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All rights reserved. The information contained in this document is regarded as confidential. Recipient(s) other than ADMA-
OPCO's employees undertake both during the continuance of their services to ADMA-OPCO and after termination to maintain
in safe custody and not to use any such information for any purpose other than a purpose falling within the scope of the
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permission of ADMA-OPCO Manager Disciplines Engineering is obtained.

U Specification
M For
E Requirements for Projects Contractor Quality
N System


Ashwani Khare Kumar PQAE


STANDARDS Khaled Tawfik Hendy ESQASL
Omar Al Shamlan MHSEQA

The soft copy of this document

on ADMA-OPCO Web is

2.0 03-2011 Issued For Implementation When printed, it is considered
1 08-1995 General Revision
0 08-1992 Issued For Implementation Uncontrolled

SF / General / 001 Rev.0 sheet 1 of 1

Liability for utilization by personnel/organizations outside ADMA-OPCO

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document,
neither ADMA-OPCO nor its employees will assume liability for any application
or use outside ADMA-OPCO premises/assets.

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Requirements for Projects Contractor Quality System
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1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 OBJECTIVE................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 COVERAGE ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.5 ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.7 USE OF LANGUAGE ................................................................................................................ 5
1.8 UNITS ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.9 LESSONS LEARNT ................................................................................................................... 6
1.10 SITE CONDITIONS & DATA ................................................................................................... 6
2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 7
3. QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... 8
3.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN ........................................................................ 9
3.3 QUALITY PLANNING ............................................................................................................ 11
3.4 PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................................... 12
3.5. INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN ............................................................................................ 13
3.6 ORGANISATION ..................................................................................................................... 15
3.7 QUALITY SYSTEM REVIEW & AUDIT .............................................................................. 18
3.8 DESIGN MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................... 19
3.9 INTERFACE CONTROL ......................................................................................................... 21
3.10 PROCUREMENT & SUBCONTRACT CONTROL ............................................................... 21
3.11 CONSTRUCTION & COMMISSIONING .............................................................................. 24
3.12 SOFTWARE CONTROL.......................................................................................................... 25
3.13 CHANGE REQUEST & CONTROL ....................................................................................... 26
3.14 DOCUMENTATION CONTROL ............................................................................................ 27
3.15 PUNCH LIST CLEARANCE ................................................................................................... 29
3.16 HANDOVER............................................................................................................................. 29
3.17 SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................. 29
3.18 TRAINING ................................................................................................................................ 30
APPENDIX-A: ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................. 31

APPENDIX-B: DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................... 32

APPENDIX-C: REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ........................................................................... 34

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Requirements for Projects Contractor Quality System
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1.1 Objective

The objective of this specification is to specify ADMA-OPCO‟s minimum

requirements to be fulfilled by contractor‟s quality management system in order to
provide assurance that work contracted by ADMA-OPCO meets the required level for

1.2 Scope

This Specification is intended to specify the minimum basic ADMA-OPCO

Requirements for Projects‟ Contractors Quality System and shall not relieve the
Contractor of any contractual obligations.
Any deviation from this specification shall be identified by Contractor and shall
require written approval from ADMA-OPCO.

1.3 Coverage

This specification covers quality management system requirements applicable to all

contractors, subcontractors and vendors performing any project work for ADMA-
In this specification, the term contractor includes all sub contractors, suppliers,
vendors, consultants or any entity who is responsible for delivering some or all parts
of the contract scope of work.

1.4 References

1.4.1 General

The latest edition (at the time of the contract award) of the reference documentation
as listed in Appendix-C shall be read as an integral part of this Specification.

The latest edition/revision (at the time of the contract award) of ADMA-OPCO
Standard Engineering Documents as indicated in Status List SL-001 shall be utilized.

1.4.2 Equivalent Standards

Standard Documents equivalent to those referred to herein shall not be substituted

without written approval from ADMA-OPCO. Approval of equivalent Standard
Documents will not, in any way, remove responsibility from the Contractor to meet
the best practices and/or requirements of the Standard Engineering Documents
referred to herein, in the event of conflict.

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Where differences and/or conflicting issues occur between the referenced documents
themselves or the requirements of this document, the requirements of this document
shall overrule unless otherwise advised by ADMA-OPCO. However major conflicts
shall be reported in writing to the ADMA-OPCO Standards Authority/Technical
Custodian appearing in the front sheet of this Procedure for arbitration/resolution.

The following hierarchy of adherence to standards shall be followed:

a. Whenever ADMA-OPCO Standard Engineering Documents (SEDs) relevant to

the system, service and/or equipment design are available, the same shall be
utilized first
b. Statutory regulations and requirements including ADNOC standards & code of
practices shall be utilized next in the hierarchy if relevant subject is not covered
c. ADMA-OPCO Shareholder SEDs shall then be utilized next in the hierarchy
d. National or International standards shall be utilized, if the required subject is not
covered either by ADMA-OPCO or Shareholder SEDs.
The Contractor shall equip himself with copies of all the referenced Standard
Engineering Documents referred in Appendix-C of this Specification and contract
and shall make them readily available to all ADMA-OPCO, or nominated
representative, personnel involved in the work.

1.5 Abbreviations

The abbreviations used in this Specification are listed in Appendix-B.

1.6 Definitions

The definitions used in this Specification are listed in Appendix-C.

1.7 Use of Language

Throughout this document, the words „will‟, „may/can‟, „should‟ and „shall/must‟,
when used in the context of actions by ADMA-OPCO or others, have specific
meanings as follows:

a. „Will‟ is used normally in connection with an action by ADMA-OPCO and / or

nominated representative, rather than by a Contractor or Vendor.
b. „May / Can‟ is used where alternatives / action are equally acceptable.
c. „Should‟ is used where provision is preferred.
d. „Shall / Must‟ is used where a provision is mandatory / vital.

1.8 Units

Units shall be in accordance with ADMA-OPCO STD-00, Part-1.

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1.9 Lessons Learnt

Upon completion of works related to the scope of the contract document, contractor
shall keep records of all the lessons learnt. Records shall be updated and made
available / presented in the project close out report by the Contractors / consultants
and shall be fed to ADMA-OPCO Lessons Learnt system as appropriate.

1.10 Site Conditions & Data

Site Conditions & Data of existing ADMA-OPCO facilities (Das Island, Umm-Shaif
& Zakum fields) shall be in accordance with ADMA-OPCO STD-00, Part-2. For new
Fields development, project specific requirements should be followed or refer to

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Requirements for Projects Contractor Quality System
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Quality Management System is a combination and interaction of processes & methods /

activities by which the contractor manages his work to ensure that the specified project
requirements and objectives are fulfilled. It covers the organizational structure, procedures,
processes interaction, resources and includes all those planned and systematic actions
necessary to ensure and assure project quality.

In general, the quality management system shall:

a. Cover all activities and extend to all areas of the contractors and subcontractors/vendors
organisation applicable to the work being undertaken and must include as a minimum
design engineering, procurement, fabrication & construction, erection, installation, pre-
commissioning, commissioning and hand-over activities as appropriate dependent upon
the project and contract type

b. Reflect a planned and systematic process based approach to achieving and maintaining
the required level of quality. Necessary feedback (corrective, preventive and customer
satisfaction) is to be a salient part of the system

c. Satisfy the requirements of Quality Standard ISO 9001 (latest edition) or equivalent
appropriate to the work carried out and contract requirements.

d. Be based on existing proven workmanship and industry practices

e. Be described within an approved document e.g. a Quality Assurance Manual / plan

designed to ensure compliance to items a, b, c & d above.

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Requirements for Projects Contractor Quality System
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3.1 General

3.1.1 The Contractor/Vendor shall operate effectively a Quality Management Systems

(QMS) within his organization which shall ensure that the requirements‟ of this
specification and contractor‟s own quality management system are achieved.

3.1.2 The Contractor‟s quality management system shall be compliant with this
specification and the latest issue of ISO 9001 requirements or equivalent and certified
by an internationally accredited certifying agency. The certification shall be kept
valid by the contractor for the entire duration of the contract.

3.1.3 The Contractor's quality system and associated documents to be implemented will be
subject to review and comments by ADMA-OPCO. Any areas considered deficient
shall be rectified to the satisfaction of ADMA-OPCO.

3.1.4 Where an approved Contractor intend to revise their Quality Management System
that affect the ADMA-OPCO project / service delivery and realisation, ADMA-
OPCO shall be notified immediately in writing.

All applicable documentation shall be reviewed for the need of any revision before
initiating or implementing any change and revised documentation shall be
resubmitted for ADMA-OPCO review for comment and subsequent approval.

3.1.5 The Contractor‟s Quality System shall ensure that ADMA-OPCO Engineering
Standards, Codes of Practice, Specifications, Procedures, Manuals and Project
General Specification as referenced in the contract are fully complied with.

3.1.6 The Contractor is solely responsible for achieving the required standards of work and
is responsible to have implemented all contractual requirements.

3.1.7 ADMA-OPCO reserves the right to monitor and audit the Contractor and his
subcontractors at any time during contract to verify compliance and effectiveness of
the quality management system (QMS) implemented.

The monitoring will include regular assessment (audit) & surveillance of the methods
and documents used to control, monitor, verify and record the work performed.

Refer to section 3.7.1 for additional requirements.

3.1.8 Similarly, the Contractor shall make regular audits on their own establishment and
their sub-contractors / suppliers / vendors.

The monitoring will include regular assessment & surveillance of the methods and
documents used to control, monitor, verify and record the work performed.

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Requirements for Projects Contractor Quality System
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ADMA-OPCO reserves the right to participate in such audits.

Refer to section 3.7.1 for additional requirements.

3.1.9 An audit plan shall be finalised and submitted for ADMA-OPCO review and
comments. The audit plan shall be consistent with the project execution schedule.
When requested by ADMA-OPCO, the contractor shall provide documented records
of his internal audits and audit of his subcontractor‟s performed.

3.1.10 The Contractor shall maintain sufficient Inspection, Tests and Quality Assurance
personnel, independent of their other divisions / work processes to ensure adequate
implementation of the project QMS. Records shall be generated and all related
documentation shall be made available to ADMA-OPCO. The résumé and level of
experience of allocated staff responsible for any part of quality functions shall be
subject to review and if deemed necessary by ADMA-OPCO, a personal interview
shall follow at the contractor‟s expense.

3.1.11 Use of subcontractors is not allowed for any services / functions without specific and
written approval of ADMA-OPCO.

3.1.12 All activities and services associated with the scope of this specification shall be
performed by contractors, sub contractors, consultants, suppliers, vendors etc pre-
approved by ADMA-OPCO.

3.2 Project Quality Management Plan

Project Quality Management Plans are regarded as the base documents for the
assurance of quality in projects as they specify quality practices, resources, sequence
of activities and record the means by which the contractor will ensure that the
standard of work complies with ADMA-OPCO requirements.

Contractor and their subcontractors and all vendors shall prepare respectively their
project specific quality management plans identifying and specifying the processes
and their interactions, procedures and resources etc. to be applied to achieve the
project quality.

The requirements of ADMA-OPCO GDL-032 and ISO 10005 Quality Management-

Guidelines for quality plans shall be complied with.

The project quality management plans shall be approved by the contractor‟s Project
Manager to demonstrate their commitment to quality, identify and utilisation of
processes for the quality management system, understanding their interactions &
interrelationships and engaging qualified resources for project realization.

Similarly as above, the quality management plans from subcontractors and all tier-
suppliers shall be reviewed by the Contractor‟s Project management and Quality
responsible to demonstrate Contractor‟s commitment and control to quality prior to
ADMA-OPCO approval.

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Document describing the quality management plan shall contain as a minimum:

a. Description of the scope of the quality plan applicable to the products or services
described by the contract
b. Objectives to be achieved
c. Description of how quality assurance is organised, planned and executed in
accordance with written procedures, instructions and any administrative
d. Reference Governing regulations, standards & norms

e. The other components include:

e.l Contractor‟s project organogram showing key job titles, lines of authority,
reporting relationships, indication of possible subcontracts and interface
e.2 Job descriptions for key positions, including names of job holders. This section
should give in general terms the allocation of quality functions and other relevant
responsibilities of the various management or department heads. Terms of
reference for those indirectly concerned with quality should also be included.
Contractor shall provide details of qualifications and experience of the job
holders as proof of their competence, suitability and eligibility.
e.3 List of procedures for control of activities relevant to the project including those
planned but not written; reference to latest revision of ADMA-OPCO GDL-009
for applicable project deliverables.
These documents must be reviewed and approved by ADMA-OPCO before the
commencement of any applicable reference activity.
e.4 A proposed schedule for audit and reviews to be conducted within the project
consistent with the project execution phase / activity. The schedule shall include
main contractor, subcontractor, consultants and any major suppliers or vendors.
e.5 A Project Quality System matrix. The following should be referenced against
each activity:
- Corresponding ISO 9001 requirement element
- Quality System document applicable;
- Title of personnel responsible & accountable;
- The verification record

f. The document (matrix) shall be structured in accordance with the elements of ISO
9001 requirement (latest edition) applicable to the contract and include:

f1. Details of Quality Management System

f2. Specify Management Responsibility
f3. Specify Resource Management
f4. Details of Product Realisation Activities
f5. Measurement, Analysis and Improvement

g. The level of detail required in the Project Quality Management Plan shall be
commensurate with the scope of work and as determined by ADMA-OPCO.
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h. During the performance of services/activities, quality assurance/quality control
issues are the prime responsibility of the contractor and any sub-contractor or
vendor as applicable.

ADMA-OPCO reserves its right to inspect any work prior to proceeding to next
stage. The work may be required to be certified by any TPA. Contractor and/or
their subcontractors, vendors shall ensure that the quality of work is to the
satisfaction of ADMA-OPCO and/or TPA. However, inspections/approvals by
TPA or ADMA-OPCO do not absolve contractor of their responsibility to deliver
the product meeting the explicit or implicit requirements.

Inspection and Test Plans shall also be prepared for all activities within the
project phase. This plan will be commented and approved by ADMA-OPCO and
TPA/IVB prior to start of work.

Refer to section 3.5 for requirements on Inspection & test plan.

i. Conflicts between Contractor & TPA/IVB shall be reported in writing to ADMA-

OPCO for resolution.

j. All Quality Plans shall be approved by ADMA-OPCO and TPA/IVB prior to start
of work.

3.3 Quality Planning

The Contractor's quality system shall ensure the following:

3.3.1 That all actions and activities that impact upon quality are systematically planned in
advance of the start of the activity.

3.3.2 That adequate review of contract and other pertinent documents is performed in order
to conduct a full analysis of the tasks and requirements prior to the commencement of
work. Contractor is advised to seek clarification from ADMA-OPCO regarding any
conflict between standards or confirm their interpretation of the requirements stated
in standards which are considered unclear. ADMA-OPCO‟s interpretation shall be

3.3.3 That applicable process control documents are defined and established prior to start of
work consistent with project defined deliverables and ADMA-OPCO GDL-009.

3.3.4 That the project quality policy is established and communicated to all project
personnel. It shall also be consistent with the project quality objectives.

3.3.5 That quality objectives shall be measurable and established at relevant functions and
levels within the organisation. Key Performance Indicator / objectives related to
project quality should be developed in consultation with ADMA-OPCO and shall be
reported monthly through Project Information System.

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3.4 Procedures

3.4.1 The Contractor shall utilise and develop necessary procedures to cover all aspects of
the execution of his contract based on ADMA-OPCO standards and/or internationally
accepted codes / practices. These shall include planning, co-ordination & execution
procedures, organisational interfaces with COMPANY & subcontractors (where
applicable) and internal responsibilities together with reporting and limits of

3.4.2 An overall register of all procedures, including those planned will be produced and
maintained up-to-date. This register will be reviewed by ADMA-OPCO who will
decide that sufficient procedures are identified for the control of any activity. ADMA-
OPCO will be consulted to identify procedures to be submitted to their review and

ADMA-OPCO may require during the execution of the project that additional
procedures be developed by the contractor for effective control of any work, if

a. Each procedure will include the following:

a.1 Unique identification in accordance with ADMA-OPCO‟s Numbering System,

ref. ADMA-OPCO Design and Draughting Practices CP-00.

a.2 Revision status, description, originator, reviewer and approval authority names &
signature and date.

b. The procedures should clearly:

b.1 Describe its purpose and the scope of applicability

b.2 Describe how the activity is performed and controlled and to which code or
specification it is based upon

b.3 Establish what will be done, by whom and when including verification activities.
This requirement is not necessary to be part of procedures and can be included in
Inspection and Test Plan.

b.4 Specify the roles and responsibilities of the persons responsible for the
implementation and control of the procedure.

b.5 Include the method needed to plan, schedule and carry out the required actions.

b.6 Identify the verifying documents to be produced and measuring instruments

required with valid calibration.

b.7 List relevant references and abbreviations to the procedure.

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3.4.3 The contractor's quality system shall include the following documented controls

a. Project Coordination & Management

b. Project Planning and control
c. Document & Data Management and Control
d. Material Management & Control and references storage, protection &
preservation; both contractor procured and ADMA-OPCO free issued materials
and equipments.
e. Records of transfer of ownership of materials from ADMA-OPCO and vice-versa
f. Identification and traceability of materials back to the batch documentation,
identification markings of the items themselves and records of these
g. Measuring and test equipment including calibration certifications.
h. Management of construction / design engineering changes; site queries if
i. Audits; internal and external
j. Control of non-conformances, corrective and preventive actions.
k. Concessions, waivers etc.
l. Generation and compilation of inspection and test records.
m. All activities connected with elements of ISO 9001 requirement (latest edition)
necessary for product realisation.
n. Issuance of performance reports like welding repairs, NDT progress, NCR close
out status and any other quality related information.
o. Invoicing and cost control
p. As Built documentation & Final Hand-over

The above list is not exhaustive and any other activity deemed necessary by
contractor or ADMA-OPCO shall be included for appropriate procedural controls to
be defined.

3.5. Inspection and Test Plan

a. The inspection and test plan from contractors and their suppliers / subcontractors
shall detail all the design, engineering, purchasing, fabrication, manufacturing,
construction, installation, commissioning, as built, certification and hand-over
phases in a logical sequence relating to their work programme.

b. Adequate provision shall be made on the inspection and test plan to allow the
supplier and ADMA-OPCO / third party to indicate their proposed level of
inspection; see below b.1. This plan should also indicate how the results of the
activity are recorded and stages where specific certificates are produced.
Provision shall be made on this plan which allows individual activities to be
"signed off" by the supplier and ADMA-OPCO / TPA and IVB.

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b.1 Inspection Levels
Criticality of a product shall be a determinant of the activities inspection level.
Inspection points shall be compliant with and in accordance with ADMA-OPCO
CP-102 requirements. In the event that ADMA-OPCO specification or code does
not cover any activity or item, then, inspection points shall be at the discretion of

Typical annotation on inspection & test plan are as follows:-

b.1.1 Witness:

A point at which ADMA-OPCO or TPA shall be notified of the time & place of
performance of inspection(s) and/or test(s) and attend or witness the activity as
per the approved Inspection & Test Plan (ITP).
The contractor shall:
a. Not proceed with the activity until the notification time agreed between the
manufacturer & ADMA-OPCO /TPA is lapsed
b. Proceed with the activity if TPA has abstained without any information. In
this case, the manufacturer / contractor shall inform ADMA-OPCO
immediately via fax or e-mail.

b.1.2 Hold:

A point at which ADMA-OPCO or TPA shall be notified of the time & place of
performance of inspection(s) and/or test(s) in order to inspect the activity as per
the approved Inspection & Test Plan (ITP).
The Contractor shall:
- Not proceed with any further activity without prior permission or written
waiver by ADMA-OPCO.
b.1.3 Review:

A point at which ADMA-OPCO or TPA shall review the relevant documents

and/or quality records as per the approved Inspection & Test Plan (ITP).

b.1.4 Approval:

A point at which relevant documents or test results shall be approved by

ADMA-OPCO or TPA as per the approved Inspection & Test Plan (ITP) prior
to proceeding with further activities.

b.1.5 Monitoring:

A point at which ADMA-OPCO or TPA will visit any work to inspect the
activity during processing as per the approved Inspection & Test Plan (ITP).

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b.2 Marking-up Inspection Points on Inspection & Test Plan

Marking up of the inspection & test plan shall be the responsibility of the
contractor in accordance with their standards and contract specifications.
Contractor shall also consult ADMA-OPCO and/or TPA/IVB as applicable and
must include their level of inspection in the mark up. Inspection and Test plan
shall be agreed between all involved parties and approved by ADMA-OCPO
before the commencement of any activity.

b.3 Revisions of Inspection & Test Plan

During the execution of the contract, the Contractor shall ensure that any changes
made to any project documentation e.g. Quality Plan, Inspection & test plan etc
are reflected in the revision status change, accepted and approved by ADMA-
OPCO. Contractor shall also ensure that all the parties concerned receive a copy
of each new revision, as per agreed document distribution matrix.
Identification and withdrawal of obsolete document shall be as per approved
procedure for control of documents.

b.4 Notification

Unless otherwise agreed by ADMA-OPCO/TPA/IVB, a minimum of ten (10)

calendar days notice for “Hold” and “Witness” points and seven (7) calendar days
notice is required for other inspection points. Mechanism for the issuance of
notification to all concerned parties shall be developed by the Contractor and
approved by ADMA-OPCO, TPA and IVB any other concerned party.

3.6 Organisation
As with safety, quality is the responsibility of top management and of every
individual working within the organisation and on the project backed up by the
dedicated and specific quality personnel with a functional reporting to the
organisational quality responsible.

3.6.1 The Contractor shall provide logical, well structured and adequately staffed
organisation with availability of necessary tools. The contractor's organisation shall
have a nominated Project Quality Manager; responsible for the coordination,
planning, implementation and review of the quality management system. The person
will have the necessary authority for ensuring that the Project Quality requirements
are implemented and maintained to ADMA-OPCO and/or their TPA satisfaction.
Project Quality Manager shall have direct functional reporting to the Project Manager
and the contractors‟ top Management responsible for quality.
All the Contractor‟s quality personnel should have sufficient authority to implement
the Project Quality Plan and take corrective measures whenever necessary to maintain
the desired level of quality. It must be emphasised that the authority of contractor‟s
Quality personnel shall not replace or reduce the responsibility of other departments

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concerning their contribution to the attainment of the Project Quality requirements
and objectives.
Sufficient and dedicated Quality personnel shall be deployed at all the work sites
during the entire execution of the project. The quantum of resources including
inspectors to be deployed shall be agreed with ADMA-OPCO. All quality personnel
shall report to the designated Project Quality Manager.

3.6.2 The Contractor shall submit resumes of the key personnel indicated on the
organisation chart for COMPANY review & approval. The positions shall typically
a. Project Director and Manager
b. Q&HSE Managers and Engineers
c. Engineering Manager and Co-ordinators
d. Project Engineer and Coordinator
e. Discipline Lead Engineers
f. Welding Engineer
g. Discipline QC Lead & Inspectors (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation
h. NDT Supervisors & Technicians
i. Third Party Inspectors / Surveyors engaged by the contractor
j. Certification Engineers, if any
k. Verification and Integrity Engineers
l. Corrosion and Material Engineers
m. Third Party Inspection / independent verification co-ordinators.
Resume of all proposed personnel shall be reviewed and approved by ADMA-OPCO
to assess and verify necessary qualification / experience / competence for the
proposed position. Decision of COMPANY regarding acceptance or non-acceptance
of the proposed personnel shall be final and binding upon the Contractor.

At the discretion of ADMA-OPCO, any candidate proposed for any capacity /

assignment mentioned above may be required to attend formal interview with
appropriate representatives from ADMA-OPCO prior to approval. Such interviews
will be conducted at ADMA-OPCO‟s discretion and location. Contractor shall bear
the cost for mobilization/ demobilization of the proposed candidates for the interview.

3.6.3 It is important that the Quality System contains evidence of the methods by which the
Quality Policy is implemented through a structured and resourced management
Organisational charts, job descriptions showing authority & responsibilities and
resumes for key personnel should also be provided along with the following-

a. Interfaces with ADMA-OPCO, IVB / Third Parties etc.

b. Training and experience relevant to the proposed appointment

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c. Administrative and functional reporting relationships

3.6.4 Typical roles & responsibilities of the Project Quality Manager shall include:
a. The review of Contractual quality requirements
b. The define and establishment of the Project Quality Management System
including Project Quality Plan, procedures, work instructions, Inspection & Test
plans etc. and for monitoring its implementation across all project locations
c. Communication and coordination with COMPANY Quality Representative on
quality related matters.
d. The review of Project-specific procedures
e. Monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of the project quality system
f. Provision of quality review support during sub-contractor and supplier capability
assessments and during review of contracted deliverable and documents
g. Review / assessment of suppliers' and sub-contractors' quality systems and quality
h. The planning and administration of the Project Audit Programme
i. The execution of audits and reviews and the follow-up of any actions arising from
j. Issuance of Project audit reports to contractor management and to ADMA-OPCO
k. Initiation & verification of corrective and preventive action
l. The review of quality issues, establishment of appropriate mitigation to resolve
problem areas, and reporting on quality issues to Contractor Senior Management
and to COMPANY through Project Monthly Reports
m. The provision of necessary Quality resources to ensure compliance with
contractual requirements
n. The monitoring of supplier / sub-contractor performance in implementation of
their quality plans and with regard to product / service quality
o. Meeting contract specific inspection & testing requirements
p. Project quality status reporting
q. The collation of Project Quality records and coordinating their transfer to
COMPANY and to archive, on completion of Project activities.

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3.7 Quality System Review & Audit

3.7.1 The quality system shall be subject to regular review and audit by the contractor and
ADMA-OPCO to ensure continued suitability, adequacy and compliance to project
requirements and objectives. The audits shall be planned to cover all activities;
design, engineering, procurement, construction, installation, pre-commissioning &
commissioning including all project disciplines and sub-disciplines relevant to the
project and carried out in accordance with a schedule agreed with ADMA-OPCO. In
a project, each type of critical activity should be audited.

Where deficiencies are identified, follow up audits shall be required to address them
and confirm close out / compliance.

The contractor‟s Quality Manager or his delegated representative shall undertake all
audits and shall have the authority to rectify identified procedural non-conformances
and/or deficiencies.

Audit Personnel shall have no direct responsibility for the activities to be audited. Audit
personnel shall have sufficient authority and organisational freedom to make the audit
process meaningful & effective. Auditor shall have the relevant education, experience
and training to assure competence for performing assigned tasks.

The contractor shall provide four (4) weeks advance notification to ADMA-OPCO
regarding actual date and location for all the audits to be undertaken to permit ADMA-
OPCO‟s representation.

The contractor‟s audit schedule shall include the activities of all sub-contractors and
vendors supplying critical items. ADMA-OPCO opinion on criticality of item shall be
binding on the contractor.

For ADMA-OPCO led audits, contractor shall provide assistance and access to his
quality systems as well as subcontractor /vendor‟s quality systems as required. The
contractor shall provide copies of all audit reports and corrective actions to ADMA-
OPCO and shall maintain a non conformance, corrective and preventive action register
available for review.

When non-conformities are found, corrections of inadequate procedures are required.

The contractor shall respond with the appropriate corrective action immediately along
with evidence of rectification. All non-conformances shall be closed within six (6) weeks
of identification.

3.7.2 Project quality management system reviews should be performed within the project
cycle and immediately upon advice by ADMA-OPCO. This is to ensure the continued
suitability and effectiveness of the quality system to achieve the established project
objectives and assess opportunities for process and system improvement. ADMA-
OPCO may opt to attend the reviews.

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3.7.3 The Contractor‟s Project Quality Manager shall attend the Quality and Progress
Review Meetings along with the ADMA-OPCO representatives.

3.8 Design Management

The contractor‟s design management quality system shall meet requirements of

BS7000: Part 4 (latest edition) and shall ensure that:

a. All personnel involved in developing and translating the design are made aware of
their responsibilities and duties for achieving quality in design. Documentary
evidence will be requested by ADMA-OPCO as evidence towards compliance
with this requirement.

b. Formal complete global review of the design and supporting data shall be
performed at appropriate stages of the project to confirm that the project choices
and options meet the design requirements of the contract / project features with
due regards to safety, health, environmental impacts, security, durability,
reliability, maintainability etc. The timing and duration of such review sessions
shall be agreed with ADMA-OPCO. ADMA-OPCO may opt to attend and
contribute during such reviews.
The requirement for such reviews shall be identified in the quality and/or
execution plan.
c. Documents which are required for review and comments by ADMA-OPCO shall
be identified at the start of the project through mark up of deliverable register. A
separate procedure shall be produced by the contractor to control this requirement
and must address incorporation of ADMA-OPCO comments into all design

d. Procedures shall be developed for the identification and control of design

interfaces to ensure the involvement of appropriate discipline engineers in the
design process.

This shall also include design related interface with procurement, construction,
installation and commissioning specialists as appropriate.

e. During the design stage and subsequent project phases, contractor shall initiate
and implement appropriate procedural controls over the following activities:

e1. Contract review including amendments,

e2. Pre-engineering: contracting strategy, project planning and reporting
e3. Identification of long lead items
e4. Feasibility, conceptual and detailed engineering studies as required,
e5. Planning of the work scope at Level 1-4 as appropriate,
e6. Work breakdown structure (WBS) as required,
e7. Use of units and symbols
e8. Interface management amongst stakeholders including ADMA-OPCO, sub-
contractors, vendors, TPA and IVB; etc
e9. Discipline and inter-discipline check
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e10. Design reviews and verifications, including interim validation reports to
ADMA-OPCO, if required,
e11. Use of computer software and hardware
e12. Basis of design documentation,
e13. Calculations and alternative calculations,
e14. Technical library including: specifications, standards, codes, vendor data etc.
e15. Technical Appraisal and Change management & control
e16. Production of specifications including amendments,
e17. Production of drawings and material take-offs (MTO‟s) including revisions,
e18. Safe Operations assessments (SAFOPS),
e19. Hazard during Operations assessments (HAZOP),
e20. Operability assessment including 3D multidiscipline model reviews
e21. Constructability assessment,
e22. Maintainability and Life Cycle Cost assessment,
e23. Spares philosophy including preparation of operation/ maintenance manuals,
e24. Equipment Criticality rating,
e25. Compilation of Manufacturer Data Books (including asset registration and data
sheets) and As Built Record; etc.
e26. Identification of project documentation for quality records
e27. The unique characteristics of individual plant item and their specific
e28. Packaging, preservation, storage and handling,
e29. Communications and document control,
e30. Production of technical and commercial reports.

The above list is not exhaustive and any other activity deemed necessary by
contractor or ADMA-OPCO shall be included for appropriate procedural controls to
be established and implemented. Established procedural control shall be consistent
with the identified project contractual deliverables; ref. ADMA-OPCO GDL-009.

f. The design output which may include drawings, specifications, data sheets
analysis & calculations notes etc. A comprehensive procedure shall be developed
so that the identification and revision status, authorisation and distribution are
verified and controlled; reference to CP-00 ADMA-OPCO Code of Practices for
Design & Draughting.

g. Changes to design, including site raised changes; ref Clause 3.13 and ADMA-
OPCO GDL-025 shall be effectively controlled and all changes and alternatives
are formally reviewed and approved by appropriate parties and the required
action(s) is/are documented.

Key controls to design engineering changes including site raised changes and
queries should include:
g1. Identifying the proposal and assigning a sponsor for the change
g2. Identifying the alternatives and determination of their implications (including the
“no change / as is” option)

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g3. Comparison of alternatives addressing financial, HSE, production, schedule,
reliability, operability, constructability and legislative implications
g4. Distribution for review by the affected parties
g5. Approval by Engineering Authority and ADMA-OPCO (including TPA and IVB,
if required)
g6. Implementation of change
g7. Verification of change close-out and updating of relevant records and as built
3.9 Interface Control

The contractor‟s system should ensure that the technical interfaces and
responsibilities between different processes within the organisation and external
agencies within the project are clearly defined and documented. These interfaces shall
include all project phases like design, fabrication & construction, commissioning,
start-up; etc. Contractor shall develop a procedure to identify and control such
interfaces. The document shall be submitted for ADMA-OPCO approval.

3.10 Procurement & Subcontract Control

The contractor is responsible for ensuring that all goods and services procured /
contracted are from ADMA-OPCO approved vendor list and are in accordance with
the contract requirements. In the event that ADMA-OPCO revokes approval of any
supplier/vendor/sub-contractor, then upon notification from ADMA-OPCO all further
orders/contract with such supplier shall be cancelled immediately. ADMA-OPCO
shall not bear any financial or schedule implication in above events.

The contractor‟s quality system shall ensure that:

a. Vendor or sub-contractor operates a certified quality management system and has
established necessary quality plans/procedures/work instructions/method
statements etc to execute their scope of work.
b. Criticality of all procured items and services are formally determined and

c. The supplier or sub-contractor quality system is assessed and appraised to ensure

that it is suitable and able to satisfy the requirement for the goods or service to be

d. A listing of all proposed sub-contractors and suppliers is submitted to ADMA-

OPCO for approval along with project procurement plan prior to any order or
contract placement. COMPANY may decide to audit the proposed sub-contractors
and suppliers prior to any order or contract placement.

e. Procurement and sub-contract documents shall contain all the applicable accurate
and approved technical data, test, inspection, verification & delivery and final
documentation requirements including asset registration as per ADMA-OPCO

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Quality (and inspection) requirements shall be incorporated in the purchase orders
to match the criticality of the items to be supplied.

Documents which are required for review and acceptance by ADMA-OPCO shall
be identified at the start of the manufacturing through mark up of supplier‟s
deliverable register. A separate procedure shall be produced by the contractor to
control this requirement and must address mechanism of incorporation of ADMA-
OPCO comments into vendor documents and all outputs.

f. A formal auditable system operates during procurement for monitoring,

verification and work acceptance activities; e.g. record of audit, inspections
performed by suitably qualified personnel at appropriate stages which ensures
conformance to specified requirements.

g. Non-conformance and changes from the specified requirements are detected and
reported through appropriate change control process with approval from ADMA-
OPCO and TPA/IVB, as appropriate.

h. A documented system operates from supplier assessment & selection through

evaluation of bids to award to ensure that the bid conforms to the procurement
requirements. Technical and commercial focal points that are responsible for
bringing together all aspects of bid clarification, award recommendations and
negotiations are defined and appointed. All clarifications which may affect final
product specification and/or performance shall be formally recorded as part of
purchase order. ADMA-OPCO may opt to receive a copy of such clarifications.

The bid evaluation criterion shall include quality, technical, historical supply data,
lifecycle cost, maintainability, operability, redundancy, delivery schedule and
commercial aspects. ADMA-OPCO shall be provided a copy of technical bid
tabulation for review and comments.

i. Clear definition of responsibilities for expedition of materials, vendor data and

highlighting technical problems for resolution before they lead to delays.

j. All activities applicable with ISO 9001 requirement elements are documented and

k. Software controls as listed in para 3.12. below are also to be complied with by the
sub-contractors and vendors and shall be documented for the purpose of
verification and audits.

l. Where inspection contractor agencies are engaged by the contractor to verify the
quality of supplier products, contractor shall demonstrate that the inspection team
operates an effective quality system in conformance to ISO 9001 requirements
and has competence and resources to fulfil the task.

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m. Inspection contractor should be given latest controlled copies of the purchase
specifications, purchase technical documentation and the supplier quality plan and
applicable procedures. Contractor shall demonstrate to ADMA-OPCO that an
effective control of documentation and information provided to Inspection
contractor is implemented at all times.

The inspection agency shall attend the kick-off, all pre-inspection and production
meetings with the supplier and ensure all identified inspection levels by suppliers,
Authorised Inspection Agency or themselves are implemented satisfactorily.

NB: Ensuring control does not absolve the contractor of the responsibility for
conformity of product to the specifications and requirements.

m. All vendor or subcontractor inspection reports issued by the Contractor or their

inspection agency shall be submitted to ADMA-OPCO on an approved format.
The format shall contain as a minimum the following sections:

m1. Documentation approval status,

m2. Areas of concern,
m3. New and outstanding non-conformances,
m4. Detail reference to Inspection Test Plan stage,
m5. Written details of work performed and acceptability/approval to acceptance
m6. Photograph showing the activity and item being procured.
n. Contractor shall put in place an inspection release system for ensuring that
shipment is permitted only when-
n1. All documentation is complete and approved,
n2. All inspections and tests are complete,
n3. There is no outstanding work (punch) list or when it has been agreed with
ADMA-OPCO, that outstanding work can be done at (other) locations,
n4. There are no outstanding technical queries,
n5. All non-conformances or concessions are closed out.
o. ADMA-OPCO shall have the right to witness any test or conduct inspections.
This shall be communicated through mark up of ITP. For inspection at vendor
facility, 10 days written notice of every witness or hold point with confirmation of
the stage/activity and date at least 48 hours prior to the start of actual activity is
given. ADMA-OPCO shall not be responsible for any delays in organising their
attendance due to late notification.
p. Inspection and certification of materials shall be in accordance with ADMA-
OPCO CP-102 and BS EN 10204 (latest edition).

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3.11 Construction & Commissioning

3.11.1 The Contractor's quality system shall ensure that:

a. All work associated with the fabrication, assembly, installation, commissioning

and start-up and handover of the project is systematically planned, performed
under controlled conditions and adequately documented.

b. Control will be exercised through the use of an approved and detailed Quality
plans, procedures and the work shall be verified with the use of the approved
inspection & test plan and calibrated measuring instruments. These together, will
form a Quality Control (QC) Programme and will state clearly the activity,
authorizations & responsibilities, associated procedures and parameters for
measurement, allowable tolerances and acceptance of work performed. The QC
programme will be documented in a step wise and logically sequential manner.

c. Critical activities (special processes) such as welding, non-destructive, protective

coating and performance testing will be given special consideration. These work
processes and the operators shall be suitably qualified to the applicable codes and
to the satisfaction of ADMA-OPCO. Suitable and auditable records shall be
maintained for all critical activities. Contractor shall consult ADMA-OPCO to
identify activities considered as critical prior to start of any activity.

d. Documents which are required for review and comments by ADMA-OPCO shall
be identified at the start of the project through mark up of Construction,
Installation & Commissioning deliverable register. A separate procedure shall be
produced by the contractor to control this requirement and must address
incorporation of ADMA-OPCO comments into construction, installation &
commissioning documents and outputs.

e. Contractor is fully aware and accepts full responsibility for the compliance of the
all work in accordance with applicable COMPANY specifications &

f. Appropriate level of control is imposed by contractor over their subcontractor‟s


g. All systems and subsystems are tested as specified and all the major punch list
items are closed before releasing for commissioning activities.

h. Commissioning process activities are carried out as per the "Commissioning

Plan", which has to be developed, updated and finalized during the design phase
of the project.

i. Commissioning records are maintained in a retrievable form containing

checklists, calibration records, concession & deviation requests, as-built drawings,
test & completion certificates and all punch lists of any outstanding work.

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j. The "Commissioning Plan" shall be supported by the "Commissioning
Procedures" which will take into account issues noted below and the precise terms
& conditions of the contract; reference to ADMA-OPCO GDL-006 and applicable
Such issues of note include:
j1. Perform commissioning focused design reviews,
j2. Update the "Commissioning Plan and Procedures" at the construction stage
including the list of required tests, documentation, forms, checklist and schedule
for initial operator training and education.
Contractor shall develop project specific mechanical completion sheets as per
project scope of work,
j3. Establish requirements for performance testing
j4. Evaluate punch-list and test documentation to determine status,
j5. Clear outstanding items required for functional testing,
j6. Carry out detailed functional testing on plant/equipment,
j7. Raise additional punch-list/modification as required,
j8. Complete documentation,
j9. Carry out additional testing as required,
j10. Implement corrective measures,
j11. Proceed with operator training,
j12. Issue the final Commissioning Report.

3.12 Software Control

Contractor shall ensure that-

a. All calculations and analyses are performed using authorised controlled software
and the results can be traced to the software name and version that was used
b. Controls shall be verified by the provision of the independent third party software
validation certificate or proof of validation from a software COMPANY. For in-
house built software e.g. spreadsheets etc, validation shall include manual spot
checks of calculations, checking validity at the numerical limits of input/output
and production of a user‟s guide.
Above record shall be submitted to ADMA-OPCO prior to utilization of such
c. Authorisation of users by the contractor‟s discipline head shall be implemented to
confirm user knowledge of the software and that any limitation of the software
does not impair its use for the proposed task.
d. Formal registration and control of all software versions in use shall be
implemented by the contractor and record shall be made accessible to ADMA-

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3.13 Change Request & Control

Contractor shall ensure that all changes are identified, assessed by competent persons
and where approved by ADMA-OPCO, are effected/implemented in a controlled
manner which ensures that intent and a safe working environment is maintained during
and after the process of change.

Changes can only be controlled when there is a clear definition of the baseline. A
baseline agreement with ADMA-OPCO shall be documented prior to changes being
processed further. Tools used for change request may include engineering / design
queries, deviation requests, concession requests, variation order depending on the project
change management procedure

A procedure is required whereby proposed changes to baseline documentation are

carefully reviewed to establish all resultant effects on all other disciplines before
approval of change is given. This procedure shall be developed by the contractor in
consultation with ADMA-OPCO and shall be in line with latest ADMA-OPCO Change
Management Procedure; GDL-025.

Project Change Management Procedure shall also be applicable to all vendors,

subcontractors, consultants or any other entity involved in delivery of a part or full

The contractor quality system shall ensure that:

3.13.1 Change requests are processed when technical integrity, design, construction, safety
& environment, schedule and / or cost would be seriously affected without them.
Changes can also be requested by ADMA-OPCO.

3.13.2 Where changes are considered necessary, the contractor shall ensure the following
information accompanies the change requests:-

a. Comprehensive description and details of the request and its consequences.

b. Comprehensive technical justification for acceptance including fitness for purpose


c. Impact on technical integrity, design, construction, safety & environment,

schedule and cost.

d. Agreement (approval) of the Project Management Consultant and Third Party

Authority as applicable.

3.13.3 The Contractor shall submit a workable change request & control procedure,
acceptable to COMPANY in accordance with ADMA-OPCO GDL-025 for
Management of Change which should include but not limited to the following:-

a. Scope of applicability, handling, approval and rejection

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b. Control / monitor of changes including impact on completed as well as planned
design, construction, procurement activities; etc.

c. Responsibilities and authorisations of concerned parties

d. Exception to specification requirements; in which case contractor shall develop

jointly with ADMA-OPCO a form which shall be used.

e. Notification of requests to ADMA-OPCO

f. Registration and presentation of requests

g. Expediting, routing and recording of requests

h. Distribution of requests to affected parties

g. Close out of change request.

3.14 Documentation Control

3.14.1 Contractor shall initiate procedural control of documentation & data at the necessary
level to demonstrate to ADMA-OPCO that timely distribution of the required
documents to project personnel is performed.

The procedure shall specify and/or include:

a. A brief description of the scope and its applicability,
b. Responsibilities for documentation control,
c. Identification & control of project document deliverables
d. Document numbering system,
e. Document review and distribution matrices,
f. Correspondence control & distribution,
g. Control of documents of external origin & distribution
h. Control of document transmission,
i. Control of document review & approval
j. Methodology for the receipt, control and approval of sub contractor / vendor
k. How document confidentiality will be maintained.

3.14.2 All project documentation shall be controlled to ensure they are:

a. At all times, legible, accurate, complete and indexed.
b. Available at the place of work or operation.
c. Revised when necessary promptly and effectively.
d. Fully traceable
e. Easily and promptly retrievable.
f. Authorised by the appropriate manager.
g. Suitably identified and withdrawn when obsolete

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3.14.3 Documentation includes the information relevant to design, purchase, construction,
inspection, testing, installation, commissioning, operate and maintain the plant as well
as all the as-built drawings, dossiers, technical data sheets, TPA documentation etc.
identified by project in line with ADMA-OPCO GDL-009.

3.14.4 Unless otherwise specified in the contract, Contractor shall employ both hard copy
and electronic filing system and it shall be available to ADMA-OPCO for reference.
The electronic documentation management system is to be easily manageable,
searchable and shall have flexible format which should allow partial / full retrieval of
documents for future use in purchasing, inspection & repairs situations etc. ADMA-
OPCO will utilize the system to transmit and record documents back to Contractor.
The electronic documentation management system shall be capable of generating
status/exceptions reports for managing their own review and comment activity by
ADMA-OPCO. The system shall also be capable of generating reports about the
documents sent for information/review/approval and also generate status/exception
reports when ADMA-OPCO comments on contractor‟s deliverables have been
satisfactorily closed by the Contractor.
ADMA-OPCO shall be provided with weekly update registers from the system. The
format and content of such register shall be reviewed and approved by ADMA-
When required by ADMA-OPCO, a remote high speed electronic access shall be
provided to external interface parties so that all project data including but not limited
to correspondence, documents, drawings and calculation etc. can be accessed. The
details of such system shall be reviewed and approved by ADMA-OPCO.
ADMA-OPCO will utilize remote access system to distribute and control the
documents within COMPANY.
Contractor shall provide ADMA-OPCO the required software facility to add their
comments and approval code status to the documents submitted by contractor for
review, information and approval.

3.14.5 The final engineering, as built and vendor documentation quantity, format quality
indexing system, type e.g. hard copies, electronic copies etc. shall be as per contract
and approved by ADMA-OPCO.

Contractor shall provide storage for all documents throughout the contract duration
ensuring protection against environment, vermin and fire.

3.14.6 The documents related to design engineering information, certification and test
records, codes of practice, engineering standards etc. should be made available to all
concerned parties at all works during the execution of the project.

3.14.7 Third Party Inspection Agency (TPA) certification documents related to the items
listed below shall be provided in original in a fully traceable format

a. Review of design;

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b. Certification of procurement bulk items as per ADMA-OPCO CP-102/ EN 10204;
c. Inspection and Testing of equipments in manufacture as per ADMA-OPCO CP-
102 / EN 10204 or as required in the contract;
d. Inspection and testing of site construction;
e. Installation and Commissioning of Plant.
f. Any other item or activity requiring certification as per contract.

3.14.8 All documentation shall be in English language.

3.15 Punch List Clearance

Contractor shall issue punch list procedure to categorise the punch items according to
its criticality and severity. This procedure shall specify the punch items which shall
be cleared before each stage of the project such as mechanical completion, pre-
commissioning, commissioning and handover; reference ADMA-OPCO GDL-006.

Contractor shall ensure that the punch list items resulted from the stage inspection are
cleared in due time before proceeding to the next project stage.

Punch lists shall be updated regularly by contractor and submitted for ADMA-OPCO
review until complete clearance.

3.16 Handover

Contractor shall establish a handover procedure in accordance with ADMA-OPCO

GDL-006 and contractual requirements. The Hand-over certificate shall be attached
with all the specified documents and submitted for ADMA-OPCO approval.
Contractor shall ensure that all the punch list items are cleared prior to handover
unless it is approved in writing by ADMA-OPCO.

3.17 Safety & Environment

3.17.1 The quality system shall ensure that due consideration is given to safety and
the environment in which the product or services is supplied.

3.17.2 The system and procedures adopted shall ensure that work methods are conducted in
a safe and secure manner and adequate reviews and safeguards are adopted. These
requirements will be applied throughout all phases of the project with reference to the
ADMA-OPCO HSE Management System Doc. n.: HSE 101.

3.17.3 The requirements of ADMA-OPCO Safety Regulations; ref. Doc. n.: HSE 102 “HSE
Regulations Manual” shall be considered and applied as appropriate for all the
resources intended for use in ADMA-OPCO areas.

3.17.4 Quality, safety and protection of the environment (ref. Doc. n.: HSE 109 “EMS-M-01
Environmental Management System Manual) are considered by ADMA-OPCO as
integral aspects of the management system.

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3.17.5 The activities that confirm the intrinsic safety of the plant and operating methods are
regarded as of prime importance and inherent aspects of quality. Permits for activities
shall be adequately reviewed, assessed as per risks with mitigations in place in
accordance with ADMA-OPCO Permit to work system Doc. n: HSE 103 & HSE-104.

3.18 Training

3.18.1 The quality management system shall ensure that personnel are aware of the
requirements and regulations pertinent to their activities. Training sessions shall be
organised to appraise contractor‟s personnel regarding above requirements.

3.18.2 A formal approach to identifying technical or non technical training requirements for
all personnel involved in work, either by contractor and/ or subcontractor shall be
included within the quality system to ensure that all necessary training is made
available and given to the employees.

3.18.3 The training requirements should encompass organisational and procedural

information as well as technical and safety topics. The training should include both
temporary and permanent staff.

3.18.4 Project specific quality requirements shall be included in the established training plan.
It is a mandatory requirement for contractor QA team to train project management
personnel (all managers, engineers & supervisors) on project specific quality

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Abbreviation Description
ADMA-OPCO Abu Dhabi Marine Operating COMPANY
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QMS Quality Management Systems
NB Nota Bene (Note well)
SI Systeme International d‟Unites
TPA Third Party Agency
IVB Independent Verification Body
ITP Inspection and Test Plan

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B.1 General Definition

Term Definition

ADMA-OPCO Herein referred to as COMPANY whom has contracted work to be done on

their behalf
Is the COMPANY contracted to deliver the Project and is accountable to
ADMA-OPCO‟s or its nominated representative.

The term contractor includes any entity tasked to deliver full or part of
contract scope of work and covers vendors, suppliers, sub contractors,
consultants; etc.

It is also applicable to the COMPANY contracted to undertake the third

Party Inspection &/or Verification Tasks (TPA) on behalf of ADMA-
OPCO or Contractor.
All those planned and systematic actions (QA) necessary to ensure quality
Quality Assurance i.e. to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will be fit for
its intended purpose.

A Document setting out the general quality policies, procedures and

Quality Manual
practices of an organization.

A document prepared by the Contractor/Vendor setting out the specific

Quality Plan
quality practices, resources and activities relevant to a particular project.

Quality The structure organization, responsibilities, activities, resources and events

Management that together provide organized procedures and methods of implementation
System to ensure the capability of the organization to meet quality requirements.

Is the COMPANY contracted to undertake the Third Party Inspection &

Verification Tasks (TPA) on behalf of ADMA-OPCO.

Is the named manufacturer or Supplier in the ADMA-OPCO Purchase

Vendor Order. The term “Vendor” as used herein includes all Manufacturers and
sub-suppliers of equipment covered by this Document.
Change Request A document raised in order to request a change to a base document. Base
(CR) documents include key documents to be maintained “as-built” e.g. project
document deliverables (see appendix – D). CR can be raised during any
project phase
Is the COMPANY contracted to undertake .Independent Verification Body
(IVB) the Tasks on behalf of ADMA-OPCO.

2.0 03-2011 Issued For Implementation

Draft Date Description / Text Affected

Requirements for Projects Contractor Quality System
ADMA-OPCO SP-1009 32
SF / General / 002 Rev.0 sheet 1 of 1

B.2 Special Definition

Term Definition
Unique process consisting of a set of coordinated and controlled activities
with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objective conforming
to specific requirements, including the constraints of time, cost and

2.0 03-2011 Issued For Implementation

Draft Date Description / Text Affected

Requirements for Projects Contractor Quality System
ADMA-OPCO SP-1009 33
SF / General / 002 Rev.0 sheet 1 of 1
Unless otherwise specified, the latest edition of the Standard Engineering Documents listed below
shall to the extent specified herein, represent part of this document.

Designation Title
Third Party Inspection and Certification Requirements for New Equipment
and Materials in Manufacture.
CP-00 Design & Draughting Practices
GDL-009 Projects Deliverables
GDL-006 Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning & Handover of Projects

GDL-025 Guideline for Management of Change

GDL-032 Guideline for preparing a Project Quality Assurance Plan

SL-001 Status List for ADMA-OPCO Standard Engineering Documents.
Part-1: Measurements Units
Part-2: Site Condition & Data
British Standards Institution (BSI)

BS EN 10204 Metallic Products – Types of Inspection Documents.

BS7000:Part 4 Guide to Managing Design in Construction

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements

ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems –Fundamentals and Vocabulary

ISO 10005 Quality Management-Guidelines for Quality Plans.

Quality management systems – Guidelines for quality management in

ISO 10006

Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries – Sector-specific quality

ISO/TS 29001 management systems – Requirements for product and service supply

2.0 03-2011 Issued For Implementation

Draft Date Description / Text Affected

Requirements for Projects Contractor Quality System
ADMA-OPCO SP-1009 34
SF / General / 002 Rev.0 sheet 1 of 1

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