dịch Phu_luc_4_Mau_Ke_hoach_bai_day_2020

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Appendix IV

( Attached to Official Dispatch No. 5512/BGDĐT-GDTrH dated December 18, 2020 of the
Ministry of Education and Training )
School: ................... Teacher's name:
Nest: ............................ ……………………

NAME : …………………………………..
Subject/Educational activity : ……….; class:… ……
Time to complete: (number of periods)
I. Objectives
1. About knowledge : Specify the content knowledge students need to learn
in the lesson according to the requirements of the educational content
/corresponding topic in the subject program/educational activity .
2. Regarding capacity: Specify what students are required to do (specific
manifestations of general capacity and subject-specific capacity that need to be
developed) in learning activities to acquire and apply knowledge according to the
requirements of the subject program/educational activity.
3. Regarding qualities : Specify requirements on behavior and attitude
(specific manifestations of qualities that need to be developed in conjunction
with lesson content) of students in the process of performing learning tasks and
applying knowledge to life.
II. Teaching equipment and learning materials
Specify the teaching equipment and learning materials used in the lesson to
organize student activities to achieve the goals and requirements of the lesson (to
form certain qualities and abilities, learning activities must be corresponding and
appropriate) .
III. Teaching process
1. Activity 1: Identify the learning problem/task /Introduction (Clearly
state the name showing the activity results)
a) Objectives : Stating objectives helps students identify specific
problems/tasks that need to be solved in the lesson or clearly identify how to solve
problems/perform tasks in the following activities of the lesson.
b) Content : Clearly state the specific requirements/tasks that students must
perform (handling situations, questions, exercises, experiments, practices...) to
identify the problem to be solved/learning tasks to be performed and propose
solutions to solve the problem/ways to perform the task.

c) Product : Present specific requirements on content and form of the product

according to the content of the requirements/tasks that students must complete:
results of handling situations; answers to questions and exercises; results of
experiments and practices; present and describe the problem that needs to be
solved or the next learning task that needs to be performed and propose solutions.
d) Organization Implementation: Present specific steps for organizing
learning activities for students from task transfer, monitoring, guiding, checking,
evaluating the process and results of task implementation through learning
2. Activity 2: Forming new knowledge / solving problems / performing
tasks set from Activity 1 (Specify the name showing the results of the activity) .
a) Objective : State the objective to help students achieve learning tasks to
acquire new knowledge/solve problems / carry out tasks set out in Activity 1 .
b) Content: Clearly state the specific requirements/tasks of students working
with textbooks, teaching equipment, and specific learning materials
(reading/watching/listening/speaking/doing) to acquire / apply knowledge to solve
problems/learning tasks set out in Activity 1.
c) Product : Specific presentation of new knowledge / problem solving
results / learning task performance that students need write and present
d) Implementation : Guide, support, check , evaluate the process and results
of students' activities.
3. Activity 3: Practice
a) Objectives : Clearly state the objectives of applying learned knowledge and
requirements for developing knowledge application skills for students .
b) Content: Clearly state the specific content of the system of questions,
exercises, practices, and experiments assigned to students to perform.
c) Products : Answers and solutions to questions and exercises; practical
exercises and experiments performed by students, reports and presentations.
d) Implementation organization : Clearly state how to assign tasks to
students; guide and support students in performing; check and evaluate
implementation results.
4. Activity 4: Application
a) Objective : Clearly state the objective of developing students ' capacity
through tasks/requirements to apply knowledge and skills into practice (according
to each lesson or group of lessons with appropriate content).
b) Content : Clearly describe the requirements for students to discover/propose
practical problems/situations related to the lesson content and apply newly learned
knowledge to solve them .

c) Product: Clearly state the requirements for content and form of reporting
on detecting and solving situations/problems in practice .
d) Implementation: Assign students to do the work outside of class hours and
submit reports for discussion, sharing and evaluation at appropriate times in the
teacher's subject/activity education plan.
Note :
1. Each lesson can be conducted in many periods , ensuring enough time for
each activity for students to perform effectively. The system of questions and
practice exercises must ensure minimum requirements in quantity and sufficient in
form. The application activities are carried out on lessons or groups of lessons with
appropriate content and are mainly assigned to students to do outside the
2. The lesson plan does not need to specifically state what the teacher or
student says, but focuses on clearly describing the teacher's specific activities: the
teacher assigns
students perform/ read/listen/watch/write/present/report/experiment/practice/.
3. Regular testing and evaluation are carried out during the organization of
learning activities and are designed in the Lesson Plan through the following
forms: question and answer, writing, practice, experiment, presentation, and
learning products. For each form, when evaluating by scores, students must be
informed in advance about the evaluation criteria and oriented for students to self-
study; focus on evaluation by comments on the process and results of students'
implementation according to the requirements of questions, exercises, practice,
experiments, presentations, and learning products specifically stated in the Lesson
4. Steps to organize and implement a learning activity
- Assign learning tasks : Present specific content of assigned tasks to students
(read/listen/look/do) with specific teaching equipment/learning materials so that all
students clearly understand the tasks to be performed.
- Carry out the task (students perform ; teachers monitor and support): Present
specific tasks that students must perform (read/listen/look/do) according to the
teacher's requirements; anticipate difficulties that students may encounter with
support measures; anticipate levels of task completion according to requirements.
- Report, discussion (teacher organizes, directs; students report, discuss):
Present specific pedagogical solutions in selecting groups of students to report and
how to organize students to report (may only select a few groups to present/report
according to the teacher's pedagogical solutions) .
- Conclusion, assessment: Specific analysis of the learning products that
students must complete according to requirements (as a basis for commenting and
evaluating the completion levels of students in actual teaching and learning

organization) ; clarifying the content/requirements on knowledge and skills for

students to acknowledge and implement ; clarifying the content/ issues that need to
be solved/explained and the learning tasks that students must perform next./.
- Not only one lesson is a lesson plan, that lesson plan can be built for a whole
lesson of many lessons to show the connection of the whole lesson.
- No common pattern
- Objective: requirements to be achieved in terms of capacity and quality
+ Capacity: long term process
+ Quality

Lesson process: PPP or ESA (engage, study, activate)

Dear teacher, I am still concerned about the Lesson Plan: The lesson objectives, if
expressed as in the illustrated plan just now, seem to be inconsistent with the
instructions of the previous module. As instructed in the previous module, the
objectives must be expressed in "can-do" statements (avoid using words like
understand, develop, improve, grasp to express the objectives), clearly stating what
students can do and the objectives must be specific, measurable, and observable .
In official dispatch 5512, it is also instructed that when determining the objectives,
the manifestation of competencies and qualities must be clearly stated, not just
generally stated as "develop what qualities, what competencies". In general, I think
that the previous lesson plan has not clearly shown those points. Can you explain
them to us so that we can feel more secure when training primary school teachers?

- Conduct assessment is an assessment of quality.

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