using fuels with a sulphur content of
more than 0.5% to 1% or under permanent am-
bient temperatures below -10 °C (14 °F) and
when using biodegradable diesel fuel the oil
change intervals must be halved.

You should only use commercially available brand
diesel fuel with a sulphur content of less than 0.5%
and ensure strict cleanliness when filling in. A
higher sulphur content has a negative effect on the
oil change intervals.
The fuel level should always be topped up in due
time so that the fuel tank is never run dry, as oth-
erwise filter and injection lines need to be bled.

The following fuel specifications are permitted:
l EN 590
l DIN 51628
l ASTM D975 Grade-No. 1-D and 2-D.
l JIS K 2204 Grade Fuel 1 and Grade Fuel 2
with lubrication properties acc. to EN 590

Winter fuel
For winter operation use only winter diesel fuel, to
avoid clogging because of paraffin separation.
Fig. 168 Diesel fuels suitable for temperatures down to -44
Optimal operating conditions can be achieved by °C (-47 °F) are available for Arctic climates. At
using the oil viscosity chart (Fig. 168) as a refer- very low temperatures disturbing paraffin separa-
ence. tion can also be expected when using winter diesel
At ambient temperatures below -40 °C (-58 °F) the
lubrication oil must be pre-heated (e.g. by parking The admixture of petroleum and the addition of
the machine indoors). "flow enhancing additives" (fuel additives) is not
The viscosity is classified acc. to SAE. Multi-pur-
pose oils should generally be used.
Oil change intervals For fluid cooled engines the cooling fluid must be
The longest permissible time a lubrication oil prepared by admixing a cooling system protection
should remain in an engine is 1 year. If the follow- agent to the fresh water and should be checked
ing oil change intervals are not reached over a pe- within the specified maintenance intervals.
riod of 1 year, the oil change should be performed This prevents damage caused by corrosion, cavi-
at least once per year, irrespective of the operating tation, freezing and overheating.
hours reached.

92 BOMAG BW 226 DH-4 BVC


Fresh water quality ! Caution

The correct quality of water is highly important Another analysis must be made after the fresh
when preparing coolant. Clear and clean water water has been prepared.
within the boundaries of the following analysis val-
ues should generally be used. Cooling system protection agent
As a protection against frost, corrosion and boiling
point anti-freeze agents must be used under any
Fresh water analysis values
climatic conditions.
pH-value at 20 °C (68 °F) 6.5 - 8.5 Coolant for fluid cooled engines is prepared by
adding an ethylene-glycol based anti-freeze agent
Chloride ion content (mg/l) (ppm) max. 100 with corrosion inhibiting properties to the cooling
Sulphate ion content (mg/l) max. 100 water.
(ppm) We therefore highly recommend our BOMAG cool-
ing system protection agent.
Water hardness (ion content of max. 3.56
calcium and magnesium ) If our cooling system protection agent is not avail-
(mmol/l)] able for any important reasons, you may, in excep-
tional cases, use products that have been
Conversion to other units: approved by the engine manufacturer.

- German degree (°dH)] max. 20 The list of approved cooling system protection
agents is also available in the Internet under the
- English degree (°eH)] max. 25 following address:

- French degree (°fH)] max. 36.5
corresponds with the content of max. 356
CaCO3 (mg/l) (ppm) de >>SERVICE >> Betriebsstoffe und Addi-
tive >> Kühlsystemschutz >> Kühlsystem-
Information concerning the water quality can be schutz Technisches Rundschreiben
obtained from the waterworks.
If the fresh water analysis values are unknown, en >>SERVICE >> Operating Liquids and Ad-
these must be determined with the help of a water ditives >> Cooling System Conditioner >>
analysis. Flyer Cooling System Conditioner Techni-
cal Circular
If the values of the analysis deviate, the water
must be treated accordingly. Products of the same product group (see Deutz
l pH-value too low Technical Circular Cooling System Protection
Adding of caustic lye of soda or caustic potash Agents) can be mixed with each other.
solution. The BOMAG cooling system protection agent cor-
l Water hardness too high: responds with product group A.
Mix with soft, distilled or fully demineralized
water Caution
l Chlorides and/or sulphates too high: Do not mix different coolants and additives of
Mix with distilled or fully demineralized water any other kind.
l Total hardness or carbonate hardness too low: Before changing the product you must clean
Mix with hardened water (harder water is in the entire cooling system.
most cases available in the form of drinking
Consult your local service station if in doubt.
To ensure proper corrosion protection you must
use the cooling system protection agent all year

BW 226 DH-4 BVC BOMAG 93


around, whereby the following concentration must mineral oil based hydraulic oil according to
not be fallen short of or exceeded. DIN 51524.
In hydraulic systems filled with Panolin HLP
Synth.46 always use the same oil to top up.
Mixing ratio
When changing from mineral oil based hydraulic
Cooling sys- Fresh water Cold protec- oil to an ester based biologically degradable oil,
tem protection tion down to you should consult the lubrication oil service of the
agent oil manufacturer for details.

min. 35% 65% -22 °C (-8 °F)

40% 60% -28 °C (-18 °F) Check the filter more frequently after this
45% 55% -35 °C (-31 °F)
Perform regular oil analyses for content of wa-
max. 50% 50% -41 °C (-42 °F) ter and mineral oil.
Replace the hydraulic oil filter element every
! Caution 500 operating hours.
A proportion of more than 50% of cooling sys-
tem protection agent causes a drop in cooling Gear oil
For the gearboxes use only ,ulti-purpose gear oils
The use of corrosion protection oils as cooling ISO VG 220 of API-GL5-class with a minimum vis-
system protection agents is not permitted. cosity of 20 mm2/s at 100 °C.
This is a hypoid lubricant of highest quality class
i Note for extremely loaded transmissions.
When working at temperature below -41 °C(-42 The additives in this oil ensure low wear lubrication
°F) you should consult our local service represent- under all operating conditions.
Exciter shaft oil
Environment For the exciter unit in the drum use a fully synthetic
Coolant must be disposed of environmentally. gear oil SAE 75W-90, API GL5.

Mineral oil based hydraulic oil

The hydraulic system is operated with hydraulic oil
HV 46 (ISO) with a kinematic Viskosität von 46
mm2/s bei 40 °C und 8 mm2/s bei 100 °C betrie-
ben. For topping up or for oil changes use only
high-quality hydraulic oil, type HVLP according to
DIN 51524, part 3, or hydraulic oils type HV ac-
cording to ISO 6743/3. The viscosity index (VI)
should be at least 150 (observe information of

Bio-degradable hydraulic oil

The hydraulic system can also be operated with a
synthetic ester based biodegradable hydraulic oil.
The biologically quickly degradable hydraulic oil
Panolin HLP Synth.46 meets all demands of a

94 BOMAG BW 226 DH-4 BVC


5.3 Table of fuels and lubri-


Assembly Fuel or lubricant Quantity

Summer Winter Attention

Observe the level marks


- Engine oil Specification see "Fuels and lubricants - engine oil" approx. 12,5 litres incl. oil

SAE 10W-40 (-15 °C to +40 °C)

(BOMAG PN 009 920 06; 20 l)

SAE 15W-40 (-5 °C to +40 °C)

SAE 5W-40 (-30 °C to +40 °C)

- Fuel Diesel Winter diesel fuel approx. 340 litres

- Coolant Mixture of water and anti-freeze agent approx. 16 litres

BOMAG TN 009 940 08; 20l)
Specification see "Fuels and lubricants - coolant"

Hydraulic system Hydraulic oil (ISO), HLP 46 approx. 60 litres

(BOMAG PN 009 930 09; 20 l)
ester based biodegradable hydraulic oil

Exciter unit SAE 75W-90, API GL-5 approx. 16.5 litres

(BOMAG PN 009 925 05; 20 l)

Drive axle SAE 80W-140, API GL-5 approx. 12.5 litres

(BOMAG PN 009 925 07; 20 l)

Wheel hubs SAE 80W-140, API GL-5 approx. 3.5 litres (per
(BOMAG PN 009 925 07; 20 l) side)

Axle reduction gear SAE 80W-140, API GL-5 approx. 1.9 litres
(BOMAG PN 009 925 07; 20 l)

Drum drive reduction gear SAE 80W-140, API GL-5 approx. 7.5 litres
(BOMAG PN 009 925 07; 20 l)

Drum Water 50% / anti-freeze* 50% approx. 80 litres

* Ethylene or Propylene Glycol

BW 226 DH-4 BVC BOMAG 95


Assembly Fuel or lubricant Quantity

Summer Winter Attention

Observe the level marks

Tires Water approx. 390 litres

Calcium chloride (CaC 2) or magnesium chloride approx. 130 kg


Air conditioning system Refrigerant R134a approx. 1500 g

96 BOMAG BW 226 DH-4 BVC


5.4 Running-in instructions

The following maintenance work must be per-

formed when running in new machines or
overhauled engines:


Up to approx. 250 operating hours check the

engine oil level twice every day.
Depending on the load the engine is subjected
to, the oil consumption will drop to the normal
level after approx. 100 to 250 operating hours.

After a running-in time of 30 minutes

l Retighten the V-belt

After 250 operating hours

l Tighten all bolted connections on air intake,
exhaust, oil sump and engine mounts.
l Retighten the bolted connections on the ma-
l Retighten all wheel fastening screws with the
specified tightening torque.
l Change engine oil and oil filter
l Oil change in drive axle
l Oil change in wheel hubs
l Oil change, axle reduction gear
l 1. Oil change in drum drive reduction gear
l 1. Oil change in Vario exciter

After 500 operating hours

l 2. Oil change in drum drive reduction gear
l 2. Oil change in Vario exciter

BW 226 DH-4 BVC BOMAG 97


5.5 Maintenance table

every 10 operating hours, daily

every 1000 oper. hours

every 2000 oper. hours

every 3000 oper. hours

every 6000 oper. hours

every 250 oper. hours

every 500 oper. hours

No. Maintenance work Comment

as required
5.6 Check the engine oil level Dipstick mark X
5.7 Check the fuel level X
5.8 Check the coolant level Inspection glass X
5.9 Check the hydraulic oil level Inspection glass X
5.10 Check the tire pressure X
5.11 Clean the cooling fins on engine and X
hydraulic oil cooler
5.12 Check the oil level in the drive axle X
5.13 Check the oil level in the wheel hubs X
5.14 Check the oil level in the axle reduc- X
tion gear
5.15 Check the oil level in the drum reduc- X
tion gear
5.16 Check, replace the refrigerant com- X
pressor V-belt
5.17 Change engine oil and oil filter car- see foot note X
tridge* min. 1x per year
5.18 Check, clean the water separator X
5.19 Drain the fuel tank sludge X
5.20 Battery service pole grease X
5.21 Service the air conditioning X
5.22 Clean the circulation air filter for the X

98 BOMAG BW 226 DH-4 BVC


every 10 operating hours, daily

every 1000 oper. hours

every 2000 oper. hours

every 3000 oper. hours

every 6000 oper. hours

every 250 oper. hours

every 500 oper. hours

No. Maintenance work Comment

as required
5.23 Change the bypass filter** see foot note X
min. 1x per year
5.24 Check / replace the ribbed V-belt X
5.25 Replace the fuel filter cartridge X
5.26 Change the fuel pre-filter cartridge X
5.27 Checking the engine mounts X
5.28 Checking the engine pillow blocks X
5.29 Change the oil in the drive axle *** see foot note X
min. 1x per year
5.30 Change the oil in the wheel hubs*** see foot note X
min. 1x per year
5.31 Change the oil in the axle reduction see foot note X
gear*** min. 1x per year
5.32 Change the oil in the drum reduction see foot note X
gear**** min. 1x per year
5.33 Vario exciter oil change**** see foot note X
min. 1x per year
5.34 Retighten the fastening of the axle X
on the frame
5.35 Tighten the wheel nuts***** see foot note X
5.36 Check the ROPS X
5.37 Check the travel control X
5.38 Adjust the valve clearance Intake valve: 75°+10° X
Exhaust: 120°
5.39 Change hydraulic oil and breather fil- see foot note X
ter** at least every 2 years

BW 226 DH-4 BVC BOMAG 99


every 10 operating hours, daily

every 1000 oper. hours

every 2000 oper. hours

every 3000 oper. hours

every 6000 oper. hours

every 250 oper. hours

every 500 oper. hours

No. Maintenance work Comment

as required
5.40 Change the hydraulic oil filter** see foot note X
at least every 2 years
5.41 Change the coolant at least every 2 years X
5.42 Replace ribbed V-belt and idler pul- X
5.43 Replace the injection valves only by authorized X
service personnel
5.44 Replace the crank case ventilation X
5.45 Air filter maintenance min. 1x per year, X
Safety cartridge at
least every 2 years
5.46 Adjust the scrapers X
5.47 Clean the machine X
5.48 Adjust the parking brake X
5.49 Change the tires X
5.50 Change the fresh air filter in the cab- X
5.51 Fill the provision tank for the wind- X
screen washer system
5.52 Tightening torques X
5.53 Engine conservation X
* oil change after 250 and 500 operating hours, then every 500 operating hours
** Also in case of repair in the hydraulic system.
*** Running-in instructions: oil change after 250 and 1000 operating hours, then every 1000 operating hours
**** Running-in instructions: oil change after 250, 500 and 1000 operating hours, then every 1000 operating hours
*****Running-in instructions: oil change after 250 and 1000 operating hours, then every 1000 operating hours

100 BOMAG BW 226 DH-4 BVC

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