dijital waerness aat scholl
dijital waerness aat scholl
dijital waerness aat scholl
1 Introduction
Over the last few years, the theme of cybersecurity has become a great challenge for
every country and a significant problem to handle for all organizations. Cyber-threats
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license
to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
I. Corradini et al. (Eds.): AHFE 2020, AISC 1219, pp. 102–110, 2020.
Developing Digital Awareness at School 103
2 Methodology
Programma il Futuro project ([14, 15]) has the goal to increase awareness in Italian
schools both on the scientific principles of digital technologies and on the basic con-
cepts for their responsible use. For these goals the project provides lessons developed
on the basis of Code.org materials (for awareness on the scientific principle), and guide-
books based on Common Sense materials (for awareness on responsible use of digital
technologies). Teachers and students are voluntarily enrolled in the project that, in its
fifth year, has involved more than 30,000 teachers and over 2 million students.
Every year teachers are asked to fill out monitoring questionnaires consisting of 40
items to evaluate their general participation – together with students - in project activities,
and the quality of the actions implemented.
One section of the monitoring questionnaire, “Digital Awareness”, aims at inves-
tigating teachers’ perception regarding the responsible use of digital technologies by
their students and the level of usefulness of the related teaching material developed by
the project. The section consists of 15 multiple-choice questions and one open-ended
Three areas have been investigated:
Area 1: Assessment of the usefulness of digital awareness guidebooks. Teachers are
asked to evaluate, using a scale from 1 (low) to 4 (high) how useful each of the following
guidebooks provided by the project is to develop digital awareness in students:
These guidebooks, intended for teacher use, contain fully developed lesson plans with
teaching content and exercises on different issues, for example: how to use the Internet
and social network safely, how to safeguard personal data and digital reputation.
Area 2: Responsible use of digital technologies. This area investigates:
Area 3: Supporting teachers with specific training in digital awareness and security.
This area investigates what type of activity is useful to support teachers in developing a
proper digital awareness among their students (e.g. training, communication). Moreover,
Developing Digital Awareness at School 105
teachers are asked to evaluate their need for specific preparation on topics related to
digital awareness and security.
The monitoring questionnaire was sent in December 2019, through the project plat-
form. The total sample who filled out the questionnaire is composed by 2,229 teachers,
presenting the following demographic characteristics: Gender (F: 82.01%; M: 17.99%);
Age (up-to-30: 0.27%; 31–40: 5.83%; 41–50: 34.19%; 51–60: 51.91%; 61-and-up:
7.81%). The gender distribution is in line with the national distribution of teachers’
gender. The majority of teachers is from primary school (59.98%), then around a quarter
(26.29%) from middle school, and a minority is from high school (10.32%). There is
also a very limited participation from kindergarten teachers (3.01%). All respondents
have participated in “Programma il Futuro” activities for at least one year (the project
has been active since 2014).
declare their intention to apply them in their classrooms, because of the topical nature
of the issues dealt with. In particular, materials focused on communication (e.g. “Safe
Online Talk”) have been particularly appreciated by teachers.
The interest demonstrated by teachers is also confirmed by suggestions provided in
the open-ended question, where they underline the need for producing further materials
on online communication issues, especially about the use of social network.
Area 2 – Responsible use of digital technologies
For a responsible use of digital technologies, teachers think that this mainly requires
the development of an adequate knowledge of risks associated with their use (Fig. 2).
Therefore, students should be prepared to recognize risks when they use digital tech-
nologies. The prevalence of risk element in digital awareness confirms results deriving
from previous monitoring report [9]. After “knowledge of risks” (66%), a responsible
use of digital technologies passes through “the ability to use them effectively” (49%),
“understanding how they work” (45%), and “sense of responsibility” (41%). It was pos-
sible to provide up to 3 answers out of 7 and the remaining 3 were selected by less than
40% of respondents.
For what regards how digital devices are used by students (Fig. 3), accord-
ing to teachers’ perception they use them mostly “to play” (85%), “to communi-
cate/share with friends/classmates” (56%), “to listen/watch/download music” (54%),
“to study/research” (28%), and in only 11% of cases “to get information” (multiple
answers were possible).
The high value obtained by “playing” agrees with the fact that many participants
involved in the study are primary school teachers. Clearly, at this stage, students’ activi-
ties are not focused on searching information on the Internet. However, it is recognized
the social significance that digital tools and devices have for students, given that they
permit to communicate with their friends/schoolmates and to share news (in particular
in the secondary school).
Developing Digital Awareness at School 107
In Fig. 4 you can see how teachers evaluated the importance of various issues to pre-
pare students to use digital technologies in a safe and responsible way. “On line harass-
ment”, “Data protection and privacy”, and “Safe online behaviour” are the most impor-
tant topics for students’ preparation. If on the one side “Online harassment” received
the highest evaluation, given it is probably the hottest topic in the discussion on the
Internet risks regarding children and teenagers, on the other one it is interesting to notice
that teachers appropriately recognize the importance of protecting data and guaranteeing
privacy while online.
Area 3 – Supporting teachers and specific training in digital awareness and security
Regarding the activities considered useful to help teachers to develop students’ digital
awareness (Fig. 5), the most important action according to teachers is “sharing expe-
riences” (65%), followed by “training in presence” (53%), and “parents’ involvement”
(48%). It was possible to provide up to 3 answers out of 7, and the remaining ones were
108 I. Corradini and E. Nardelli
selected by less than 40% of respondents. These results confirm the importance of deal-
ing with these issues and the need for the contribution of others, e.g. parents’ students,
to achieve effective results.
On the other hand, teachers highlight the need for themselves to receive a spe-
cific training on digital awareness issue, as a response to a specific yes/no question (Y:
97.74%). Among the topics to be included in this training they identify (Fig. 6): “social
media use” (70%), “fake news” (57%), “online harassment” (56%), and “identity theft”
(48%). It was possible to provide up to 4 answers out of 7, and the remaining 3 were
selected by less than 45% of respondents.
This training could provide useful clarifications about common terms used in the
area of cybersecurity, given that some of them are often improperly used, because of the
lack of knowledge.
Developing Digital Awareness at School 109
Acknowledgements. We thank all teachers involved in “Programma il Futuro” for their continued
participation to the project and their involvement into this research. Thanks also to Common Sense
for having provided us the digital awareness teaching material and to Code.org for their activity
to support Informatics education in schools. Last, but not least, a big thank to Francesco Lacchia
for his excellent work in the adaptation of the Common Sense guidebooks.
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