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Total productive maintenance, Total

total quality management and maintenance
operational performance
An empirical study of Indian
pharmaceutical industry Received 9 October 2015
Revised 13 May 2016
Accepted 15 June 2016
Sachin Modgil and Sanjay Sharma
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of total productive maintenance (TPM)
and total quality management (TQM) practices on operational performance and their inter-relationship.
Design/methodology/approach – The present study includes three main constructs, namely,
TPM, TQM and operational performance of pharmaceutical industry. Under TPM, four constructs,
namely, disciplined maintenance, information tracking, housekeeping and operator involvement has
been considered with the help of literature. In TQM, four constructs, namely, quality data and
reporting, product innovation, research and development (R&D) management and technology
management has been considered. Out of 410 Indian pharmaceutical plants contacted for survey,
254 responses have been used in the study for analysis. The factor analysis, path model and
structural equation modeling has been used to analyze the proposed framework. The results
for alternate models has been studied, interpreted and reported. Finally the direct and indirect effect
of TPM and TQM on operational performance has been tested and checked for proving and
disproving the hypotheses.
Findings – TPM practices have a significant impact on plant-level operational performance. When
TPM and TQM practices are coming together to achieve operational performance, then TPM is having
strong influence on operational performance. TQM is having significant support from TPM to achieve
operational performance. TPM impact TQM and TQM in turn helps to achieve operational
performance. TPM practices impact significantly R&D, product innovation and technology
management, whereas quality data and reporting is the least contributor toward TQM. This may
help industry to understand implications of implementation of TPM and TQM to achieve plant-level
operational performance. TPM will help to reduce the cost of quality in terms of reduced scrap and less
defective products.
Practical implications – The present study provides the useful insights to practicing managers. In
literature it has been mentioned that TQM helps in TPM implementation. In practice TPM plays a
great role to achieve quality in processes and therefore in products. In turn quality products, with
reduced work in process inventory, less defective products and reduced scrap helps to achieve the
operational performance at plant level. TPM practices will help the organization to improve the pace of
product innovation and improvement in productivity, which is critical to pharmaceutical industry. The
continuous monitoring of TPM practices can help organizations to run day to day operations and
maintenance requirement of each machine over a specified period of time.
Originality/value – The present study diagnoses the inter-dimensional linkage between TPM, TQM
and operational performance. The pharmaceutical industry is complex system of advance equipment’s
and processes. After human resources, the health of machines/equipment’s describe the strength of an
organization. The machines require the regular maintenance to produce the products with desired
specifications. The specifications in medicines and very tight, which can be achieved only if machines/
Journal of Quality in Maintenance
testing equipment’s are updated and maintained regularly. The TPM practices will helps the plants to Engineering
achieve the operational performance by having quality in processes. Vol. 22 No. 4, 2016
pp. 353-377
Keywords Total quality management, Total productive maintenance, Operational performance © Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Paper type Research paper DOI 10.1108/JQME-10-2015-0048
JQME 1. Introduction
22,4 The manufacturing industry has undergone a significant changes in last four
decades. These changes involve, top management approach, customer expectations,
supplier capabilities and technologies used in process and product development
(Ahuja et al., 2006). Today’s global environment and competition puts numerous
pressure on manufacturing companies to achieve world class performance (Miyake
354 and Enkawa, 1999). In order to realize world class performance many companies are
putting efforts to improve productivity, quality and to reduce costs. Many companies
have included an examination of the activities of their maintenance function. The role
of maintenance is to improve the machine(s) availability for production processes and
to maintain them in good condition (Swanson, 2001). In highly complex environment
like pharmaceuticals, the equipment’s and machines are the main contributors to
operational performance of an organization (Kutucuoglu et al., 2001). The importance
of equipment’s/machines is ever increasing and growing with rapid growing
technology (Maggard and Rhyne, 1992). That is why, maintenance has become an
essential function in a manufacturing environment (Ahmed et al., 2005). Maintenance
has become an integral function of quality, productivity and plant production
strategy (Kumar et al., 2004). To achieve world class manufacturing, maintenance has
become the strategic issue for many manufacturing organizations (Brah and Chong,
2004). The organizations should have capable maintenance and manufacturing
approach to gain competitive edge over others. The effective integration of
maintenance function and quality practices will help the companies to save time,
money and other resources.
Strategic investment in maintenance function is critical, which will lead to enhanced
performance and increase in market position of the organization ( Jonsson and
Lesshammar, 1999; Coetzee, 1999). The effective maintenance is the key to successful
operations. The delayed production schedule, poor equipment utilization and numerous
equipment failures are symptoms of poor maintenance. These symptoms are not
good sign for shop floor operations. Shop floor operations are affected due to
misalignment of equipment. The malfunctioning of machines may results into defective
products or scrap.
The pharmaceutical industry is one of the promising industry of India. There is a
great scope of improvement in production rate, which will help the economy to grow.
With emphasis on production, the focus on quality should not be diverted. These both
aspects of production as well quality are not possible without adequate functioning of
machines and equipment’s. For adequate functioning of machines at shop floor regular
maintenance is required. The continuous need of products via efficient production
system put emphasis on adoption of total productive maintenance (TPM). TPM can
help the organization to meet the fast changing requirements of the market
through efficient production system (Ahuja and Khamba, 2008). TPM has been evolved
in last three decades of the century starting from breakdown maintenance concept
prior to 1950. Breakdown maintenance refers to the approach of maintenance, after a
machine/equipment fails to perform, whereas TPM refers to the approach that optimize
overall equipment effectiveness, reduce unnecessary breakdowns and support
autonomous maintenance by operators for day to day operations (Bhadury, 2000,
Ahuja and Khamba, 2008).
The remainder of the paper is divided into seven sections. The next section discuss
about the related literature review, followed by theoretical and hypothesis
development. Next to research framework is the research methodology, followed by
analysis and interpretation of results. The analysis and results are explained in next Total
section, followed by managerial implications. The last section represents the limitations productive
and future scope for conducting the research further.
2. Literature review
2.1 TPM
Many manufacturing companies over the globe are struggling to achieve the excellence 355
in operations. To be successful companies in terms of efficient operations, one must be
supported by good manufacturing practices, and TPM is one of most important from
them (Ahuja and Khamba, 2008). TPM as a shop floor practice has been emphasized by
various authors (Nakajima, 1988; Suzuki, 1994; Willmott, 1994; Sekine and Arai, 1998).
Different companies have tried different strategies to improve maintenance
effectiveness in plants (Roup, 1999). From 1970 to 1990 the TPM approach has been
understood by Japanese companies, then transferred to western organizations followed
by total quality management (TQM).
Importance of maintenance of machines/equipment have been emphasized, because a
well maintained equipment enable an organization to meet customer requirements (low-
cost products with high quality at fast delivery rate) (Swanson, 2001, 2003; Cholasuke
et al., 2004). The increase in revenues or decrease in overall cost is also depends upon how
efficient maintenance management system an origination is having (Kamoun, 2005).
TPM ensures the improvement, which optimize the reliability of machines and
overall management of plant assets (Robinson and Ginder, 1995). TPM aims to
eliminate the root cause of the problems. TPM involve the members from operator level
to management. The low-cost improvements and minimum defect achievement are
possible with TPM. The implementation of TPM is the responsibility of all employees
throughout the organization. This includes zero defects and zero breakdown in daily
operations. TPM emphasize on three concepts: optimal equipment effectiveness; small
group activities; autonomous operator maintenance (Eti et al., 2004).
The maintenance practices impact the operations efficiency and effectiveness and
overall operations quality, thus quality of products and enhance productivity, which leads
to excellent business results (Alsyouf, 2009). Maintenance has been considered as an
important business function, as it adds value to the customer in terms of quality products.
The role of maintenance department is very critical to improve the production
system and helping the sourcing department to purchase right kind of manufacturing
equipment ( Jonsson, 1997). In maintenance along with equipment’s, the operators and
technicians play a crucial role. The competence of the workforce involved in
maintenance is critical. Competence is a set of skills, knowledge, willingness, ability,
interest and personal characteristics (Tsang, 2002). Training and development is
required from time to time to maintain the competence. Training should not be limited
to a specific task, but it should be in alignment of business objective, team work and
problem solving techniques (Tsang, 2002).
Organizations invest in maintenance activities as it involves the use of technology,
training and people. The different organizations adopt different maintenance
strategies. The organizations adopt maintenance as a precaution to prevent the
failures of machinery and equipment. These precautions can be in any form
(preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance or predictive maintenance, etc.).
In twenty-first century the predictive maintenance and prognostics embedded with
sensors helps the firms to identify and maintain machines on priority. In last decade the
usage of eMaintenance has been highlighted with integration of hardware and software
JQME using wireless network. Today eMaintenance is mostly applicable in most of the
22,4 industries, e.g. manufacturing, energy and transport. eMaintenance helps to align the
business and operational process with maintenance activities. The evolution of
maintenance management system has been described with approach in Table I
(Ahuja and Khamba, 2008).
In breakdown maintenance, the repair of machine/equipment is done after it fails to
356 perform the desired function. This type of breakdown has disadvantage of unplanned
stoppage of machinery, high-spare parts cost and uncertain repairing time. Preventive
maintenance is one step ahead to reactive maintenance. Preventive maintenance
includes the activities that are planned for specified time and for specified amount of
equipment use (Herbaty, 1990). In this kind of maintenance, time period required for
maintenance of equipment is calculated on the basis of probability. On estimation it is
decided that this machine may go under deterioration and need maintenance.
Predictive maintenance is initiated in response to a particular condition of
machine. Reliability centered maintenance follows a logical process to develop the
maintenance requirements with reference to the inherent reliability. The productive
maintenance helps to increase the productivity by reducing the cost incurred on
maintaining an equipment. Computerized maintenance management helps in arranging
a wide range of information on spare-parts inventory and repair schedule of machines.
This will help to maintain the complex network of machines and equipment’s. TPM is
the current state, which is practiced by most of the firms. This approach is helpful to
reduce breakdowns, and adopt auto-maintenance system by operators in day to day
activities (Bhadury, 2000). Today’s maintenance is about the behavioral aspect.
It requires discipline in approach and can be maintained with the help of information
technology. The maintenance, information, workplace management and operator
involvement are the important parameters for a stable maintenance plan. A stable
maintenance plan can be made, when, one is aware of key performance indicators
(KPIs). To achieve these KPIs, one has to critically evaluate the design practices,
operating practices and maintenance practices. The present study focusses on
maintenance practices as shown in Table II.
TPM is closely related to TQM as both are geared to make a plant more competitive.
However the focus of TPM is more toward shop floor operations and TQM is more
about strategic elements like, product innovation, quality and data reporting, research

Approach Introduced Literature support

Breakdown maintenance Before Wakaru (1988), Dekker (1996), Samanta et al. (2001), Bhadury
1950 (1988) and Ahuja and Khamba (2008)
Preventive maintenance In 1951
Corrective maintenance In 1957
Predictive maintenance 1960
Reliability centered 1960s
Productive maintenance 1965
Computerized 1990s
Table I. maintenance
Evolution of management
TPM – and type Total productive 1971
of approaches maintenance
and development (R&D) and utilization of technology. TPM status of a plant heavily Total
depends upon, how a firm is able to manage it most important assets, i.e. machines and productive
equipment’s. ISO 55000: 2014 covers the role of asset management and its relation to
operational performance of a company. During survey it is found that ISO 55000: 2014,
firms are in a need of deep understanding with respect to the standard. However in the
present study, impact of TPM and TQM on operational performance of a firm has been
studied. In performance, impact of TPM on quality, cost, delivery, defects, innovation, 357
work in progress and capacity utilization is considered.
TPM is a program which is designed for manufacturing that help equipment’s/
machines on shop floor to maximize the productivity. TPM requires the motivation and
inspiration of the workforce to make it successful and implemented (Nakajima, 1988).
TPM as whole focus on reduction of six losses, namely, equipment failure, idling and
minor stoppages, set-up and adjustment time, defects in process and low yield and slow
speed (Macaulay, 1988). The equipment maintenance is crucial by operators. Accidental
breakdowns can be avoided by well-planned maintenance program. All organizations
in today’s environment want to stay ahead in quality, cost and delivery. These are the
characteristics of world class manufacturing organization. The world class
manufacturing organization should have good quality practices. If shop floor assets
are maintained in a disciplinary manner, then there is no scope for compromise on
quality. This means TPM is enable of world class quality. Therefore we propose:
H1. TPM have positive impact on TQM.
Many studies define TQM as holistic philosophy, which aims to endeavor for
continuous improvement (Kaynak, 2003). TQM has been considered as a management
style, which depends upon, what kind of products or service a firm offers. TQM is a
management philosophy, which aims to improve, its processes, products, thus its
operations (Tseng et al., 2007). This enables the firms to meet customer expectations
(Ozden and Birsen, 2006). TQM has also been viewed as a methodology that maximizes
its market share, productivity and performance. TQM has constructs like quality data
and reporting, technology management, R&D and product innovation (Baird et al.,
2011; Prajogo and Sohal, 2004, 2006). TQM helps organizations to reduce the cost of
operations. TQM helps firms to reduce the scrap, rework and cost related to poor
quality, warranty and later deliveries (Antony and Banuelas, 2002). TQM have positive
impact on competitive advantage of the organization (Reed, 2000). TQM has impact on
shop floor operations, which help organizations to become world class. The shop floor
operations are the true symbol of operational performance of an organization.
Therefore we propose:
H2. TQM have positive impact on operational performance.
In the environment of competitiveness, the dependence of day to day operations is
solely on shop floor equipment’s. This competition makes many firms to replace the

TPM constructs Literature support

Disciplined maintenance McKone et al. (2001), Cua et al. (2001) and Moon and Terziovski (2014)
Information tracking McKone et al. (2001) and Moon and Terziovski (2014) Table II.
Housekeeping McKone et al. (2001) and Shah and Ward (2003) TPM constructs and
Operator involvement McKone et al. (2001) and Moon and Terziovski (2014) related literature
JQME reactive strategies toward proactive and aggressive strategies of maintenance and
22,4 TPM. The approaches like TPM requires more commitments, resources, training and
inter-departmental integration of employees. This will help organizations to improve
their performance (Swanson, 2001). TPM encourage the improved equipment
maintenance, thus performance, while ensuing the minimal scope for failures or
stoppages. TPM program help the firm to maintain the balance between fluctuating
358 production capacity, scrap output and higher level of out-of-tolerance and enlarged cost
of maintenance (Bateman, 1995; Gallimore and Penlesky, 1988). TPM helps the
companies to measure, the physical condition of the equipment on the basis of
vibration, noise, corrosion and temperature. This helps the organizations to run the
smooth manufacturing operations. Therefore we propose:
H3. TPM have positive impact on operational performance.
The relationship between TPM and TQM has been supported by few studies (Konecny
and Thun, 2011). TPM significantly affect quality management and vice-versa. TQM
and TPM should be implemented before implementation of lean tools and techniques in
production (Teeravaraprug et al., 2011). TPM is focussed on more operational level,
whereas TQM is about strategic (Seth and Tripathi, 2005). The concept of zero defect
from TQM has been applied in TPM for equipment control. This means that equipment
should not produce any defective product. TQM objective is to reduce the variation in
processes and thus in products and to reduce the number of defects. TPM focussed on
reliable equipment maintenance and reduction in equipment process variation.
TPM should have its impact on TQM to achieve the operational performance.
The operational performance describes the quality, cost and delivery aspects.
The plants who want to remain competitive, has strong TPM practice and TQM
practices in place (Flynn et al., 1995). TPM focus on operator involvement to increase
the skills, knowledge, and technical training enables firms to achieve competitive
advantage. TQM also helps to achieve competitive advantage and operational
performance. TPM indirectly improve the manufacturing performance of an
organization by supporting TQM efforts (Mckone et al., 2001). Therefore we propose:
H4. TPM have indirect positive effect on operational performance through TQM.

2.2 TQM
With the ever increasing demands from customers made the quality top most priority of
organizations. Quality has been evolved in the phases similar to TPM. TQM is a
management philosophy and manufacturing program, which aims to improve and
sustain product and process quality continuously. This continuous improvement is the
result of commitment of top management and involvement of suppliers, customers and
workforce. This involvement at all levels leads the organization to exceed customer
expectations (Dean and Bowen, 1994; Powell, 1995). Many companies have been
implemented the procedures and practices of TQM in their operations and processes
(Youssef and Zairi, 1995; Prajogo and Sohal, 2003; Montgomery et al., 2011). TQM has
been considered as a most important approach for competitive advantage. This is
because, TQM helps top management to take the decision in a strategic manner
(Agus and Hassan, 2011). The focus of TQM is to gain the organizational competence in
terms of revenue growth, market share and net profit (Crosby, 1990; Juran 1992; Deming,
1995). Profit of a firm is directly associated with the quality of processes and products.
The firms who want to improve the quality of products need to focus on operational level
quality as compared to strategic level (Porter, 1980; Buzzell, 1982). TQM includes many Total
practices, but in this study only those practices has been chosen, those are impacted by productive
TPM. For example, if equipment/machine is maintained methodologically, then it will
give accurate results or produce the products precisely. TQM practices include quality
data and reporting, product innovation, R&D management and technology management
especially with reference to pharmaceutical industry.
Quality data and reporting is the extent to which quality data are gathered, 359
monitored and used for quality improvement view (Gotzamani and Tsiotras, 2001),
whereas R&D is one of most critical department in pharmaceutical industry and this
department faces major productivity challenges. The pharmaceutical industry always
strives through innovations, but product innovation is difficult to achieve. In last
decades the innovation rates has been tapering with the view of new drug development,
which is taking 15-30 years (Talias, 2007). These innovations are not possible without
active support of technology either in forms of equipment’s or analysis instruments.
The manufacturing technology importance has been emphasized and identified by
various authors ( Johnson and Anderson, 2000; Fawcett and Clinton, 1997; Tracey,
1998). These authors have emphasized the technology with reference to design of
processes, manufacturing and use of technology in administration (Table III).
The proposed research framework is shown in Figure 1.

3. Research methodology
3.1 Data collection
This section includes the development of questionnaire, selection of participants in the
survey, TPM and TQM practices and data collection tool. The initial questionnaire
designed, is subject to a pre-test by experts to determine the content validity.
The content validity helps questionnaire to improve upon the domain or concept under
study (Talavera, 2004). This review has helped in confirming the relevance of identified
constructs and items in Indian context. Additionally, the research instrument was pre-
tested with a group of 20 participants (Malhotra, 2007) consisting of five academicians,
who are teaching and consulting in operations management area and have published
research papers in the area of TQM, TPM and operational performance. Five experts

TQM constructs Literature support

Quality data and Khanna et al. (2010), Zu et al. (2010), Zakuan et al. (2010), Ooi et al. (2011), Parast
reporting et al. (2011), Chin and Sofian (2011), Baird et al. (2011), Mensah et al. (2012),
Wickramasinghe (2012), Lam et al. (2012), Talib et al. (2013), Mazher et al. (2015)
and Kwamega et al. (2015)
Product innovation Van de Vrande et al. (2009), Gupta et al. (2009), Ceccagnoli et al. (2010), Sabatier
et al. (2010), Pedroso and Nakano (2009), Haslam et al. (2011), Schimke and
Brenner (2014), Alex et al. (2014), Colombo et al. (2014), Cheng et al. (2015),
Savrul and Incekara (2015), Boeing et al. (2016), Colombo et al. (2016)
and Jin (2016)
R&D management Lazonick (2008), Haslam et al. (2011), Light and Lexchin (2012), Scannell et al.
(2012), Hagedoorn and Wang (2012), Alex et al. (2014), Cheng et al. (2015), Savrul
and Incekara (2015), Boeing et al. (2016), Colombo et al. (2016) and Jin (2016)
Technology Prajogo and Sohal (2006), Collins et al. (2010), Rossetti et al. (2011), Kuo (2011), Table III.
management Solakivi et al. (2011), Chong et al. (2011), Lo et al. (2013), Devaraj et al. (2013) and TQM constructs and
Bigliardi and Galati (2014) related literature
JQME Operational Performance
22,4 TPM Practices Quality
Disciplined Maintenance
Information Tracking H3
Reduced defects/scrap
360 Operator Involvement
Minimum Work in Progress
Capacity utilization

TQM Practices
Quality data and reporting

Figure 1. Technology Management

Proposed research Research and Development
framework Product Innovation

from pharmaceutical industry have been consulted, who had more than ten years’ of
experience at plant-level operations as vice president and general manager of the plant.
After this, the input of five consultants has been taken into consideration. These
consultants had experience of operations in the pharmaceutical industry. Some of them
were from quality, some were from maintenance, and some were from in-plant supply
chain. Each participant has been requested to evaluate the reliability, relatedness, bias,
unclear items in instrument and its significance to the Indian pharmaceutical industry.
The comments from this evaluation have been incorporated and few other changes
have been made. This evaluation resulted in the deletion of two items in TQM and one
in TPM practices relevant to the pharmaceutical industry. Finally, the questionnaire
resulted in 39 items along with nine constructs. Operational performance means
making the manufacturing plant competitive to produce and deliver products with
increased capability to the target market (Zhu et al., 2008).
The database of National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, Govt. of India has been
referred to select the firms for survey. After finalizing on items and constructs of TPM,
TQM and operational performance, the questionnaire has been handed over through
physical visits and e-mails along with the covering letter. First reminder using e-mails
and second reminder using telephone had been given to executives. Last reminder for
appointment had given, if not filled.
In the questionnaire total 39 questions were addressed with four constructs from TPM
and four construct from TQM (Table AI). The questionnaire was designed with
seven-point Likert scale, where 1-represnets strongly disagree and 7-represents strongly
agree. The open ended options were used to design the questionnaire to improve the
validity and reliability of the instrument. The content and construct reliability and
validity of instruments were pre-tested by practitioners and academicians in operations
management area to ensure, if all the terms are crisp and clear.
Total 410 respondents from pharmaceutical plants have been considered for survey.
The respondents were either maintenance or production and quality executives. Out of
410 questionnaire, 270 has been returned. This means that response rate was
65.38 percent. Out of 270, only 254 questionnaire were usable for analysis for various
reasons (incomplete, double answered, etc.). This means that 61 percent questionnaire Total
were available for analysis. The respondents include 128 maintenance managers, 65 productive
production managers, 32 quality managers, and 29 others (general managers, technical
managers, etc.). More than 20 percent of the respondents were having more than ten
years of experience in the same department.
After tabulating the responses in SPSS, factor analysis has been conducted to see
the loading structure of items. The eigen values, percent of variance and cumulative 361
variance have been reported in the analysis phase in Tables IV and V. The convergent
and discriminant validity of the TPM and TQM constructs has been checked before
moving toward confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The correlation between constructs
of TPM and TQM, mean and standard deviation along with reliability of each construct
has been reported in Table VII.
The proposed and alternate model testing has been carried out as shown in Figures 2-4
(AMOS). The results for alternate models has been studied, interpreted and reported in
Table VIII and finally the direct and indirect effect of TPM and TQM on operational
performance has been tested and checked for proving and disproving the hypotheses.

3.2 Data analysis

The data has been collected from pharmaceutical industry. In TPM, the disciplined
maintenance, operator involvement and information tracking are the major
contributors. Out of 254 respondent plants, 75.19 percent plants favor disciplined
maintenance and 72 percent plants favor operator involvement. In total, 60 percent
plants have favored information tracking and housekeeping was favored by only
42 percent plants. However plants are continuously emphasizing on housekeeping and
good manufacturing practices. On TQM front in pharmaceutical firms, 84 percent
plants has emphasized on importance of R&D and 76 percent plants has favored the
technology management and 72 percent plants have quoted the importance of product
innovation to lead to operational performance. Only 43.7 percent plants are concerned
about quality data and reporting and its implications on operational performance.
The next section represents the factor analysis for TPM and TQM practices.
The factor analysis has been performed to extract the loadings of factors with
varimax rotation. Factor analysis explains the eigen values, percent of variance and
cumulative percent of variance. All the loadings of factor analysis for TPM are greater
than 0.66 and less than 0.85, which satisfies the minimum loading criteria. TPM
explains the 66.84 percent of total variance. Disciplined maintenance is having more
than 35 percent of variance among all factors. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) sampling
adequacy for TPM is about 0.85 percent with degree of freedom, 120 (Table IV). TQM
explains the 68.59 percent of total variance. R&D explains 32 percent of variance
among all other factors. The KMO sampling adequacy for TQM is about 0.83 percent
with degree of freedom, 105 (Table IV).

3.3 Validity and reliability

After running the overall model for CFA, the validity has been checked. The convergent
validity shows the maximum likelihood of loadings of each indicator in each construct
(Arnold and Reynolds, 2003). The convergent validity shows, whether relationship
between constructs and items are significant (Al-Hawari et al., 2005). The composite
reliability (CR) measures should be greater than 0.70 (Hair et al., 2010). In present study,
all constructs of TPM (0.71-0.86) and TQM (0.78-0.87) are above the minimum threshold
JQME (a) TPM practices
DM3 0.853
DM4 0.794
DM1 0.783
DM2 0.728
HK4 0.842
362 HK2 0.806
HK1 0.785
HK3 0.744
INT1 0.818
INT3 0.787
INT2 0.73
INT4 0.719
OI3 0.765
OI2 0.742
OI1 0.689
OI4 0.661
Eigen value 5.67 2.02 1.61 1.40
% of variance 35.47 12.60 10.05 8.72
Cumulative % of variance 35.47 48.07 58.12 66.84
(b) TQM practices
RDM2 0.854
RDM3 0.832
RDM4 0.795
RDM1 0.759
QDR2 0.845
QDR3 0.82
QDR4 0.785
QDR1 0.772
TM1 0.81
TM5 0.786
TM4 0.724
TM3 0.679
PD3 0.861
PD5 0.803
PD1 0.797
Eigen value 4.89 2.32 1.70 1.38
% of variance 32.61 15.43 11.33 9.22
Cumulative % of variance 32.61 48.05 59.37 68.59
Notes: TPM practices – OI, operator involvement; DM, disciplined maintenance; HK, housekeeping; INT,
information tracking. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin of sampling adequacy ¼ 0.85 and χ2 (approx.) ¼ 1,859.699,
df ¼ 120, and significance ¼ 0.000. Extraction method: principal component analysis. Rotation method:
varimax with Kaiser normalization. A rotation converged in five iterations. TQM practices – RDM,
Research and development management; QDR, quality and data reporting; TM, technology management;
Table IV. PD, product innovation. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin of sampling adequacy ¼ 0.83 and χ2 (approx.) ¼ 1,620.536,
Factor analysis df ¼ 105, and significance ¼ 0.000. Extraction method: principal component analysis. Rotation method:
result varimax with Kaiser normalization. A rotation converged in six iterations

limits as shown in Table V. The criteria for convergent validity is that CR should be
greater than average variance extracted (AVE) and AVEW0.05 (Hair et al., 2010).
For discriminant validity, the maximum shared variance should be less than AVE
and average shared variance (ASV) should be less than (AVE), i.e. ASV o AVE
(Hair et al., 2010). Table V satisfies the criteria for discriminant validity.
OI 0.713 0.511 0.186 0.082 maintenance
OP 0.924 0.644 0.226 0.144
QDR 0.842 0.574 0.168 0.076
RDM 0.871 0.628 0.343 0.197
INT 0.836 0.565 0.299 0.200
HK 0.858 0.603 0.324 0.185 363
DM 0.865 0.616 0.343 0.234
TM 0.781 0.536 0.250 0.177 Table V.
PD 0.807 0.583 0.324 0.151 Convergent and
Notes: Where CR, composite reliability; AVE, average variance extracted; MSV, maximum shared discriminant validity
variance; ASV, average shared variance; OI, operator involvement; OP, operational performance; QDR, (TPM, TQM and
quality data reporting; RDM, research and development mgt; INT, information tracking; HK, house- operational
keeping; DM, disciplined maintenance; TM, technology management; PD, product innovation performance)

0.28 0.80 0.32 0.71 0.58 0.79 0.99


0.52 0.89 0.57 0.84 0.76 0.89 0.99

0.56 Disciplined Operational

Maintenance performance


0.36 Information 0.57 t = 2.72

0.60 Total Productive
Maintenance 0.03 t = –0.02
0.17 House Practices Research and 0.70
keeping 0.42 Development
0.85 t = 5.75
0.52 Operator 0.72 0.44 Quality data 0.19
Involvement and Reporting
Total Quality
Mgt. Practices

Innovation 0.52 Figure 2.
Proposed model of
Technology TPM, TQM and
Management operational
Notes: CFI = 0.94; 2/df = 2.65; SRMR = 0.08; RMSEA = 0.08

4. Results and discussion

The standard deviation, mean and bivariate correlation along with Cronbach α, for
TPM, TQM and operational performance constructs has been shown in Table VI. Four
TPM constructs along with 16 items have been conceptualized with literature support
mentioned in Table II. Whether single factor is sufficient for TPM construct can be
measured through fit indices. The fit indices for the second order model were
χ2 ¼ 226.391; χ2/df ¼ 2.310; comparative fit index (CFI) ¼ 0.93; GFI ¼ 0.90; TLI ¼ 0.91;
root mean square error approximation (RMSEA) ¼ 0.07; SRMR ¼ 0.06 at p ¼ 0.000. The
modification indices are at its lowest point and have no scope of further improvement.
JQME 0.28 0.80 0.32 0.71 0.58 0.79 0.99

22,4 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7

0.52 0.89 0.57 0.84 0.76 0.89 0.99

Disciplined Operational
Maintenance performance
364 0.74
0.38 Information
Total Productive
0.16 House Practices Research and
0.52 t = 7.59 0.68
keeping 0.39 Development
0.89 t = 5.46
0.51 Operator 0.72 0.43 Quality data 0.18
Involvement and Reporting
Total Quality
Mgt. Practices
Figure 3. 0.75
Innovation 0.50
Alternate model-1
of TPM, TQM Technology
and operational Management

Notes: CFI = 0.94; 2/df = 2.64; SRMR = 0.08; RMSEA = 0.07

0.26 0.75 0.31 0.69 0.55 0.74 0.83


0.51 0.87 0.56 0.83 0.74 0.86 0.97

0.53 Disciplined Operational

Maintenance performance


0.30 Information
0.44 t = 4.55
0.55 Total Productive
0.22 House Practices Research and 0.76
0.29 t = 3.66
keeping 0.46 Development

0.59 Operator 0.77 0.42 Quality data 0.18

Involvement and Reporting
Total Quality
Mgt. Practices
Figure 4. 0.85
Innovation 0.52

Alternate model-2
of TPM, TQM Technology
and operational Management

Notes: CFI = 0.89; 2/df = 3.99; SRMR = 0.16; RMSEA = 0.11

The standardized regression weights ranges from 0.54 to 0.92, whereas square multiple
correlation ranges from 0.29 to 0.85. The overall indices values indicate the model fit
(Hair et al., 2010; Maruyama, 1998). Disciplined maintenance is the strongest contributor
in TPM constructs.
(a) TPM practices
Variables Mean SD 1 2 3 4 Reliability
1. Operator involvement (OI) 4.23 0.56 1 0.71
2. Disciplined maintenance (DM) 5.57 0.67 0.513** 1 0.85
3. Information tracking (INT) 5.54 0.70 0.451** 0.608** 1 0.83
4. Housekeeping (HK) 5.89 0.88 0.353** 0.573** 0.598** 1 0.85
(b) TQM practices
Variables Mean SD 1 2 3 4 Reliability
1. Research and development (RDM) 5.41 0.89 1 0.87
2. Product innovation (PD) 5.44 0.69 0.435** 1 0.80
3. Technology management (TM) 5.76 0.76 0.567** 0.448** 1 0.75
4. Quality data and reporting (QDR) 5.13 0.88 0.462** 0.354** 0.184* 1 0.84
(c) Operational performance
Variables Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reliability
1. Innovation 6.04 1.05 1 0.90
2. Cost 5.98 0.98 0.464** 1
3. Capacity utilization 5.92 0.90 0.496** 0.460** 1
4. Reduced defects/scrap 5.96 0.91 0.568** 0.736** 0.690** 1
5. Delivery 6.01 0.96 0.385** 0.650** 0.531** 0.655** 1
6. Minimum WIP 6.03 1.05 0.468** 0.768** 0.505** 0.745** 0.700** 1
7. Quality 6.08 0.97 0.528** 0.885** 0.574** 0.865** 0.750** 0.886** 1
Note: *,**Correlation is significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 level, respectively (two-tailed)


Means, standard

correlations and

Table VI.
JQME In case of TQM practices, which are applied at shop floor have been considered.
22,4 Thus TQM construct have been conceptualized including 18 items of four constructs,
namely, R&D, technology management, product innovation, quality and data
reporting. The evaluation of TQM for higher factor model has been done with the
help of fit indices comparison. The final CFA model has been resulted in 15 items with
model fit indices as χ2 ¼ 126.066; χ2/df ¼ 1.501; CFI ¼ 0.97; GFI ¼ 0.94; TLI ¼ 0.96;
366 RMSEA ¼ 0.04; SRMR ¼ 0.05 at p ¼ 0.000. Modification indices cannot be modified
further. The standardized regression weights are from 0.55 to 0.83 with square
multiple correlations from 0.31 to 0.68. This represents the overall model fit and higher
order model confirmation. R&D and technology management are the major
contributors in TQM.
Table VI explains the standard deviation, mean, reliability and correlation between
constructs of TPM, TQM and operational performance of a plant. Figures 2-4 represent
the proposed and alternate models with t and standard regression values. In evaluation
of models, the regression values of first and second order are assessed for TPM, TQM
and operational performance constructs.
Figures 2-4 explain and compare the proposed and alternate models with the help of
structural equation modeling.
The proposed framework in Figure 1 has four hypothesized relationships between
TPM, TQM and operational performance. These hypothesis relationships have been
tested through structural equation modeling using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS. The results
shows that all evaluated parameters have corresponding loading to second order
construct. Overall the model has acceptable fit with GFI ¼ 0.89, CFA ¼ 0.94,
RSMR ¼ 0.08 and RSMEA ¼ 0.07. All the t-values of measurements are significant
(at 0.05), except the relationship between TQM and operational performance, when
TPM is simultaneously affecting the operational performance (Figure 2). In TPM, the
housekeeping is the least contributor toward achieving the operational performance
(γ ¼ 0.42), whereas the disciplined maintenance is strongest representative of TPM
(γ ¼ 0.75). In case of TQM, R&D is the strongest representative (γ ¼ 0.84), whereas
quality data and reporting is the least contributor (γ ¼ 0.44). In case of operational
performance the innovation, capacity utilization and delivery are the least contributor,
whereas cost, quality, work in progress and reduction in defects and scrap are the
major representatives of operational performance.
Table VI shows the correlation between TPM and TQM constructs along with the
operational performance. The TPM and TQM constructs are first order, whereas
operational performance represents the second order relationship. All the correlations
are significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed) represented by ** and * correlation is
significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed). The individual TPM and TQM practices are
having Cronbach α ⩾ 0.70 including operational performance (Table VI). To test,
whether the postposed or alternate models are accepted, χ2 difference tests were
conducted for calculation of difference in proposed and alternate models.
The difference between degree of freedom of proposed and alternate models is equal
to one (Table VII). On the basis of CFI, RMSEA, SRMR and χ2/df, the alternate model
TPM-TQM-OP has been accepted (Table VIII). The simultaneous relationship between
TPM, TQM and operational performance is very week (Figure 2). This means TQM
may not have greater impact (Shah and Ward, 2003), when TPM practices are
impacting TQM and operational performance. The TPM and TQM practices are having
significant impact on operational performance (Figure 4). Based on standardized beta
coefficients, the TPM ( β ¼ 0.89) is having greater influence on TQM practices, in turn it
affects overall operational performance ( β ¼ 0.52) (Figure 3) (McKone et al., 2001; Total
Cua et al., 2001). The total, direct and indirect effects have been reported in Table IX for productive
all the hypothesis. First three hypothesis is having only direct and total effects,
whereas fourth hypothesis is having direct effect coefficients with β ¼ 0.46 and indirect
effect coefficients with β ¼ 0.43 (McKone et al., 2001).

5. Conclusion and implications 367

The present study examines the relationship between TPM, TQM and operational
performance with reference to pharmaceutical industry. The TPM practices having a
great role to maintain and develop the quality in terms of reduced scrap and less
defective products. The machines and equipment’s are the back bone of any
manufacturing environment. Due to complexity of pharmaceutical operations, the role
of machines and tools become critical. The quality of pharmaceutical products is
crucial, which is the resultant of well-maintained machines and thus manufacturing
operations. The disciplined maintenance, emphasize upon a dedicated portion of every
day for maintenance. The maintenance is a strategy to achieve quality and schedule
compliance to run smooth operations.
The operator involvement, focusses upon the autonomous maintenance and to
perform the multiple tasks. The cross-training of plant sections play an important role,
which is helpful for filling in other operators place, when required. The information
tracking is important to see the plots of different breakdowns during production cycle.
This information also help the employees the see the machine availability and rate of
productivity. Further, the important part in information tracking is gauge repeatability
and reproducibility (R&R) to know, whether machines are in control or not.

Model χ2 df χ2 difference df difference SCDT (α ¼ 0.05)

Figure 2. Proposed model 214.665 81 Table VII.

Figure 3. Remove link TPM-OP 223.998 82 9.333 1 Significant Comparison of
Figure 4. Remove link TPM-TQM 361.672 82 147.007 1 Significant alternate models

Model χ2/df SRMR CFI RMSEA

Figure 2. Proposed model 2.65 0.08 0.94 0.08 Table VIII.

Figure 3. Remove link TPM-OP 2.64 0.08 0.94 0.07 Comparison
Figure 4. Remove link TPM-TQM 3.99 0.16 0.89 0.11 of fit indices

Hypothesis Relationship Total effects Direct effects Indirect effects Hypothesis

H1 TPM-TQM 0.85 (5.21)** 0.85 (5.21)** Supported

H2 TQM-OP 0.29 (3.66)* 0.29 (3.66)* Supported Table IX.
H3 TPM-OP 0.44 (4.55)** 0.44 (4.55)** Supported Results for
H4 TPM-TQM-OP 0.88 (7.59)** 0.46 (5.46)** 0.42 (2.13)** Supported proposed structural
Notes: t-values are in parentheses. *Significant at o0.05; **Significant at o0.01 (one-tailed test) equation model
JQME Housekeeping practice is not that much prevalent in pharmaceutical plants with
22,4 reference to tools and fixtures used in maintenance.
TPM practices have direct impact on R&D, technology management and product
innovation, whereas quality and data reporting is least contributor toward TQM.
In pharmaceutical environment the R&D department work with high risk projects and
low chance of returns. These low chances of returns can be converted to medium to
368 high with well-maintained and quality of processes, thus products. Technology
management is important aspect of TQM practices, which aims at management and
acquisition of new generation technology. TPM affects strongly technology
management through well maintained equipment/machines. The well maintained
equipment’s will be in control in terms of R&R to produce defect free products. TPM
lead to the product innovation with the help of well-maintained processes and
equipment’s. The product innovation and productivity through technology
management may lead to operational performance. In the industry, operational
performance depends upon quality, cost, delivery and work in progress inventories and
no. of defective products produced in the process.
The present study may help the working managers or line managers on shop floor
to understand the various aspects of TPM, and how does it affect the quality of
processes and products. It may be noted that TPM have indirect impact on operational
performance through TQM. TPM helps to make an eye on the day to day operations
and its maintenance requirements for equipment’s. The working managers may note
that, how the role of operators is crucial, which involves the workforce management.
If a firm is having well maintained machines, then firm is able to provide good quality
products to society. Thus health of an economy is indirectly impacted by the health of
machines/equipment of the industry.

6. Limitations scope for future research

The present study provides the justification for the framework represented in Figure 1.
Through the study is having limitations. The present study considers 254 respondents
from pharmaceutical plants. There was only one respondent per plant from either
maintenance, production or quality department, which may have created a biased view.
The interdependencies of constructs of TPM and TQM have not been checked. Future
research many include the other approaches of TPM, namely, aggressive, proactive and
reactive maintenance. In TQM practices only hard factors has been considers, which leave
the scope of inclusion of soft factor in future studies. The contextual factors can also be
added in future studies. The future studies can also include the comparison of TPM and
TQM practices from plant to plant level. There is a scope that TPM and TQM practice
may differ from formulation to bulk drugs in the industry. The ISO certification of present
level of TQM practices and implementation of TPM level can also be considered in future
studies, which may impact operational performance. In TPM the role of teams can also be
included. For overall operational performance, the JIT system along with TPM and TQM
can be studied. The role of TPM and TQM can be studied for world class manufacturing.

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Further reading
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maintenance management”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 53 No. 2,
pp. 191-207.

Appendix 1 375

Construct Items Adopted from

Quality data 1. In our company quality data are available (on error rates, Baird et al.
and reporting defects, defect rates, scrap, etc.) (2011)
2. In our company quality data are timely and Prajogo and
3. In our company quality data are accurate and reliable Sohal (2004)
4. In our company quality data are used to manage quality
Product 1. We use the latest technological innovations in our new products Prajogo and
innovation 2. We have significant speed of our new product development Sohal
3. Our company have number of new products that has introduced (2004, 2006)
to the market
4. Our company have number of our new products that is first-to-
market (early market entrants)
R&D 1. We have excellent communication processes between R&D and Prajogo and
management other departments Sohal (2006) and
2. Our R&D pursues truly innovative and leading-edge research Chen and Chen
3. Our R&D strategy is mainly characterized by high risk projects (2009)
with chance of high return
4. R&D plays a major part in our business strategy
Technology 1. Our company always attempts to stay on the leading-edge of Prajogo and
management new technology in our industry Sohal (2006)
2. We make an effort to anticipate the full potential of new
practices and technologies
3. We pursue long-range programs in order to acquire Table AI.
technological capabilities in advance of our needs Survey items – total
4. We are constantly thinking of the next generation of technology quality management
JQME Appendix 2
Construct Items from

Disciplined 1. We dedicate a portion of every day solely to maintenance McKone et al.

376 maintenance 2. We emphasize good maintenance as a strategy for achieving (2001)
quality and schedule compliance
3. We have a separate shift, or part of a shift, reserved each day for
maintenance activities
4. Our maintenance department focusses on assisting machine
operators perform their own preventive maintenance
Information 1. Charts plotting the frequency of machine breakdowns are posted McKone et al.
tracking on the shop floor (2001)
2. Information on productivity is readily available to employees
3. A large percent of the equipment or processes on the shop floor are
currently under statistical quality control
4. We use charts to determine whether our manufacturing processes
are in control
Housekeeping 1. Our plant emphasizes putting all tools and fixtures in their place McKone et al.
2. We take pride in keeping our plant neat and clean (2001)
3. Our plant is kept clean at all times
4. Operators often have trouble finding the tools they need
Operator 1. Operators receive training to perform multiple tasks McKone et al.
involvement 2. Operators at this plant learn how to perform a variety of tasks/jobs (2001)
Table AII. 3. The longer an operator has been at this plant, the more tasks or
Survey items – total jobs they learn to perform
productive 4. Operators are cross-trained at this plant so that they can fill in for
maintenance others if necessary

Appendix 3

variable Items Adopted from

Operational In last three years there is a: Zhu et al. (2008); Green et al. (2011) and
performance 1. Increase in the amount of goods Prajogo et al. (2012)
delivered on time
2. Decrease in inventory levels
3. Decrease in scrap rate
4. Increase in product quality/
Table AIII. performance
Dependent construct 5. Improved capacity utilization
– operational 6. Cost effectiveness in operations
performance 7. Product innovation
About the authors Total
Sachin Modgil is an Assistant Professor at iFEEL and Research Scholar at National Institute productive
of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India. He has a total experience of eight years
including industrial and research. Sachin Modgil is the corresponding author and can be maintenance
contacted at: sach.modgil@gmail.com
Sanjay Sharma is the Professor at National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE),
Mumbai, India. He is the Operations Management educator and researcher. He has a total
experience of around three decades including industrial, managerial, teaching/training, research, 377
and consultancy. He has published papers in various journals such as European Journal of
Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Computers & Operations
Research, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Journal of the
Operational Research Society, Computers and Industrial Engineering, etc. He is also the
reviewer for several international journals.

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