Beloved Teacher
Beloved Teacher
Beloved Teacher
First of all I would like to say thank you very much unto our God Allah SWT the almighty
for his blessings and mercies until we can attend in this program in good condition and happy
situation without any troubles and obstacles
Secondly peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has
guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness, from jahiliyah era
to Islamic era namely Islamic religion.
And I dont forget to say thank you very much to the master and mistress of ceremony for
giving me and opportunity to deliver my speech.
Standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech under the title Beloved
Like we know in the school. There must be someone who educates us to be clever.
Called a teacher.
Teacher always brings up us and support us what is good for us. We must know that a
teacher is also called pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa Why? Because a teacher always accompanies us
at school, cares us and helps us if we are as the students have difficult things. So thats why, we may
not forget to our teacher, and please respect to the teacher. Someone who stands in front of class
means our teachers.
Sometimes, we make them cry because our attitude but we never find teachers give up;
they always go on to carry us even though we hurt their hearts.
So thats why, we must know how bigger the struggle of teachers are and please, respect
from now on!