class 7 ch 19

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Chapter 19 Natural vegetation and wildlife

Q1. What do you mean by food chain?

Ans. Different living organisms depend on each other for their food.
Plants are main producers of energy .They use sunlight in
photosynthesis process and transform energy .Many animals and even
humans use these green plants and vegetation as their food. At the top
level ,some animals eat other animals as their food .Thus flow of energy
through food ,passes from one to another. This process is known as the
food chain.
Q2. What is the meaning of natural vegetation?
Ans. Natural vegetation means original land cover consisting mainly of
forest vegetation. Variety of vegetation depends on the variety of
climate , soil, relief and physical features.
Q3.Name the vegetation regions of India.
Ans1. Tropical evergreen rainforest
2. Tropical deciduous monsoon forest
3. Thorn forest
4. Semi desert or desert vegetation
5. Tidal forest
6. The Himalayan region
Q4. What has the government done to preserve the wildlife of India?
Ans. The government has taken many steps to preserve the wildlife of
India. Some important steps are as follows-
1. The government has set up about 96 national parks. In these
parks wildlife, natural vegetation and natural beauty are
2. Some animals need special attention and care because they are
endangered .Thus Project Tiger and Project Rhino are also run to
protect them and increase their number.
3. 24 zoological parks have been set up by the government to
preserve wildlife.
4. To create awareness about such issues ,a wildlife week or a forest
week is celebrated and organized.
5. Cutting of green trees and killing of wild animals have been

Q.5. Answer these questions

1. What are tropical evergreen rainforests and where are they found?
Ans. Tropical evergreen rainforest are such forests that are found in the
regions with more than 300 CM average annual rainfall .Climate is
highly moist and humid in such areas. The temperature is even. The dry
season is very short. These forests are of equatorial type .These forests
are commonly found in the hills of North eastern states and Western
Ghats. Oak ,chestnut .deodar and pine are main evergreen trees of
these forests .These trees are as high as 60 to 100 metres.They have
hardwood and broad leaves and they remain green all the year round.
2. Describe the vegetation of the Himalayan region.
Ans. The Himalayan region is full of a variety of natural vegetation. It
changes according to altitude upto the snow line. At the foothills,
tropical deciduous forests are found. Over and above that , subtropical
hill vegetation is found . After that coniferous forest are found . Above
the heights of 1600 and up to 3300 metres blue pines , silver fir and
Deodar are common trees of this region. Above 3300 metres alpine
vegetation is found where shrubs ,scrubs and grasses are commonly
found .Above 6000 m no vegetation is found and the area is snow clad.
3. Where are tidal forests found?
Ans. Tidal forests are found along the deltas of the rivers especially the
deltas of Ganga, Mahanadi ,Godavari and Krishna.
Q6. Distinguish between
1. Deciduous vegetation and coniferous vegetation

Deciduous vegetation-

a. Deciduous trees shed their leaves annually or periodically.

b Their leaves are broad.
c. They are found at the foothills of the Himalayas.
d.Sal, teak, sandalwood ,ebony, sheesham and mahua are the
common trees.
e These trees grow in areas with rainfall between 100 and 200 CM

Coniferous vegetation-

A.They do not shed their leaves all at once

B.They are found at an altitude of 1600 to 3300 m
C.Blue pine, cedar, silver fir and deodar are the common trees.
D.These trees require low precipitation but can withstand heavy

2. Tropical rainforests and Tropical Deciduous forests

Tropical rainforests-

A . They are Evergreen forest.

B. They require rainfall above 200 cm and high temperature
throughout the year
C. They are found on the slopes of Western Ghats ,Assam,
Meghalaya, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and parts of West
Bengal, Odisha etc.
D . Trees like mahogany, Rosewood and ebony are found in these

Tropical deciduous forests-

A .They shed their leaves in dry season

B They require rainfall between 100 to 200 cm and warm
C. They are found in pockets in the area extending from Western
Ghats in the south to Shivalik hills in the north.
D Trees like sal ,teak , sandalwood and bamboo are found in these

Q7 Give reasons why?

1.The Project Tiger is being implemented.
Ans .The Project Tiger is being implemented because-
1 Tigers are declared as endangered species of wildlife in India.
2.They are limited in number today.
3. They play a vital role in maintaining the balance of ecosystem and
also in food chain.
3. To check and control the population of carnivores, tigers are
important because they eat big and small herbivorous animals like
rabbits ,deer and buffaloes etc .
4. 17 tiger reserves have been set up in different parts of India
where special care is being taken for protection and betterment
of tigers.

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