MKM 321

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MKM 321

Overview of concepts
1. What is the goal?
We want to be able to describe the behaviour of structures/materials under load.

➔ Start off with the simplest version of the problem and work up to complex

Statically Determinate Statically Indeterminate Fully General

● Only require force equilibrium ● Force equilibrium equations not ● Force equilibrium equations not
equations. sufficient. sufficient.
● Answer is not a function of the ● Need to take the material into ● Need to take the material into
material. account. account.
● Simple loading and geometry ● Complex loading, simple ● Complex loading and geometry.
2. Material Properties
How do we describe materials mathematically?
1. E (young's modulus) ➙ A measure of a material's ability to resist elastic
○ Units: Pa, often in Mpa or Gpa
○ Higher E → Stiffer material (e.g., Steel: 200 GPa).
○ Lower E → More flexible material (e.g., Rubber: 0.01 MPa).

2. ν (poisson's ratio) ➙ The ratio of lateral strain to axial strain under uniaxial
stress. ( If I deform the material, does it’s volume change?)
○ Typical values: 0.2 - 0.5
○ ν = 0.5: No volume change (perfectly incompressible).
○ ν < 0.5: Material experiences some volume reduction under compression.
3. Stress and Strain Tensors
What is a Tensor?
● A quantity that works in multiple directions simultaneously.
● Example: Stress inside a material – it changes depending on which direction you look at.

What is Stress?
● Stress tells us how much force is applied to a material, and how it is spread out over an
● If you apply force over a small area, the stress is high.
● If you spread the force over a larger area, the stress is lower.

What is Strain?
● Strain measures how much the material deforms under stress.
● If you pull on a rubber band, it stretches — this change in shape is strain.
● Strain is about how much each small part of the material changes size or shape.
4. What is a Displacement Field
A displacement field describes how every point in a structure moves when it is subjected to
forces or loads. For example:

● If you pull one end of a rubber band, the displacement field shows how each part
of the band stretches and moves.
● At each point, the displacement field gives the magnitude and direction of the
● The field is a function of x and y, and gives a displacement in x and y.

5. Equilibrium Equations and Constitutive Models
Equilibrium: (inside forces = outside forces) u(x, y, z) ⟶ 3 functions, one for each direction

⛛𝝈(x, y, z) - F(x, y, z) = 0 ⟶ 3 partial differential ε(x, y, z) ⟶ 6 functions, one for each direction
equations and shear (eg: εxy)

Constitutive Relationship: (Hooke's Law) 𝝈(x, y, z) ⟶ 6 functions, one for each direction
and shear (eg: 𝝈xy)
𝝈(x, y, z) = Dε(x, y, z) ⟶ 6 equations
Luckly, we can find u(x, y, z) and relate it to the
Strain-Displacement Relationship:
other functions ε(x, y, z) and 𝝈(x, y, z)
ε(x, y, z) = 0.5(⛛u(x, y, z) + ⛛uT(x, y, z)) ⟶ 6 partial
differential equations

If we have a proposed u function, we can

verify it by calculating our equilibrium and
constitutive equations
6. Function approximations
Instead finding a u function, we assume a function defined by some variables (constants)
and then find the optimum constants for our problem.

Example: u(x, a, b, c) = ax2 + bx + c, where x defines our space direction or coordinates,

and a, b, c define our function parameters. By changing a, b, c we change what our
function look like.

All are 1D functions

of x, but also a
function of a, b, c:
7. Discretization of a Domain
Instead of creating a random complex function to fit to our problem, let's make one
where our constants have some physical meaning using shape functions:

1. A shape function describes how the value at any point inside the element
depends on the values at the element’s nodes.
2. If we want to find the displacement inside an element, we don’t need a
complicated equation; we just combine the nodal displacements using shape

For a 1D element with two nodes (node 1 and node 2), the displacement u(x) inside
the element is:

u(x)=N1(x) u1+N2(x) u2

Now our constants for our function is u1, u2 our nodal displacements.

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