PI SQC User Guide
PI SQC User Guide
PI SQC User Guide
Version 3.2
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction to PI SQC ................................................................................................ 1 Statistical Quality Control ................................................................................................... 1 SQC in the Process Industry .............................................................................................. 2 SQC in PI ProcessBook ..................................................................................................... 2 PI SQC-RT ......................................................................................................................... 3 Chapter 2 PI SQC Chart Components ......................................................................................... 5 Control Chart ...................................................................................................................... 5 Histogram ........................................................................................................................... 8 Legend ............................................................................................................................... 9 Data Sheets ........................................................................................................................ 9 Chapter 3 PI SQC Chart Definition Dialog ................................................................................. 11 Build a PI SQC Chart ....................................................................................................... 11 Edit a PI SQC Chart ......................................................................................................... 11 General Tab ..................................................................................................................... 12 Sample Tab ...................................................................................................................... 17 Control Parameters Tab ................................................................................................... 21 Data Filter Tab.................................................................................................................. 22 Alarm Tab ......................................................................................................................... 23 Format Tab ....................................................................................................................... 25 Appendix A Statistical Calculation Basis ................................................................................. 27 Control Chart Calculations ............................................................................................... 27 Factors ............................................................................................................................. 36 Mathematical Symbols ..................................................................................................... 39 Process Capability Index (Cpk) ........................................................................................ 40 Appendix B Glossary .................................................................................................................. 41 Appendix C Technical Support and Resources ....................................................................... 43 Index .............................................................................................................................................. 47
Chapter 1
Introduction to PI SQC
PI SQC is a PI ProcessBook add-in that retrieves data from PI archives and ODBC databases, and performs statistical calculations to determine data behavior. Results are displayed in a three-part PI SQC chart, which includes one of eight types of control charts. The PI SQC chart appears within a standard PI ProcessBook display or independent display file.
Everything VariesPeople live to different ages; all patterns fluctuate. Individual cases and events are unpredictableYou cannot predict exactly how long you will live; individual points are not predictable. Groups within a constant system of causes tend to be predictableActuaries can use population data to predict life expectancy for insurance companies; a series of points from a constant process tend to follow a pattern.
A series of measurements of a process parameter generally will not be identical to each other. However, you can use statistical methods to establish baselines (usually called control limits) using data that represent good operating conditions. Statistically-derived control limits outline the potential behavior of a process, and permit differentiation between random fluctuations of data and true process shifts. A control limit can be defined by a specific number (center line +/- 3 standard deviations) or in terms of pattern tests (4 successive points greater than 1.5 standard deviations from the center line on the same side of the center line). The primary method of process evaluation is a control chart, a graphic comparison of process data versus calculated control limits. You can use a control chart to detect process variations that have definable causes by highlighting instances where process data runs outside the control limits.
Introduction to PI SQC
SQC in PI ProcessBook
PI SQC appears appears as an icon object to a ProcessBook display: on the PI ProcessBook toolbar. To add an SQC chart and drag in the workspace to add the object.
1. In Build mode, click the SQC icon 2. Configure chart settings and click OK. 3. Return to Run Mode.
As a dynamic object, PI SQC operates like to other dynamic symbols in PI ProcessBook displays. When you select an SQC symbol and view the Details window in ProcessBook, you see a tabular view of the data used to create the SQC chart. For event-based SQC charts based on PI points, you can also create annotations for individual event values when Data is selected in the Data Source drop-down list. If sample filtering is used in the chart, annotation is disabled for any rows that display the Filtered indicator.
PI SQC-RT is a separately-licensed enhancement to the standard PI Alarm Subsystem. PI SQC-RT generates SQC Alarm tags, which combine source tag values with the results of real time SQC pattern tests performed on the source tag. A PI SQC alarm requires five PI tags in addition to the alarm tag itself. These tags provide:
a data source for the alarm user control over the operation of the alarm tag storage of control limits
PI SQC-RT alarms can be plotted and visualized through the PI SQC add-in. See the PI SQCRT User Guide for more information.
Chapter 2
A control chart on the bottom A histogram (page 8) at top left A legend (page 9) at top right Four sheets of data and statistics (page 9), accessible when you click the chart title
You may configure the control chart, the histogram, and the legend in a variety of ways, and any component may be omitted.
Control Chart
A control chart shows a curve of data markers representing sample values plotted across time:
The left axis displays evenly spaced labels in the engineering units of the source tag. The right axis displays control limits. The horizontal axis displays evenly spaced data markers.
The left and right timestamps on the horizontal axis represent the first and last plot values. Each plot point on a control chart is equidistant from preceding and succeeding points, regardless of the time span between them. If a sample value plots outside of the control limits, an alarm condition occurs and data markers appear in different colors and shapes. Data markers are not displayed if they overlap; only alarm markers appear. A green triangle at lower right indicates the PI SQC chart is being updated in real time.
Control Zones
Control charts include colored horizontal control zones and a target or center line. The colors match the control limits on the right axis and in the histogram (page 8). Zones are determined by control limits (page 21) for process evaluation, which may be established in several ways:
Specified by a user Calculated from actual point values Calculated remotely by a PI SQC-RT Alarm tag
The area between -1 and +1 Sigma of Center Line. The area between -2 and -1 Sigma of Center Line and the area between +1 and +2 Sigma of Center Line. The area between -3 and -2 Sigma of Center Line and the area between +2 and +3 Sigma of Center Line. The areas outside control limits.
Note: For Range, Moving Range, Standard Deviation, and Moving Standard Deviation charts, the upper and lower zones may be different in size because the Sigma (page 7) values may differ.
Control Chart
Sigma Since the target for Range, Moving Range, Standard Deviation, and Moving Standard Deviation charts is not always centered on the chart, upper and lower Sigmas may differ. Sigma should be interpreted in Range and Standard Deviation charts to mean 1/3 the distance between the center line and the upper or lower control limit. For instance, +2 Sigma refers to two-thirds of the distance between the center line and the upper control limit. The most applicable pattern test for Range and Standard Deviation charts is the 3-Sigma test, which indicates data points outside or on the upper or lower control limits.
Note: The lower control limit in Range and Standard Deviation charts is always zero for sample sizes smaller than 7 and 6, respectively.
Alarm Status
A control chart displays a marker for each data point. If a point is in an alarm condition (page 23), an alarm marker is substituted. If a data point falls outside of the vertical plot range, its marker is displayed at the top or bottom of the control chart. PI SQC-RT (page 3) may also be used to configure alarms on the PI Server, and which appear in a control chart. A selected data point is in alarm status if it meets a pattern test condition:
A green dot
indicates no pattern test conditions have been met. indicates a pattern test condition has been met.
Move the mouse over a data point until a magnifier cursor appears, and click on the left mouse button. The Alarm Details dialog appears. The Alarm Details dialog lists the timestamp, value and alarm status of a selected data point.
Note: The Alarm Details dialog is disabled when trend cursors (page 8) are activated.
If SQC alarms are configured to use the optional test status tag, you can right-click a marker in an alarm state to view pass/fail status for all configured pattern tests. If you do not use the optional test status point, then only the highest precedence pattern test failure is displayed. For information on how to configure PI SQC-RT Alarm tags, refer to the PI SQC RT User Manual.
Trend Cursors
In PI ProcessBook Run Mode, trend cursors can be added from the left edge of a control chart to read sample values across the chart. Add a second cursor to compare values across a range. To add trend cursors:
When released, a trend cursor remains in one spot. Click and drag a cursor to move it to a different spot.
The histogram component of a PI SQC chart is a bar graph of the frequency distribution of plot data.
The horizontal scale spans the Center Line minus five Sigma to the Center Line plus five Sigma. The scale is marked at +3 Sigma and -3 Sigma from the center line. The resulting zones are colored using the same colors in the control chart. The Mean, Upper and Lower Specification Limits are also indicated in the histogram. The number of bars is configurable, and from 1 to 100 bars may be displayed. The vertical scale runs from zero to the maximum number of samples per bar. A normal distribution curve (page 9) is drawn in the histogram based on the sample mean and the standard deviation of the sample.
To specify the number of bars or to change the appearance of the histogram, use the Format tab (page 25) of the PI SQC Chart Definition dialog.
The legend appears at top right in a PI SQC chart, and may display the following information:
Item Chart tag Trigger Tag Value Engineering Units USL/LSL Sigma Cpk Description The name of the tag providing raw data to the chart The name of the tag used to trigger a new sampling (page 16) The current value of the Chart Tag (page 14) Engineering units for the Chart Tag Upper and lower specification limits Sigma as used in calculating upper and lower control limits Process Capability Index (page 40), a calculation based on specification limits.
Items that do not have a current value are not displayed. For example, if a user does not configure specification limits (page 21), the USL/LSL is not displayed. Calculated items such as Cpk or Sigma that do not have a current value will display N/A if they are selected to show on the legend. To change the appearance of the legend, use the Format tab (page 25) of the PI SQC Chart Definition dialog.
Data Sheets
Four data sheets are available for each PI SQC Chart. To see the data sheets: 1. Go to Run Mode and double-click the title of the chart. The Statistical Quality Control Details dialog appears. 2. Use the Options menu to select any data sheet.
PI SQC User Guide 9
Statistical data are provided in double-precision numbers. Click Save Data to File to save all four pages as a text file. Statistics Sheet Eight statistical values are calculated for control chart plot data each time a PI SQC chart updates:
Statistic Mean Median Mode STDEV Cpk Max Min Sigma Description Average value of plot data Median value of plot data Most frequently occurring value of plot data Standard deviation of plot data Calculated Process Capability Index (Cpk (see "Process Capability Index (Cpk)" on page 40)), based on specification limits for plot data Maximum value of plot data Minimum value of plot data Sigma of the samples as used in upper and lower control limits
Raw Data Sheet The Index column identifies each raw data point plotted for the chart tag, followed by Timestamp and point Value. The Status parameter (sometimes called IStat) depends on the tag's Point Type in PI. Plot Data Sheet The Index column identifies plotted data points, followed by Timestamp and Value. Following are columns for each control parameter (page 21), which may vary over time. The Alarm column indicates whether a data point has triggered an alarm or exceeded 1 Sigma from the center line. Control Limits Sheet Specifications and calculated or specified control limits are listed.
Chapter 3
In Build mode, double-click anywhere in the PI SQC Chart to bring up the Chart Definition dialog (page 11). In Run mode, click the Item Definition button dialog (page 11). to display the Chart Definition
General Tab
The General tab resembles the PI ProcessBook Trend Definition dialog and is used to specify basic chart parameters. Chart Title Enter a distinctive title for the PI SQC Chart. The default is SQC Plot -1.
Chart Type
Select the type of control chart you want to display. The name of the chart type is included in square brackets after the control chart title. Each control chart presents a different view of sample data, and represents different mathematical calculations (page 27) based on the type of plot, sample size, and other factors. The eight available control charts and their properties are described in the following sections. Individuals Chart An Individuals chart plots raw data from PI or an ODBC dataset, and utilizes single observations rather than sample groups to evaluate the stability of the process. An Individuals chart is used when it is impractical to calculate the average of a group of measurements. Individuals charts are typically used in conjunction with Range or Moving Range charts to detect variability. In Individuals charts, sample size must be equal to 1, and the center line is the process mean. The Moving Range is used to estimate standard deviation when calculating control limits. If a PI tag is used as the upper (USL) or lower specification limit (LSL), the control chart displays USL and LSL traces.
Note: Measurements are not independent of one another in an Individuals chart. Pattern tests are therefore not applicable, and only the points outside of control limits should be considered significant.
X-Bar (Average) Chart An X-Bar or Average chart calculates the average of a subgroup of data, and plots it against other sample averages. The sample mean is used as the center line unless otherwise specified. Individual measurements are assumed to be independent. An X-Bar chart indicates where a process is centered, and provides information about the quality of process control. Fluctuations that directly affect the X- Bar chart display can be construed to affect all parts of the product at once, and in the same general manner. Averaging data tends to reduce the effect of random error associated with the variability due to measurement and inherent process variation. Averages can be more sensitive in revealing changes in process level than individual observations.
General Tab
Moving Average Chart A Moving Average chart calculates averages inclusive of each new individual measurement, n, and plots them against previous n- 1 averages. Moving Average charts have the advantage of being able to detect process shifts and dampen out random errors on individual measurements, and are useful when taking more than a single observation per sample is impractical. In evaluating a Moving Average Chart, consider only whether data is within 3 sigma. Moving Average charts should be used in conjunction with the Moving Range chart. Two disadvantages of Moving Range charts are:
A lag effect due to sample measurements derived from n-1 previous measurements. Oscillatory effects that occur due to successive samples having correlated random error.
Sample size cannot be less than 2 in Moving Average charts. Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) Chart An EWMA chart is an exponentially "smoothed" moving average used for evaluating the stability of a process. The term exponentially refers to the method that is employed to average earlier data with current data. A Lambda (page 19) factor is used to associate a weight with each new data point, compared to the remaining data points in the designated sample size. This exponential weighting is applied to each data point, whether individual observations or subgroup averages, and has the effect of reducing the contribution of older data through progressively smaller weights. The EWMA chart can be used in place of a Moving Average chart to place more emphasis on current data values. Placing more emphasis on current data makes the EWMA chart more sensitive to small process trends and less sensitive to sudden process spikes.
Note: The Lambda weighting factor is typically between 0.2 and 0.5, with a default value of 0.5.
Standard Deviation (s) Chart A Standard Deviation chart calculates and plots a sample standard deviation for each sample subgroup. A Standard Deviation chart serves the same purpose as the Range chart, but should be used when the sample size is greater than 8.
Note: Sample size must be greater than 1, and preferably equal to or greater than 10, the default sample size.
Moving Standard Deviation Chart A Moving Standard Deviation chart utilizes the latest n observations to judge the stability of the process. The current sample standard deviation is calculated by replacing the oldest value in the sample with the current value. Moving Standard Deviation charts are used instead of Moving Range charts when the sample subgroup size is greater than 8. As with Moving Average charts, the effect of combining successive data points causes correlated contributions of random error and results in an oscillatory effect when plotted. Range (R) Chart A Range chart calculates the range (maximum - minimum) within each sample to determine the stability of a process. Calculated ranges are used to estimate process variability due to chance causes over short time spans. For example, a valve linkage in need of repair does not move the same way each time it is told to move. This inconsistency in valve action affects the product differently at different times, and might be examined through a Range chart. A Range chart is always evaluated in conjunction with either an Individuals chart or an Average chart. Sigma (page 7) values may be interpreted differently for range charts.
Note: Range charts are not recommended for sample sizes larger than 8, and require a sample size greater than 1, with a sample size of 2 as the default value.
Moving Range (Rm) Chart A Moving Range chart uses the latest n observations to judge the stability of the process. The current range is calculated by replacing the oldest value in the sample with the current value. As with Moving Average charts, the effect of combining successive data points causes correlated contributions of random error and results in an oscillatory effect when plotted. Sigma (page 7) values may also be interpreted differently for range charts.
Note: Moving Range charts are not recommended for sample sizes larger than 8.
Chart Tag
Enter the name of the source tag to plot in the chart. The Chart Tag specifies the process data being plotted. Tag names or data sets that define PI SQC limits or parameters are defined on another tab. You can enter this tag manually or select the tag from PI through a Tag Search. Tag names returned from a Tag Search appear with an appended server name (\\server\tagname) in the Chart Tag box.
General Tab
Note: The Chart Tag field must be filled before you can switch to another tab.
The Chart Tag field is also used for PI SQC-RT (page 3) Alarm tags, which are configured at the PI server level (where the point class is SQC_Alarm). Click Alarm Tag Attributes to view the attributes of an Alarm tag. The query that retrieves Chart Tag (page 14) values also retrieves the point attributes shown below:
Point Attribute Name Descriptor Point Type Zero Span Starting digital state Number of digital states Engineering units Usage Displayed in the Legend Used in calculations not displayed May be used as lower plot limit Defines data range as vertical scale Digital zero Number of possible digital states minus one. Displayed in the Legend
Tag Search
A PI tag search allows you to search all connected PI Servers for tags meeting a given a set of criteria, such as one ore more tag attribute values.
Click Tag Search to search a PI Server for tags using the Tag Search dialog.
You can select tags from a Search Results list. The first tag selected is added to the Chart Tag field with server name will be included. PI SQC uses ODBC data sets and custom placeholders in the same manner as PI ProcessBook trends. You can use an alias or property value, or a dataset in place of a tag.
Click the adjacent arrow button and choose a PI Calculation or ODBC Data Set from the menu to search other data sources using a corresponding Data dialog. If an ODBC Data Set is selected then the SQL query must contain the time placeholders "Start Time" and "End Time" in the ODBC dataset to return the time frame specified in the SQC chart definition. If a dataset includes default placeholders, you can click Custom Placeholders to supply values for variables used in the ODBC query.
Choose Module Context to select aliases or properties via a module context defined in a PI Module Database.
Use Scale group fields to set the minimum and maximum for the chart's two vertical scales. Scales are based either on data values, explicit limits, or standard deviation calculations. The center line (or target) is the mean value of the plot data.
AutoRange (the default), which automatically sets chart limits at even numbers near the minimum and the maximum of plotted values. Database (for PI tags only), which uses the zero and span attributes of the PI SQC tag plotted. Zero and span are parameters configured in PI and cannot be changed locally. Center Line +/- X Engineering Units Center Line +/- N Sigma Center Line +/- 3 Sigma Center Line +/- 4 Sigma Center Line +/- 5 Sigma USL/LSL, which uses upper and lower specification limits. Absolute Eng. Units, which allows manual entry of maximum and minimum scale values.
Plot Time
The plot time refers to the range of time over which the data is plotted and SQC calculations are assessed. Several Start Time options are available:
Standard PI time relative expressions, measuring time in multiples of hours and days from the present time, *. Samples Before End Time allows you to specify a number of samples previous to the End Time, using a field that appears below the Start Time field when this option is selected. Select or input an integer for the number of samples. The default value is 20. In Run Mode, a PI SQC chart pans across values by the number of samples defined when stepping forward or backward through time.
Trigger Tag Change indicates that the start of each plot and product run is defined by the first data point that occurs after a specific trigger tag changes value. Use the field that appears below the Start Time field when this option is selected to enter a tag name, or click the ellipsis button next to the field to run a tag search. In Run Mode, the PI SQC Chart pans across values based on instances in time when the Trigger Tag value changes. All three parts of the chart are recalculated when the value is updated. On the control chart, the timestamp defining the left end of the horizontal scale represents the first value derived after the trigger tag value changes, indicating the start of a product run. The plotted point at the right end is either the last value before the current time (for real time data), or the last plotted value before the specified end time of the plot and product run.
Sample Tab
Note: The time of a trigger tag change does not equate to the start time of a sample, but instead determines which data point demarcates the first point of a sample group. The start time of the actual sample is defined on the Sample tab and occurs after the trigger tag change. If the time range or its display is changed, the new end time is used to determine the time of the previous trigger tag change.
End Time is defined using standard PI time relative expressions, measuring time in multiples of hours and days from the present time, *. For charts that end at the current time, whenever a PI tag value changes or a new measurement is received from an ODBC data set, data is recalculated and both the control chart and histogram are updated.
Sample Tab
The Sample tab defines how chart tag samples are calculated.
Sampling Method
Two methods can be selected to work raw data into packets for calculating samples: Event-based sampling Event-based sampling is depends on a sample size n, where every n raw data points are combined in a statistical calculation to produce a single sample. For moving-window event-based calculations, a sample is produced from the raw data array, R, by using Ri through R(n+i). Time-based Sampling Time-based sampling is used only for PI data. This method organizes data into calculation packets by working with four parameters:
Parameter Start Time (page 19) Calculation Period (page 19) Sample Period (page 19) Sample Size (page 18) Definition This time stamp adjusts the start time of the samples. Duration of time between the start of sampling periods. Time between samples within sample group. The count of raw data points used in the sample calculation
Sampling begins at the Start Time and continues with samples calculated every Calculation Period. Within a Calculation Period, the first n samples spaced evenly by the Sample Period are used for calculation.
PI SQC User Guide 17
For an EWMA (page 13) chart, a sample is produced for the first calculation period (the window), then the window is moved forward one sample period in time, and the next calculation made.
Note: An ODBC data set without a time column does not display a time stamp on the horizontal axis of a control chart.
Calculation Basis
Calculation Basis options define the mathematical parameters used for sampling.
A Time-based calculation uses samples for every Sample Period and performs a calculation for every Calculation Period, determined whenever samples matching the Sample Size are collected. An Event-based calculation uses every raw data value associated with the tag. For eventbased calculations, Calculation Period, Sample Period, and Start Time of Sample are disabled.
Note: Calculation Basis information is not available for PISQC-RT Alarm Tags.
Check Settings Click Check Settings to test time settings for Time-based samples and ensure the minimum sample size once you have specified all the necessary parameters for your calculation basis. Sample Size The Sample Size is the number of measurements grouped into one sample. Samples should be chosen such that each sample encompasses all the random variation inherent in the process. A sampling scheme that meets this criterion is said to produce rational subgroups. Provided samples are aligned with rational subgroups, the smaller the sample size, the more sensitive calculations are to process changes. For new charts, the minimum sample size is the default size. The following minimum and recommended maximum values apply to sampling:
Chart Type Individual X-bar or Average Moving Average EWMA Range Moving Range Standard Deviation Default/ Minimum 1 2 2 1 2 2 8 Recommended Maximum ----8 8 --
Sample Tab
Default/ Minimum 8
Recommended Maximum --
Calculation Period For Time-based calculations, the Calculation Period is the time interval between the start of sample groups. The time period must be entered in the form:
where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds. Calculation Period is ignored for Event-based calculations. Sample Period For Time-based calculations, the Sample Period is the time between samples within a sample group. The product of the Sample Period and the Sample Size should be less than or equal to the Calculation Period. For example, if the Calculation Period is 2 hours, the Sample Period is 10 minutes, and the Sample Size is 5, the sample groups would begin at midnight, 2:00, 4:00, and so on. The samples for the midnight sample group would be at 12:00, 12:10, 12:20, 12:30, and 12:40. The samples for the next group would be at 2:00, 2:10, 2:20, 2:30, and 2:40. Start Time of Sample Use Start Time of Sample to adjust the start time of a sample within a day. If the Calculation Period is greater than one day, the Start Time is used for the day on which the calculation is started. The derived values are calculated and stored at the time of the last sample within the Calculation Period. For example, if the Calculation Period is 2 hours, the Sample Period is 10 minutes, the Sample Size is 5, and the Start Time is 3 a.m., then sample groups begin at 3 a.m., 5.a.m., and so forth. Samples for the first sample group would be taken at 3:00, 3:10, 3:20, 3:30, and 3:40. Time Stamp at Specify the raw data point to use in determining a timestamp for each calculated point. This feature is useful when the Sample Size is larger than 1. For example, if the sample size is 5 and Time stamp at is set to 3, the time at which every third raw data point is collected is used as the timestamp for the related calculated point. Lambda Lambda associates a weight with each new data point as compared with the remaining data points in the designated sample. The Lambda factor pertains only to EWMA (page 13) (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) charts, and does not appear for other types.
PI SQC User Guide 19
Lambda must be between 0 and 1. A smaller value of Lambda provides greater smoothing effects and the resulting chart will emphasize trends as opposed to point-to-point fluctuations. The default value for Lambda is 0.5, with values between 0.2 and 0.5 most typical.
Filter Equations
Filter Equations can be used to filter data from samples. In a filter equation, 0 equals FALSE and 1 equals TRUE. Only data representative of time periods when the Filter Equation is TRUE are included in samples and used in PI SQC calculations.
Note: Filter equations can include PI tags, but not ODBC data sets. However, you can filter ODBC data using the WHERE clause of the ODBC query.
Use the following tools to build a filter equation in the Filter Equation field:
Click Tag Search to locate PI tags and append the selected result to the equation in the Filter Equation box. For multiple selected items, only the first is added. PI tags used in a filter equation must exist on the same PI server as the Chart Tag (page 14).
Click Check Syntax to send the equation to the PI server to validate syntax (page 20). A dialog box indicates any errors in the equation syntax. The contents of the Filter Equation field are also validated whenever you exit the Sample tab.
Clear the Keep Bad Values checkbox to omit bad data values (page 21) from samples and from control limit calculations.
Filter Equation Syntax Filter equations use PI Performance Equation syntax and may include:
operands arithmetic operators built-in functions user-defined formulas if-then -else structures PI tag values
Filters may cause large time gaps in data. To avoid gaps you may choose to keep bad values (page 21).
Note: When defining a filter equation, use PI tags with the step attribute set to TRUE. Interpolation of tag values in the filter expression might otherwise provide a misleading visualization.
Keep Bad Values The number of plot markers in a time series is the number of good values divided by sample size. If they do not divide evenly, the remainder is ignored. For example, given a sample size of 10 and 99 good values, a plot will have 9 points. You may choose to keep bad values in control charts, allowing PI tag values with invalid status to be included in sample groups (but not in calculations). In such cases, the chart is calculated using only the remaining good values. If bad values are kept, they are counted when creating sample subgroups for averages, ranges, and so forth. The number of markers is then the total number of values (good and bad) divided by the sample size, with any remainder ignored. If bad values are not kept, but rather omitted from the time series of values, all samples are the same size. For example, if Keep Bad Values is checked, and if the sample size is 5 and if a group of 5 data points includes one bad point, only 4 values will be used for the calculation for this particular plot point. PI values that fail the criteria are plotted with a black dot on the Shewhart chart. If a consecutive group of values fail the filter criteria, only the first PI value to fail is plotted; repeated consecutive failures are omitted from the sample. An entire sample calculation is determined to be bad, and is not plotted, whenever the number of good values is less than 50% of the specified sample size. The Range and Moving Range calculations are exceptions in that they require only 2 good values in a sample subgroup.
Note: For EWMA charts, a bad value resets the calculation. If EWMAt is bad, EWMAt+1 = xt+1.
Process specifications are fixed, "not to exceed" limits applied to a product and based on market, safety, or engineering limits. Control limits are calculated from measurements sampled during a controlled process operation, or from the actual data of the current process.
Note: For PI SQC-RT Alarm Tags, control limits are read-only. Refer to the PI SQC-RT User Guide for information on remote calculation of control limits in PI.
All PI SQC control limits used to define control chart zones (page 6) are accessible through the Control Parameters tab. You can select constants, PI tags, or ODBC data sets to define limits for each parameter:
If constants are used, then the control limits do not change unless the user returns to the Control Parameters tab and manually changes them.
Click Tag Search to use the Tag Search dialog to find and select PI tags. Corresponding tag values are used as control limits. Click the arrow button adjacent to Tag Search and select PI Calculation or ODBC to display a corresponding Data dialog. Then choose a dataset that contains the desired control limit values. If an ODBC data set is used for limits, you must specify Start and End Times under Plot Time (page 16). The PI ProcessBook User Guide includes information on how to create a new ODBC data set.
Click the arrow button and select Element Context to select an AF Element as a control limit.
Note: this option only appears if you use PI SQC with PI ProcessBook 3.2 or higher.
Click one of the Sigma Calculation Method options: Average Range Estimate Average Standard Deviation Estimate When a new SQC symbol is created through the user interface or automation, the default values of the Sigma Calculation Method vary according to the plot type. The plot type also determines if the Sigma Calculation Method option buttons are disabled or nonmodifiable through automation. These buttons are also disabled for server side alarms, regardless of plot type.
You may also let PI SQC calculate limits based on the data in the plot:
If you do not specify a Center Line value, PI SQC uses the mean of the plot data as the center line. If you do not specify any control limit parameters, PI SQC calculates limits based on a Sigma value, determined by the distribution of data.
Alarm Tab
Enter a Minimum data points value to specify the threshold required for a valid Sigma calculation. This value is required, and should depend on the sample size and the particular operating environment. The default is 10 and the value must be an integer.
When selected, the Eliminate samples option eliminates data outside of a specified number, n Sigma. Generally, n is set to a value between 4 and 7. The default is 5, and n must be an integer greater than one.
Number of samples (default is 5) Consecutive or non-consecutive samples Range by which two data points can be separated before calculation resumes (default is 3 Sigma) Variability around either the center line or between samples, to indicate the relationship data points must share (default is Each Other, indicating relationship between samples)
You may also force the system to ignore the filter statement entirely by setting the number of samples variable to 1. Use the check boxes to specify if the Transition Data Filter should apply to Sigma calculations, to alarm calculations, or to both.
Alarm Tab
The Alarm tab provides tools to define pattern tests (page 24) for unnatural data variation, and to indicate process points that are out of statistical control. PI SQC applies pattern tests and calculates an alarm state for each sample. Points out of statistical control can be configured to display with specific symbols and colors in the control chart.
Note: For PI SQC-RT Alarm tags, Alarm tab settings are read-only (except alarm marker type and alarm marker color).
The Alarm tab includes criteria and settings for seven SQC pattern tests, in order of highest precedence:
Outside Control A count of the number of data points outside the control limit on one side of the centerline. Outside Two Sigma A count of the number of data points outside a limit drawn twothirds of the distance between the centerline and a control limit. Outside One Sigma A count of the number of data points outside a limit drawn onethird of the distance between the centerline and a control limit. One Side of Centerline A count of the number of data points on one side of the centerline. Stratification A count of the number of data points that fall within the upper and lower one sigma limits on both sides of the center line Mixture A count of the number of data points that fall outside the upper and lower one sigma limits on both sides of the center line. Trend A count of the number of data points, which are monotonically increasing or decreasing. Click the checkbox at left to enable a test. Click the marker symbol in the next column and choose Marker to reset the marker shape, or Color to reset the marker color through the Windows color palette. The marker format appears against zone backgrounds set on the Format tab (page 25). Enter values to describe the test conditions in the two entry fields to complete the test test condition.
Alarm Reset You may also specify an Alarm Reset tag by clicking the ellipsis button and using the Tag Search dialog to select a PI tag. When the specified tag reaches zero, alarm calculations are stopped. When the Alarm Reset tag is no longer zero, alarm calculations restart. If no reset tag is specified, alarms are always on by default.
Pattern Tests
Alarm pattern tests compare derived values to control limit lines, center line and intermediate values. The simplest pattern is a test for a single value outside of control limits. Control charts are more sensitive to process changes when more complicated tests are used. Such tests use a sequence of values to test for patterns that are unlikely in a normal
Format Tab
distribution. For example, an out-of- control condition for charts may be when 2 out of 3 consecutive values are outside of 2 Sigma. Default settings for pattern tests are based on recommendations from the Statistical Quality Control Handbook; Western Electric Co., Inc.; 1956; Indianapolis, Indiana, on pages 23-30, under "Tests for Unnatural Patterns."
Format Tab
The Format tab provides tools used to modify the appearance of SQC charts. As you make changes in the Format tab, the sample chart at the lower right of the tab changes to preview your selections. Chart Element Select an element and use the accompanying options to specify Line Style and Width, Data Markers and their Size, and the Color of the selected element:
Center Zone - 0-1 Sigma above or below the center line One Sigma Zone - between 1-2 Sigma above or below the center line Two Sigma Zone - between 2-3 Sigma above or below the center line Outside 3 Sigma Zone - 3 Sigma above or below the center line Text - on all parts of the chart. The font size and font style are configurable using the PI ProcessBook font toolbar button. Background - color of the chart background Control Chart Data - pen color and line style for the curve plotted on the control chart Specification Limits - pen color and line style for USL/LSL Histogram Bars - color of histogram bars Histogram Distribution - pen color and line style for the curve plotted on the Histogram Marker - shape and color of the data markers that are not in alarm. A value of None causes all markers to disappear. Histogram Specs - pen color and line style for specification lines on the histogram Histogram Mean - pen color and line style for the mean on the histogram Control Limits - pen color and line style for the UCL and LCL on the control chart
Chart Options The check boxes in the Chart Options group designate whether or not to display the following items in the PI SQC chart:
Legend The Legend group check boxes designate whether or not to display the following items in the chart legend:
Chart Tag - the name of the chart tag (page 14) Trigger Tag - the name of the trigger tag (page 16), if used Eng. Units - the engineering units associated with the chart tag USL/LSL - upper and lower specification limits Value - the current value of the chart tag Sigma - the sigma value of control limits Cpk - the Cpk (see "Process Capability Index (Cpk)" on page 40), based on the current plot
Zone Colors Zone color samples appear at the upper right of the tab, below shape and color samples of data markers used for points in alarm (as defined on the Alarm tab (page 23)). Zone colors are set with other Chart Element controls, but you can make final adjustments to alarm markers using the data marker buttons. Histogram Bars Defines the number of bars to be included in the histogram (page 8). Save as Default To retain your format settings as the default formatting for future charts, click the Save as Default button below the Chart Options. The settings are stored in the Procbook.ini file until they are saved again.
Appendix A
For PI tags, data precision is set to a tags display precision property in PI. For ODBC data sets, precision is set to 5 significant figures. If a center line is not specified for a chart, the grand average of data is used instead. Either a constant or PI tag may be specified as a control limit. If control limits are not specified, theoretical control limits are calculated from available data using the ANSI/ASQC standard A1-1987. Control limits are calculated separately to allow control limit bands of different heights.
The statistical analysis methods used by PI SQC are based on concepts and equations from Essentials of SPC in the Process Industries by James M. Pruett and Helmut Schneider, Second printing, February 1996, and the ANSI/ASQC standard A1-1987.
Individuals Calculations
Sample Average The sample average value is calculated using the equation:
where: UCL is the Upper Control Limit LCL is the Lower Control Limit is the sample average as calculated previously is the process standard deviation, also known as sigma The process standard deviation is estimated using one of two approaches:
Average Range Estimation method- Calculate an estimate of the process standard deviation based on the average of moving ranges. Average Standard Deviation Estimation method- Calculate an estimate of the process standard deviation based on the average of moving standard deviations.
Sigma CalculationAverage Range Method Using this method the process sigma is derived as follows:
where the constants d2 and E2 = 3/d2 are 1.128 and 2.660, respectively, for two-period moving range calculations. The two-period average moving range is calculated as:
where 2-period moving ranges are: with n, the sample size and Xk , the individual measurements. Sigma CalculationAverage Standard Deviation Method The sample standard deviation , is calculated from individual measurements as:
where the constants c4 and E3 =3/c4 are .8862 and 3.385, respectively, for 3-period moving standard deviation calculations. The average 3-period moving standard deviation is calculated as
X-Bar Calculations
Sample Average Sample averages are calculated as:
, for consecutive samples k = 1 to g. where are individual measurements (ith measurement of consecutive sample k) g is the number of samples (subgroups) n is the sample size (size of each sample) Center Line The Center Line is the grand average of the sample averages:
Control Limits
Sigma CalculationAverage Range Method The estimate of the process standard deviation, sigma, is calculated using the average of sample ranges:
where A2 is listed in the Factors for Averages (page 36) table for various sample sizes n. Average Range The Average Range calculated as:
where sample ranges are: with i = 1 to n in each consecutive sample k = 1 to g. Sigma CalculationAverage Standard Deviation Method The estimate of the process standard deviation, sigma, is calculated using the average of standard deviation as:
where A3 is listed in the Factors for Averages (page 36) table for various sample sizes n. Average Standard Deviation The Average Standard Deviation is calculated as:
for each moving sample k = 1 to g where: Xk+i-1 are individual measurements (ith measurement of moving sample k) g is the number of samples (subgroups) n is the sample size (size of each sample) Center Line The Center Line is the average of sample averages:
Control Limits The Upper and Lower Control Limits are calculated as shown below:
Sigma CalculationAverage Range Method The estimate of the process standard deviation, sigma, is calculated using the average of sample ranges:
where A2 is listed in the Factors for Averages (page 36) table for various sample sizes n.
Sigma CalculationAverage Standard Deviation Method The estimate of the process standard deviation, sigma, is calculated using the average of standard deviations as:
where A3 is listed in the Factors for Averages (page 36) table for various sample sizes n. Average Standard Deviation The Average Standard Deviation is calculated as:
, for samples k = 1 to g. where: are individual measurements (ith measurement of consecutive sample k) g is the number of samples (subgroups) n is the sample Size (size of each sample)
The consecutive sample averages are transformed into a series of weighted averages: for k = 1 to g with
where is the weighting factor. Center Line The Center Line is the average of the transformed data and calculated as:
Control Limits The equations needed for calculating the upper and lower Control Limits are similar to as those used for the Individuals charts except that they take into account the weighting factor .
Because EWMA involves two-period calculations, d2 = 1.128, E2 = 2.66 and for various values of , L is calculated as:
0.1 L 0.610 0.2 0.887 0.3 1.117 0.4 1.330 0.5 1.536 0.6 1.741 0.7 1.952 0.8 2.172 0.9 2.175
Average Range
Range Calculations
Sample Ranges The ranges of individual samples are: = Center Line The Center Line is calculated from sample ranges as: for i = 1 to n in each sample k = 1 to g.
are listed in the Factors for Ranges (page 37) table for various
Control Limits See Range Calculations (page 34) for upper and lower control limits.
in each sample k = 1 to g where: are individual measurements, for i = 1 to n g is the number of samples (subgroups) n is the sample size (size of each sample) Sample averages, , are calculated as:
, for consecutive samples k = 1 to g. Center Line The Center Line is the Average Standard Deviation which is calculated from sample standard deviations as:
and are listed in the Factors for Standard Deviations (page 38) table for various sample sizes n.
for each sample k=1 to g where: are individual measurement, i = 1 to n g is the number of samples (subgroups) n is the sample size (size of each sample) Sample averages, , are calculated as: , for consecutive samples k = 1 to g. Center Line The Center Line is the Average Standard Deviation, which is calculated from sample standard deviations as:
Control Limits See Standard Deviation Calculations (page 35) for upper and lower control limits.
The following sections detail factors used in control chart calculations. In all tables, n is the sample size.
n 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
A2 0.577 0.483 0.419 0.373 0.337 0.308 0.285 0.266 0.249 0.235 0.223 0.212 0.203 0.194 0.187 0.180 0.173 0.167 0.162 0.157 0.153
A3 1.427 1.287 1.182 1.099 1.032 0.975 0.927 0.886 0.850 0.817 0.789 0.763 0.739 0.718 0.698 0.680 0.663 0.647 0.633 0.619 0.606
n 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
d2 3.173 3.258 3.336 3.407 3.472 3.532 3.588 3.640 3.689 3.735 3.778 3.819 3.858 3.895 3.931
D1 0.811 0.922 1.025 1.118 1.203 1.282 1.356 1.424 1.487 1.549 1.605 1.659 1.710 1.759 1.806
D2 5.535 5.594 5.647 5.696 5.741 5.782 5.820 5.856 5.891 5.921 5.951 5.979 6.006 6.031 6.056
D3 0.256 0.283 0.307 0.328 0.347 0.363 0.378 0.391 0.403 0.415 0.425 0.434 0.443 0.451 0.459
D4 1.744 1.717 1.693 1.672 1.653 1.637 1.622 1.608 1.597 1.585 1.575 1.566 1.557 1.548 1.541
Mathematical Symbols
n 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Mathematical Symbols
The following mathematical symbols are used in calculations. M = Number of Samples n = Number of measurements in a Sample g =Number of samples = Sample Range = Average Range = Average Moving Range = Sample standard deviation = Average sample standard deviation Xmax = Maximum measurement within a sample Xmin = Minimum measurement within a sample = Individual Observation = Sample Average
= Average of Samples
Appendix B
Fluctuating Measurements All processes have parameters that can be measured. Repeated measurement of a process's parameters will show fluctuations in the parameter's value. Fluctuations can be classified as natural or unnatural. Natural Pattern A pattern of measurements of a process parameter exhibiting natural variability due to minute fluctuations in raw materials, equipment, measurement precision, etc. Obviously, natural fluctuations result in natural patterns. A natural pattern will always have the all of the following characteristics: 1. Most of the points are near the Center Line. 2. A few of the points spread out and approach the Control Limits None (or at least only a very rare point) exceeds the Control Limits. Process A process is a set of conditions or causes that work together to produce a result. In an industrial setting a process can be a single control loop, a unit operation, a laboratory measurement, a task performed by a single person or a team, or virtually any combination of 'actors' which work together to produce a result. Sample Grouping Breaking a large collection of measurements into subgroups. Evaluating sample averages and ranges provides a more sensitive tool for spotting process variations with definable causes (unnatural patterns). Tests for Unnatural Patterns There are two basic premises for testing the naturalness of a pattern:
Test individual points versus limits Test multiple points for trend - there are several commonly accepted tests for trend recognition (e.g. 8 points in a row on one side of the plot center line)
Unnatural Fluctuation These are large, abnormal fluctuations due to some external cause. The causes of unnatural fluctuations are generally definable to some outside influence. For example, an unnatural fluctuation could arise from software malfunction, field instrument failure, putting the wrong material into the product or similar causes. Unnatural Pattern A pattern of measurements of a process parameter exhibiting large fluctuations due to a definable cause. An unnatural pattern will lack one or more of the three characteristics of a natural pattern.
Appendix C
Product name, version, and/or build numbers Computer platform (CPU type, operating system, and version number) The time that the difficulty started The message log(s) at that time
Support may be provided in languages other than English in certain centers (listed above) based on availability of attendants. If you select a local language option, we will make best efforts to connect you with an available Technical Support Engineer (TSE) with that language skill. If no local language TSE is available to assist you, you will be routed to the first available attendant. If all available TSEs are busy assisting other customers when you call, you will be prompted to remain on the line to wait for the next available TSE or else leave a voicemail message. If you choose to leave a message, you will not lose your place in the queue. Your voicemail will be treated as a regular phone call and will be directed to the first TSE who becomes available. If you are calling about an ongoing case, be sure to reference your case number when you call so we can connect you to the engineer currently assigned to your case. If that engineer is not available, another engineer will attempt to assist you.
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From the OSIsoft Technical Support Web site, click Contact Us > On-site Field Service Visit. OSIsoft provides on-site service for a fee. Visit our On-site Field Service Visit page for more information.
Knowledge Center
From the OSIsoft Technical Support Web site, click Knowledge Center. The Knowledge Center provides a searchable library of documentation and technical data, as well as a special collection of resources for system managers. For these options, click Knowledge Center on the Technical Support Web site.
The Search feature allows you to search Support Solutions, Bulletins, Support Pages, Known Issues, Enhancements, and Documentation (including user manuals, release notes, and white papers). System Manager Resources include tools and instructions that help you manage: Archive sizing, backup scripts, daily health checks, daylight savings time configuration, PI Server security, PI System sizing and configuration, PI trusts for Interface Nodes, and more.
From the OSIsoft Technical Support Web site, click Contact Us > Obtaining Upgrades. You are eligible to download or order any available version of a product for which you have an active Service Reliance Program (SRP), formerly known as Tech Support Agreement (TSA). To verify or change your SRP status, contact your Sales Representative or Technical Support (http://techsupport.osisoft.com/) for assistance.
Alarm Status 7 Alarm Tab 7, 23, 26
Histogram 5, 6, 8, 26
Build a PI SQC Chart 11
Individuals Calculations 27 Individuals Chart 12 Introduction to PI SQC 1
Calculation Basis 18 Calculation Period 17, 18 Chart Tag 9, 14, 15, 20, 25 Chart Type 12 Control Chart 5 Control Chart Calculations 12, 27 Control Parameters Tab 6, 9, 10, 21 Control Zones 6, 21
Keep Bad Values 20
Lambda 13, 19 Legend 5, 9
Mathematical Symbols 27, 39 Moving Average Calculations 31 Moving Average Chart 13 Moving Range (Rm) Chart 14 Moving Range Calculations 34 Moving Standard Deviation Calculations 35 Moving Standard Deviation Chart 13
Data Filter Tab 22 Data Retrieval and Calculation 2 Data Sheets 5, 9 Distribution and Standard Deviation 8, 9
Edit a PI SQC Chart 11 Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) Calculations 32 Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) Chart 13, 17, 19
Pattern Tests 23, 24 PI SQC Chart Components 5 PI SQC Chart Definition Dialog 11 PI SQC-RT 2, 3, 7, 14 Plot Time 9, 16, 22, 25 Process Capability Index (Cpk) 9, 10, 26, 39
Factors 27, 36 Factors for Averages 30, 31, 32, 36 Factors for Ranges 34, 37 Factors for Standard Deviations 35, 38 Filter Equation Syntax 20 Filter Equations 19 Format Tab 9, 24
Range (R) Chart 14 Range Calculations 34
Sample Period 17, 19 Sample Size 17, 18 Sample Tab 17 Sampling Method 17 Scale 15 Sigma 6, 7, 14
General Tab 12 Glossary 41
Sigma Calculation Data Filter 22 SQC in PI ProcessBook 2 SQC in the Process Industry 2 Standard Deviation (s) Chart 13 Standard Deviation Calculations 34, 36 Start Time of Sample 17, 19 Statistical Calculation Basis 27 Statistical Quality Control 1
Tag Search 15 Technical Support and Resources 43 Time Stamp at 19 Transition Data Filter 23 Trend Cursors 7, 8
X-Bar (Average) Chart 12 X-Bar Calculations 29