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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

‫اْلَح ْمُدِ للِه َر ِّب اْلَعاَلِمْيَن َوالَّصَالُة َوالَّس َالُم َعَلى ْش َر ِف ْاَألْنِبَياِء َواْلُمْر َس ِلْيَن َوَعَلى َاِلِه َوَصْح ِبِه‬
‫َأ‬ ‫َأ‬
‫ْج َمِعْيَن َّما َبْعُد‬
Honorable the adjudicators of PORSENI 2019
Excellency all teachers and the participants of PORSENI 2019

Ladies and gentlemen, dear brothers and sisters

First of all, let’s pray and thanks unto our god ALLAH SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessings
so we can attend and gather in this nice meeting in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet MUHAMMAD SAW, who has guided us from
the darkness to the brightness namely Islam religion.
Thirdly, I don’t forget to say thanks to the master of ceremony who has giving me time to speak in front of you all.
Standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech under the tittle Respecting Parents and Teacher.

Ladies and gentlemen, dear brothers and sisters

Talking about parents means talking about persons we love respect and honor. Parents have delivered and
introduced us, into this real world. If you want to be happy and success in your life then you have to obey your
parents. Never say NO, all of their good command and never hurt their feeling. As good children we should prove
our dedication by studying hard obeying and respecting our parents, and we must always remember that parents
Ridho is Allah’s Ridho.

‫ْا‬ ‫ُط‬ ‫ْا‬

‫ َوُس ْح اللِه ِفْي ُس ْحِط لَوا ِلَدْيِن‬، ‫ِرَضا اللِه ِفْي ِرَضا لَوا ِلَدْيِن‬
Happy audience, ladies and gentlemen…
Besides Respecting parents, we must respect to our teacher. I am sure, every day we must study. We study
everything. Why we must study? Because study will make our future be better. By study, we can know everything.
we can be clever. Study can also make our dream comes true. And the person who always helps us to study is a
teacher. Teacher teach students carefully. Patiently, teacher guide us in order to able reading, writing and counting.
When we find difficult, teacher always comes helps us. Teacher let us know the importance of education in our

Happy audience, ladies and gentlemen…

Parent and teacher are people who important in our live. So, we must respect to them. They always help us for
future. The best way for us as son and student is always praying them. And absolutely, they will never forget
praying us, because our future depends on their praying. Never make them disappointed. Let’s respect our teacher
and our parent as well as possible. So we can take bright future easily, Aamiin Allohumma Aamiin

Happy audience, ladies and gentlemen…

That’s all my speech, I do hope it’s useful for us and I apologize if you found many mistakes from my speech.
Thanks for your attention and the last I say

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullohi wabarokatuh

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