II. T HEORY Due to imperfectness of the contact between the two sur-
Newton’s Rings are obtained due to the air film formed by faces at the centre of the lens, the exact order of fringes cannot
placing a plano-convex lens on top of a glass plate. The film is be ascertained. However, the difference in diameters of two
thinnest at this point of contact. When this film is illuminated bright (or dark) fringes of order n1 and n2 is related by:
by a parallel beam of monochromatic light, alternating dark
and bright fringes (consecutive circles) will be obtained. These Dn2 1 − Dn2 2
fringes are obtained when the reflected waves obtained from = 4λR (viii)
n1 − n2
the lower surface of the convex lens and the flat upper surface
of the glass plate interfere constructively or destructively.
Consideration of the optical path difference between these
two rays (for a thin lens with extremely small curvature and
rear normal incidence) leads to interference conditions. The
conditions for dark and bright fringes are given by:
2t ≈ 2n (Dark fringe) (i)
2t ≈ (2n + 1) (Bright fringe) (ii)
Where t is the air gap at the point of consideration.
It is observed from Fig.1. that if the radius of the nth bright
fringe is rn and R is the radius of curvature of the lower
surface of the lens, then:
Fig. 1: Lens diagram showing waves
R = rn2 2
+ (R − t) (iii)
The schematic shown in the Fig.1. and Fig,2. show rays
Or, neglecting t2 : of monochromatic light from the sodium lamp falling on the
beam splitter which is inclined at 45◦ . As a result the beam
rn2 falls normally to the plano-convex lens and glass plate set up.
t≈ (iv)
2R The final reflected waves again go through the beam splitter
Substituting this into the interference condition for the nth and through the microscope lens for the viewer to see. The
bright fringe, we get: microscope can then be adjusted as required.
• The distance between two fringes keeps on decreasing as
we move away from the center since the radius of these
fringes increases more slowly as fringe order increases.
This is because they follow a square root relationship.
• The interference rings obtained are circular due to the
symmetry of the thin air film formed between the two
lenses. Hence, there is circular symmetry of the thickness
of this film around the point of contact. Since the convex
lens is spherical the point of contact is circular.
By this experiment, we successfully demonstrated the inter-
ference phenomenon and determined the radius of curvature of
the lens (52.54 cm) by analyzing the Newton’s Rings obtained.
Also since we measured the radius of several rings, we were
able to calculate the radius of curvature of the lens with
reduced error.
The following points can be taken into consideration for
future scope of work:
• Light sources of different wavelengths or tunable varying
wavelengths can help understand how wavelengths inter-
act with the thin films and its effect on Newton’s Rings.
• Changing other factors such as the lens, the temperature,
irregularities on the lens will have its effects on the
Newton’s Rings.