Harappa Civilization

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Around five thousand year ago an important
civilization developed on the bank of river
Indus,which latter came to be known as Indus
valley civilization.

 1] The Aryan theory of origin.

 2] Theory of Dravidian origin.
 3] Theory of Sumerian origin.
 4] Theory of Indigenous origin.
 5]The archaeological studies classify the process into
three broad phases-they are-
 a]Pre-Harappan.
 b]Early-Harappan.
 c] Mature-Harappan.
Extent of Harappan civilization
Chief Characteristics Of Indus Valley.

A. Town Planning.
B. Trade And Commerce.
C. Use of Bronze technology.
D. Art and Architecture.
E. Religious life of people.
F. Tools And Implements.
G. Pottery.
H. Science And Technology.
MAIN Points about Town planning
1. The most remarkable feature of Harappan civilization
was its town planning.
2. Historians like Stuart Piggott and Wheeler believed
that the Harappan town had a remarkable unity of
3. The Harappan towns were divided into two parts, the
upper citadel and the lower town.
4. The upper citadel was inhabited by the ruling class,
and was fortified, while the lower town was occupied
by the common people.
5. The areas of Harappa,Mohenjodaro and kalibanga
show certain uniformities in their planning.
Town Planning
 The streets ran from north to south in the lower city and
cut each other at right angle.
 The Harappan used baked and unbaked bricks of standard
 This shows that it was not the individuals house owner
who made their own bricks, but bricks making was the
organized on a large scale.
 SANITATION –There were execellent arrangement for
sanitation, the waste water from houses would pass
through small drains which joined the margin of the
 This again indicates the presence of a civic administration
which took decision for the sanitary requirements of the

 The Harappan had established an extensive network of

inter and intra regional trade.
 They had trade relations with the contemporary west Asian
civilization .
evidences like presence of two dozen seals, belonging to
Harappa and Persian gulf have been discovered from Susa
and Mesopotamia clearly indicate the presence of trade
contact between the two.
 The Mesopotamian merchants,mostly centered at Ur
carried on trade with contemporary civilization areas from
the time of sargon of Akkad.
Economic life

 The three zones which gets the most frequent reference in

the contemporary texts are dilmun,makan and meluha.
 The identification of dilmun with Baharain,Makan with
Oman and the third place Meluha with the region of the
Indus valley.
 The import from Meluha were timber,black wood,copper,gold
Internal Trade
 The Harappan carried out inter regional trade in metal
and stone from different parts of Indian sub-continents
like-gold from karnataka, silver from Afghanistan,
copper from Rajasthan,etc.
 They used weights and measures of different types to
assure the quality and quantity of goods.
 The Harappan used weight of binary digits.
 Thus the Harappan had an extensive network of trade
which formed backbone of the economy

 The harappan people had many features of latter

hinduism, such as worship of mother goddess,
Pashupati shiva, animal worship, tree worship etc.
 The chief female deity was mother goddess, who was
representative of fertility.
 Many of harappan rituals like wo1rship of phallus,
female deities ,animals and trees are followed in India
till date.

 GREAT BATH –In harappa,mohenjodaro and

kalibanga, the citadel area contain monumental
structure which is know as the GREAT BATH.
 This brick build structure measures 12m by 7m and 3m
deep.The bed of the bath is made water tight by use of
bitumen. water is supplied from a large well situated
in an adjacent room.
 The bath is surrounded by porticoes and set of rooms.
Scholars generally believe that the place was used for
ritual bathing of kings or priests.
The great granary

 Another important structure discovered in the citadel

mound of Mohenjo-Daro is the GREAT GRANARY.
 It consists of 27 blocks of bricks criss-crossed by
ventilation channels.
 Below the granary were the brick loading bays from
which grains were raised into the citadel for storage.
 Apart from mohenjodaro ,there is a great granary at
Harappa as well. It consists of a series of brick platform
forming the base of two rows of 6 granaries.
 To the south of granary were found rows of circular
brick platforms,used for threshing grains.
Other important buildings

 Another important building was an assembly hall.It had

four rows of five bricks plinth upon which wooden columns
were erected.
 To the west of it, was found a seated male statue.
 Another significant discovery was the large no of fire altars
found at kalibanga.
 There was a series of brick platforms,on one of them was
found a row of seven fire altars as well as a pit containing
animals bones .
 Among the remains discovered in Harappa settlements
pottery forms an important category.
 It represents the blending of the ceramic tradition of
Baluchistan and the cultures east of the Indus system.
 Most of harappan potteries are plane, but a substantial parts
are treated with a red slip and black painted decoration.
 There are various theories regarding the decline of Indus
civilization. Some of them are –
1. It was destroyed by massive flood.
2. The decline took place because of the shift in the course
of rivers and the gradual drying up of Ghaggar-Hakra.
3. Barbarian invaders destroyed the cities.
4. The growing demands of the centers like Harappa,etc
disturbed the ecology of the region and the agricultural
produce was not sufficient to support the people.
5. Recent research done by students of IIT suggestes that
prolonged drought was the main cause of the
decline.This theory ws supported by Nature Magazine

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