Mechanics and Rubrics for Reader's Theater
Mechanics and Rubrics for Reader's Theater
Mechanics and Rubrics for Reader's Theater
1. Each group must have a minimum of seven (7) performers and maximum of twelve (12).
2. The piece must include an introductory performance (additional performers).
3. The piece to be performed for the Reader’s Theater competition is “My Father Goes to Court” by Carlos
Bulusan, a classic Filipino piece.
1. 3. The performance must not be shorter than three (3) minutes and longer than seven
4. Memorizing is not required. The participants can bring a copy of the story on stage while performing. It
should be on a long folder with uniform design and appearance. (Be creative with the folders.)
5. The participants are allowed to use costumes, headdress and arm props.
6. Excessive stunts and movements are not allowed. Only minimal but appropriate gesture sare required.
7. Participants can add some lines, addlibs and dialogues ONLY with significant relevance to the
performance and piece.
8. The participants must not use any background music in their performance. Doing so maybe subject to
9. Consider these five criteria when practicing and performing:
1) Readers speak clearly and use an appropriate volume.
2) Readers read the text accurately.
3) Readers read text with expression.
4) Members of the group cooperate with each other during rehearsal and performance time.
5) The group uses their rehearsal time wisely.
For reference, watch the following videos:
Category 5 4 3 2
Story-telling The pace & The climax is The climax and The story fails to 5
conventions intrigue recognizable resolution are build
add to a climactic And the unclear to the toward a climax
resolution resolution is audience. & resolution.
time limit.
Mastery of the Very smooth Smooth transition Poor transition of No transition of 5
Piece transition of of events and events and events and
events and character’s character’s character’s
character’s dialogues; pause dialogues; pause dialogues; failed
dialogues; pause in commas and in commas and to pause in
in commas and period often. period sometimes. commas and
period on a period.
consistent basis.
Oral Delivery The participants The participants The participants The participants 5
(clarity, volume, consistently speak clearly and speak clearly and speak vaguely
enunciation) speak clearly and loudly. No loudly sometimes. and inconsistent
loudly. No obvious There are few in volume. The
mispronunciation mispronunciations mispronunciations piece is filled
s at all. . . with
Facial Expression, Quality and Quality and The performance The performance 5
Vocal Projection, variety of variety of has pleasant has reading but
and Appropriate expression and expression and reading but lacks failed to show
Gestures tone makes the tone makes the in drama and appropriate
performance performance appropriate emotions and
interesting and interesting and emotions. drama.
appealing. It also appealing.
appropriate but
minimal gestures.
Costumes/ Student uses Student uses 1-2 Student uses 1-2 The student uses 5
Materials several materials materials that props which make no materials OR
(could include accurately fit the the presentation the props chosen
costume) that period, and make better. distract from the
accurately fit the the presentation presentation.
period. It shows better.
creativity and
made the
Overall Impression Exceptionally Satisfactory Adequate Tolerable 5
good to excellent performance performance but performance but
performance. overall. need needs overall
improvements. change and